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[Completed] Pokemon Cycle Version

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Cycle Version

    Pokemon Cycle Version

    Game Jam 2019 Submission​

    Plot: You're trapped in a beautiful world that seems to loop endlessly, creating a cage that seems to be unbreakable. There is a mysterious Sunflora, Flora, who seems to have created this place and guides you through this horrible world. Can you defy Flora and escape or be trapped in an infinite loop forever?

    -Pokemon from all generations appear, with Flabebe and Oricorio grass properly working
    - About 100+ capturable pokemon
    - New type of pokemon: Glitch Pokemon: they have random type effectiveness and stats; they cannot be captured, however
    - 7 puzzles, and 6 boss battles
    - All trade evolution pokemon evolve by level or having their trade item used on them
    - Repeatable trainer battles
    - Every encounter is scaled based on a formula, so no matter your pokemon's level there will always be some challenge

    Epilepsy stuff: Glitchmons, and some glitchmaps could make people sensitive to light weary. There are also a few events with color flashes, so do keep in mind.

    Release Changelog:


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    Interesting! That must be when I compressed and encrypted the game folder and the program erased some data. I'll just decrypt everything. I've also found some event durps, so that'll be fixed, as well. Patch will be released asap. Look for Version 1.1 in the coming hour...just have to package everything.
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    Is this romhack or RPG RXMP game? If this'll be a romhack, though, it'll be amazing and awsome!!😍😍😍

    rom hack or not shouldn't determine its quality! ^.^

    All games created here are relatively short compared to the fuller games over in Showcase, so you won't encounter the kind of lag you'll see in other RMXP games. All entries made for this jam are made with RMXP and rules state that they cannot be submissions. Happy gaming!
    Woah, this looks really fun and innovative haha. Also aesthetic XD. Totally trying it out! Oh, what's the patch for?
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    I was a critic during the April Game Jam 2019, and here's my personal review of the game.


    There were a lot of tile errors in the first town with the Flora shrine - might be on purpose, but imo not justified by "Flora does whatever it wants."
    The region map in the Pokemon Centre was also the stock region map.


    Some stock events were left in the final game, and not all events had proper checks (e.g. having to choose a Pokémon when you don't have any yet). Some events had improper message commands (e.g. you could see \c [5] or \[5] in the dialogue).

    Trainers were quite unbalanced: oneshot by numerous trainers, only dealing 1 HP to some Pokémon with any move, enemies spam Recover, can only use Struggle or nothing at all due to immunities or PP causing me to lose, 1 level 23 Pokémon vs 2 level 25 Pokémon, and more such cases.

    Trainers reset upon leaving the map (so also when blacking out) which means it's impossible to complete a map if you don't stock up on supplies - which you can't, because continually blacking out makes you lose money.

    No running shoes, which makes traversing the maps more annoying.

    The game was likely not playtested with all starters, as there are some balancing issues (especially with Krokorok).

    Story (shared with Vendily)

    The main objective of this game is to collect gems to progress in the story, as the gems are keys to open an exit to the alternative dimension that the main character has been trapped in, along with many other people, all ruled under the iron leaf of a Sunflora.

    A good portion of the story is repetitive as it's just repeatedly going into a cave, doing a puzzle, and beating a boss to get a gem, before Flora the Sunflora tells us to quit trying to ruin their perfect world. After collecting many of the gems, we get warped into a glitchy version of the world, and this is the point where I got lost as to what I'm expected to do. The game still allows me to do the puzzle again and collect the last gem I got, but I can't seem to find a way to proceed and there are no hints to get a player back on track to their task.

    Inclusion of theme (shared with Vendily)

    You get trapped in a closed loop in the routes to the sides of the main town. Leaving from one end brings you to the other side.


    Thank you for participating in the April Game Jam 2019! We enjoyed playing your game and hope that you had equal fun creating it!
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    I was a Critic during the April Fan Game Jam 2019, and this is my personal review.

    While there's not much to be said about the maps in the first portion of the game (not to say that they look bad), in the late game, we are thrust into a glitchy version of the once familiar region. All of the tiles become wavy and every other pixel row is completely transparent, allowing you to see the panorama underneath, of a Sunflora with angry eyes and fangs. It feels very much like a combination between cartridge tilt corruptions and video game creepypastas.

    There are two big new gameplay components added in Pokemon Cycle, Glitchmon and floor tile puzzles.
    Glitchmon are corrupted Pokémon, with incorrect palettes and inconsistent type relations, so a super effective move one turn can be an immune move the next. They're uncatchable though.
    The floor tile puzzles involve stepping on coloured tiles in a particular order, with some combinations not allowing you to continue forward, like stepping from an orange tile to a blue one. Each of the puzzles adds a new combination to learn before you can proceed.

    A pain point in the gameplay is the glitchy version of the world. While visually cool, it makes it difficult to see what the tiles are, a point that is compounded by the fact that every tile becomes grass with glitchmon and every tile is passable.

    The main objective of this game is to collect gems to progress in the story, as the gems are keys to open an exit to the alternative dimension that the main character has been trapped in, along with many other people, all ruled under the iron leaf of a Sunflora.

    A good portion of the story is repetitive as it's just repeatedly going into a cave, doing a puzzle, and beating a boss to get a gem, before Flora the Sunflora tells us to quit trying to ruin their perfect world. After collecting many of the gems, we get warped into a glitchy version of the world, and this is the point where I got lost as to what I'm expected to do. The game still allows me to do the puzzle again and collect the last gem I got, but I can't seem to find a way to proceed and there are no hints to get a player back on track to their task.

    Inclusion of theme
    You get trapped in a closed loop in the routes to the sides of the main town. Leaving from one end brings you to the other side.

    Thanks for participating in the April Fan Game Jam 2019! We enjoyed playing your game and hope you had fun making it!