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Pokémon Presents confirmed for yet another Pokémon birthday

Pokémon Presents confirmed for yet another Pokémon birthday

Pokémon Presents confirmed for yet another Pokémon birthday

Pokémon turns 27 years old on the 27th of February. Coincidence!? …Yes.
One can only wish for Detective Pikachu 2 news. I don't care if it's about the movie or game sequel, I just want some kind confirmation that it still exists.
Could see downloadable content for Scarlet/Violet announced. Launched the first part of Sword/Shield's at the end of June.

Fills plenty of time with Unite, Go events, Cafe Remix, Masters, and clothing. Accounts for ten minutes right there.

Raises the possibility of old games coming to Switch digitally. Shuts down the 3DS Eshop for good soon. Closes off access to a lot of older games once again. Could link up to Pokemon Stadium as a bonus, theoretically.
I'm hoping we get some good DLC for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet. I don't expect a new Pokemon mainline game this year, I expect they'll do what they did back in 2020 and just do DLC.

I could be wrong... In which case I hope it's not a LG game or another cheaply done remake like BD/SP. Pokemon Black/White were fantastic games and they deserve better.
Expecting DLC, hoping no news of any main series game. Give us some good spinoffs (we've had none since before BDSP, which is quite the dearth).

Betting on some news on Detective Pikachu 2 as that supposedly is still a thing, and some news on Pokemon on the NSO service (GB and GBA games please!). Maybe something like a new PMD or another remake will happen too?
I hope they announce that sandwiches will now be made automatically.