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Pokemon Dungeon Escape

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 51

The voting results are as follows:

1) Alolan Persian is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Alolan Persian in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo. - 2 votes
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Simipour.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Trevenant.

2)How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. - 2 votes
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

3-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 25 Electrike.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Electrike.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Manectric.
D) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. - 2 votes

3-2) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now. - 2 votes

3-3) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now. - 2 votes

3-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Electrike and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Electrike and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Electrike and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Electrike and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Manectric and avoid fighting it. - 1 vote
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Manectric and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 1 vote

Tied. Very tempted to join E, but we're going to a big room next with lots of enemies. Might end up needing the orb more there, and we can heal up before fighting Manectric and will also be healing at the Hot Spring after this room. I'll join G).

3-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Electrike and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Electrike and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Electrike and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Electrike and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Manectric and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Manectric and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

3-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 25 Electrike.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Electrike.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Manectric.
D) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 2 votes

3-7) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 25 Electrike.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 26 Electrike.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Manectric.
D) No, don't use a Totter Orb now. - 2 votes

3-8) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 25 Electrike.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 26 Electrike.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Manectric.
E) Yes, use it after fighting the level 25 Electrike to avoid further fighting.
F) Yes, use it after fighting the level 26 Electrike to avoid further fighting.
G) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room. - 2 votes

4) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions. - 1 vote
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 1 vote

Tied. Sudowoodo is slow so it'll probably need the heal. Joining A)

5) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items. - 2 votes
B) Pick up only the Green Shard.
C) Pick up only the Berry Juice.
D) Pick up only the Oran Berry.
E) Pick up only the TM004 - Surf.
F) Pick up the TM004 - Surf and the Green Shard.
G) Pick up the TM004 - Surf and the Berry Juice.
H) Pick up the TM004 - Surf and the Oran Berry.
I) Pick up the Green Shard and the Berry Juice.
J) Pick up the Green Shard and the Oran Berry.
K) Pick up the Berry Juice and the Oran Berry.
L) Pick up the TM004 - Surf, the Berry Juice and the Oran Berry.
M) Pick up the TM004 - Surf, the Berry Juice and the Green Shard.
N) Pick up the TM004 - Surf, the Green Shard and the Oran Berry.
O) Pick up the Berry Juice, the Oran Berry and the Green Shard.

6) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry.
B) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
C) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
E) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
H) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
I) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
J) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
K) Go to room 7 from the Western entrance.
L) Go to room 7 from the Northern entrance.
M) Go to room 9 from the Western entrance.
N) Go to room 9 from the Southern entrance.
O) Go to room 11 from the Northern entrance.
P) Go to room 11 from the Eastern entrance.
Q) Go to room 11 from the Southern entrance.
R) Go to room 15 from the Western entrance. - 2 votes
S) Go to room 15 from the Northern entrance.
T) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.

7-1) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go heal at the Hot Spring. Should we heal?
A) Yes, go heal at the Hot Spring. - 2 votes
B) No, don't heal at the Hot Spring.

7-2) We've helped out Zorua and can go turn in the quest. Go turn in the 'A Prank gone wrong' quest to Zoroark?
A) Yes, go turn in the quest with Alolan Persian in the lead.
B) Yes, go turn in the quest with Sudowoodo in the lead. - 1 vote
C) Yes, go turn in the quest with Simisear in the lead.
D) Yes, go turn in the quest with Simipour in the lead. - 1 vote
E) Yes, go turn in the quest with Hawlucha in the lead.
F) Yes, go turn in the quest with Trevenant in the lead.
G) No, don't turn in the quest now.

Tied. Joining D) for more experience, even if most of our party doesn't need it as badly anymore, more experience still benefits Trevenant.


We switch the lead to Sudowoodo and fight any enemies offensively.
We don't use any Orbs in this room. We pick up all items and go to room 15 from the Western entrance.
After navigating the current room we go heal at the Hot Spring and we go turn in the 'A Prank gone wrong' quest with Simipour in the lead.

The path we take is as follows (Yellow -> Orange -> Blue):

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

Stepped on a Grimy Trap. A Chesto Berry went bad and was tossed out.

Stepped on a Poison Trap in the room South of here while going back to Zoroark. Simipour was poisoned...
... but we go to the Hot Spring afterward so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The fights:

Persian leveled up to level 32, Simisear leveled up to level 32, Hawlucha leveled up to level 33 & Trevenant leveled up to level 27.

Earned 2.800 Experience for turning in the 'A Prank gone wrong' quest.
Sudowoodo leveled up to level 31, Persian leveled up to level 33, Simipour leveled up to level 33 & Trevenant leveled up to level 28.

Team Roundabout:

The Hideout (Recruited Pokemon not in Party):


Abra Storage (Item Storage for full inventory sections):

Apparently I forgot to remove Squawkabilly's Sharp Beak when it got sent to the hideout. Normally I'd put it in the inventory, but I shoved it into storage for now as we probably don't want to use it right now.



Dungeon Map:

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 52

The quest dialogue with Zoroark:

We've arrived at the room that was marked as room 15 on the map, from the Western entrance. I'm splitting this room into 2 as I rather doubt I'd be able to fully make the update next week otherwise. I'm leaving the hostile Pokemon in the water for next week + the items that require crossing the water. The interactions with Clodsire & Abra will also be in part 2 of this room.

The Corvisquire, Shuppet, Migthyena & Houndoom will move to attack us. The Frillish normally would as well, but it won't do so till we get the option to cross the water next week (had to split this in two somehow). The Quagsire won't attack unless we enter the water and get within 4 tiles of them.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

Note: Most of our party is above the level cap for the 1st Act for the normal hostile Pokemon, which I put at 30 (does not apply to the Wardens, for example).

1-1) Trevenant wants to learn Horn Leech. Forget a move to learn Horn Leech?
A) Yes, forget Bulldoze.
B) Yes, forget Shadow Claw.
C) Yes, forget Hex.
D) Yes, forget Trailblaze.
E) No, don't learn Horn Leech.

1-2) Simipour can learn Surf via TM. Teach Simipour Surf?
A) Yes, forget Water Gun.
B) Yes, forget Acrobatics.
C) Yes, forget Bite.
D) Yes, forget Scald.
E) No, don't teach it Surf.

2) Simipour is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Simipour in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian.
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Trevenant.

3)How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

4-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

Tough room so I'm offering up a second Brushoff Orb usage.
4-2) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use a second Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

4-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now.

4-4) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now.

4-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-6) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

Tough room. We got 3 Slumber Orbs so I'm just gonna offer all three.
4-7) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a third Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-8) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

Tough room so I'll just offer up all the Lob Orbs we have in case we want to use them.
4-9) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use a second Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

4-10) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use a third Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

Note: Lob Orbs can't stack on the same enemy, so if all three are used on the same enemy for example, only the first will be used and the other two will be ignored.

4-11) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

4-12) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 26 Corvisquire.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Shuppet.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 30 Houndoom.
E) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Shuppet.
F) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Mightyena.
G) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 27 Corvisquire.
H) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Houndoom.
I) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Corvisquire.
J) Yes, use it after fighting the level 26 Corvisquire to avoid further fighting.
K) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Shuppet to avoid further fighting.
L) Yes, use it after fighting the level 30 Houndoom to avoid further fighting.
M) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Shuppet to avoid further fighting.
N) Yes, use it after fighting the level Mightyena to avoid further fighting.
O) Yes, use it after fighting the level 27 Corvisquire to avoid further fighting.
P) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Houndoom to avoid further fighting.
Q) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Corvisquire to avoid further fighting.
R) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

Note: As hinted by Arboliva, any aggressive hostile Pokemon (the ones that seek us out) left in this room will follow us in when we head inside the chamber once we've opened it, if they're still around. We also need to clear the room out a bit for Diggersby to want to punch open the chamber wall for us (5 or less hostile Pokemon remaining in the room).
Also, depending on the time it's used at, the Invisify Orb can carry on into the second part of the room next week.

For this room I think I'll offer a heal after every opponent fought.
5-1) We can heal after defeating 1 opponent. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-2) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-3) We can heal after defeating 3 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-4) We can heal after defeating 4 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-5) We can heal after defeating 5 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-6) We can heal after defeating 6 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-7) We can heal after defeating 7 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-8) We can heal after defeating 8 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

6) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items (except for those on the middle island).
B) Pick up only the Rawst Berry.
C) Pick up only the Oran Berries.
D) Pick up only the Pecha Berry.
E) Pick up only the Persim Berry.
F) Pick up only the Sitrus Berry.
G) Pick up only the Yellow Shards.
H) Pick up only the Green Shards.
I) Pick up only the Slumber Orb.
J) Pick up only the Spell Tag.
K) Pick up only the Fairy Feather.
L) Pick up only the Fairy Feather and Spell Tag.
M) Pick up the Green Shards and the Yellow Shards.
N) Pick up all the berries.
O) Pick up all the berries and the Slumber Orb.
P) Pick up all the berries and the Green Shards and Yellow Shards.
Q) Pick up all the berries and the Spell Tag and the Fairy Feather.
R) Pick up the Slumber Orb and the Spell Tag and the Fairy Feather.
S) Pick up the Slumber Orb and the Green Shards and Yellow Shards.
T) Pick up the Spell Tag, the Fairy Feather and the Green Shards and the Yellow Shards.

The room is split in half so the next room vote will follow in part 2 next week.



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1-1: D
1-2: A
2: A
3: A
4-1: I
4-2: I
4-3: B
4-4: B
4-5: Q
4-6: Q
4-7: Q
4-8: I
4-9: I
4-10: I
4-11: I
4-12: R
5-1: D
5-2: D
5-3: D
5-4: B
5-5: D
5-6: D
5-7: D
5-8: B
6: A
1-1) C) Yes, forget Hex. Hits about as hard with this and Trailblaze. Planned to keep Hex for the Special option. Realized Horn Leech only has 10 PP. Potentially runs out of that.

1-2) A) Yes, forget Water Gun. Easy enough.

2) A) No, keep Simipour in the lead. Does not trust Hawlucha for the Corvisquires.

3) A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.

4-1) E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Mightyena. Reasoning: Potentially has Intimidate. Misses the one-shot on Shuppet with a -1 Bite. (Kills with Surf. Will likely not pick it.) Opens Simipour up to Curse and Will-o-Wisp.

