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[Approved] PokeCommunity Stadium 2 PvE Autobattle

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    [PokeCommunity.com] PokeCommunity Stadium 2 PvE Autobattle
    PokeCommunity Stadium 2

    Welcome to PokeCommunity Stadium 2, a PvE Pokemon autobattle event

    How does this event work?
    Selects a team of 6 rental Pokemon from Pokemon Stadium 2. Pits them against several trainers from Pokemon Stadium 2's Gym Leader Castle in Pokemon Showdown. Scores each match based on damage dealt and health remaining.

    Comes with a twist: Cannot directly participate in the battle itself. Handles all the move selections for you. Chooses the moves semi-randomly. Applies to the enemy trainer as well. Amounts to being a step up from Metronome battles.

    Do not worry about owning Pokemon Stadium 2 or using Pokemon Showdown, also. Requires neither to fully participate.

    What do you control?
    • The Pokemon on your team. Chooses a team of six at the beginning. See the list of rental Pokemon further down for your options. Sticks with that team for the entire event.
    • The order of your team. Selects three Pokemon to send into battle, as well as the order. Make sure not to put a Baton Pass Pokemon in the back.
    • Each Pokemon's item. May give each Pokemon an item. Choose wisely. Sticks with that Pokemon for the entire event. Cannot give any two Pokemon the same item. See the Item List down below for your available items and their effects.
    • Each Pokemon's command. Instructs each Pokemon how to behave. Do you want your Kingler to never use Leer? Command it to be "Aggressive" so it will never pick Leer. Do you want Aipom to focus on status moves? Pick "Tricky". Allows you to change each Pokemon's command prior to each individual match. Listed all the commands directly below.

    • Aggressive: Always selects a damaging move (unless forced).
    • Confident: Selects a damaging move 75% of the time.
    • Quirky: Selects a damaging move 50% of the time.
    • Cautious: Selects a damaging move 25% of the time.
    • Tricky: Never selects a damaging move (unless forced).
    • Random: Selects all moves with equal likelihood. (Defaults to this if a command is not chosen. Uses this for enemy trainers.)

    Plays this on the Gen 2 Nintendo Cup 2000 format. (Could not figure out how to do it custom.) Includes various clauses.

    • Stadium Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep
    • Freeze Clause Mod: Limit one foe frozen
    • Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
    • Item Clause: Limit one of each item
    • Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
    • Event Moves Clause: Event-only moves are banned

    Notes Generation 2 mechanics as well. Will not encounter any Fairy types. Never technically designated any moves as "status" yet, also. Uses Generation 4 classifications for that.

    Every 1 damage dealt = 1 point
    Every 1 hitpoint remaining after battle = 0.25 points

    Also awards a x1.1 score multiplier if you include a Pokemon who is not fully evolved in that match's team of 3. Increases to x1.2 by bringing two and x1.3 for all three being not fully evolved. (Note: Determines "not fully evolved" by Generation 2 Pokemon standards. Will not qualify for the multiplier by bringing Murkrow, for example.)

    Adds up the scores from all of your matches to determine your final score. Drops the lowest of your four individual match scores.

    List of All Rental Pokemon
    Spoilered all the possible Pokemon below. Copy/paste these when sending in your team. Add your item after the @ symbol.

    Lifted all the level 100 rental Pokemon from Pokemon Stadium 2's list. Leveled them down to 50. Feel free to browse them on somewhere like Serebii or this Rental Pokemon pastebin too. May be easier to read.

    Notes three things:
    1. Maximum DVs on all of them, unlike the rentals in Pokemon Stadium 2.
    2. Selects 0 Friendship for Pokemon with Frustration and 255 Friendship for Pokemon with Return.
    3. Ran into issues with Pokemon Showdown enforcing certain rules. Forced a few changes.
    • Cannot select Tyranitar or Dragonite. (Must be at least level 55.)
    • Cannot select Mew or Celebi. (Banned for being Uber.)
    • Replaced Suicune's Mist with Psych Up. (Learns Mist at level 51.)
    • Replaced Hitmonlee's Reversal with Jump Kick. (Learns Reversal at level 51.)
    • Replaced Porygon's Conversion 2 with Conversion.

    Spoiler: Rental Pokemon List

    Bulbasaur @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Razor Leaf
    - Headbutt
    - Toxic
    - Growth

    Charmander @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flamethrower
    - Slash
    - Dragonbreath
    - Sunny Day

    Squirtle @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Bite
    - Blizzard
    - Rain Dance

    Caterpie @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Tackle
    - String Shot

    Weedle @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Poison Sting
    - String Shot

    Pidgey @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Return
    - Steel Wing
    - Sand-attack

    Rattata @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Super Fang
    - Headbutt
    - Shadow Ball
    - Focus Energy

    Fearow @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Drill Peck
    - Hyper Beam
    - Pursuit
    - Toxic

    Pikachu @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunderbolt
    - Headbutt
    - Iron Tail
    - Thunder Wave

    Sandshrew @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Slash
    - Fury Cutter
    - Sandstorm

    Nidorina @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Bite
    - Blizzard
    - Toxic

    Nidorino @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Double Kick
    - Thunder
    - Horn Drill

    Clefable @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Metronome
    - Headbutt
    - Ice Punch
    - Encore

    Jigglypuff @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Body Slam
    - Rollout
    - Defense Curl
    - Sing

    Golbat @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Wing Attack
    - Bite
    - Steel Wing
    - Haze

    Vileplume @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Petal Dance
    - Acid
    - Sweet Scent
    - Poisonpowder

    Venonat @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Psychic
    - Supersonic
    - Stun Spore

    Dugtrio @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Magnitude
    - Slash
    - Attract
    - Curse

    Psyduck @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Dig
    - Swagger
    - Psych Up

    Primeape @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Cross Chop
    - Thrash
    - Curse
    - Focus Energy

    Poliwag @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hydro Pump
    - Body Slam
    - Hypnosis
    - Rain Dance

    Abra @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Ice Punch
    - Swagger
    - Attract

    Machop @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Cross Chop
    - Seismic Toss
    - Earthquake
    - Double Team

    Bellsprout @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Toxic
    - Growth

    Tentacool @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Blizzard
    - Screech

    Graveler @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Rollout
    - Selfdestruct
    - Sandstorm

    Rapidash @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Spin
    - Stomp
    - Attract
    - Toxic

