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News: Pokémon Sun and Moon hit 14.69 million sales in 2016


  • 15,994
    • Age 31
    • she/her, they/them
    • Seen today
    That's kinda nuts, getting 14.6 mil in 2 months and a week

    I think it's very much possible that Sun/Moon could outsell X/Y (which would also make them the best selling 3DS games ever, unless something else that sells phenomenally well comes along in what is left of the 3DS's lifespan), and if they do, that'd mean they'd only be behind Red/Blue/Green and Diamond/Pearl (and Ruby/Sapphire, depending on the exact number) in copies sold.
    Damn, I've been wondering what the figures were at and that's quite something! Pretty sure Pokemon GO had an influence on sales figures but it will be interesting moving forward to see how they compare to XY/ORAS overall.
    Like Nah said, Sun & Moon have potential to become the best-selling 3DS games of all time, and even moreso when you consider we're nearly at the end of its era (since it's been speculated the Switch will replace both Nintendo's main console and handheld at the same time).

    GO undoubtedly had a notable part here, since it had been getting people back into the series who may have fell out of favour years ago, and the change-ups in series formula also seems to be winning fans back.
    Here's to hoping that this second PokeMania is going to make Sun and Moon outsell the first two gens (They've been sitting on their thrones for far too long now).

    Like Nah said, Sun & Moon have potential to become the best-selling 3DS games of all time, and even moreso when you consider we're nearly at the end of its era (since it's been speculated the Switch will replace both Nintendo's main console and handheld at the same time).

    Reggie already confirmed that the Switch is not replacing the 3DS, which means it getting a similar lifespan as the Gameboy.
    Well, no wonder, I can't wait to get it too!
    Maybe I'll get a 2DS bundled w/ Pokèmon Sun.

    I made graphs again because I have too much free time

    It's the sales figures for Pokemon games by generation, by edition, and I made a new one that shows sales for the first 10 weeks, now including Sun/Moon. Not that it's really important to post this but visuals are nice:

    Spoiler: by gen

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sun and Moon hit 14.69 million sales in 2016

    Spoiler: by edition

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sun and Moon hit 14.69 million sales in 2016

    Spoiler: first 10 weeks

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sun and Moon hit 14.69 million sales in 2016

    Numbers come from VGChartz and Nintendo. There were some discrepancies in their numbers (as in, a more than 0.25 difference), so I just used the highest of the two for each. The 3rd graph is VGChartz only, as that was the only place with a convenient set of numbers for that. They only have numbers for Sun/Moon for till Dec 31 2016 at this point though, which is why it only goes to week 7 for that pair.

    ....so yeah