4-2) I) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. Should be good, outside of the one.

4-3) A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb. Faces too many enemies. Contains a few chokepoints that will likely have traps.

4-4) B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now.

4-5) Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. Likely not necessary. Helps to have a level advantage.

4-6) Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-7) Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-8) I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. Fails to one-shot Shuppet by a little more than 5 hitpoints at -1 Attack, so no.

4-9) I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

4-10) I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

4-11) I) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

4-12) R) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room. Wants all the experience in this room.

5-1) D) No, don't heal up. Going every other fight. Unnecessary? Probably. Might be able to take the whole room without healing (well, with Mightyena gone). Expects some damage from the Corvisquires, however. Bought oodles of Oran Berries for safety like this.

5-2) B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.

5-3) D) No, don't heal up.

5-4) B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.

5-5) D) No, don't heal up.

5-6) B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.

5-7) D) No, don't heal up.

5-8) D) No, don't heal up. Considered healing here. Should do alright, honestly. Will not take part in the next fight.

6) A) Pick up all items (except for those on the middle island). Burned a Trapbust Orb, so why not?

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 52

The voting results are as follows:

1-1) Trevenant wants to learn Horn Leech. Forget a move to learn Horn Leech?
A) Yes, forget Bulldoze.
B) Yes, forget Shadow Claw.
C) Yes, forget Hex. - 1 vote
D) Yes, forget Trailblaze. - 1 vote
E) No, don't learn Horn Leech.

Tied. The Speed boost from Trailblaze could be nice, but would be gone again when we heal up at a Hot Spring.
hmm... well Hex kinda needs a status on the opponent to be good, and Trevenant doesn't have any ways to induce them. I'll join C).

1-2) Simipour can learn Surf via TM. Teach Simipour Surf?
A) Yes, forget Water Gun. - 2 votes
B) Yes, forget Acrobatics.
C) Yes, forget Bite.
D) Yes, forget Scald.
E) No, don't teach it Surf.

2) Simipour is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Simipour in the lead. - 2 votes
B) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian.
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Trevenant.

3)How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. - 2 votes
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

4-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Mightyena. - 1 vote
F) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. - 1 vote

Tied. Seems unnecessary with a potential every other fight heal in this room tbh. I'll join I).

4-2) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use a second Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. - 2 votes

4-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.- 1 vote
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now. - 1 vote

Tied. Big room, no traps to worry about would be one less worry. Definitely joining A).

4-4) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now. - 2 votes

4-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

4-6) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

4-7) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a third Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Shuppet and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Mightyena and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Houndoom and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

4-8) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 2 votes

4-9) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use a second Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 2 votes

4-10) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use a third Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 2 votes

4-11) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 26 Corvisquire.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Shuppet.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 30 Houndoom.
D) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Shuppet.
E) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Mightyena.
F) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 27 Corvisquire.
G) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Houndoom.
H) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Corvisquire.
I) No, don't use a Totter Orb now. - 2 votes

4-12) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 26 Corvisquire.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Shuppet.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 30 Houndoom.
E) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Shuppet.
F) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Mightyena.
G) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 27 Corvisquire.
H) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Houndoom.
I) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Corvisquire.
J) Yes, use it after fighting the level 26 Corvisquire to avoid further fighting.
K) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Shuppet to avoid further fighting.
L) Yes, use it after fighting the level 30 Houndoom to avoid further fighting.
M) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Shuppet to avoid further fighting.
N) Yes, use it after fighting the level Mightyena to avoid further fighting.
O) Yes, use it after fighting the level 27 Corvisquire to avoid further fighting.
P) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Houndoom to avoid further fighting.
Q) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Corvisquire to avoid further fighting.
R) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room. - 2 votes

5-1) We can heal after defeating 1 opponent. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

5-2) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. - 1 vote
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 1 vote

Tied. I'll join the every other fight heal. Joining B)

5-3) We can heal after defeating 3 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

5-4) We can heal after defeating 4 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. - 2 votes
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-5) We can heal after defeating 5 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

5-6) We can heal after defeating 6 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. - 1 vote
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 1 vote

Tied. I'll join the every other fight heal. Joining B)

5-7) We can heal after defeating 7 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

5-8) We can heal after defeating 8 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. - 1 vote
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 1 vote

Tied. Joining B).

6) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items (except for those on the middle island). - 2 votes
B) Pick up only the Rawst Berry.
C) Pick up only the Oran Berries.
D) Pick up only the Pecha Berry.
E) Pick up only the Persim Berry.
F) Pick up only the Sitrus Berry.
G) Pick up only the Yellow Shards.
H) Pick up only the Green Shards.
I) Pick up only the Slumber Orb.
J) Pick up only the Spell Tag.
K) Pick up only the Fairy Feather.
L) Pick up only the Fairy Feather and Spell Tag.
M) Pick up the Green Shards and the Yellow Shards.
N) Pick up all the berries.
O) Pick up all the berries and the Slumber Orb.
P) Pick up all the berries and the Green Shards and Yellow Shards.
Q) Pick up all the berries and the Spell Tag and the Fairy Feather.
R) Pick up the Slumber Orb and the Spell Tag and the Fairy Feather.
S) Pick up the Slumber Orb and the Green Shards and Yellow Shards.
T) Pick up the Spell Tag, the Fairy Feather and the Green Shards and the Yellow Shards.


Trevenant forgets Hex to learn Horn Leech. We teach Simipour Surf via TM and have it forget Water Gun.
We keep Simipour in the lead and we fight any enemies offensively.
We use a Trapbust Orb. We don't use any other Orbs in this room.
We heal by eating an Oran Berry after defeating; 2 opponents, 4 opponents, 6 opponents & 8 opponents.
We pick up all items (except for those on the middle island).

The path we take is as follows:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

Used a Trapbust Orb. 19 Traps were destroyed:
-3 Grimy Traps.
-1 Trip Trap.
-4 Sticky Traps.
-2 Gust Traps.
-1 Seal Trap.
-1 PP Leech Trap.
-1 Spin Trap
-1 Slow Trap
-1 Poison Trap
-2 Mud Traps.
-2 Blast Traps.

The fights:

Those fights went a lot easier than I expected tbh. Simipour's high Speed really helps it I guess. We didn't even use the first 2 heals due to it not taking any damage at all.
Not having to deal with any traps really helped as well.

Simisear leveled up to level 33, Hawlucha leveled up to level 34, Sudowoodo leveled up to level 32, Simipour leveled up to level 34, Trevenant leveled up to level 29 & Persian leveled up to level 34.

Simisear leveled up to level 34, Sudowoodo leveled up to level 33 & Hawlucha leveled up to level 35.

Team Roundabout:

The Hideout (Recruited Pokemon not in Party):


Abra Storage (Item Storage for full inventory sections):



Dungeon Map:



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Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 52.5

The Frillish will move to attack us. The Quagsire won't attack unless we enter the water and get within 4 tiles of them.

Updated room:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

1-1) We've picked up a Fairy Feather. Have someone hold the Fairy Feather?
A) Yes, have Simipour hold it instead of it's current item.
B) Yes, have Alolan Persian hold it instead of it's current item.
C) Yes, have Simisear hold it instead of it's current item.
D) Yes, have Sudowoodo hold it instead of it's current item.
E) Yes, have Hawlucha hold it instead of it's current item.
F) Yes, have Trevenant hold it instead of it's current item.
G) No, don't have anyone hold the Fairy Feather.

1-2) We've picked up a Spell Tag. Have someone hold the Spell Tag?
A) Yes, have Simipour hold it instead of it's current item.
B) Yes, have Alolan Persian hold it instead of it's current item.
C) Yes, have Simisear hold it instead of it's current item.
D) Yes, have Sudowoodo hold it instead of it's current item.
E) Yes, have Hawlucha hold it instead of it's current item.
F) Yes, have Trevenant hold it instead of it's current item.
G) No, don't have anyone hold the Fairy Feather.

2) Sudowoodo wants to learn Rock Slide. Forget a move to learn Rock Slide?
A) Yes, forget Dig.
B) Yes, forget Drain Punch.
C) Yes, forget Rock Tomb.
D) Yes, forget Sucker Punch.
E) No, don't learn Rock Slide.

Part 2 of the room, so Simipour is currently in the lead. Was debating whether or not to omit the lead switch & fighting style votes and just have Simipour deal with the rest since the previous 2 large rooms weren't cut in half either...
Probably just results in returning here later to potentially clear the remaining enemies with Trevenant...
Probably won't be able to handle any future large rooms in 1 weekend either. Might be better to just cut them all in half or make this the last large room... *shrugs*

3) Simipour is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for the second part of this room?
A) No, keep Simipour in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian.
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Trevenant.

4-1)How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

4-2) The Quagsire won't attack unless we enter the water and get within 4 tiles of them. Do we fight the Quagsire?
A) Yes, fight all the Quagsire.
B) Fight only the level 27 Quagsire.
C) Fight only the level 29 Quagsire.
D) Fight only the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Fight only the level 30 Quagsire.
F) Fight the level 27 & level 29 Quagsire.
G) Fight the level 27 & level 28 Quagsire.
H) Fight the level 27 & level 30 Quagsire.
I) Fight the level 29 & level 28 Quagsire.
J) Fight the level 29 & level 30 Quagsire.
K) Fight the level 28 & level 30 Quagsire.
L) Fight the level 27, level 29 & level 28 Quagsire.
M) Fight the level 27, level 29 & level 30 Quagsire.
N) Fight the level 27, level 28 & level 30 Quagsire.
O) No, avoid fighting any Quagsire.

5-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

5-2) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use a second Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

5-3) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a third Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

5-7) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use a second Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

5-8) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use a third Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

Note: Lob Orbs can't stack on the same enemy, so if all three are used on the same enemy for example, only the first will be used and the other two will be ignored.

5-9) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

5-10) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 27 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Quagsire.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Frillish.
E) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Quagsire.
F) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 30 Quagsire
G) Yes, use it after fighting the level 27 Quagsire to avoid further fighting.
H) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Quagsire to avoid further fighting.
I) Yes, use it after fighting the Frillish to avoid further fighting.
J) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Quagsire to avoid further fighting.
K) Yes, use it after fighting the level 30 Quagsire to avoid further fighting.
L) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

We've met the requirement for Diggersby wanting to punch open the chamber wall for us. The Frillish is the only aggressive hostile Pokemon left that would potentially follow us in later if we were to put it to sleep now to avoid fighting it.