    Magnemite @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunder
    - Frustration
    - Supersonic
    - Thunder Wave

    Doduo @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Drill Peck
    - Tri Attack
    - Steel Wing
    - Double Team

    Dewgong @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Waterfall
    - Aurora Beam
    - Sleep Talk
    - Rest

    Shellder @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Ice Beam
    - Swift
    - Supersonic

    Haunter @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Shadow Ball
    - Giga Drain
    - Spite
    - Destiny Bond

    Drowzee @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Headbutt
    - Dream Eater
    - Hypnosis

    Kingler @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Crabhammer
    - Vicegrip
    - Guillotine
    - Leer

    Exeggcute @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Giga Drain
    - Stun Spore
    - Leech Seed

    Marowak @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Bone Rush
    - Thrash
    - Thunderpunch
    - Focus Energy

    Lickitung @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hyper Beam
    - Shadow Ball
    - Surf
    - Supersonic

    Rhyhorn @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Rollout
    - Iron Tail
    - Scary Face

    Tangela @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Thief
    - Sleep Powder
    - Growth

    Seadra @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Dragonbreath
    - Swift
    - Smokescreen

    Staryu @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Hydro Pump
    - Thunder
    - Recover

    Scyther @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Wing Attack
    - Pursuit
    - Swift
    - Focus Energy

    Magmar @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Punch
    - Smog
    - Smokescreen
    - Confuse Ray

    Magikarp @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Tackle
    - Flail
    - Splash

    Ditto @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Transform

    Jolteon @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Zap Cannon
    - Pin Missile
    - Double Kick
    - Sand-attack

    Omanyte @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Ancientpower
    - Blizzard
    - Protect

    Kabutops @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Ancientpower
    - Surf
    - Leer
    - Endure

    Articuno @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Blizzard
    - Peck
    - Agility
    - Mist

    Dratini @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Outrage
    - Headbutt
    - Safeguard
    - Thunder Wave


    Meganium @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Solarbeam
    - Strength
    - Poisonpowder
    - Reflect

    Typhloison @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flame Wheel
    - Swift
    - Rock Smash
    - Smokescreen

    Feraligatr @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Water Gun
    - Dig
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Leer

    Hoothoot @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Swift
    - Dream Eater
    - Hypnosis

    Ledian @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Dig
    - Hyper Beam
    - Supersonic

    Crobat @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Bite
    - Leech Life
    - Supersonic

    Pichu @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunder
    - Headbutt
    - Attract
    - Sweet Kiss

    Togepi @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Metronome
    - Attract
    - Sweet Kiss

    Xatu @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Future Sight
    - Night Shade
    - Flash

    Ampharos @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Zap Cannon
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Swift
    - Flash

    Azumarill @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Waterfall
    - Icy Wind
    - Defense Curl
    - Rain Dance

    Hoppip @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Headbutt
    - Leech Seed
    - Sleep Powder

    Aipom @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Double Team
    - Baton Pass
    - Agility

    Yanma @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Headbutt
    - Swagger
    - Double Team

    Espeon @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psybeam
    - Swift
    - Tail Whip
    - Psych Up

    Slowking @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Water Gun
    - Disable
    - Growl

    Wobbuffet @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Counter
    - Mirror Coat
    - Safeguard
    - Destiny Bond

    Forretress @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Rollout
    - Sandstorm
    - Spikes

    Steelix @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Iron Tail
    - Mud-slap
    - Rock Throw
    - Sandstorm

    Qwilfish @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Hydro Pump
    - Pin Missile
    - Minimize

    Heracross @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Megahorn
    - Rock Smash
    - Thief
    - Leer

    Ursaring @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dig
    - Fire Punch
    - Snore
    - Rest

    Swinub @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Blizzard
    - Earthquake
    - Strength
    - Mist

    Remoraid @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Ice Beam
    - Hyper Beam
    - Lock-on

    Mantine @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Wing Attack
    - Waterfall
    - Take Down
    - Supersonic

    Houndoom @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Ember
    - Bite
    - Swift
    - Roar

    Donphan @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Rapid Spin
    - Sandstorm
    - Growl

    Smeargle @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Body Slam
    - Mach Punch
    - Flamethrower
    - Confuse Ray

    Smoochum @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Blizzard
    - Sing
    - Sweet Kiss

    Miltank @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Stomp
    - Ice Punch
    - Heal Bell
    - Bide

    Entei @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Blast
    - Rock Smash
    - Leer
    - Roar

    Pupitar @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Rock Slide
    - Dig
    - Hyper Beam
    - Screech

    Ivysaur @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Solarbeam
    - Fury Cutter
    - Leech Seed
    - Sunny Day

    Charmeleon @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Blast
    - Strength
    - Dig
    - Smokescreen

    Wartortle @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Waterfall
    - Icy Wind
    - Dig
    - Rapid Spin

    Metapod @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Harden

    Kakuna @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Harden

    Pidgeotto @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Frustration
    - Steel Wing
    - Mirror Move

    Raticate @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Super Fang
    - Hyper Fang
    - Pursuit
    - Scary Face

    Ekans @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Earthquake
    - Strength
    - Glare

    Pikachu @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunderbolt
    - Surf
    - Iron Tail
    - Thunder Wave

    Sandslash @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Fury Swipes
    - Sand-attack
    - Sandstorm

    Nidoqueen @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Body Slam
    - Mud-slap
    - Ice Punch
    - Toxic

    Nidoking @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Horn Attack
    - Mud-slap
    - Thunder
    - Horn Drill

    Vulpix @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flamethrower
    - Dig
    - Confuse Ray
    - Sunny Day

    Wigglytuff @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double-edge
    - Fire Punch
    - Disable
    - Sing

    Oddish @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Moonlight
    - Stun Spore

    Paras @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Slash
    - Spore
    - Growth

    Venomoth @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Psychic
    - Leech Life
    - Foresight

    Meowth @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Slash
    - Faint Attack
    - Shadow Ball
    - Screech

    Golduck @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hydro Pump
    - Fury Swipes
    - Confusion
    - Psych Up

    Growlithe @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flamethrower
    - Dig
    - Sunny Day
    - Roar

    Poliwhirl @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Snore
    - Belly Drum
    - Rest

    Kadabra @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Thunderpunch
    - Reflect
    - Kinesis

    Machoke @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Vital Throw
    - Strength
    - Dig
    - Foresight

