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[Discussion] pokedex entries help

Xesseian Pelipper Classification: Hoarder Pokemon

Gathering food and taking care of the young is the work of the males. The females protect the nest and fight off any that threaten it. Xesseian Pelipper builds its nest on steep cliffs facing the sea.
These Pokemon can fly very fast and will keep up with most ships. It bobs on the waves to rest its wings when the water is calm enough.
The more trophies it has around it's nest, the more status the Pelipper in the nest have amongst others of it's kind. There was a cliff with so many random discarded things around it that people thought that people were dumping their trash there, only for it to turn out to be trophies of a nearby Pelipper nest.

Classification: Playful Pokemon

These Pokemon are plentiful around Peveno dens. They are playful and although Leteve don't yet have any venom, caution is still advised as their bites are quite painful even if they mean no harm.
These Pokemon race against others in their nest to practice their motor skills. One of their parents will always be nearby, so it's advisable to be cautious with them.
Once their colors start to resemble their evolution Peveno more, it's a sign that evolution is near.

ooh, i love those ^^ thanks :> looking forward to the other 2 on the list above :D
Classification: River Dweller Pokemon

Palnate live in shallow riverbeds. They are not very strong, so the murkier the water, the better. Palnate are faster on land than in water, yet spend most of their times submerged in rivers.
They are quite skittish and don't easily show themselves to humans. Researchers have only been able to observe them from afar as no matter how long you wait for them to come out, once they smell or sense a human they just won't. These Pokemon appear to live in pairs.

Classification: Exuberant Pokemon

These Pokemon are very exuberant and outgoing. They will play with any person or Pokemon willing to play with them. There are several remote villages that have bonded well with them and live side by side with Swimotte. The Pokemon help protect the villages and can also find anyone who's lost, as long as they've met them at least once. The villages often have Swimotte sniff travelers upon arrival just so that they can be found if something goes wrong or if they get lost.
Classification: River Dweller Pokemon

Palnate live in shallow riverbeds. They are not very strong, so the murkier the water, the better. Palnate are faster on land than in water, yet spend most of their times submerged in rivers.
They are quite skittish and don't easily show themselves to humans. Researchers have only been able to observe them from afar as no matter how long you wait for them to come out, once they smell or sense a human they just won't. These Pokemon appear to live in pairs.

Classification: Exuberant Pokemon

These Pokemon are very exuberant and outgoing. They will play with any person or Pokemon willing to play with them. There are several remote villages that have bonded well with them and live side by side with Swimotte. The Pokemon help protect the villages and can also find anyone who's lost, as long as they've met them at least once. The villages often have Swimotte sniff travelers upon arrival just so that they can be found if something goes wrong or if they get lost.

i love those! :D thanks :3

more coming whenever :>
another for the swrairia region... after a long time...

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

normal type


[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


normal type

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Here are my takes on the raccoon line.

Raccute - Raccute lives in urban areas and will only come out at night. Rummaging through trash cans this Pokemon often attacks Trubbish mistaking it for a meal.
Chamocoon - No longer digging through garbage, Injector uses it's primp fur and charm to swindle onlookers of their food. This Pokemon can commonly be found at festivals or near street vendors

Mount Gassan hosts a legendary fish. It was harder to chose for this one as the mountain is tied with the moon kami, but in the legends, the deity created food by spitting a fish in the ocean. This fish represents moon, and may be Water and Ghost type, where the Ghost type https://rummywealthapp.com/ represents the dead creatures that are said to populate the mountain.''

those are kinda old news.... just the ones of post 504... if you want to, that is :>
Palnate Classification: River Dweller Pokemon

Palnate live in shallow riverbeds. They are not very strong, so the murkier the water, the better. Palnate are faster on land than in water, yet spend most of their times submerged in rivers.
They are quite skittish and don't easily show themselves to humans. Researchers have only been able to observe them from afar as no matter how long you wait for them to come out, once they smell or sense a human they just won't. These Pokemon appear to live in pairs.