6-1) We can heal after defeating 1 opponent. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

6-2) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

6-3) We can heal after defeating 3 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

6-4) We can heal after defeating 4 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

6-5) We can heal after defeating 5 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

Probably don't need a heal after every fight, but offered it in part 1 of the room so offering it again basically.

7-1) Do we talk to the Clodsire and accept it's quest? This quest is about retrieving an item called the 'Poison Globe' for Clodsire.
A) Yes, talk to Clodsire and accept it's quest.
B) Talk to Clodsire and refuse it's quest.
C) Don't talk to Clodsire and leave the quest for later.

7-2) Clodsire is one of the Pokemon that Machoke needs to deliver to. Do we go make Machoke's delivery to Clodsire?
A) Yes, go make Machoke's Delivery to the Clodsire.
B) No, don't do Machoke's Delivery to the Clodsire now.

7-3) We can talk to the Abra to unlock it as a teleport point. Do we talk to the Abra?
A) Yes, talk to the Abra.
B) No, don't talk to the Abra now.

8) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items.
B) Pick up only the Silk Scarf.
C) Pick up only the Red Shard.

9) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's Western entry.
B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry.
C) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
E) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
I) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
J) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
L) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
M) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
N) Go to room 7 from the Western entrance.
O) Go to room 7 from the Northern entrance.
P) Go to room 9 from the Western entrance.
Q) Go to room 9 from the Southern entrance.
R) Go to room 11 from the Northern entrance.
S) Go to room 11 from the Eastern entrance.
T) Go to room 11 from the Southern entrance.
U) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward.
V) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
W) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.



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Last edited:
1-1: G
1-2: G
2: C
3: A
4-1: A
4-2: O
5-1: F
5-2: F
5-3: K
5-4: K
5-5: K
5-6: F
5-7: F
5-8: F
5-9: F
5-10: L
6-1: D
6-2: D
6-3: D
6-4: D
6-5: B
7-1: A
7-2: A
7-3: A
8: A
9: U
Avoided...5 traps by picking Trapbust over See-Trap. Pretty worth it.

Does not mind the large rooms being cut in half, also. Resulted in a lot of fights as-is.

1-1) G) No, don't have anyone hold the Fairy Feather. No Fairy moves on the team.

1-2) G) No, don't have anyone hold the Fairy Feather Spell Tag. Prefers the Miracle Seed on Trevenent, especially now.

2) D) Yes, forget Sucker Punch. Considers this a good move when you know what the other Pokemon will do. Does not really apply here.

3) F) Yes, switch to Trevenant. Actually outspeeds these things.

4-1) A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.

4-2) A) Yes, fight all the Quagsire.

5-1) F) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

5-2) F) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

5-3) K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-4) K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-5) K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-6) F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

5-7) F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

5-8) F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

5-9) F) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

5-10) L) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

6-1) D) No, don't heal up.

6-2) D) No, don't heal up.

6-3) B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. Juuuust in case. Should be fine via Horn Leech healing. Could get disabled by Frillish temporarily, or something.

6-4) D) No, don't heal up.

6-5) D) No, don't heal up.

7-1) A) Yes, talk to Clodsire and accept it's quest.

7-2) A) Yes, go make Machoke's Delivery to the Clodsire.

7-3) A) Yes, talk to the Abra.

8) A) Pick up all items.

9) N) Go to room 7 from the Western entrance. Finished Machoke's quest, by the looks of it. Clean up time.
1: G
1-2: G
2: E
3: F
4-1: B
5-1: C
5-2: F
5-3: K
5-4: K
5-5: K
5-7: F
5-8: F
5-9: F
5-10: L
6-1: D
6-2: A
6-3: D
6-4: D
6-5: B
7-1: A
7-2: A
7-3: A
8: A
9: N

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 52.5

The voting results are as follows:

1-1) We've picked up a Fairy Feather. Have someone hold the Fairy Feather?
A) Yes, have Simipour hold it instead of it's current item.
B) Yes, have Alolan Persian hold it instead of it's current item.
C) Yes, have Simisear hold it instead of it's current item.
D) Yes, have Sudowoodo hold it instead of it's current item.
E) Yes, have Hawlucha hold it instead of it's current item.
F) Yes, have Trevenant hold it instead of it's current item.
G) No, don't have anyone hold the Fairy Feather. - 3 votes

1-2) We've picked up a Spell Tag. Have someone hold the Spell Tag?
A) Yes, have Simipour hold it instead of it's current item.
B) Yes, have Alolan Persian hold it instead of it's current item.
C) Yes, have Simisear hold it instead of it's current item.
D) Yes, have Sudowoodo hold it instead of it's current item.
E) Yes, have Hawlucha hold it instead of it's current item.
F) Yes, have Trevenant hold it instead of it's current item.
G) No, don't have anyone hold the Spell Tag. - 3 votes

2) Sudowoodo wants to learn Rock Slide. Forget a move to learn Rock Slide?
A) Yes, forget Dig.
B) Yes, forget Drain Punch.
C) Yes, forget Rock Tomb. - 1 vote
D) Yes, forget Sucker Punch. - 1 vote
E) No, don't learn Rock Slide. - 1 vote

Tied. Sucker Punch could be useful coverage for the time being. Though I do think it's PP is too low and is a bit too reliant on the opponent to keep long term.
For now I'll join C)

3) Simipour is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for the second part of this room?
A) No, keep Simipour in the lead. - 1 vote
B) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian.
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Trevenant. - 2 votes

4-1)How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. - 2 votes
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average. - 1 vote
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

4-2) The Quagsire won't attack unless we enter the water and get within 4 tiles of them. Do we fight the Quagsire?
A) Yes, fight all the Quagsire. - 1 vote
B) Fight only the level 27 Quagsire.
C) Fight only the level 29 Quagsire.
D) Fight only the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Fight only the level 30 Quagsire.
F) Fight the level 27 & level 29 Quagsire.
G) Fight the level 27 & level 28 Quagsire.
H) Fight the level 27 & level 30 Quagsire.
I) Fight the level 29 & level 28 Quagsire.
J) Fight the level 29 & level 30 Quagsire.
K) Fight the level 28 & level 30 Quagsire.
L) Fight the level 27, level 29 & level 28 Quagsire.
M) Fight the level 27, level 29 & level 30 Quagsire.
N) Fight the level 27, level 28 & level 30 Quagsire.
O) No, avoid fighting any Quagsire. - 1 vote

Tied. Should be good Exp. for getting Trevenant above the level cap of the current area. I'll join A)

5-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Frillish. - 1 vote
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. - 2 votes

5-2) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use a second Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. - 3 votes

5-3) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 3 votes

5-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 3 votes

5-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a third Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Frillish and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Quagsire and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 3 votes

5-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 2 votes

5-7) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use a second Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 3 votes

5-8) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use a third Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 3 votes

5-9) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 27 Quagsire.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Frillish.
D) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Quagsire.
E) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 30 Quagsire.
F) No, don't use a Totter Orb now. - 3 votes

5-10) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 27 Quagsire.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Quagsire.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Frillish.
E) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Quagsire.
F) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 30 Quagsire
G) Yes, use it after fighting the level 27 Quagsire to avoid further fighting.
H) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Quagsire to avoid further fighting.
I) Yes, use it after fighting the Frillish to avoid further fighting.
J) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Quagsire to avoid further fighting.
K) Yes, use it after fighting the level 30 Quagsire to avoid further fighting.
L) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room. - 3 votes

6-1) We can heal after defeating 1 opponent. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 3 votes

6-2) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions. - 1 vote
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

6-3) We can heal after defeating 3 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. - 1 vote
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

6-4) We can heal after defeating 4 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 3 votes

6-5) We can heal after defeating 5 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. - 2 votes
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 1 vote

7-1) Do we talk to the Clodsire and accept it's quest? This quest is about retrieving an item called the 'Poison Globe' for Clodsire.
A) Yes, talk to Clodsire and accept it's quest. - 3 votes
B) Talk to Clodsire and refuse it's quest.
C) Don't talk to Clodsire and leave the quest for later.

7-2) Clodsire is one of the Pokemon that Machoke needs to deliver to. Do we go make Machoke's delivery to Clodsire?
A) Yes, go make Machoke's Delivery to the Clodsire. - 3 votes
B) No, don't do Machoke's Delivery to the Clodsire now.

7-3) We can talk to the Abra to unlock it as a teleport point. Do we talk to the Abra?
A) Yes, talk to the Abra. - 3 votes
B) No, don't talk to the Abra now.

8) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items. - 3 votes
B) Pick up only the Silk Scarf.
C) Pick up only the Red Shard.

9) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's Western entry.
B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry.
C) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
E) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
I) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
J) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
L) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
M) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
N) Go to room 7 from the Western entrance. - 2 votes
O) Go to room 7 from the Northern entrance.
P) Go to room 9 from the Western entrance.
Q) Go to room 9 from the Southern entrance.
R) Go to room 11 from the Northern entrance.
S) Go to room 11 from the Eastern entrance.
T) Go to room 11 from the Southern entrance.
U) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward. - 1 vote
V) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
W) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.


We don't have anyone hold the Fairy Feather or the Spell Tag. We have Sudowoodo forget Rock Tomb to to learn Rock Slide.
We switch the lead to Trevenant and fight any enemies offensively. We fight all the Quagsire. We don't use any Orbs in this room.
We only eat an Oran Berry to heal after defeating 5 opponents.
We talk to Clodsire and accept it's quest. We also go make Machoke's Delivery to the Clodsire. We talk to the Abra.
We pick up all items and go to room 7 from the Western entrance.

The path we take is as follows:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

The fights:

Trevenant leveled up to level 30, Simipour leveled up to level 35 & Persian leveled up to level 35!