    Weepinbell @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Razor Leaf
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Stun Spore
    - Growth

    Tentacruel @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Bubblebeam
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Wrap
    - Barrier

    Golem @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Magnitude
    - Rock Throw
    - Rock Smash
    - Harden

    Slowpoke @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Psychic
    - Earthquake
    - Amnesia

    Magneton @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunder
    - Swift
    - Flash
    - Thunder Wave

    Dodrio @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Tri Attack
    - Pursuit
    - Growl

    Grimer @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Frustration
    - Toxic
    - Screech

    Cloyster @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Clamp
    - Aurora Beam
    - Spike Cannon
    - Withdraw

    Gengar @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Night Shade
    - Thief
    - Nightmare
    - Hypnosis

    Hypno @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Confusion
    - Dream Eater
    - Psych Up
    - Hypnosis

    Voltorb @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunder
    - Selfdestruct
    - Mirror Coat
    - Rain Dance

    Exeggutor @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Egg Bomb
    - Confusion
    - Nightmare
    - Sleep Powder

    Hitmonlee @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hi Jump Kick
    - Mega Kick
    - Jump Kick
    - Meditate

    Koffing @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Fire Blast
    - Explosion
    - Toxic

    Rhydon @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dig
    - Stomp
    - Zap Cannon
    - Scary Face

    Kangaskhan @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dizzy Punch
    - Bite
    - Surf
    - Leer

    Goldeen @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Horn Attack
    - Horn Drill
    - Supersonic

    Starmie @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Waterfall
    - Zap Cannon
    - Rapid Spin
    - Harden

    Jynx @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Ice Punch
    - Confusion
    - Lick
    - Mean Look

    Pinsir @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fury Cutter
    - Vicegrip
    - Submission
    - Focus Energy

    Gyarados @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Waterfall
    - Dragon Rage
    - Twister
    - Leer

    Eevee @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Take Down
    - Iron Tail
    - Shadow Ball
    - Sand-attack

    Flareon @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Blast
    - Smog
    - Quick Attack
    - Tail Whip

    Omastar @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Water Gun
    - Ancientpower
    - Spike Cannon
    - Bite

    Aerodactyl @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Ancientpower
    - Bite
    - Curse
    - Supersonic

    Zapdos @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunder
    - Rock Smash
    - Flash
    - Detect

    Dragonair @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Outrage
    - Headbutt
    - Fire Blast
    - Thunder Wave

    Chikorita @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Body Slam
    - Light Screen
    - Toxic

    Cyndaquil @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flamethrower
    - Headbutt
    - Dig
    - Sunny Day

    Totodile @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Blizzard
    - Slash
    - Screech

    Sentret @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Shadow Ball
    - Rollout
    - Defense Curl

    Noctowl @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Take Down
    - Confusion
    - Foresight

    Spinarak @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Leech Life
    - Dig
    - Night Shade

    Chinchou @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Thunder
    - Rain Dance
    - Confuse Ray

    Cleffa @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Psychic
    - Encore
    - Sweet Kiss

    Togetic @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Double-edge
    - Metronome
    - Charm

    Mareep @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunder
    - Headbutt
    - Light Screen
    - Thunder Wave

    Bellossom @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Petal Dance
    - Cut
    - Poisonpowder
    - Attract

    Sudowoodo @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Rock Slide
    - Dig
    - Strength
    - Mimic

    Skiploom @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Solarbeam
    - Headbutt
    - Synthesis
    - Sunny Day

    Sunkern @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Attract
    - Growth

    Wooper @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Earthquake
    - Ice Punch
    - Amnesia

    Umbreon @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Faint Attack
    - Quick Attack
    - Sand-attack
    - Mean Look

    Misdreavus @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Shadow Ball
    - Thunder
    - Psywave
    - Pain Split

    Girafarig @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psybeam
    - Stomp
    - Crunch
    - Agility

    Dunsparce @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Dig
    - Attract
    - Glare

    Snubbull @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Shadow Ball
    - Charm
    - Swagger

    Scizor @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Metal Claw
    - Cut
    - Agility
    - Leer

    Sneasel @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Ice Punch
    - Beat Up
    - Slash
    - Screech

    Slugma @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flamethrower
    - Rock Slide
    - Body Slam
    - Amnesia

    Piloswine @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Icy Wind
    - Earthquake
    - Fury Attack
    - Mist

    Octillery @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Octazooka
    - Hyper Beam
    - Focus Energy
    - Lock-on

    Skarmory @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Steel Wing
    - Fly
    - Fury Attack
    - Agility

    Kingdra @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Waterfall
    - Twister
    - Frustration
    - Leer

    Porygon2 @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Swift
    - Zap Cannon
    - Thief
    - Conversion

    Tyrogue @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Rock Smash
    - Strength
    - Double Team
    - Attract

    Elekid @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunderbolt
    - Headbutt
    - Screech
    - Light Screen

    Blissey @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Egg Bomb
    - Thunder
    - Defense Curl
    - Flash

    Suicune @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Bubblebeam
    - Gust
    - Psych Up
    - Roar


    Venusaur @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Tackle
    - Poisonpowder
    - Growl

    Charizard @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Punch
    - Wing Attack
    - Growl
    - Scary Face

    Blastoise @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hydro Pump
    - Rapid Spin
    - Mud-slap
    - Withdraw

    Butterfree @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Gust
    - Psychic
    - Hyper Beam
    - Stun Spore

    Beedrill @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Twineedle
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Pursuit
    - Focus Energy

    Pidgeot @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Swift
    - Steel Wing
    - Whirlwind

    Spearow @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Drill Peck
    - Frustration
    - Steel Wing
    - Mirror Move

    Arbok @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Bite
    - Dig
    - Glare

    Raichu @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunder
    - Quick Attack
    - Thunder Wave
    - Tail Whip

    Nidoran-F @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Iron Tail
    - Blizzard
    - Toxic

    Nidoran-M @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Iron Tail
    - Thunder
    - Horn Drill

    Clefairy @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Metronome
    - Strength
    - Psychic
    - Moonlight

    Ninetales @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Blast
    - Quick Attack
    - Roar
    - Safeguard

    Zubat @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Wing Attack
    - Giga Drain
    - Confuse Ray
    - Toxic

    Gloom @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Solarbeam
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Sleep Powder
    - Sunny Day

    Parasect @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Giga Drain
    - Slash
    - Fury Cutter
    - Spore

