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News: Pokémon Sun and Moon livestreamed on NicoNico

Very interesting that both Makuhita and Alolan Meowth can be caught at an early point of the game, and I remember Makuhita were caught early around the second Gym in Hoenn so it's nice that we'll be able to catch it early in this game too.

Noticed really big hands in the new animation for Fake Out (at least I'm sure it's Fake Out) which does show how advanced the move animations are in this generation (such as Ancient Power now having fossils in the rocks, and Surf returning to the giant wave that it had in 3rd-5th Gen), even if some others don't look as much different from 6th Gen.
I hope so! This actually kinda reminds me of Gen V Dream World in a way where you had your own Berry Farm and stuff!! And I think you had your own farm too in XY. Glad to see Game Freak still has their green thumb as usual.

I do hope we get a Berry Farm in this game, because there was the one on Route 7 in Kalos and then Hoenn had all those Berry spots while the Berry Master's garden allowed you to plant what was 32 berries at once.

You can buy three items at the Pokemon Center Café early on in the game, one of the items is called Enecocoa.

I do wonder what that does, as do all the other stuff in the Cafes.
So there is only 7 trials according to Serebii. Hopefully that doesn't make the game short. Probably something like 1 on Melemele, 3 on Akala, 2 on Big Island, and maybe 1 on the far west island. That also means there are 7 Totem Pokemon. and 4 Kahunas.

Types used so far are Normal, Fire, Water, Electric and Grass. And Fighting and Rock for the Kahunas.

Others that have been mentioned are Flying and Ground. Also a Ghost Trial Captain.

The golf expert that is mentioned in the Demo must be one of the Trial Captains or possibly the 'Champion'. It is disappointing there isn't 1 trial per type though. Although it still might be close.

I kinda figured this when looking at the Icon that was Datamined, which only had around 7 slots.
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7 Trials sounds lengthy if you also consider the Aether Foundation, Team Skull and Ultra Beasts. Though, I do wonder what these are for?


Each Trial Captain seems to have one including Ilima and the girl that was seen during the trailer at the end of the demo.
Does any1 know where I can watch the video again? I missed the live stream :(

Edit: nvm found it thanks :)
So if it's been stated there's 7 Island Trials, we have had five of those Trial Captains revealed officially so far, and then we saw three more (or is implied to be) at the trailer in the demo. So I think we've pretty much seen all the Trial Captains at this point and these appear to be their type specialties - Normal (Ilima), Grass (Mallow), Water (Lana), Fire (Kiawe), Electric (Sophocles), Flying, Ground and Ghost.

Now the Kahunas - we've seen two of what is likely four Kahunas. Olivia (Akala Kahuna) is the only one with a type specialty confirmed so far (Rock) but Hala (Melemele Kahuna) was shown using a Crabrawler, so maybe his type is Fighting.

But then we also had a totem Hakamo-o shown in the demo, and we don't seem to have a Trial Captain specializing in Dragon or Fighting-types. Maybe Totem Hakamo-o might be demo only.
So if it's been stated there's 7 Island Trials, we have had five of those Trial Captains revealed officially so far, and then we saw three more (or is implied to be) at the trailer in the demo. So I think we've pretty much seen all the Trial Captains at this point and these appear to be their type specialties - Normal (Ilima), Grass (Mallow), Water (Lana), Fire (Kiawe), Electric (Sophocles), Flying, Ground and Ghost.

But Normal+Grass+Water+Fire+Electric+Flying+Ground+Ghost implies 8 trial captains, not 7 :/ My guess is that the girl with the Mudsdale isn't an actual Trial Captain, but a NPC that introduces us to PokéRiding?
But Normal+Grass+Water+Fire+Electric+Flying+Ground+Ghost implies 8 trial captains, not 7 :/ My guess is that the girl with the Mudsdale isn't an actual Trial Captain, but a NPC that introduces us to PokéRiding?

I guess she could be a Poke Ride instructor, but I don't know why they'd give a cutscene like hers to a character like that. Then there's the guy with the Pelipper as well, which we don't know a lot about either.
I guess she could be a Poke Ride instructor, but I don't know why they'd give a cutscene like hers to a character like that. Then there's the guy with the Pelipper as well, which we don't know a lot about either.

Derrick from Gamexplain thinks she's a Kahuna. She greets you at the port like other Kahunas, and doesn't have the trial captain symbol anywhere on her.

And those things hanging from captains seemingly relate to symbols that you get for clearing their trials. You are given a case early on that has those symbols on it, so it's pretty likely.