Swimotte Classification: Exuberant Pokemon

These Pokemon are very exuberant and outgoing. They will play with any person or Pokemon willing to play with them. There are several remote villages that have bonded well with them and live side by side with Swimotte. The Pokemon help protect the villages and can also find anyone who's lost, as long as they've met them at least once. The villages often have Swimotte sniff travelers upon arrival just so that they can be found if something goes wrong or if they get lost.

i have new ones for swrairia region *if you remember ^^ * :3 *in the above post (post 504)
Classification: Clumsy Pokemon

This Pokemon actively seeks out people and Pokemon who are feeling bad to go and comfort them. They can navigate a lot better than Kekat, but will still mix up the items they carry around to help out. Maimace will approach strangers for help instead if it brought the wrong things for the person or Pokemon it's trying to help.
Just having this Pokemon be near you when you're feeling down is said to be enough to lift your spirits.

Classification: Idle Pokemon

These Pokemon are not very playful and instead prefer to watch others play instead. They are quite easygoing and will put up with pretty much anything as long as it doesn't harm them.
Some trainers try to have it move as little as possible. Pubai are said to bring good luck if they're allowed to sit around for a long time.
These Pokemon absolutely adore Ganlon Berries, which are often used by trainers who want to keep them living actively.
Classification: Clumsy Pokemon

This Pokemon actively seeks out people and Pokemon who are feeling bad to go and comfort them. They can navigate a lot better than Kekat, but will still mix up the items they carry around to help out. Maimace will approach strangers for help instead if it brought the wrong things for the person or Pokemon it's trying to help.
Just having this Pokemon be near you when you're feeling down is said to be enough to lift your spirits.

Classification: Idle Pokemon

These Pokemon are not very playful and instead prefer to watch others play instead. They are quite easygoing and will put up with pretty much anything as long as it doesn't harm them.
Some trainers try to have it move as little as possible. Pubai are said to bring good luck if they're allowed to sit around for a long time.
These Pokemon absolutely adore Ganlon Berries, which are often used by trainers who want to keep them living actively.

ooh, i love those! :3 thanks :>

more coming whenever :D
Maimace Classification: Clumsy Pokemon
This Pokemon actively seeks out people and Pokemon who are feeling bad to go and comfort them. They can navigate a lot better than Kekat, but will still mix up the items they carry around to help out. Maimace will approach strangers for help instead if it brought the wrong things for the person or Pokemon it's trying to help.
Just having this Pokemon be near you when you're feeling down is said to be enough to lift your spirits.

Pubai Classification: Idle Pokemon
These Pokemon are not very playful and instead prefer to watch others play instead. They are quite easygoing and will put up with pretty much anything as long as it doesn't harm them.
Some trainers try to have it move as little as possible. Pubai are said to bring good luck if they're allowed to sit around for a long time.
These Pokemon absolutely adore Ganlon Berries, which are often used by trainers who want to keep them living actively.

i have new ones for the xesse region! in the post above *if you remember : D *
Classification: Endurance Pokemon

Riemalte have excellent endurance; they can run for days on end without needing any breaks. In the past these Pokemon were used as messengers for urgent news. Nowadays they no longer need to do that, but there is an biannual event in Xesse for which people still train their Riemalte. The owners take them all to the Northern-most part of Xesse and then let them free. The Riemalta then race back to the capital in Southern Xesse and the first one to arrive wins a prize and title. It is quite an honor to even just participate in this event.

Classification: Gardener Pokemon

A common sight in every garden in Xesse, these Pokemon are quite loved by the people of Xesse. These Pokemon take excellent care of the flowers where they nest. Their aim is to lure in other Bug type Pokemon as prey, but home-owners started praising them for keeping their gardens in tiptop shape and started feeding them. Most Stapholens no longer need to hunt, but some still occasionally do just to hone their skills rather than for food. They are kind to the owners that feed them, but will generally attack anyone else that approaches them.

Classification: Biding Pokemon

These Pokemon are said to have lived long ago back when most of Xesse was still underwater. They have been resurrected from fossils and have been thriving in Xesse's many lakes.
These Pokemon are quite weak and tend to keep to themselves until they evolve. If forced to attack these Pokemon will generally try to throw Sand in their attackers eyes and run away.
Although not very strong on the attack, these Pokemon can endure a beating for a considerable amount of time.