    Diglett @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Slash
    - Fissure
    - Sand-attack

    Persian @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Bite
    - Roar
    - Growl

    Mankey @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Cross Chop
    - Strength
    - Double Team
    - Screech

    Arcanine @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flame Wheel
    - Extremespeed
    - Leer
    - Roar

    Poliwrath @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Hydro Pump
    - Doubleslap
    - Mind Reader

    Alakazam @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psybeam
    - Future Sight
    - Thief
    - Kinesis

    Machamp @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Submission
    - Scary Face
    - Thunderpunch
    - Fire Punch

    Victreebel @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Solarbeam
    - Acid
    - Sleep Powder
    - Growth

    Geodude @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Rollout
    - Explosion
    - Defense Curl

    Ponyta @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Blast
    - Headbutt
    - Iron Tail
    - Sunny Day

    Slowbro @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Confusion
    - Disable
    - Growl

    Farfetch'd @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Slash
    - Fly
    - Steel Wing
    - Swords Dance

    Seel @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Ice Beam
    - Headbutt
    - Safeguard

    Muk @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Disable
    - Acid Armor

    Gastly @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Shadow Ball
    - Psychic
    - Curse
    - Confuse Ray

    Onix @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Throw
    - Strength
    - Sandstorm

    Krabby @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Crabhammer
    - Strength
    - Blizzard
    - Guillotine

    Electrode @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunder
    - Swift
    - Sonicboom
    - Flash

    Cubone @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Bonemerang
    - Headbutt
    - Icy Wind
    - Focus Energy

    Hitmonchan @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Mach Punch
    - Strength
    - Ice Punch
    - Counter

    Weezing @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge
    - Zap Cannon
    - Selfdestruct
    - Haze

    Chansey @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Egg Bomb
    - Blizzard
    - Dream Eater
    - Sing

    Horsea @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hydro Pump
    - Blizzard
    - Rain Dance
    - Smokescreen

    Seaking @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Waterfall
    - Flail
    - Horn Drill
    - Supersonic

    Mr. Mime @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psybeam
    - Barrier
    - Baton Pass
    - Substitute

    Electabuzz @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunderpunch
    - Swift
    - Light Screen
    - Leer

    Tauros @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Take Down
    - Pursuit
    - Rock Smash
    - Scary Face

    Lapras @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Whirlpool
    - Icy Wind
    - Perish Song
    - Mist

    Vaporeon @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Waterfall
    - Quick Attack
    - Acid Armor
    - Sand-attack

    Porygon @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Tri Attack
    - Blizzard
    - Sharpen
    - Conversion

    Kabuto @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Rollout
    - Giga Drain
    - Blizzard
    - Attract

    Snorlax @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Fire Punch
    - Defense Curl
    - Curse

    Moltres @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Blast
    - Sky Attack
    - Roar
    - Endure


    Bayleef @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Razor Leaf
    - Body Slam
    - Safeguard
    - Synthesis

    Quilava @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Blast
    - Rollout
    - Strength
    - Smokescreen

    Croconaw @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hydro Pump
    - Ice Punch
    - Slash
    - Scary Face

    Furret @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Ice Punch
    - Thunderpunch
    - Amnesia

    Ledyba @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double-edge
    - Ice Punch
    - Reflect
    - Safeguard

    Ariados @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Protect
    - Toxic
    - Spider Web

    Lanturn @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hydro Pump
    - Spark
    - Flail
    - Supersonic

    Igglybuff @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Dream Eater
    - Sing
    - Sweet Kiss

    Natu @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Future Sight
    - Night Shade
    - Confuse Ray

    Flaaffy @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thunderpunch
    - Fire Punch
    - Cotton Spore
    - Light Screen

    Marill @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Rollout
    - Defense Curl
    - Swagger

    Politoed @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Whirlpool
    - Icy Wind
    - Perish Song
    - Swagger

    Jumpluff @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Mega Drain
    - Headbutt
    - Stun Spore
    - Leech Seed

    Sunflora @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Razor Leaf
    - Hyper Beam
    - Toxic
    - Growth

    Quagsire @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Dig
    - Slam
    - Haze

    Murkrow @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Faint Attack
    - Fly
    - Night Shade
    - Haze

    Unown @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hidden Power

    Pineco @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double-edge
    - Giga Drain
    - Explosion
    - Spikes

    Gligar @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Slash
    - Faint Attack
    - Guillotine
    - Sand-attack

    Granbull @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Bite
    - Scary Face

    Shuckle @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Rollout
    - Bide
    - Sandstorm

    Teddiursa @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Slash
    - Faint Attack
    - Earthquake
    - Attract

    Magcargo @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fire Blast
    - Rock Slide
    - Smog
    - Amnesia

    Corsola @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Ancientpower
    - Mirror Coat
    - Attract

    Delibird @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Present
    - Blizzard
    - Fly
    - Double Team

    Houndour @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flamethrower
    - Crunch
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Sunny Day

    Phanpy @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Earthquake
    - Double-edge
    - Double Team
    - Swagger

    Stantler @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Stomp
    - Dream Eater
    - Mud-slap
    - Hypnosis

    Hitmontop @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Triple Kick
    - Strength
    - Focus Energy
    - Counter

    Magby @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Flamethrower
    - Iron Tail
    - Confuse Ray
    - Sunny Day

    Raikou @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Spark
    - Quick Attack
    - Flash
    - Roar

    Larvitar @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Rock Slide
    - Earthquake
    - Hyper Beam
    - Swagger


    Item List
    May select any of these items for your team. Copy/pasted it from Showdown with some rearranging. Regains any consumed items between matches. Do not forget the limit of one of each item. Stays with the Pokemon for the entire event too. (Posted an Item pastebin for alternate viewing.)
    Spoiler: Item List

    General items
    • Black Belt: Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Black Glasses: Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Bright Powder: An attack against the holder has its accuracy out of 255 lowered by 20.
    • Charcoal: Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Dragon Scale: Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Seadra (trade).
    • Focus Band: Holder has a ~11.7% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP.
    • Hard Stone: Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • King's Rock: Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch.
    • Leftovers: At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP.
    • Magnet: Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Mail: Cannot be given to or taken from a Pokemon, except by Covet/Knock Off/Thief.
    • Metal Coat: Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Miracle Seed: Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Mystic Water: Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Never-Melt Ice: Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Pink Bow: Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Poison Barb: Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Polkadot Bow: Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Quick Claw: Each turn, holder has a ~23.4% chance to move first in its priority bracket.
    • Scope Lens: Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage.
    • Sharp Beak: Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Silver Powder: Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Soft Sand: Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Spell Tag: Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.1x power.
    • Twisted Spoon: Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.1x power.