And if that's the moss rock, why introduce an ice stone to evolve Vulpix most likely? They could just use the icy rock. They didn't need to keep a stone method for Vulpix. That is, if Alolan Vulpix does evolve by stone.
Apparently, Makuhita makes the Raticate/Gumshoos trial a lot easier because it hits either one for weakness (especially the former, which is 4x weak to Fighting); especially useful if the person didn't get Popplio in Moon for a spread Disarming Voice.

Meowth being available early is interesting too for its Technician attacks; Technician Bites coming from it will be nasty, especially if you're fighting one yourself.

From the video, we've seen the Alolan Pokemon use:
-Rowlet: Pluck
-Alolan Marowak: Bonemerang (happy that the Alolan version kept it), Hex
-Alolan Exeggutor: Dragon Hammer (the new Dragon move according to Serebii), Hypnosis, Bullet Seed (I'm guessing that whoever had it held Exeggcute's evolution back until it got Bullet Seed)
-Popplio: Sing
Apparently, Makuhita makes the Raticate/Gumshoos trial a lot easier because it hits either one for weakness (especially the former, which is 4x weak to Fighting); especially useful if the person didn't get Popplio in Moon for a spread Disarming Voice.

Yeah, you can also get Brick Break as a TM early on too. I think you can pick it up right before you face off against the very first Totem Pokémon.
Well so far I cant find any evidance for a strong TRAINER battle in the game. The kahunas are certainly NOT an Elite 4 replacment, but more like GYM leaders. I REALLY hope we're gonna get some high lvled trainers and not just in rematches. Yes I know that there r the Ultra beasts and the Totem Pokemon, but the best part in Pokemon games (Atleast for me) is to encounter strong HUMAN trainers, like the Elite 4 the champions. So far, it seems like we cant actually battle the Island Captains so they dont count as trainers.
Furthermore, It seems like the Kahunas only have 3 Pokemon each (Atleast before the re-matches, if there r any) so we get no 6 vs 6 battle. I hope Im wrong lol

And another thing, we havnt gotten a new Pokemon game for 2 YEARS (and that was a remake rather than a whole new game). I sure hope that those who claim that Sun and Moon r just a mini gen before the new console comes out, are wrong since Im sure that fans have waited SO long for a new, awesome Pokemon game.
In case anyone was curious about the drinks offered the Pokémon Center Café:

エネココア (Enecocoa) -> エネコ(Eneko = Skitty) + ココア(cocoa)
パイルジュース(Pairu Juice) -> パイル(Pairu = Pinap (Berry)) + ジュース (Juice)
ロズレイてぃ(Roseratea) -> ロズレイド(Roserade) + ティ(Tea)
Derrick from Gamexplain thinks she's a Kahuna. She greets you at the port like other Kahunas, and doesn't have the trial captain symbol anywhere on her.

And those things hanging from captains seemingly relate to symbols that you get for clearing their trials. You are given a case early on that has those symbols on it, so it's pretty likely.

And if that's the moss rock, why introduce an ice stone to evolve Vulpix most likely? They could just use the icy rock. They didn't need to keep a stone method for Vulpix. That is, if Alolan Vulpix does evolve by stone.

I feel that Mudsdale girl doesn't look tough like Olivia or Hala who are the other confirmed Kahunas so far. And yeah I feel it was a bit redundant introducing the Ice Stone to evolve Alolan Vulpix but I guess Game Freak didn't want to change Vulpix's evolution method too drastically as well as keep those rocks exclusive to Eevee.

Apparently, Makuhita makes the Raticate/Gumshoos trial a lot easier because it hits either one for weakness (especially the former, which is 4x weak to Fighting); especially useful if the person didn't get Popplio in Moon for a spread Disarming Voice.

Yeah, you can also get Brick Break as a TM early on too. I think you can pick it up right before you face off against the very first Totem Pokémon.

Well I guess picking Popplio as my planned starter in Moon (my planned main version) was a good idea since Alolan Raticate is the Totem replacement for Gumshoos and with the Dark-type the Fairy-type Disarming Voice will hit both it and its "ally" Rattata super-effectively. Although I know Disarming Voice is a weak attack, unless if a buff in base power for it happens.

At least it is good we're getting Fighting-type stuff handed to us early to deal with Totem Gumshoos and Raticate (which have been implied as version exclusive), in both Makuhita and Brick Break, which hits hard at such an early point.
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