Classification: Protector Pokemon

Sharlamia is a hardy Pokemon that can survive in any type of water. Once Straitooth has evolved into Sharlamia they will slowly make their way towards the coast via rivers. The closer it gets to the coast the higher the odds of it running into Abyllyfish, which it clashes with regularly once it does reach the coast. Sharlamia is forced to migrate back and forth once at the coast in order to catch it's breath as Abyllyfish will relentlessly attack it no matter how often it's fought off.
Despite it's fearsome appearance, this Pokemon actually goes out of it's way to help other Pokemon. It does not help humans however.

Sharpedo would've been the perfect mon for Sharlamia to clash with since it's a bully, but I doubt it would be in Xesse so I looked through the Xesse FakeDex for a better fit and went with Abyllyfish instead.
Classification: Endurance Pokemon

Riemalte have excellent endurance; they can run for days on end without needing any breaks. In the past these Pokemon were used as messengers for urgent news. Nowadays they no longer need to do that, but there is an biannual event in Xesse for which people still train their Riemalte. The owners take them all to the Northern-most part of Xesse and then let them free. The Riemalta then race back to the capital in Southern Xesse and the first one to arrive wins a prize and title. It is quite an honor to even just participate in this event.

Classification: Gardener Pokemon

A common sight in every garden in Xesse, these Pokemon are quite loved by the people of Xesse. These Pokemon take excellent care of the flowers where they nest. Their aim is to lure in other Bug type Pokemon as prey, but home-owners started praising them for keeping their gardens in tiptop shape and started feeding them. Most Stapholens no longer need to hunt, but some still occasionally do just to hone their skills rather than for food. They are kind to the owners that feed them, but will generally attack anyone else that approaches them.

Classification: Biding Pokemon

These Pokemon are said to have lived long ago back when most of Xesse was still underwater. They have been resurrected from fossils and have been thriving in Xesse's many lakes.
These Pokemon are quite weak and tend to keep to themselves until they evolve. If forced to attack these Pokemon will generally try to throw Sand in their attackers eyes and run away.
Although not very strong on the attack, these Pokemon can endure a beating for a considerable amount of time.

Classification: Protector Pokemon

Sharlamia is a hardy Pokemon that can survive in any type of water. Once Straitooth has evolved into Sharlamia they will slowly make their way towards the coast via rivers. The closer it gets to the coast the higher the odds of it running into Abyllyfish, which it clashes with regularly once it does reach the coast. Sharlamia is forced to migrate back and forth once at the coast in order to catch it's breath as Abyllyfish will relentlessly attack it no matter how often it's fought off.
Despite it's fearsome appearance, this Pokemon actually goes out of it's way to help other Pokemon. It does not help humans however.

ooh, i like those! :3 thanks :D

looking forward to the other three on the list :>
Classification: Glutton Pokemon

Turmeru are gluttons; a single one can easily eat over 100 berries in a single day. If food is scarce entire flocks will fight over even a single berry. Despite not getting along well with others of their own kind, this Pokemon is quite friendly towards humans; hoping that you will feed it some berries. Pomeg berries are their favorite, but they'll eat any berries they can find or are offered.
They are not fond of man-made treats and will not eat any even if they are starving.

Classification: Scrappy Pokemon

Prularis are small but fierce Pokemon that like to fight. They often fight amongst themselves, but they do that to practice their skills. They don't fight seriously unless it's against an outside threat.
Approaching one carelessly might result in it thinking you want to hurt it, so it will call it's friends and attack you. These Pokemon will yield their attack if their opponent surrenders by lying still on the ground. Prularis prefers to avoid contact with anything other than it's own kind.
Turmeru Classification: Glutton Pokemon

Turmeru are gluttons; a single one can easily eat over 100 berries in a single day. If food is scarce entire flocks will fight over even a single berry. Despite not getting along well with others of their own kind, this Pokemon is quite friendly towards humans; hoping that you will feed it some berries. Pomeg berries are their favorite, but they'll eat any berries they can find or are offered.
They are not fond of man-made treats and will not eat any even if they are starving.

