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[Gen 7] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!


All dreams are but another reality.
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 7,260

    Hi all, I am journaling my first playthrough of Pokémon Ultra Sun. I have included some rules to make this playthrough more challenging, but I need your help to succeed!

    Playthrough Rules
    1. All Pokémon used in this playthrough must be provided by a Pokécommunity/Discord member. Members, please provide me a Pokémon species to name you after! See Sign Up form for details.
    2. All Pokémon must be obtained in-game.
    3. Any Pokémon that faints must be permanently boxed.

    Pokémon selected:

    Note: You may list a few species, but I will use the Pokémon species available to obtain in-game.
    Navigate this resource for some ideas: https://www.serebii.net/pokearth/alola/route1.shtml

    Available Team Members

    1. Luke the Popplio
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    2. Mikey the Pichu
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    3. Queen Mab the Zorua
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    4. Fafnir the... TBD Dragon type.

    Playthrough Update #1
    ▪ I restarted Ultra Sun and started as a wee trainer on Route 1. I selected Popplio as my starter and nicknamed him after Luke from Discord. I defeated Hau and his starter, Litten, very easily with Water Gun.
    ▪ After rescuing Nebby and Lillie (and having Tapu Koko rescue me), I retired for the night. The following day, Professor Kukui provided me some extra Poke Balls. I searched Route 1 for 30+ minutes for a Pichu, named after Mikey from Discord. He better be worth the effort...
    ▪ At the Trainer's School, I obtained the Exp Share. Also, searched for a female Zorua, named after Queen Mab from Discord. This also was a lot of effort since Zorua had a 12 percent chance of being female. I press forward looking for my first gym battle after reaching 3 hours into this save file... oof
    ▪ Hau'oli City is beautiful with a sunset in the background! I make my way to my first trial by Captain Ilima. First, a battle. Pichu was the MVP here with Static and Sweet Kiss paralyzing/confusing Smeargle and with Charm to harshly lower attack. A BABY beating up a full grown Smeargle, wow! Buffchu.
    ▪ In Verdant Cavern, Popplio made quick work of the enemies. I did use a Roto Boost to raise all stats by one stage for the Totem battle. I probably didn't even need this as Popplio defeated Totem Gumshoos within 3 Water Gun attacks. Bufflio too?
    ▪ Please help me catch additional Pokemon because this game will become more difficult with just 2 buff guys and a foxy queen. Thanks!

    Username: Devalue
    Pokémon selected: Oricorio

    Good luck.
    I'm going to be annoying and say...

    Name: Eleanor
    Pokémon Selected: Lurantis

    Have fun ♥
    If you get a Pokemon that evolves by trade, are you allowed to trade to evolve it?

    Great point, I completely forgot. I am able to local trade so yes, I can obtain the trade evolutions easily.

    Available Team Members
    1. Luke the Brionne
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    2. Mikey the Pikachu
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    3. Queen Mab the Zorua
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    4. Devalue the Oricorio
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    5. Gholdenho the Trumbeak
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    6. Eleanor the Fomantis
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    Future catches:
    1. Fafnir the TBD Dragon type
    2. ~Alex the Bagon

    Playthrough Update #2 - Routes 3, 4, and 5
    ▪ I explored Route 3, Melemele Meadow, and Seaward Cave. I caught a Pom-Pom style Oricorio named after Devalue. Also, I caught a Pikipek on Route 1 named after Gholdenho from Discord.
    ▪ I trained the Oricorio until it learned Air Cutter, which easily defeated each of Hala's fighting type Pokémon. Onto the next island, Akala Island, via some Mantine Surfing!
    ▪ In Heahea City, Olivia says to Professor Kukui "still haven't found a shirt that goes with your labcoat?" lol this game is so self aware. Reminds me of the Team Skull grunts pointing out how they all look the same and are named Grunt A and Grunt B.
    ▪ Pikipek has yet to be used in a battle, but has evolved courtesy of Exp Share.
    ▪ How could I have forgotten Pikachu Valley near Route 4? It's adorable!
    ▪ In Paniola Town, Hau kindly healed my Pokémon before I beat him up. What a great friend. Meanwhile, Gladion did not heal me. Thankfully, the game handed me plenty of healing items.
    ▪ Team Skull Grunts entered the scene and said something like "no surprise that a homeless kid turned out spineless" to Gladion. Ouch. I forgot how terrible Lusamine's kids had it.
    ▪ On Route 5, I caught a Fomantis, named after Eleanor. Added bonus - Pichu evolved into Pikachu! That Soothe Bell clutched at the right moment.
    ▪ Brooklet Hill Trial Start! Fomantis and Pikachu defeated the trainers and wild Pokémon. My MVP, Oricorio, single handedly defeated the Totem Pokémon enemies, Araquanid and Masquerain, with Air Cutter!

    Username: FeraligatrMaster
    Pokemon selected: Gastly

    By the way, if FeraligatrMaster is too long, FeralMaster will do.
    Username: ReKoil
    Pokémon selected: Eevee.