The delivery dialogue with Clodsire:

The quest dialogue with Clodsire:

The dialogue with Abra:

Team Roundabout:

The Hideout (Recruited Pokemon not in Party):


Abra Storage (Item Storage for full inventory sections):



Dungeon Map:



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Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 53

The Gastly & Haunter will move to attack us. The Baltoy will attack if we get within 4 tiles of them.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

1) We've picked up a Silk Scarf. Have someone hold the Silk Scarf?
A) Yes, have Trevenant hold it instead of it's current item.
B) Yes, have Alolan Persian hold it instead of it's current item.
C) Yes, have Simisear hold it instead of it's current item.
D) Yes, have Sudowoodo hold it instead of it's current item.
E) Yes, have Hawlucha hold it instead of it's current item.
F) Yes, have Simipour hold it instead of it's current item.
G) No, don't have anyone hold the Silk Scarf.

2) Trevenant is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Trevenant in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian.
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Simipour.

3-1)How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

3-2) The Baltoy will attack when we get within 4 tiles of them. Do we fight the Baltoy or try to avoid them?
A) Fight all the Baltoy.
B) Fight only the level 28 Baltoy.
C) Fight the level 28 Baltoy, the level 25 and level 24 Baltoy.
D) Fight the level 28 Baltoy, the level 25, the level 24 Baltoy & the level 27 Baltoy.
E) Try to avoid fighting any Baltoy.

4-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 25 Gastly.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 24 Gastly.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Haunter
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Haunter.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Gastly.
F) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Baltoy.
G) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 25 Baltoy.
H) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 24 Baltoy.
I) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Baltoy.
J) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Baltoy.
K) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

4-2) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now.

4-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now.

4-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Haunter and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Haunter and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Haunter and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Haunter and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
R) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
S) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
T) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
U) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Haunter and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Haunter and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Haunter and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Haunter and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
R) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
S) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
T) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
U) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 25 Gastly.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 24 Gastly.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Haunter
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Haunter.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Gastly.
F) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Baltoy.
G) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 25 Baltoy.
H) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 24 Baltoy.
I) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Baltoy.
J) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Baltoy.
K) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

4-7) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 25 Gastly.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 24 Gastly.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Haunter
D) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Haunter.
E) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 26 Gastly.
F) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Baltoy.
G) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 25 Baltoy.
H) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 24 Baltoy.
I) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 27 Baltoy.
J) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 26 Baltoy.
K) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

4-8) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 25 Gastly.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 24 Gastly.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Haunter.
E) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Haunter.
F) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 26 Gastly.
G) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Baltoy
H) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 25 Baltoy.
I) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 24 Baltoy.
J) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 27 Baltoy.
K) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 26 Baltoy.
L) Yes, use it after fighting the level 25 Gastly to avoid further fighting.
M) Yes, use it after fighting the level 24 Gastly to avoid further fighting.
N) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Haunter to avoid further fighting.
O) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Haunter to avoid further fighting.
P) Yes, use it after fighting the level 26 Gastly to avoid further fighting.
Q) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
R) Yes, use it after fighting the level 25 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
S) Yes, use it after fighting the level 24 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
T) Yes, use it after fighting the level 27 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
U) Yes, use it after fighting the level 26 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
V) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

5-1) We can heal after defeating 3 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-2) We can heal after defeating 6 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

5-3) We can heal after defeating 9 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

6) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items.
B) Pick up only the items that don't result in fighting any of the Baltoy.
C) Pick up only the Oran & Rawst Berries.
D) Pick up only the Yellow Shards.
E) Pick up only the Green Shards.
F) Pick up only the Protein & Calcium.
G) Pick up only the TM040: Alluring Voice.
H) Pick up only the Totter Orb.
I) Pick up the Totter Orb and the berries.
J) Pick up the Totter Orb and the Yellow Shards.
K) Pick up the Totter Orb and the Green Shards.
L) Pick up the Totter Orb and the Vitamins.
M) Pick up the Totter Orb and the TM040: Alluring Voice.
N) Pick up the berries and the Yellow Shards.
O) Pick up the berries and the Green Shards.
P) Pick up the berries and the Vitamins.
Q) Pick up the berries and the TM040: Alluring Voice.
R) Pick up the Yellow Shards and the Green Shards.
S) Pick up the Yellow Shards and the Vitamins.
T) Pick up the Yellow Shards and the TM040: Alluring Voice.
U) Pick up the Green Shards and the Vitamins.
V) Pick up the Green Shards and the the TM040: Alluring Voice.
W) Pick up the Vitamins and the the TM040: Alluring Voice.
X) Pick up the Vitamins, the TM040: Alluring Voice and the Totter Orb.
Y) Pick up the Vitamins, the TM040: Alluring Voice and the Green Shards.
Z) Pick up the Vitamins, the TM040: Alluring Voice and the Yellow Shards.

7) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's Western entry.
B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry.
C) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
E) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
I) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
J) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
L) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
M) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
N) Go to room 9 from the Western entrance.
O) Go to room 9 from the Southern entrance.
P) Go to room 11 from the Northern entrance.
Q) Go to room 11 from the Eastern entrance.
R) Go to room 11 from the Southern entrance.
S) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward.
T) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
U) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.



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1) G) No, don't have anyone hold the Silk Scarf. Not really running Normal moves.

2) B) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian. Should be no problem for it.

3-1) A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.

3-2) A) Fight all the Baltoy. Almost wants to save them to let other Pokemon get some experience. Eh. Considers that too bothersome.

4-1) K) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

4-2) B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now. No point with Alolan Persian in the lead.

4-3) B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now.

4-4) U) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-5) U) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-6) K) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

4-7) K) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

4-8) V) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

5-1) D) No, don't heal up. Foresees no issues.

5-2) D) No, don't heal up.

5-3) D) No, don't heal up.

6) A) Pick up all items. Oh, the new Alluring Voice TM. Interesting.

7) Q) Go to room 11 from the Eastern entrance. Will head to the Construction Company and room 6 eventually.

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 53

The voting results are as follows:

1) We've picked up a Silk Scarf. Have someone hold the Silk Scarf?
A) Yes, have Trevenant hold it instead of it's current item.
B) Yes, have Alolan Persian hold it instead of it's current item.
C) Yes, have Simisear hold it instead of it's current item.
D) Yes, have Sudowoodo hold it instead of it's current item.
E) Yes, have Hawlucha hold it instead of it's current item.
F) Yes, have Simipour hold it instead of it's current item.
G) No, don't have anyone hold the Silk Scarf. - 2 votes

2) Trevenant is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Trevenant in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian. - 2 votes
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Simipour.

3-1)How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. - 2 votes
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

3-2) The Baltoy will attack when we get within 4 tiles of them. Do we fight the Baltoy or try to avoid them?
A) Fight all the Baltoy. - 1 vote
B) Fight only the level 28 Baltoy.
C) Fight the level 28 Baltoy, the level 25 and level 24 Baltoy.
D) Fight the level 28 Baltoy, the level 25, the level 24 Baltoy & the level 27 Baltoy.
E) Try to avoid fighting any Baltoy. - 1 vote

Tied. Was wondering if the Baltoy would still be worthwhile Exp. but I kinda want to have that Alluring Voice TM handy for when we can use it and it seems like we'll need to go fight all the Baltoy to make that happen, due to the tied options for this and the item vote.
Joining A)

4-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 25 Gastly.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 24 Gastly.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Haunter
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Haunter.
E) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Gastly.
F) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 28 Baltoy.
G) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 25 Baltoy.
H) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 24 Baltoy.
I) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 27 Baltoy.
J) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 26 Baltoy.
K) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. - 2 votes

4-2) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb. - 1 votes
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now. - 1 vote

Tied. Who's our lead... Alolan Persian from the looks. No point in using it then. I'll join B)

4-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now. - 2 votes

4-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Haunter and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Haunter and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Haunter and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Haunter and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
R) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
S) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
T) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
U) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

4-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Haunter and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Haunter and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Haunter and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Haunter and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Gastly and avoid fighting it.
J) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Gastly and start a fight with it being asleep.
K) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
L) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 28 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
M) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
N) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 25 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
O) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
P) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 24 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
Q) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
R) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 27 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
S) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Baltoy and avoid fighting it.
T) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 26 Baltoy and start a fight with it being asleep.
U) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

4-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 25 Gastly.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 24 Gastly.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Haunter
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Haunter.
E) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Gastly.
F) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 28 Baltoy.
G) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 25 Baltoy.
H) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 24 Baltoy.
I) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 27 Baltoy.
J) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 26 Baltoy.
K) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 2 votes

4-7) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 25 Gastly.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 24 Gastly.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Haunter
D) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Haunter.
E) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 26 Gastly.
F) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 28 Baltoy.
G) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 25 Baltoy.
H) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 24 Baltoy.
I) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 27 Baltoy.
J) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 26 Baltoy.
K) No, don't use a Totter Orb now. - 2 votes

4-8) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 25 Gastly.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 24 Gastly.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Haunter.
E) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Haunter.
F) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 26 Gastly.
G) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 28 Baltoy
H) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 25 Baltoy.
I) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 24 Baltoy.
J) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 27 Baltoy.
K) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 26 Baltoy.
L) Yes, use it after fighting the level 25 Gastly to avoid further fighting.
M) Yes, use it after fighting the level 24 Gastly to avoid further fighting.
N) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Haunter to avoid further fighting.
O) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Haunter to avoid further fighting.
P) Yes, use it after fighting the level 26 Gastly to avoid further fighting.
Q) Yes, use it after fighting the level 28 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
R) Yes, use it after fighting the level 25 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
S) Yes, use it after fighting the level 24 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
T) Yes, use it after fighting the level 27 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
U) Yes, use it after fighting the level 26 Baltoy to avoid further fighting.
V) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room. - 2 votes

5-1) We can heal after defeating 3 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

5-2) We can heal after defeating 6 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. - 1 vote
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 1 vote

Tied. Well once we're past the Haunter the Baltoy should be easy. Then again if we end up not needing the heal they won't be used anyway. I'll just join B) here for both.