Prularis Classification: Scrappy Pokemon

Prularis are small but fierce Pokemon that like to fight. They often fight amongst themselves, but they do that to practice their skills. They don't fight seriously unless it's against an outside threat.
Approaching one carelessly might result in it thinking you want to hurt it, so it will call it's friends and attack you. These Pokemon will yield their attack if their opponent surrenders by lying still on the ground. Prularis prefers to avoid contact with anything other than it's own kind.

ooh, i like those! :D thanks :> looking forward to the other four on the list.... :3
Classification: Altruistic Rival Pokemon

Ericula and Patit have a rather unique, but yet longstanding rivalry. They do not compete with each other for food or territory. They instead compete to see which can do more good deeds. They are constantly searching for people and Pokemon to help. At the end of the month they compare who has done more good deeds by gathering twigs. Each twig represents one good deed.
Ericula has a preference for helping people rather than Pokemon, but will help either if it encounters one in need of help.

Classification: Rivaling Altruist Pokemon

Patit and Ericula have a rather unique, but yet longstanding rivalry. They compete by doing good deeds and compare who has done more good deeds at the end of every month.
There is no repercussion for the loser, nor is there a prize for the winner. It is unknown how this rivalry started, but the two Pokemon do often end up together, so it is suspected they are trying to impress each other. Patit has a preference for helping Pokemon rather than people, but will help either if it encounters one in need of help.
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the xesse region *i made this post cause the other was getting a bit long*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

mythical pokemon

normal/ghost type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/ratman-of-southend-mythical-pokemon-mythiat-967588107 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

xesseian phanpy

revived from a fur fossil
rock/ground type

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/xesseian-phanpy-967710801 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


water/flying type

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/xesse-duck-pokemon-Pudduck-966814064 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help



https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/bird-pokemon-Fowlark-966833261 *done*
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Ericula Classification: Altruistic Rival Pokemon

Ericula and Patit have a rather unique, but yet longstanding rivalry. They do not compete with each other for food or territory. They instead compete to see which can do more good deeds. They are constantly searching for people and Pokemon to help. At the end of the month they compare who has done more good deeds by gathering twigs. Each twigs represents one good deed.
Ericula has a preference for helping people rather than Pokemon, but will help either if it encounters one in need of help.

Patit Classification: Rivaling Altruist Pokemon

Patit and Ericula have a rather unique, but yet longstanding rivalry. They compete by doing good deeds and compare who has done more good deeds at the end of every month.
There is no repercussion for the loser, nor is there a prize for the winner. It is unknown how this rivalry started, but the two Pokemon do often end up together, so it is suspected they are trying to impress each other. Patit has a preference for helping Pokemon rather than people, but will help either if it encounters one in need of help.

ooh, i like those! :D thanks :> looking forward to the Others on the list above :3
Classification: Soul Guide Pokemon

Mythiat is said to guide those who are about to perish of starvation to the afterlife. It is said to ease the suffering of those who are about to perish this way, giving them one last meal in the mortal realm; a true feast of nothing but delicious food. As kind as it is to the starving, as cruel it is to the gluttonous. There have been claims of this Pokemon punishing gluttonous eaters by stealing their sense of taste or in some rare cases even their life. It was unsure if this Pokemon really even existed until it was caught on camera several decades ago.

xesseian Phanpy
Classification: Strong Snout Pokemon

Phanpy's big ears serve as broad fans. When it becomes hot, it flaps the ears busily to cool itself down. It is strong despite its compact size, even the young. As a sign of affection, it may grab you with its snout. It's snout is quite strong, however it is a bit clumsy and you can fall from it's grip as a result. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
xesseian Phanpy is nocturnal and spends most of the day resting in it's lair. It prefers to live in caves by the waterside. xessian Phanpy prefers to avoid the water itself as much as possible though.

Classification: Diva Duck Pokemon

This Pokemon is commonly found around the towns and cities of Xesse. Pudduck likes attention and therefore flocks towards them. They usually act pretty aloof, but they will get upset if they get ignored by humans for too long. Pudduck will usually walk, swim or fly to the nearest human and loudly quack at them in indignation, and then fly off to another town or city hoping to get more attention there. They really love being fed bread the most. These Pokemon prefer to avoid fights if possible.