    Single Use Items
    • Berry: Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.
    • Berry Juice: Restores 20 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.
    • Berserk Gene: On switch-in, raises holder's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Single use.
    • Bitter Berry: Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use.
    • Burnt Berry: Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use.
    • Gold Berry: Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.
    • Ice Berry: Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use.
    • Mint Berry: Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use.
    • Miracle Berry: Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a status condition. Single use.
    • Mystery Berry: Restores 5 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use.
    • PRZ Cure Berry: Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use.
    • PSN Cure Berry: Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use.

    Pokémon-specific Items
    • Light Ball: If held by a Pikachu, its Special Attack is doubled.
    • Lucky Punch: If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate)
    • Metal Powder: If held by a Ditto, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x, even while Transformed.
    • Stick: If held by a Farfetch'd, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate)
    • Thick Club: If held by a Cubone or a Marowak, its Attack is doubled.

    Enemy Teams
    Squares off against Pokemon Stadium 2's Gym Leader Castle Round 1 teams. (Serebii link or pastebin link.) Will face 2 random gym leaders, 1 random Elite Four, and Lance.

    Provides full opponent information below. Selects 3 of their 6 Pokemon listed randomly, as well as the team order. Always faces the exact same Pokemon and order as every other participant. Keeps things fairer.

    One note: Dealt with format issues for Lance's team. Switched out Dragonite and Tyranitar for Kangaskhan and Feraligatr (from the Round 2 team). Tested the other teams, also. Found no issues.
    Spoiler: Gym Leaders

    Leader Falkner
    Pidgeot @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Mud-Slap
    - Whirlwind
    - Quick Attack

    Fearow @ Sharp Beak
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Swift
    - Mud-Slap
    - Drill Peck
    - Mirror Move

    Farfetch'd @ Stick
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Slash
    - Mud-Slap
    - False Swipe

    Noctowl @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Take Down
    - Mud-Slap
    - Confusion

    Togetic @ Burnt Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Psychic
    - Fire Blast
    - Double-Edge

    Delibird @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Present
    - Mud-Slap
    - Headbutt
    - Blizzard

    Leader Bugsy
    Butterfree @ PSNCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Gust
    - Psychic
    - Giga Drain
    - Nightmare

    Beedrill @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Cut
    - Twineedle
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Poison Sting

    Weepinbell @ Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Cut
    - Wrap
    - Razor Leaf
    - Sludge Bomb

    Scyther @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Slash
    - Hyper Beam
    - Fury Cutter
    - Wing Attack

    Pinsir @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Bind
    - Strength
    - Submission
    - Seismic Toss

    Pupitar @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Sleep Talk
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Slide

    Leader Whitney
    Clefable @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Thunder
    - Fire Blast
    - Doubleslap

    Wigglytuff @ PSNCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Ice Punch
    - Double-Edge
    - Thunderpunch

    Gloom @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Solarbeam
    - Giga Drain
    - Petal Dance
    - Sludge Bomb

    Dodrio @ Burnt Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Drill Peck
    - Tri Attack
    - Sleep Talk
    - Fury Attack

    Stantler @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Swift
    - Psychic
    - Headbutt
    - Take Down

    Miltank @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Bide
    - Stomp
    - Rollout
    - Earthquake

    Leader Morty
    Gengar @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Fire Punch
    - Night Shade
    - Shadow Ball

    Marowak @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Iron Tail
    - Bone Club
    - Bonemerang

    Noctowl @ PSNCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Confusion
    - Take Down
    - Foresight

    Ariados @ Burnt Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dig
    - Psychic
    - Night Shade
    - Sludge Bomb

    Sudowoodo @ Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Low Kick
    - Strength
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Slide

    Girafarig @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Swift
    - Psybeam
    - Thunder
    - Nightmare

    Leader Chuck
    Sandslash @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Dig
    - Slash
    - Rollout

    Primeape @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Dig
    - Headbutt
    - Seismic Toss

    Poliwrath @ Focus Band
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Psychic
    - Hydro Pump
    - Earthquake

    Machoke @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Earthquake
    - Vital Throw
    - Seismic Toss

    Hitmonchan @ PSNCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Mach Punch
    - Mega Punch
    - Comet Punch

    Granbull @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dynamicpunch
    - Roar
    - Strength
    - Shadow Ball

    Leader Jasmine
    Magneton @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Swift
    - Thunder
    - Sonicboom
    - Thundershock

    Forretress @ PSNCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Rollout
    - Giga Drain
    - Rapid Spin
    - Double-Edge

    Steelix @ Scope Lens
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Iron Tail
    - Rock Throw
    - Earthquake

    Corsola @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Bubblebeam
    - Ancientpower
    - Spike Cannon

    Mantine @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Take Down
    - Sleep Talk
    - Wing Attack

    Skarmory @ Metal Coat
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Fly
    - Swift
    - Steel Wing
    - Fury Attack

    Leader Pryce
    Dewgong @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Ice Beam
    - Take Down
    - Safeguard

    Cloyster @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Swift
    - Ice Beam
    - Spike Cannon

    Jynx @ Miracle Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thrash
    - Psychic
    - Ice Punch
    - Shadow Ball

    Ursaring @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dig
    - Thrash
    - Faint Attack
    - Thunderpunch

    Piloswine @ Quick Claw
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Blizzard
    - Take Down
    - Sleep Talk
    - Earthquake

    Donphan @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Endure
    - Rollout
    - Defense Curl
    - Double-Edge

    Leader Clair
    Arcanine @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dig
    - Dragon Rage
    - Flamethrower
    - Extremespeed

    Rhydon @ PSNCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Rollout
    - Iron Tail
    - Earthquake
    - Dynamicpunch

    Lapras @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Psychic
    - Ice Beam
    - Dragonbreath

    Dragonair @ Dragon Fang
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Thunder
    - Blizzard
    - Outrage

    Ampharos @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Swift
    - Headbutt
    - Iron Tail
    - Thunderpunch

    Kingdra @ Scope Lens
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Blizzard
    - Headbutt
    - Hydro Pump
    - Dragonbreath

    Spoiler: Elite Four

    Elite Four Will
    Clefable @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Thunder
    - Blizzard
    - Fire Blast