5-3) We can heal after defeating 9 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP. - 1 vote
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 1 vote

Tied. Joining B)

6) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items. - 1 vote
B) Pick up only the items that don't result in fighting any of the Baltoy. - 1 vote
C) Pick up only the Oran & Rawst Berries.
D) Pick up only the Yellow Shards.
E) Pick up only the Green Shards.
F) Pick up only the Protein & Calcium.
G) Pick up only the TM040: Alluring Voice.
H) Pick up only the Totter Orb.
I) Pick up the Totter Orb and the berries.
J) Pick up the Totter Orb and the Yellow Shards.
K) Pick up the Totter Orb and the Green Shards.
L) Pick up the Totter Orb and the Vitamins.
M) Pick up the Totter Orb and the TM040: Alluring Voice.
N) Pick up the berries and the Yellow Shards.
O) Pick up the berries and the Green Shards.
P) Pick up the berries and the Vitamins.
Q) Pick up the berries and the TM040: Alluring Voice.
R) Pick up the Yellow Shards and the Green Shards.
S) Pick up the Yellow Shards and the Vitamins.
T) Pick up the Yellow Shards and the TM040: Alluring Voice.
U) Pick up the Green Shards and the Vitamins.
V) Pick up the Green Shards and the the TM040: Alluring Voice.
W) Pick up the Vitamins and the the TM040: Alluring Voice.
X) Pick up the Vitamins, the TM040: Alluring Voice and the Totter Orb.
Y) Pick up the Vitamins, the TM040: Alluring Voice and the Green Shards.
Z) Pick up the Vitamins, the TM040: Alluring Voice and the Yellow Shards.

Tied. hmm... no immediate use for the Alluring Voice TM, but it's a nice move for Milcery, once it has evolved into Alcremie. Would kinda prefer to grab the TM now instead of potentially having to come back for it later. Which means I'll have to join A) which I guess means we're fighting the Baltoy then.

7) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's Western entry.
B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry.
C) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
E) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
I) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
J) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
L) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
M) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
N) Go to room 9 from the Western entrance.
O) Go to room 9 from the Southern entrance.
P) Go to room 11 from the Northern entrance.
Q) Go to room 11 from the Eastern entrance. - 2 votes
R) Go to room 11 from the Southern entrance.
S) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward.
T) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
U) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.


We don't have anyone hold the Silk Scarf. We switch our lead to Alolan Persian.
We fight any enemies in this room offensively and we fight all the Baltoy. We don't use any Orbs in this room.
We don't heal after defeating 3 opponents, but we do heal by eating an Oran Berry after defeating 6 opponents and after defeating 9 opponents.
We pick up all items and go to room 11 from the Eastern entrance.

The path we take is as follows:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

The fights:

Trevenant leveled up to level 31, Simisear leveled up to level 35, Sudowoodo leveled up to level 34, Hawlucha leveled up to level 36 & Simipour leveled up to level 36!

Team Roundabout:

The Hideout (Recruited Pokemon not in Party):


Abra Storage (Item Storage for full inventory sections):



Dungeon Map:

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 54

We've arrived at the room that was marked as 11 on the map, from the Eastern entrance. The Cutiefly & Ribombee will come attack us.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

1-1) We have a Protein. Do we use the Protein?
A) Yes, use it on Alolan Persian.
B) Yes, use it on Trevenant.
C) Yes, use it on Simisear.
D) Yes, use it on Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, use it on Hawlucha.
F) Yes, use it on Simipour.
G) No, don't use it now.

1-2) We have a Calcium. Do we use the Calcium?
A) Yes, use it on Alolan Persian.
B) Yes, use it on Trevenant.
C) Yes, use it on Simisear.
D) Yes, use it on Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, use it on Hawlucha.
F) Yes, use it on Simipour.
G) No, don't use it now.

2) Hawlucha wants to learn Roost. Forget a move to learn Roost?
A) Yes, forget Aerial Ace.
B) Yes, forget Acrobatics.
C) Yes, forget Drain Punch.
D) Yes, forget Brick Break.
E) No, don't learn Roost.

3) Alolan Persian is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Alolan Persian in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Trevenant.
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Simipour.

4)How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

5-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Cutiefly.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Ribombee.
C) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

5-2) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now.

5-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now.

5-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Cutiefly and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Cutiefly and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Ribombee and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Ribombee and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Cutiefly and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Cutiefly and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Ribombee and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Ribombee and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Cutiefly.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Ribombee.
C) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

5-7) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Cutiefly.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Ribombee.
C) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

5-8) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Cutiefly.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Ribombee.
D) Yes, use it after fighting the Cutiefly to avoid further fighting.
E) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

6) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

7) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items.
B) Pick up only the Oran Berry.
C) Pick up only the Leppy Berry.
D) Pick up only the Yellow Shard.
E) Pick up only the Red Shard.
F) Pick up only the Carbos.
G) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Yellow Shard.
H) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Red Shard.
I) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Carbos.
J) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Leppa Berry.
K) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Red Shard.
L) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Carbos.
M) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Leppa Berry.
N) Pick up the Red Shard and the Carbos.
O) Pick up the Red Shard and the Leppa Berry.
P) Pick up the Carbos and the Leppa Berry.
Q) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and Red Shard.
R) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and Carbos.
S) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and the Leppa Berry.
T) Pick up the Oran Berry, Red Shard and Carbos.
U) Pick up the Oran Berry, Red Shard and the Leppa Berry.
V) Pick up the Oran Berry, Carbos and the Leppa Berry.
W) Pick up the Yellow Shard, Red Shard and Carbos.
X) Pick up the Yellow Shard, Red Shard and the Leppa Berry.
Y) Pick up the Red Shard, Carbos and the Leppa Berry.
Z) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and Red Shard and the Leppa Berry.

8) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's Western entry.
B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry.
C) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
E) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
I) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
J) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
L) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
M) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
N) Go to room 9 from the Western entrance.
O) Go to room 9 from the Southern entrance.
P) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward.
Q) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
R) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.

9-1) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go heal at the Hot Spring. Should we heal?
A) Yes, go heal at the Hot Spring.
B) No, don't heal at the Hot Spring.

9-2) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Alolan Persian?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Alolan Persian.

9-3) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Trevenant?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Trevenant.

9-4) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Simisear?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Simisear.

9-5) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Sudowoodo?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Sudowoodo.

9-6) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Hawlucha?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Hawlucha.

9-7) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Simipour?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Simipour.

Instead of typing out every TM and 'other item' we can store or retrieve and creating a big amount of votes, I'm gonna try with nominations. I think this might result in less votes so I want to try it out =3

Take a look at the inventory image and see if there's anything you want to store at Abra Storage in either the TM's or the Other items pocket. Then look at Abra Storage and see if there's anything you want to retrieve. Anything that gets nominated will be voted on next week. If we still have space in our inventory we don't necessarily need to deposit something to retrieve an item.

10-1) From our TM's pocket in our inventory, are there any TM's we want to deposit? Nominate as many or as few as you want.

10-2) From the TM's in Abra Storage, are there any TM's we want to retrieve? Nominate as many or as few as you want.

11-1) From our Other Items pocket in our inventory, are there any items we want to deposit? Nominate as many or as few as you want.

11-2) From the items in Abra Storage, are there any items we want to retrieve? Nominate as many or as few as you want.

Note: You can just answer with 'no' or 'none' if there's nothing you want to store or retrieve.

Seems I can attach more than 10 images again =O


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Last edited:
1-1: G
1-2: G
2: E
3: C
4: A
5-1: C
5-2: B
5-3: B
5-4: E
5-5: E
5-6: C
5-7: C
5-8: E
6: D
7: A
8: O
9-1: A
9-2: I
9-3: I
9-4: I
9-5: I
9-6: I
9-7: I
10-1: Body Slam
10-2: No
11-1: Silk Scarf
11-2: No
1-1) B) Yes, use it on Trevenant. For better Horn Leeches.

1-2) F) Yes, use it on Simipour. Shrugs.

2) E) No, don't learn Roost. Not terrible, but no.

3) C) Yes, switch to Simisear. Good for Bug and Fairy.

4) A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.

5-1) C) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

5-2) B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now.

5-3) B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now.

5-4) E) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-5) E) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

5-6) C) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

5-7) C) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

5-8) E) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

6) D) No, don't heal up. Probably unnecessary.

7) A) Pick up all items. Heals at the end of this, so sure. Would have done the shards and Oran Berry otherwise.

8) P) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward.

9-1) A) Yes, go heal at the Hot Spring.

9-2) I) No, don't swap out Alolan Persian.

9-3) I) No, don't swap out Trevenant.

9-4) I) No, don't swap out Simisear.

9-5) I) No, don't swap out Sudowoodo.

9-6) G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o. Reasoning: Hit the level cap for enemies in this area. Means softer enemies for a brief period. Seems wise to bump up the bench as a back-up. Swaps out one of the highest leveled Pokemon. Kind of hates to bring in most of the others, due to evolutions or not having a good place. Considers Jangmo-o good...eventually. Could use a Dragon type. Also comes right before a big quest cash-in (in theory). Catches up in level quicker to become Hakamo-o sooner and maybe be able to contribute. Admittedly prefers Aron here, as a Steel-type and future Mega. Has not hatched yet, however.

9-7) I) No, don't swap out Simipour.

10-1) Thunderbolt, Alluring Voice. (Good TMs, just not useful now.)

10-2) None

11-1) Fairy Feather, Spell Tag, Silk Scarf

11-2) None

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 54

The voting results are as follows:

1-1) We have a Protein. Do we use the Protein?
A) Yes, use it on Alolan Persian.
B) Yes, use it on Trevenant. - 1 vote
C) Yes, use it on Simisear.
D) Yes, use it on Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, use it on Hawlucha.
F) Yes, use it on Simipour.
G) No, don't use it now. - 1 vote

Tied. Joining B).

1-2) We have a Calcium. Do we use the Calcium?
A) Yes, use it on Alolan Persian.
B) Yes, use it on Trevenant.
C) Yes, use it on Simisear.
D) Yes, use it on Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, use it on Hawlucha.
F) Yes, use it on Simipour. - 1 vote
G) No, don't use it now. - 1 vote

Tied. Joining F).

2) Hawlucha wants to learn Roost. Forget a move to learn Roost?
A) Yes, forget Aerial Ace.
B) Yes, forget Acrobatics.
C) Yes, forget Drain Punch.
D) Yes, forget Brick Break.
E) No, don't learn Roost. - 2 votes

3) Alolan Persian is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Alolan Persian in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Trevenant.
C) Yes, switch to Simisear. - 2 votes
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Simipour.