    Should be catchable on Routes 4 and 6, though it's on the rarer side at 5%.
    Username: Alex_Among_Foxes (feel free to just call it 'Foxes' or 'Among Foxes' since you've already got an Alex on your team 👍)
    Pokémon selected: Absol Alolan Vulpix *sigh* Growlithe

    As much as I want to be my favorite Pokemon, or even just a Fox Pokemon, after looking at the team you already have Growlithe is by far the most useful
    (and convenient) option at the moment. (plus it's still a really good Pokemon)

    Available Team Members

    ▪ Mikey the Lv. 27 Pikachu
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Queen Mab the Lv. 27 Zorua
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Devalue the Lv. 27 Oricorio
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Gholdenho the Lv. 25 Trumbeak
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Eleanor the Lv. 23 Fomantis
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Among Foxes the Lv. 16 Growlithe
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ ReKoil the Lv. 15 Eevee
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Luke the Lv. 28 Brionne
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    Future catches:
    ▪ Fafnir the TBD Dragon type
    ▪ ~Alex the Bagon
    ▪ FeralMaster the Gastly

    Playthrough Update #3 - Routes 6, 7, and 8

    ▪ Let's get back to it! I headed to Route 6 to search far and wide for yet another rare 5% encounter (other one was Pichu). I caught my newest team member, ReKoil the Eevee! I have boxed Eevee for now as I am not sure which Eeveelution I will need late-game.
    ▪ I visited (actually was forced to visit) the Royal Avenue. During the tutorial battle against three opponents, I experienced some framerate drop so I left this forgettable battle facility as soon as the game allowed me to.
    ▪ On Route 7, I focused on training my Pokémon prior to starting the next trial. This was a great spot to train because there was a very helpful NPC that would heal Pokémon.
    ▪ The Alolan Marowak dance was so cute!
    ▪ Brionne defeated Totem Marowak and cleared the Wela Volcano Park trial with ease!
    ▪ I unlocked Charizard in my Rider Page. I re-visited Route 2 to capture Among Foxes the Growlithe. I added him to the party as he was underleveled. I trained my team around Lush Jungle's entrance.
    ▪ An Ace Trainer on Route 5 almost knocked out my Pikachu/Oricorio with her Goomy/Sylveon. I used three Super Potions during that match!
    ▪ I began Mallow's trial. Gathering the ingredients in the forest reminded me of that one mission/level in Hey You Pikachu!
    ▪ I enjoyed seeing Lana and Kiawe involved in Mallow's trial with me - what a nice touch!
    ▪ The Totem Lurantis interrupted our cooking session. I led with Oricorio with Air Cutter, which struck both Lurantis and Comfey. It was annoying that Lurantis kept using Synthesis and Comfey kept healing Lurantis. The next ally, Kecleon, set up Sunny Day, which added to the effectiveness of Synthesis. Oricorio was the MVP here after about 7 Air Cutters and 1 Super Potion!
    ▪ I noticed that half of my current team is weak to Rock type, which will be at the next trial with Kahuna Olivia. Maybe Brionne/Fomantis will be enough or someone new can throw in another helper 'mon...

    Last edited:

    Available Team Members

    ▪ Mikey the Lv. 31 Pikachu
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Queen Mab the Lv. 32 Zoroark
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Devalue the Lv. 33 Oricorio
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Eleanor the Lv. 31 Fomantis
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Among Foxes the Lv. 24 Growlithe
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ FeralMaster the Lv. 26 Haunter
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ ReKoil the Lv. 15 Eevee
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Luke the Lv. 28 Brionne
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    ▪ Gholdenho the Lv. 25 Trumbeak
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    Future catches:
    ▪ Fafnir the TBD Dragon type
    ▪ ~Alex the Bagon

    ▪ Janp the Lv. 25 Pyukumuku
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Ultra Sun Run - Featuring... You!

    Playthrough Update #4 - Routes 9, Aether Paradise, Malie City

    ▪ After a slight hiatus in November because of sickness/work, I am ready to jump back into this.
    ▪ I backtracked to Route 7 and used Surf until I found a Pyukumuku, nicknamed Janp. Not quite the addition I was expecting since it does not learn traditionally damaging moves, but I added it to my party.
    ▪ As I traveled towards Diglett's Tunnel, my Rotomdex said it wanted a location named after it... It suggested Rotunnel lol.
    ▪ In Diglett's Tunnel, I found a FIRE STONE! My Growlithe will surely appreciate that! Growlithe will learn Flamethrower and Arcanine will learn ExtremeSpeed at level 34.
    ▪ On Route 9, I was handed a THUNDER STONE! Was today my lucky day or what? Pikachu will learn Discharge at level 34 so I will wait until then.
    ▪ At Memorial Hill, I caught a Gastly, nicknamed FeralMaster. After training around this area, I evolved Zorua into Zoroark and Gastly into Haunter.
    ▪ I challenged Island Kahuna Olivia! Oricorio used Steel Wing three times to defeat Anorith. Fomantis used Leech Life four times to defeat Lileep. Pyukumuku used Counter on incoming Lycanroc's Bite twice, but I had to use a Super Potion. Then, Olivia unleashed her Lycanroc's Z move, defeating Pyukumuku, but Pyukumuku's Innards Out finished off Lycanroc. I defeated Olivia with a PYUKUMUKU...! Unfortunately I have to box because of my original playthrough rule. SAD. What a champ. :(
    ▪ I reached Hano Beach and was tasked with chucking 6 Pyukumuku into the sea for $20,000. This made me miss my Pyukumuku even more!
    ▪ My rival and I sailed out to Aether Paradise. I endured many cutscenes to meet Nihilego! This battle was made short with Oricorio's Steel Wing.
    ▪ After the cutscenes ended, I found myself on Ula'ula Island in Malie City. I cleared all of the trainers in the Malie Garden and explored the Malie Library. Route 10 was a good stopping point so I will continue from there next time. I lack a strong Ground type Pokemon to help with the next trial (Electric).