    Kadabra @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Fire Punch
    - Shadow Ball
    - Thunderpunch

    Exeggutor @ Burnt Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Strength
    - Giga Drain
    - Sludge Bomb

    Jynx @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Ice Punch
    - Body Slam
    - Doubleslap

    Xatu @ King's Rock
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psychic
    - Fly
    - Giga Drain
    - Night Shade

    Girafarig @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Psybeam
    - Stomp
    - Earthquake
    - Shadow Ball

    Elite Four Koga
    Golbat @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double Team
    - Toxic
    - Detect
    - Wing Attack

    Venomoth @ Focus Band
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double Team
    - Toxic
    - Psybeam
    - Giga Drain

    Muk @ Burnt Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double Team
    - Toxic
    - Fire Blast
    - Sludge Bomb

    Electrode @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double Team
    - Toxic
    - Thunder
    - Mirror Coat

    Ariados @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double Team
    - Toxic
    - Dig
    - Spider Web

    Gligar @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Double Team
    - Toxic
    - Iron Tail
    - Sandstorm

    Elite Four Bruno
    Blastoise @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Headbutt
    - Ice Punch
    - Dynamicpunch

    Machamp @ Scope Lens
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Strength
    - Cross Chop
    - Earthquake
    - Seismic Toss

    Golem @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Headbutt
    - Magnitude
    - Rock Throw
    - Rock Smash

    Onix @ Burnt Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dig
    - Slam
    - Rage
    - Rock Throw

    Kangaskhan @ PSNCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Bite
    - Reversal
    - Rock Smash
    - Dizzy Punch

    Heracross @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Counter
    - Reversal
    - Earthquake
    - Horn Attack

    Elite Four Karen
    Vileplume @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Attract
    - Stun Spore
    - Giga Drain
    - Sludge Bomb

    Victreebel @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Attract
    - Acid
    - Stun Spore
    - Razor Leaf

    Gengar @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Attract
    - Lick
    - Psychic
    - Confuse Ray

    Magmar @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Attract
    - Thief
    - Fire Punch
    - Confuse Ray

    Umbreon @ Quick Claw
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Attract
    - Psychic
    - Pursuit
    - Confuse Ray

    Murkrow @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Attract
    - Fly
    - Mud-Slap
    - Faint Attack

    Spoiler: Champion

    Champion Lance
    Charizard @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hyper Beam
    - Fly
    - Dig
    - Flamethrower

    Gyarados @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hyper Beam
    - Surf
    - Sleep Talk
    - Dragonbreath

    Aerodactyl @ PSNCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hyper Beam
    - Earthquake
    - Wing Attack
    - Ancientpower

    Kangaskhan @ BrightPowder
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hyper Beam
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Slide
    - Submission

    Steelix @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hyper Beam
    - Iron Tail
    - Earthquake
    - Dragonbreath

    Feraligatr @ Mystic Water
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Hyper Beam
    - Surf
    - Blizzard
    - Earthquake

    Bombarded you with plenty of information. How about an example battle?

    Participant's team: Magby, Ampharos, and Nidorino. Chose the Confident command for each of them.
    Whitney's Team: Clefable, Dodrio, and Gloom. Picks moves fully randomly for these.

    The match replay: View attachment Gen2NintendoCup2000-2023-07-13-devalue-stadium2tester.html

    • Dealt 201 + 166 + 166 damage. Adds up to 533 points.
    • Ended the battle with 141 health on Nidorino and none on the others. Calculates that to be (141 * 0.25) = 35.25 points.
    • Brought two not fully evolved Pokemon. Puts the multiplier at x1.2.

    Score = (533 + 35.25) * 1.2
    Score = 681.9 points

    Submit your teams to Devalue via private message on the forums or by direct messaging "devalkyr" (without the quotes) on Discord. Remember to give your Pokemon items too. Reveals these teams after the results of the first match, for the record. Feel free to ask questions in-thread or through the methods just mentioned. Permits users to join midway through the event also.

    Announces the first enemy trainer right away: Leader Pryce
    Spoiler: Pryce's Team

    Dewgong @ Mint Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Ice Beam
    - Take Down
    - Safeguard

    Cloyster @ PRZCureBerry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Surf
    - Swift
    - Ice Beam
    - Spike Cannon

    Jynx @ Miracle Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Thrash
    - Psychic
    - Ice Punch
    - Shadow Ball

    Ursaring @ Bitter Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Dig
    - Thrash
    - Faint Attack
    - Thunderpunch

    Piloswine @ Quick Claw
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Blizzard
    - Take Down
    - Sleep Talk
    - Earthquake

    Donphan @ Ice Berry
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Endure
    - Rollout
    - Defense Curl
    - Double-Edge

    Submission deadline for the Leader Pryce match: August 16 at 12:01 PM EST. Do not forget to pick commands for your Pokemon.

    Get-Together Points and Achievements
    Awards 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place based on your score for this event.

    1st place: 50 Get-Together points
    2nd place: 25 Get-Together points
    3rd place: 15 Get-Together points
    Other participants: 5 Get-Together points

    Created three achievements for this event too. Awards each of the first two achievements to a single person.
    • One-Hit Wonder: 10 points. Land the most OHKO moves (Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine). (Tiebreaker: Fewest OHKO moves from a single Pokemon.)
    • Incredible Pokemon Force: 10 points. Win a battle in the least number of turns. (Tiebreaker: Fewest total turns for all your battles.)

    Awards this third achievement to anyone that qualifies.
    • Gym Trainer: 5 points. Win at least two matches with a monotype team. (For example, a Ground monotype team with Ground/Flying, Ground, and Ground/Poison. Only looks at the three Pokemon selected for a match, not your entire team.)

    Future deadlines
    • Leader Pryce: August 16 at 12:01 PM EST
    • Gym Leader #2: August 19 at 12:01 PM EST
    • Elite Four member: August 22 at 12:01 PM EST
    • Lance: August 25 at 12:01 PM EST

    1. Add achievements. Maybe one for landing a the most OHKO moves like Horn Drill?
    2. Figure out GT point scoring (not the event scoring).
    3. Change the image on top. Likely needs to custom-make it, rather than try to photoshop the existing image. Note to self: Exploud Surround. PokeCommunity logo for the upper-right. Done. May not be a graphical masterpiece. Smiles at it, nonetheless.