4) How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. - 2 votes
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

5-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Cutiefly.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Ribombee.
C) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. - 2 votes

5-2) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now. - 2 votes

5-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now. - 2 votes

5-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Cutiefly and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Cutiefly and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Ribombee and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Ribombee and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

5-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Cutiefly and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Cutiefly and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Ribombee and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Ribombee and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

5-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Cutiefly.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Ribombee.
C) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 2 votes

5-7) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Cutiefly.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Ribombee.
C) No, don't use a Totter Orb now. - 2 votes

5-8) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Cutiefly.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Ribombee.
D) Yes, use it after fighting the Cutiefly to avoid further fighting.
E) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room. - 2 votes

6) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

7) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items. - 2 votes
B) Pick up only the Oran Berry.
C) Pick up only the Leppy Berry.
D) Pick up only the Yellow Shard.
E) Pick up only the Red Shard.
F) Pick up only the Carbos.
G) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Yellow Shard.
H) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Red Shard.
I) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Carbos.
J) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Leppa Berry.
K) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Red Shard.
L) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Carbos.
M) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Leppa Berry.
N) Pick up the Red Shard and the Carbos.
O) Pick up the Red Shard and the Leppa Berry.
P) Pick up the Carbos and the Leppa Berry.
Q) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and Red Shard.
R) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and Carbos.
S) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and the Leppa Berry.
T) Pick up the Oran Berry, Red Shard and Carbos.
U) Pick up the Oran Berry, Red Shard and the Leppa Berry.
V) Pick up the Oran Berry, Carbos and the Leppa Berry.
W) Pick up the Yellow Shard, Red Shard and Carbos.
X) Pick up the Yellow Shard, Red Shard and the Leppa Berry.
Y) Pick up the Red Shard, Carbos and the Leppa Berry.
Z) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and Red Shard and the Leppa Berry.

8) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's Western entry.
B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry.
C) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
E) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
I) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
J) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
L) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
M) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
N) Go to room 9 from the Western entrance.
O) Go to room 9 from the Southern entrance. - 1 vote
P) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward. - 1 vote
Q) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
R) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.

Tied. I'll join O) to potentially knock out a room that still has a Rock Smash boulder.

9-1) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go heal at the Hot Spring. Should we heal?
A) Yes, go heal at the Hot Spring. - 2 votes
B) No, don't heal at the Hot Spring.

9-2) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Alolan Persian?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Alolan Persian. - 2 votes

9-3) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Trevenant?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Trevenant. - 2 votes

9-4) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Simisear?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Simisear. - 2 votes

9-5) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Sudowoodo?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Sudowoodo. - 2 votes

9-6) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Hawlucha?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o. - 1 vote
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Hawlucha. - 1 vote

Tied. Hmmm... we will temporarily lose access to anything behind a Rock Smash boulder as Jangmo-o is pure Dragon type until it evolves. There's still one in room 9 at the very least... who knows what's behind the Diggersby spots...
What level does Jangmo-o evolve again... 35, and it's 14 now. Even with the remaining quests' Exp that might not be enough to get it to evolve this act and have a Fighting type for Rock Smash boulders on the team again.
I think I'll just join I) so that we keep access to anything blocked by Rock Smash boulders. Could also accomplish that with a Steel type, but we don't have one available atm.

9-7) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can visit an Abra to swap a party member. Do we want to swap out Simipour?
A) Yes, swap in Litleo.
B) Yes, swap in Milcery.
C) Yes, swap in Tadbulb.
D) Yes, swap in Pansage.
E) Yes, swap in the Egg.
F) Yes, swap in Squawkabilly.
G) Yes, swap in Jangmo-o.
H) Yes, swap in Smoliv.
I) No, don't swap out Simipour. - 2 votes

10-1) From our TM's pocket in our inventory, are there any TM's we want to deposit? Nominate as many or as few as you want.
Nominations: Body Slam, Thunderbolt, Alluring Voice

10-2) From the TM's in Abra Storage, are there any TM's we want to retrieve? Nominate as many or as few as you want.
Nominations: None

11-1) From our Other Items pocket in our inventory, are there any items we want to deposit? Nominate as many or as few as you want.
Nominations: Fairy Feather, Spell Tag, Silk Scarf

11-2) From the items in Abra Storage, are there any items we want to retrieve? Nominate as many or as few as you want.
Nominations: None


We use the Protein on Trevenant. We use the Calcium on Simipour. Hawlucha doesn't learn Roost.
We switch the lead to Simisear and fight any enemies offensively. We don't use any Orbs in this room. We don't heal up after defeating 2 opponents.
We pick up all items and we go to room 9 from the Southern entrance next.
After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we go heal at the Hot Spring. We don't swap out any party members.

The path we take is as follows:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

Stepped on a Gust Trap. Simisear was flung into a wall and takes 5 damage.
Stepped on Poison Trap. Simisear was poisoned.

The fights:

Trevenant leveled up to level 32 & Persian leveled up to level 36.

Team Roundabout:

The Hideout (Recruited Pokemon not in Party):


Abra Storage (Item Storage for full inventory sections):



Dungeon Map:

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 55

Stepped on a Seal Trap on the way to this room. Simisear's Acrobatics was sealed and can't be used until we visit a Hot Spring.

We've arrived at the room that was marked as room 9 on the map, from the Southern entrance.
The Aipom & Hatenna will come attack us.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

1) We have a Carbos. Do we use the Carbos?
A) Yes, use it on Simisear.
B) Yes, use it on Trevenant.
C) Yes, use it on Alolan Persian.
D) Yes, use it on Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, use it on Hawlucha.
F) Yes, use it on Simipour.
G) No, don't use it now.

2-1) Trevenant wants to learn Curse. Forget a move to learn Curse?
A) Yes, forget Bulldoze.
B) Yes, forget Shadow Claw.
C) Yes, forget Horn Leech.
D) Yes, forget Trailblaze.
E) No, don't learn Curse.

2-2) Persian wants to learn Screech. Forget a move to learn Screech?
A) Yes, forget Fake Out.
B) Yes, forget Power Gem.
C) Yes, forget Thunderbolt.
D) Yes, forget Bite.
E) No, don't learn Screech.

3-1) Simisear is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Simisear in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Trevenant.
C) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Simipour.

3-2) How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

4-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Aipom.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Aipom.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Hatenna.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Hatenna.
E) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

4-2) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now.

4-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now.

4-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Aipom and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Aipom and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Aipom and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Aipom and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Hatenna and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Hatenna and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Hatenna and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Hatenna and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Aipom and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Aipom and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Aipom and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Aipom and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Hatenna and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Hatenna and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Hatenna and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Hatenna and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Aipom.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Aipom.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Hatenna.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Hatenna.
E) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

4-7) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Aipom.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 30 Aipom.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 30 Hatenna.
D) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Hatenna.
E) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

4-8) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Aipom.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 30 Aipom.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 30 Hatenna.
E) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Hatenna.
F) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Aipom to avoid further fighting.
G) Yes, use it after fighting the level 30 Aipom to avoid further fighting.
H) Yes, use it after fighting the level 30 Hatenna to avoid further fighting.
I) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

5) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up.

6) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items.
B) Pick up only the Oran Berry.
C) Pick up only the Berry Juice.
D) Pick up only the Yellow Shard.
E) Pick up only the Green Shard.
F) Pick up only the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
G) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Berry Juice.
H) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Yellow Shard.
I) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Green Shard.
J) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
K) Pick up the Berry Juice and the Yellow Shard.
L) Pick up the Berry Juice and the Green Shard.
M) Pick up the Berry Juice and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab..
N) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Green Shard.
O) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
P) Pick up the Green Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
Q) Pick up the Oran Berry, Berry Juice and the Yellow Shard.
R) Pick up the Oran Berry, Berry Juice and the Green Shard.
S) Pick up the Oran Berry, Berry Juice and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
T) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and Green Shard
U) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
V) Pick up the Oran Berry, Green Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
W) Pick up the Berry Juice, Yellow Shard and Green Shard.
X) Pick up the Berry Juice, Yellow Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
Y) Pick up the Berry Juice, Green Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
Z) Pick up the Yellow Shard, Green Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.

7) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's Western entry.
B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry.
C) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
E) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
I) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
J) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
L) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
M) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
N) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward.
O) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
P) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.

8-1) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off TMs at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Body Slam TM at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Body Slam TM.
B) No, don't drop off the Body Slam TM.

8-2) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off TMs at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Thunderbolt TM at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Thunderbolt TM.
B) No, don't drop off the Thunderbolt TM.

8-3) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off TMs at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Alluring Voice TM at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Alluring Voice TM.
B) No, don't drop off the Alluring Voice TM.

9-1) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off items at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Fairy Feather at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Fairy Feather.
B) No, don't drop off the Fairy Feather.

9-2) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off items at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Spell Tag at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Spell Tag.
B) No, don't drop off the Spell Tag.

9-3) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off items at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Silk Scarf at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Silk Scarf.
B) No, don't drop off the Silk Scarf.

10-1) We can backtrack to clear out some enemies. In the room to the left of our current one is a Togedemaru we skipped fighting earlier. Do we go fight the Togedemaru? (it is level 30)
A) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Simisear in the lead.
B) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Trevenant in the lead.
C) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Alolan Persian in the lead.
D) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Sudowoodo in the lead.
E) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Hawlucha in the lead.
F) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Simipour in the lead.
G) No, don't go fight Togedemaru.

10-2) We can backtrack to clear out some enemies. In the right room north of the oasis are a Bidoof and Frillish we skipped fighting earlier. Do we go fight the Bidoof and/or Frillish? (they are currently level 28 and level 30 respectively)
A) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Simisear in the lead.
B) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Simisear in the lead.
C) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Trevenant in the lead.
D) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Trevenant in the lead.
E) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Alolan Persian in the lead.
F) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Alolan Persian in the lead.
G) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Sudowoodo in the lead.
H) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Sudowoodo in the lead.
I) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Hawlucha in the lead.
J) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Hawlucha in the lead.
K) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Simipour in the lead.
L) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Simipour in the lead.
M) No, don't fight either of them.

Frillish is on the aggressive Pokemon list so if we go to fight Bidoof in this room it will come to attack us. As such any of the options to go fight this Bidoof are basically the 'go fight both' options.

