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FireRed hack: Pokemon Flare Red Version

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It's been a week since the last update and here's what we have:
*Added some more features in the upper floor
*Made mew and deoxys obey my err the character's will!
*Changed the intro a bit
*Added a way to have evolutionary stones early on
*Removed D/N cause it's buggy in my hack.. O.o
*Finished the final scenario of the Mt. Moon Arc
*Added more events to the game
*Change some of the Pallet Town Events
*Edited the Intro
*Re-Edited the Titlescreen
*Changed in-battle messages
*Forced Text Speed to "Fast"
*Edited Wild Grass Pokemon From Route 1 - Mt Moon
*Fixed some Typo in the intro O.o
*Changed a couple of the main character's team
*Nerfed some early trainer battles
*Finished some text files for the Documentation

New Screenshots too?

We also have a new mapper in our team so maps would look more bootiful from now on xD
Welcome to the team Zoroyoyo41!

Build 1 is halfway finished guys! Sorry if it's taking so long we just want it to be great :)
Check the current progress log for updates.. I do them each time I finish anything xD
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I just wanted to post and tell ya we still care about ya and hopefully the next beta is out soon. So how is this next beta.

The hack's okay man.. Right now we're recreating some events in the hack right now to cater to the new features.
I'm not gonna spoil all of the new features though but they're really noticeable.

Well anyways here's a screenshot of the tutorial near the beginning of the hack:

Also Yuyo, our new mapper is doing his best in improving some of the maps in Flare Red:

Well that's all for today. I'll post some new screenshots when we're close to releasing the build 1 of the hack.
Wow I must Say this is the best pokemon hack i have played ever it's quite challenging and also love the moral compass mechanics cant wait to play the next version of the demo :3
Oh thank goodness I am happy that your still doing this. sorry I haven't reply for while I been at work.
Yeah this is my pet project so I work on it when I'm not busy with life but right now the progress is a bit slow..
I want Build 1 to be a bit more lengthy that's why I'm not releasing what I have right now..

Wow I must Say this is the best pokemon hack i have played ever it's quite challenging and also love the moral compass mechanics cant wait to play the next version of the demo :3
Thanks for the compliment! You'll have to wait awhile sorry bout that. I'll work on this more on christmas break.
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