    Edit: Reworded a few things. Added a day to the first deadline. Spends the most time in this event picking a team. Listed all the deadlines too.

    Sidenote: Works as a PvP event too. May take a while to process results for both PvE and PvP, though.

    Edit2: Changed URLs to dark red. Could not figure out how to change the Showdown replay's text color. (Did nothing outside the Attach tags. Broke the attachment by putting the color tag inside.) Settled for a red underline.
    Last edited:
    1. Add achievements. Maybe one for landing a the most OHKO moves like Horn Drill?
    2. Figure out GT point scoring (not the event scoring).
    3. Change the image on top. Likely needs to custom-make it, rather than try to photoshop the existing image. Note to self: Exploud Surround. PokeCommunity logo for the upper-right. Done. May not be a graphical masterpiece. Smiles at it, nonetheless.

    Edit: Reworded a few things. Added a day to the first deadline. Spends the most time in this event picking a team. Listed all the deadlines too.

    Sidenote: Works as a PvP event too. May take a while to process results for both PvE and PvP, though.

    Edit2: Changed URLs to dark red. Could not figure out how to change the Showdown replay's text color. (Did nothing outside the Attach tags. Broke the attachment by putting the color tag inside.) Settled for a red underline.

    Firstly, I really like this event! As much as in reality it is mostly going to be reliant on RNG, it's a fun little event that only really takes effort in picking your team and it's a nice alternative for people that don't necessarily dabble in competitive play!

    I think just with the magnitude of Pokémon to choose from etc. I would probably just keep it PvE, unless you think it's something you'll be happy to do! It looks like ultimately it will work just fine, just don't want you to overexert yourself.

    Few things in the thread itself:
    - I'll see if I can take a look at that Showdown link and fix that for you.
    - It may be worth seeing if you can either divvy the rental list up into a few columns, or maybe linking it to something externally (like a Pastebin or something). Again I can take a look at the former.
    - Just thinking that it is a LONG list to look at and on mobile that's going to be even longer to scroll through
    - Maybe change the max-width to something like 75% and taking out the actual width value. I think this should then still scale on mobile but means it's not really thin on forums.

    Just seeing there aren't any Achievements posted as of yet, how do these sound as some examples:
    1. Win at least 50% of your matches without one Pokémon fainting (could change % of course).
    2. Win 50% or more of your matches using a Monotype team.
    3. Win 50% or more matches using a team with no final evolutions.
    4. Win 50% or more of your matches using only Starter Pokémon.
    In the event there is a tie, if you are keeping track of it perhaps it could be awarded to whoever has the highest %? Or an alternative could be biggest win streak instead? Otherwise anything not used for Achievements could maybe add a points multiplier instead?

    Let me know what you think!
    Text in spoilers is almost impossible to read, white text doesn't work at all with that background color.
    Firstly, I really like this event! As much as in reality it is mostly going to be reliant on RNG, it's a fun little event that only really takes effort in picking your team and it's a nice alternative for people that don't necessarily dabble in competitive play!

    I think just with the magnitude of Pokémon to choose from etc. I would probably just keep it PvE, unless you think it's something you'll be happy to do! It looks like ultimately it will work just fine, just don't want you to overexert yourself.

    Few things in the thread itself:
    - I'll see if I can take a look at that Showdown link and fix that for you.
    - It may be worth seeing if you can either divvy the rental list up into a few columns, or maybe linking it to something externally (like a Pastebin or something). Again I can take a look at the former.
    - Just thinking that it is a LONG list to look at and on mobile that's going to be even longer to scroll through
    - Maybe change the max-width to something like 75% and taking out the actual width value. I think this should then still scale on mobile but means it's not really thin on forums.

    Just seeing there aren't any Achievements posted as of yet, how do these sound as some examples:
    1. Win at least 50% of your matches without one Pokémon fainting (could change % of course).
    2. Win 50% or more of your matches using a Monotype team.
    3. Win 50% or more matches using a team with no final evolutions.
    4. Win 50% or more of your matches using only Starter Pokémon.
    In the event there is a tie, if you are keeping track of it perhaps it could be awarded to whoever has the highest %? Or an alternative could be biggest win streak instead? Otherwise anything not used for Achievements could maybe add a points multiplier instead?

    Let me know what you think!

    PvP?: Will keep it PvE only for this Get-Together. Might not be too terrible on processing time. Wrote a move selector since creating the thread. Spits out 20 moves per Pokemon based on their command. Should speed things up. Might have underestimated how much processing time this and Mind Read the Room will require, however. Hinges on the number of participants too. Errs on the side of caution.

    Expends less effort for PvP, actually. Runs half the number of battles per participant. Is not affected by the number of different Pokemon at all.

    Rental list division: Agrees on it being a massive list. But how would you separate it or even pare it down? Removes a handful of weak Pokemon (Magikarp, Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna) at most. Imagines someone wanting Venusaur, but also checking lower evolutions for the score multiplier. Sees an argument for Bulbasaur (a slow Toxic win), Ivysaur (Sunny Day + Solarbeam dream), and Venusaur (50/50 chance of good Giga Drains).

    Already linked the Serebii page of rental Pokemon. Converted that page to the spoilered rental Pokemon information, actually.

    Also asks how people choose rental Pokemon in the actual game. Follows more or less the same process.

    Max-width to 75%: Done. Adds so much more space on the forums. Might do that to the other thread.

    Achievements: Already effectively awards game points for Pokemon not fainting and not using final evolutions. Goes towards grabbing 1st place's GT points. Prefers to reward something people might not normally do. Should not torpedo your team to do so either. Likes the monotype team suggestion.

    Added three to the post (for now):
    • One-Hit Wonder: Land the most OHKO moves (Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine). (Tiebreaker: Most OHKOs from a single Pokemon.)
    • Gym Trainer: Win at least two matches with a monotype team. (For example, a Ground monotype team with Ground/Flying, Ground, and Ground/Poison. Only looks at the three Pokemon selected for a match, not your entire team.) Awards this to anyone who meets the threshold.
    • Incredible Pokemon Force: Win a battle in the least number of turns. (Tiebreaker: Total turns for all your battles.)

    On that note, how many Get-Together points should these achievements and this event be worth? Frontloads most of the effort in this. Only submits 3 Pokemon + commands after that.

    Text in spoilers is almost impossible to read, white text doesn't work at all with that background color.