10-3) We can backtrack to clear out some enemies. In the Large water Room is a Bidoof we skipped fighting earlier. Do we go fight the Bidoof? (it is currently level 27)
A) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Simisear in the lead.
B) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Trevenant in the lead.
C) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Alolan Persian in the lead.
D) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Sudowoodo in the lead.
E) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Hawlucha in the lead.
F) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Simipour in the lead.
G) No, don't go fight Bidoof.



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1) C) Yes, use it on Alolan Persian. Pretty indifferent on this.

2-1) E) No, don't learn Curse. No thank you on lopping off your own health.

2-2) E) No, don't learn Screech. Nice for a big hitpoint boss, but not here.

3-1) B) Yes, switch to Trevenant. Solid match-ups here.

3-2) A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.

4-1) E) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

4-2) B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now. Nah.

4-3) B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now.

4-4) I) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-5) I) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-6) E) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

4-7) E) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

4-8) I) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

5) D) No, don't heal up. Cannot be touched by Aipom. Only expects trap damage here.

6) A) Pick up all items. Ooh, Poison Jab.

7) B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry. Does not feel like scrolling back to see if there are traps anywhere specific. Picks Room 1 as a simple room after all these backtrack fights.

8-1) A) Yes, go drop off the Body Slam TM.

8-2) A) Yes, go drop off the Thunderbolt TM.

8-3) A) Yes, go drop off the Alluring Voice TM.

9-1) A) Yes, go drop off the Fairy Feather. (Previously said TMs for all the item options. Stuck the correct item in.)

9-2) A) Yes, go drop off the Spell Tag

9-3) A) Yes, go drop off the Silk Scarf.

10-1) A) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Simisear in the lead. Stands a chance of one-shotting with Incinerate.

10-2) F) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Alolan Persian in the lead. Would not be opposed to fighting both with Alolan Persian either.

10-3) E) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Hawlucha in the lead. Gives a lot of Pokemon some action this update.
1: G
2-1: E
2-2: E
3-1: B
3-2: A
4-1: E
4-2: B
4-3: B
4-4: I
4-5: I
4-6: E
4-7: E
4-8: I
5: D
6: A
7: A
8-1: A
8-2: A
8-3: A
9-1: A
9-2: B
9-3: A
10-1: G
10-2: M
10-3: G

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 55

The voting results are as follows:

1) We have a Carbos. Do we use the Carbos?
A) Yes, use it on Simisear.
B) Yes, use it on Trevenant.
C) Yes, use it on Alolan Persian. - 1 vote
D) Yes, use it on Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, use it on Hawlucha.
F) Yes, use it on Simipour.
G) No, don't use it now. - 1 vote

Tied. Joining C) I guess.

2-1) Trevenant wants to learn Curse. Forget a move to learn Curse?
A) Yes, forget Bulldoze.
B) Yes, forget Shadow Claw.
C) Yes, forget Horn Leech.
D) Yes, forget Trailblaze.
E) No, don't learn Curse. - 2 votes

2-2) Persian wants to learn Screech. Forget a move to learn Screech?
A) Yes, forget Fake Out.
B) Yes, forget Power Gem.
C) Yes, forget Thunderbolt.
D) Yes, forget Bite.
E) No, don't learn Screech. - 2 votes

3-1) Simisear is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Simisear in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Trevenant. - 2 votes
C) Yes, switch to Alolan Persian.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Simipour.

3-2) How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. - 2 votes
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

4-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Aipom.
B) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Aipom.
C) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 30 Hatenna.
D) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the level 29 Hatenna.
E) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now. - 2 votes

4-2) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now. - 2 votes

4-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now. - 2 votes

4-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Aipom and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Aipom and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Aipom and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Aipom and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Hatenna and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Hatenna and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Hatenna and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Hatenna and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

4-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Aipom and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Aipom and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Aipom and avoid fighting it.
D) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Aipom and start a fight with it being asleep.
E) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Hatenna and avoid fighting it.
F) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 30 Hatenna and start a fight with it being asleep.
G) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Hatenna and avoid fighting it.
H) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the level 29 Hatenna and start a fight with it being asleep.
I) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now. - 2 votes

4-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Aipom.
B) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Aipom.
C) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 30 Hatenna.
D) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the level 29 Hatenna.
E) No, don't use a Lob Orb now. - 2 votes

4-7) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Aipom.
B) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 30 Aipom.
C) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 30 Hatenna.
D) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the level 29 Hatenna.
E) No, don't use a Totter Orb now. - 2 votes

4-8) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Aipom.
C) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 30 Aipom.
D) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 30 Hatenna.
E) Yes, use it and start a fight with the level 29 Hatenna.
F) Yes, use it after fighting the level 29 Aipom to avoid further fighting.
G) Yes, use it after fighting the level 30 Aipom to avoid further fighting.
H) Yes, use it after fighting the level 30 Hatenna to avoid further fighting.
I) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room. - 2 votes

5) We can heal after defeating 2 opponents. Should we heal?
A) Yes, drink a Berry Juice. Heals up to 50 HP and also heals any status conditions.
B) Yes, eat an Oran Berry. Heals up to 100 HP.
C) Yes, eat a Sitrus Berry. Heals up to 250 HP.
D) No, don't heal up. - 2 votes

6) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items. - 2 votes
B) Pick up only the Oran Berry.
C) Pick up only the Berry Juice.
D) Pick up only the Yellow Shard.
E) Pick up only the Green Shard.
F) Pick up only the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
G) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Berry Juice.
H) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Yellow Shard.
I) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Green Shard.
J) Pick up the Oran Berry and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
K) Pick up the Berry Juice and the Yellow Shard.
L) Pick up the Berry Juice and the Green Shard.
M) Pick up the Berry Juice and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab..
N) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Green Shard.
O) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
P) Pick up the Green Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
Q) Pick up the Oran Berry, Berry Juice and the Yellow Shard.
R) Pick up the Oran Berry, Berry Juice and the Green Shard.
S) Pick up the Oran Berry, Berry Juice and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
T) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and Green Shard
U) Pick up the Oran Berry, Yellow Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
V) Pick up the Oran Berry, Green Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
W) Pick up the Berry Juice, Yellow Shard and Green Shard.
X) Pick up the Berry Juice, Yellow Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
Y) Pick up the Berry Juice, Green Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.
Z) Pick up the Yellow Shard, Green Shard and the Blue Shards and TM002 Poison Jab.

7) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 1 from it's Western entry. - 1 vote
B) Go to room 1 from it's right Southern entry. - 1 vote
C) Go to room 1 from it's left Southern entry.
D) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
E) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
I) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
J) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
L) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
M) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
N) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward.
O) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
P) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.

Tied. Both are the same room so little difference there aside from the entry point. Joining B) would shove the Strength boulder out the way, I guess... though there's not much point in it at this point given that we have 2 other ways into the trader already. *shrugs and flips a coin*
Joining A).

8-1) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off TMs at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Body Slam TM at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Body Slam TM. - 2 votes
B) No, don't drop off the Body Slam TM.

8-2) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off TMs at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Thunderbolt TM at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Thunderbolt TM. - 2 votes
B) No, don't drop off the Thunderbolt TM.

8-3) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off TMs at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Alluring Voice TM at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Alluring Voice TM. - 2 votes
B) No, don't drop off the Alluring Voice TM.

9-1) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off items at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Fairy Feather at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Fairy Feather. - 2 votes
B) No, don't drop off the Fairy Feather.

9-2) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off items at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Spell Tag at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Spell Tag. - 1 vote
B) No, don't drop off the Spell Tag. - 1 vote

Tied. Could keep it in case we wanna swap Trevenant's item I guess. Might be decent to keep it on hand. Joining B)

9-3) After navigating the current room, but before heading to the next one, we can go drop off items at Abra Storage. Should we drop off the Silk Scarf at Abra?
A) Yes, go drop off the Silk Scarf. - 2 votes
B) No, don't drop off the Silk Scarf.

10-1) We can backtrack to clear out some enemies. In the room to the left of our current one is a Togedemaru we skipped fighting earlier. Do we go fight the Togedemaru? (it is level 30)
A) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Simisear in the lead. - 1 vote
B) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Trevenant in the lead.
C) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Alolan Persian in the lead.
D) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Sudowoodo in the lead.
E) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Hawlucha in the lead.
F) Yes, go fight the Togedemaru with Simipour in the lead.
G) No, don't go fight Togedemaru. - 1 vote

Tied. A single stage Pokemon should give decent Exp. Joining A)

10-2) We can backtrack to clear out some enemies. In the right room north of the oasis are a Bidoof and Frillish we skipped fighting earlier. Do we go fight the Bidoof and/or Frillish? (they are currently level 28 and level 30 respectively)
A) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Simisear in the lead.
B) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Simisear in the lead.
C) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Trevenant in the lead.
D) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Trevenant in the lead.
E) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Alolan Persian in the lead.
F) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Alolan Persian in the lead. - 1 vote
G) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Sudowoodo in the lead.
H) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Sudowoodo in the lead.
I) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Hawlucha in the lead.
J) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Hawlucha in the lead.
K) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Simipour in the lead.
L) Yes, go fight the Frillish with Simipour in the lead.
M) No, don't fight either of them. - 1 vote

Tied. Joining F) should make potentially dealing with just Bidoof trivial later on, so I will.

10-3) We can backtrack to clear out some enemies. In the Large water Room is a Bidoof we skipped fighting earlier. Do we go fight the Bidoof? (it is currently level 27)
A) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Simisear in the lead.
B) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Trevenant in the lead.
C) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Alolan Persian in the lead.
D) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Sudowoodo in the lead.
E) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Hawlucha in the lead. - 1 vote
F) Yes, go fight the Bidoof with Simipour in the lead.
G) No, don't go fight Bidoof. - 1 vote

Tied. Would not mind bopping the Bidoof out of here... could potentially wait a bit for it to max out at level 30 for a little more Exp... not entirely sure if that's worth it; could be a very minimal difference. I'll join G) for now.


We use the Carbos on Alolan Persian. Trevenant does not learn Curse and Persian does not learn Screech.
We switch the lead to Trevenant and fight any opposing Pokemon offensively. We don't use any Orbs in this room.
We don't heal up after defeating 2 opponents. We pick up all items and go to room 1 from it's Western entry next.