Classification: Migration Pokemon

The average Seeruck is said to have already seen every town and city in Xesse before it even evolved from Pudduck. These Pokemon migrate around a lot more than they did before evolving.
They were once used to carry letters between towns and cities. Each Seeruck would fly around Xesse in a fixed pattern and people eventually indexed all of their flight patterns so as to know which Seeruck to give their letters to. New generations of Seeruck would all need to be observed for their flight patterns as well and it became quite hard to keep track off eventually.

Classification: Curious Pokemon

A Pokemon that's quite skittish around people and other Pokemon, but yet out of curiosity keeps approaching them. They live in big flocks and tell each other what people or Pokemon are threats and which can be trusted based on their own interactions with them. There is a particular noble in Xesse who's mansion receives multiple flock of Fowlark every day. The Earl is very kind to all Pokemon and has taken it upon themself to make sure the Fowlark are well taken care of. Fowlark can always find food or a place to stay if they come to this mansion.

these are based on my pikachu sona - https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/gallery/87885261/my-pika-pokesona-and-family

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

xesseian pichu
electric type


[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

xesseian pikachu
electric type


[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

xesseian raichu
electric type


i wonder what the pokedex entries for these would be? 😯 based on my personality and such, in my pika-sona page.... - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Lot_the_pikachu_(my_pikachu-sona)


[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


ghost type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Ethetua-967009082 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


psychic/ghost type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Friariti-967704424 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

normal/grass type

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Classification: Soul Guide Pokemon

Mythiat is said to guide those who are about to perish of starvation to the afterlife. It is said to ease the suffering of those who are about to perish this way, giving them one last meal in the mortal realm; a true feast of nothing but delicious food. As kind as it is to the starving, as cruel it is to the gluttonous. There have been claims of this Pokemon punishing gluttonous eaters by stealing their sense of taste or in some rare cases even their life. It was unsure if this Pokemon really even existed until it was caught on camera several decades ago.

xesseian Phanpy
Classification: Strong Snout Pokemon

Phanpy's big ears serve as broad fans. When it becomes hot, it flaps the ears busily to cool itself down. It is strong despite its compact size, even the young. As a sign of affection, it may grab you with its snout. It's snout is quite strong, however it is a bit clumsy and you can fall from it's grip as a result. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
xesseian Phanpy is nocturnal and spends most of the day resting in it's lair. It prefers to live in caves by the waterside. xessian Phanpy prefers to avoid the water itself as much as possible though.

Classification: Diva Duck Pokemon

This Pokemon is commonly found around the towns and cities of Xesse. Pudduck likes attention and therefore flocks towards them. They usually act pretty aloof, but they will get upset if they get ignored by humans for too long. Pudduck will usually walk, swim or fly to the nearest human and loudly quack at them in indignation, and then fly off to another town or city hoping to get more attention there. They really love being fed bread the most. These Pokemon prefer to avoid fights if possible.

Classification: Migration Pokemon

The average Seeruck is said to have already seen every town and city in Xesse before it even evolved from Pudduck. These Pokemon migrate around a lot more than they did before evolving.
They were once used to carry letters between towns and cities. Each Seeruck would fly around Xesse in a fixed pattern and people eventually indexed all of their flight patterns so as to know which Seeruck to give their letters to. New generations of Seeruck would all need to be observed for their flight patterns as well and it became quite hard to keep track off eventually.

Classification: Curious Pokemon

A Pokemon that's quite skittish around people and other Pokemon, but yet out of curiosity keeps approaching them. They live in big flocks and tell each other what people or Pokemon are threats and which can be trusted based on their own interactions with them. There is a particular noble in Xesse who's mansion receives multiple flock of Fowlark every day. The Earl is very kind to all Pokemon and has taken it upon themself to make sure the Fowlark are well taken care of. Fowlark can always find food or a place to stay if they come to this mansion.

ooh, i like those! thanks :D looking forward to the others on the list above :>