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PokéCommunity Daily: PokéNatomy: an in-depth look at the anatomy of Pokémon

This looks really interesting and provides some cool details on Pokemon, and it's great to see the project getting some great support!
I'm surprised that it got funded and even all of the stretch goals were reached. The idea is good but there was a small hoax, the second chapter says "This Kickstarter-Exclusive 8"x10" book is over 300 pages long and contains all of the original 150 Pokémon" but Mewtwo and Mew were only a stretch goal so the book would've contained only 149 pokémon if only the main goal were reached. Stoll should be very happy that that strech goal was reached because it saved him from a lot of drama.

Btw, it's still possible that TPCi takes it down, they might even sue him because he got so much money ($34,526) from it.
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It's surprisingly fascinating to click and read more and more of these on his Deviantart page. Cool project c:
I love this! I bought his other book 'Feminomicon' and I backed this because his art is amazing and so detailed, it should arrive at my house in April :D