Before heading to the next room we drop off the Body Slam TM, the Thunderbolt TM & the Alluring Voice TM at Abra Storage. We also drop off the Fairy Feather and Silk Scarf. We do not drop off the Spell Tag.
Before heading to the next room we go fight the Togedemaru with Simisear in the lead and we go fight the Frillish with Alolan Persian in the lead. We don't go fight the Bidoof in the large water room.

The path we take is as follows:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

Stepped on a PP Leech Trap. Horn Leech lost all of it's PP.
Stepped on a Grimy Trap. A Sitrus Berry went bad and was tossed out.
Stepped on a Mud Trap. Trevenant's Special Defense fell 2 stages.
Stepped on a Blast Trap. Trevenant takes 24 damage.

The fights:

Simisear leveled up to level 36, Sudowoodo leveled up to level 35, Hawlucha leveled up to level 37 & Simipour leveled up to level 37.

Team Roundabout:

The Hideout (Recruited Pokemon not in Party):


Abra Storage (Item Storage for full inventory sections):



Dungeon Map:

Pokemon Dungeon Escape - Act 1 - Chapter 56

We've arrived in the room that was marked with a 1 on the map, from it's Western entry. The Lokix will come attack us.

The room to our East has 3 hostile Bug types and 2 hostile Water types.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Dungeon Escape

The Lokix in this room was originally a Nymble. I evolved it into Lokix as it's evolution level has been met and we never entered this room.
For Pokemon that we don't fight, but who's room we have already been to, I just leave them as is and don't evolve them; only upping their levels if possible.

1-1) Simipour wants to learn Brine. Forget a move to learn Brine?
A) Yes, forget Surf.
B) Yes, forget Acrobatics.
C) Yes, forget Bite.
D) Yes, forget Scald.
E) No, don't learn Brine.

1-2) Trevenant can learn Poison Jab via TM. Teach Trevenant Poison Jab?
A) Yes, forget Bulldoze.
B) Yes, forget Shadow Claw.
C) Yes, forget Horn Leech.
D) Yes, forget Trailblaze.
E) No, don't learn Poison Jab.

1-3) Hawlucha can learn Poison Jab via TM. Teach Hawlucha Poison Jab?
A) Yes, forget Aerial Ace.
B) Yes, forget Acrobatics.
C) Yes, forget Drain Punch.
D) Yes, forget Brick Break.
E) No, don't learn Poison Jab.

2) We have a Leppa Berry, which restores the PP of a single move completely. Trevenant's Horn Leech is out of PP. Eat a Leppa Berry to restore PP for Horn Leech?
A) Yes, eat a Leppa Berry to restore Horn Leech's PP.
B) Don't eat a Leppa Berry now.

3-1) Alolan Persian is in the lead. Do we want to switch our lead for this room?
A) No, keep Alolan Persian in the lead.
B) Yes, switch to Trevenant.
C) Yes, switch to Simisear.
D) Yes, switch to Sudowoodo.
E) Yes, switch to Hawlucha.
F) Yes, switch to Simipour.

3-2) How do we fight any enemies in this room?
A) Offensively; nothing but attacking moves and prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible.
B) Balanced; Uses both Attacking moves as well as non-attacking moves. Prioritizes super-effective attacks if possible. Uses attacking moves 66% of the time on average.
C) Defensively. Only attacks once every 3 turns. Uses the other two turns for non-attacking moves.

4-1) We have a Brushoff Orb, which sends an opponent somewhere else in the same act. Do we use the Brushoff Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Brushoff Orb on the Lokix.
B) No, don't use a Brushoff Orb now.

4-2) A See-Trap Orb reveals all traps in the current room and the lead Pokemon will avoid stepping on them if possible. Do we use a See-Trap Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a See-Trap Orb.
B) No, don't use a See-Trap Orb now.

4-3) The Trapbust Orb destroys all traps in the current room. Do we use the Trapbust Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use the Trapbust Orb.
B) No, don't use the Trapbust Orb now.

4-4) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Lokix and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Lokix and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-5) A Slumber Orb puts an enemy to sleep so we can pass it without fighting it or start the fight with it asleep. Do we use a second Slumber Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Lokix and avoid fighting it.
B) Yes, use a Slumber Orb on the Lokix and start a fight with it being asleep.
C) No, don't use a Slumber Orb now.

4-6) We have a Lob Orb. Do we use the Lob Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Lob Orb on the Lokix.
B) No, don't use a Lob Orb now.

4-7) We have a Totter Orb. Do we use the Totter Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use a Totter Orb on the Lokix.
B) No, don't use a Totter Orb now.

4-8) We have an Invisify Orb, which turns the party leader Invisible and lets us avoid any fights in the room it's used in. The effect ends if the party leader attacks any enemy. Do we use the Invisify Orb in this room?
A) Yes, use it and avoid all fights in the current room.
B) Yes, use it and start a fight with the Lokix.
C) No, don't use the Invisify Orb in this room.

5) What do we do with the items in this room?
A) Pick up all items.
B) Pick up only the Cheri Berry.
C) Pick up only the Rawst Berry.
D) Pick up only the Green Shard.
E) Pick up only the Yellow Shard.
F) Pick up only the Berry Juice.
G) Pick up the Cheri Berry and the Rawst Berry.
H) Pick up the Cheri Berry and the Green Shard.
I) Pick up the Cheri Berry and the Yellow Shard.
J) Pick up the Cheri Berry and the Berry Juice.
K) Pick up the Rawst Berry and the Green Shard.
L) Pick up the Rawst Berry and the Yellow Shard.
M) Pick up the Rawst Berry and the Berry Juice.
N) Pick up the Green Shard and the Yellow Shard.
O) Pick up the Green Shard and the Berry Juice.
P) Pick up the Yellow Shard and the Berry Juice.
Q) Pick up the Cheri Berry, Rawst Berry and the Green Shard.
R) Pick up the Cheri Berry, Rawst Berry and the Yellow Shard.
S) Pick up the Cheri Berry, Rawst Berry and the Berry Juice.
T) Pick up the Cheri Berry, Green Shard and Yellow Shard
U) Pick up the Cheri Berry, Green Shard and the Berry Juice.
V) Pick up the Cheri Berry, Yellow Shard and the Berry Juice.
W) Pick up the Green Shard, Yellow Shard and the Berry Juice.
X) Pick up the Green Shard, Yellow Shard and the Rawst Berry.
Y) Pick up the Cheri Berry, Rawst Berry and the Green Shard and Yellow Shard.
Z) Pick up the Rawst Berry, Green Shard and Yellow Shard and the Berry Juice.

6) Which room do we go to next?
A) Go to room 2 from it's Western entry.
B) Go to room 2 from it's Southern entry.
C) Go to room 2 from it's Eastern entry.
D) Go to room 4 from it's upper Western entry.
E) Go to room 4 from it's Northern entry.
F) Go to room 4 from it's lower Western entry.
G) Go to room 4 from it's Southern entry.
H) Go to room 4 from it's Eastern entry.
I) Go to room 6 from it's Western entry.
J) Go to room 6 from it's Eastern entry.
K) Go to room 6 from it's Southern entry.
L) Go to the construction company & the Scovillain Society afterward.
M) Go to the Move Releaner/Egg Move Tutor in the tree stump room.
N) Go to the construction company, then the Scovillain Society and then the Move Relearner/Egg Move tutor.

7-1) We can backtrack to clear out an enemy and pick up some items. In the room East of the Merchant stand is a Toedscool we skipped fighting earlier. Do we go fight the Toedscool? (it is level 30)
A) Yes, go fight the Toedscool with Alolan Persian in the lead.
B) Yes, go fight the Toedscool with Trevenant in the lead.
C) Yes, go fight the Toedscool with Simisear in the lead.
D) Yes, go fight the Toedscool with Sudowoodo in the lead.
E) Yes, go fight the Toedscool with Hawlucha in the lead.
F) Yes, go fight the Toedscool with Simipour in the lead.
G) No, don't go fight the Toedscool.

7-2) If we fight the Toedscool we can pick up the Yellow Shard and the Totter Orb it's blocking off. Do we pick up the Yellow Shard and/or Totter Orb? (this vote will be ignored if we vote to not fight the Toedscool in 7-1) above)
A) Yes, pick up both the Yellow Shard and the Totter Orb.
B) Yes, pick up the Yellow Shard.
C) Yes, pick up the Totter Orb.
D) No, don't pick up either.

8-1) We can go to the large Forest room to talk to Seviper. Do we go talk to Seviper and if so how?
A) Yes, go talk to Seviper and demand him to return the Poison globe it took. (will result in a fight)
B) Yes, go talk to Seviper and try to strike a deal with him. (will result in us having to find another item for him in exchange for the Poison Globe)
C) Yes, go talk to Seviper and use our Team Reputation to convince him to hand over the Poison Globe (requires Team Reputation of 200 or higher - which we meet)
D) No, don't go talk to Seviper.

8-2 If We go talk to Seviper, who do we put in the lead ? (will be ignored if we don't go talk to the Seviper in 8-1) above)
A) Yes, go talk to Seviper with Alolan Persian in the lead.
B) Yes, go talk to Seviper with Trevenant in the lead.
C) Yes, go talk to Seviper with Simisear in the lead.
D) Yes, go talk to Seviper with Sudowoodo in the lead.
E) Yes, go talk to Seviper with Hawlucha in the lead.
F) Yes, go talk to Seviper with Simipour in the lead.

8-3) There are also 2 Max Mushrooms and a TM021 Venoshock left in the large Forest Room that we couldn't pick up the previous times we were there due to not having a Ghost type in our party. Do we go back and pick up the Max Mushrooms and/or TM021 Venoshock?
A) Yes, pick up both of the Max Mushrooms and the TM021 Venoshock.
B) Yes, go pick up both the Max Mushrooms.
C) Yes, go pick up the TM021 Venoshock.
D) No, don't go back to pick up any of these.



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Last edited:
1-1: E
1-2: E
1-3: E
2: B
3-1: C
3-2: A
4-1: B
4-2: B
4-3: B
4-4: C
4-5: C
4-6: B
4-7: B
4-8: C
5: A
6: I
7-1: G
7-2: A
8-1: C
8-2: D
8-3: A