    Checked the usual style (Yggdrasil). Was black-on-black without color tags. Turned the text white. Looked fine on Forum Default (a lighter theme) too. Figured it was good.

    Apparently becomes white-on-white on the PokeCommunity Default, though. Sighs.

    Swapped the text color to red. Hates to use the same color for URLs and spoiler text. Oh well. Should be legible, at least.


    Edit: Headed off an issue. Cannot use Dragonite or Tyranitar. Must be level 55. Affects both the rentals and Lance's team. Removed them from the rentals and swapped in Pokemon from Lance's Round 2 team, respectively.

    Other rental conflicts:
    • Removed Celebi and Mew for being Ubers.
    • Switched Suicune's Mist for Psych Up, Hitmonlee's Reversal for Jump Kick, and Porygon's Conversion 2 for Conversion.

    Added another note about Friendship levels for Pokemon with relevant moves too.
    Last edited:
    Rental list division: Agrees on it being a massive list. But how would you separate it or even pare it down? Removes a handful of weak Pokemon (Magikarp, Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna) at most. Imagines someone wanting Venusaur, but also checking lower evolutions for the score multiplier. Sees an argument for Bulbasaur (a slow Toxic win), Ivysaur (Sunny Day + Solarbeam dream), and Venusaur (50/50 chance of good Giga Drains).

    What I mean more is that I believe using CSS you can create separate columns within what you have there, meaning we may be able to at least have several columns, each with however many mons in, so it's just a little less of one huge mammoth list for people to scroll through. I wouldn't remove anything and didn't mean that, just a way of maybe reducing that one long list visually.

    Achievements: Already effectively awards game points for Pokemon not fainting and not using final evolutions. Goes towards grabbing 1st place's GT points. Prefers to reward something people might not normally do. Should not torpedo your team to do so either. Likes the monotype team suggestion.

    Added three to the post (for now):
    • One-Hit Wonder: Land the most OHKO moves (Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine). (Tiebreaker: Most OHKOs from a single Pokemon.)
    • Gym Trainer: Win at least two matches with a monotype team. (For example, a Ground monotype team with Ground/Flying, Ground, and Ground/Poison. Only looks at the three Pokemon selected for a match, not your entire team.) Awards this to anyone who meets the threshold.
    • Incredible Pokemon Force: Win a battle in the least number of turns. (Tiebreaker: Total turns for all your battles.)

    On that note, how many Get-Together points should these achievements and this event be worth? Frontloads most of the effort in this. Only submits 3 Pokemon + commands after that.

    Erm as much as generally speaking it's the 'majority' of the effort involved, I still think the points shouldn't be like, huge. I'd say probably 20 for the first and third one and as the second is more of a participation thing, perhaps 5 for each instance, but to be reviewed in case it turns out like 40 people all win and meet the conditions, unless you award to whoever has the most wins with their team.
    What I mean more is that I believe using CSS you can create separate columns within what you have there, meaning we may be able to at least have several columns, each with however many mons in, so it's just a little less of one huge mammoth list for people to scroll through. I wouldn't remove anything and didn't mean that, just a way of maybe reducing that one long list visually.
    Stuck in "Experimental Column Rental List" below the original Rental List. Changed it to three columns. Figured out how to alternate entries to make it look correct too. (Sticks Ivysaur below Bulbasaur otherwise.) Does that look better?

    Erm as much as generally speaking it's the 'majority' of the effort involved, I still think the points shouldn't be like, huge. I'd say probably 20 for the first and third one and as the second is more of a participation thing, perhaps 5 for each instance, but to be reviewed in case it turns out like 40 people all win and meet the conditions, unless you award to whoever has the most wins with their team.
    Meant the event as a whole frontloading effort, not the achievements. Presumably spends a while building a team. After that? Pick 3 of 6 against your opponent. Sort of feels like a short event over a long period of time. Should it have the points of a long event or a short event? Or perhaps somewhere in-between? Thought along the lines of:

    1st place: 50 points
    2nd place: 25 points
    3rd place: 15 points
    Participation: 5 points

    Created two types of achievements.

    Awards these two achievements to a single participant.
    • One-Hit Wonder: 10 points. Land the most OHKO moves (Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine). (Tiebreaker: Most OHKOs from a single Pokemon.)
    • Incredible Pokemon Force: 10 points. Win a battle in the least number of turns. (Tiebreaker: Total turns for all your battles.)

    Awards this achievement to any participant that qualifies.
    • Gym Trainer: 5 points. Win at least two matches with a monotype team. (For example, a Ground monotype team with Ground/Flying, Ground, and Ground/Poison. Only looks at the three Pokemon selected for a match, not your entire team.)

    Knocked down the achievement points from the suggested 20. Feels like a lot if 1st place is 50. Is that fine?
    Stuck in "Experimental Column Rental List" below the original Rental List. Changed it to three columns. Figured out how to alternate entries to make it look correct too. (Sticks Ivysaur below Bulbasaur otherwise.) Does that look better?

    Meant the event as a whole frontloading effort, not the achievements. Presumably spends a while building a team. After that? Pick 3 of 6 against your opponent. Sort of feels like a short event over a long period of time. Should it have the points of a long event or a short event? Or perhaps somewhere in-between? Thought along the lines of:

    1st place: 50 points
    2nd place: 25 points
    3rd place: 15 points
    Participation: 5 points

    Created two types of achievements.

    Awards these two achievements to a single participant.
    • One-Hit Wonder: 10 points. Land the most OHKO moves (Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine). (Tiebreaker: Most OHKOs from a single Pokemon.)
    • Incredible Pokemon Force: 10 points. Win a battle in the least number of turns. (Tiebreaker: Total turns for all your battles.)

    Awards this achievement to any participant that qualifies.
    • Gym Trainer: 5 points. Win at least two matches with a monotype team. (For example, a Ground monotype team with Ground/Flying, Ground, and Ground/Poison. Only looks at the three Pokemon selected for a match, not your entire team.)

    Knocked down the achievement points from the suggested 20. Feels like a lot if 1st place is 50. Is that fine?

    Achievements look all good to me.

    I am happy with the points distribution being like that - as much as there's not like a LOT of effort put in per se, I think that setup still works. Depending on no. of participants, doing points based on number of battles etc. could potentially cause a huge skew one way or the other, this at least keeps everything within the same constraints as other events.

    Everything else I believe I've answered on Discord.

    If you're happy with everything here, I'm going to go ahead and approve the event.