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[Released] Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator [Version 1.1.1]

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    • Seen yesterday

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator [Version 1.1.1]

    Have you ever imagined what it would be like running your own Pokemon Gym?
    With Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator, you can now step in the shoes of all the Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region, create bonds with their Pokemon and battle off against challengers that drop by your Gym looking to get a badge.

    With over 150 unique challengers for you to battle, as well as 6 Pokemon teams per Gym Leader for you to use, your battling experience will be different each and every time!
    And don't forget to purchase Gym Decorations while you're at the shop, so that your gym will stand out from all the rest!


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator [Version 1.1.1][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator [Version 1.1.1][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator [Version 1.1.1][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator [Version 1.1.1][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator [Version 1.1.1]

    Click here to be redirected to the download page of the latest version.

    Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator was made using RPG Maker XP and is a non-profit project.

    Current and Past Versions

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    I just had the best time playing this game! I'm really looking forward to future updates, and I'll definitely play more of this! also that hackerman youngster was quite the challenge
    no i didn't win against him
    I just had the best time playing this game! I'm really looking forward to future updates, and I'll definitely play more of this! also that hackerman youngster was quite the challenge
    no i didn't win against him

    Glad you liked the game! I'm actually working on Misty right now, not sure when the update will be available, though. You see, I'm missing a few sprites for her and I can't seem to find them anywhere, but other than that, everything else is going as it should.
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    I always like to think that if I ended up in the games, I would start up a Gym. So I had to give this a try when I saw this thread. It's interesting about some of the trainers you encounter, but overall there were some battles that made me think on my feet, and as a result, I definitely improved strategically as a gym leader as the game went on. There was just one battle I couldn't beat, but it happened early on (and there was another battle later on that became unwinnable as a result of a glitch with Sky Drop that made the enemy Pokemon unable to attack or be attacked...come to think of it, that was the only time I tried Sky Drop with against another flying Pokemon, all the others were grounded).
    I always like to think that if I ended up in the games, I would start up a Gym. So I had to give this a try when I saw this thread. It's interesting about some of the trainers you encounter, but overall there were some battles that made me think on my feet, and as a result, I definitely improved strategically as a gym leader as the game went on. There was just one battle I couldn't beat, but it happened early on (and there was another battle later on that became unwinnable as a result of a glitch with Sky Drop that made the enemy Pokemon unable to attack or be attacked...come to think of it, that was the only time I tried Sky Drop with against another flying Pokemon, all the others were grounded).

    Did the glitch really make the battle unbeatable? Hm. And if so, do you think I should remove Sky Drop in the next version of the game and replace it with a different move? Nevertheless, thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated.
    oh dang, I actually had a idea for this game but never did it because I didn't have RPG Maker XP, I have RPG Maker MV but pokemon essentials isn't for that
    Just released Version 1.0.1

    This one's focused on fixing bugs that you guys have found while playing the game. It also adds compatibility for multiple screen sizes, as that was a requested feature by some of you.
    I tried to play this but got an error about the "soundcard not meeting the minimum requirements for audio"
    I tried to play this but got an error about the "soundcard not meeting the minimum requirements for audio"

    Would you be kind enough to send me a PM regarding this issue and elaborate more on what the error popup displayed?
    How is this game coming along? I'm very excited for Misty's release, among the other Kanto gym leaders. This is a phenomenal concept.
    Its been a long time since I want to open a pokemon Gym, it would be fun if you can pick your Type i want to become a Ghost Gym leader
    Not sure if this counts as reviving a dead thread or not but I wanted to atleast say how I felt while playing the game. Personally I had a lot of fun (only at team c currently due to losing a few battles and needing to take a temp break) It was a lot of fun none the less, I personally cant wait for gym leaders like blaine, Lt surge, sabrina (not sure if she was on the list of selectable ones but I figured it was all of kanto), and Erika, my only real question would be if you were planning on making follow up games to this that would allow you to play as each regions gym leaders. I know its still a little too early to ask that but figured i'd let my curiosity get the better of me. That and ask if you are planning/would include the ability to walk out in the region and maybe earn your team, talk to other gym leaders, and maybe even get challenges from trainers outside your gym so you'd have to deal with weather as well as maybe terrain hazards (that one's probably too hard to code, i'm just thinking up things that are on my mind at this point).

    Anyways long comment short, I cant wait to see how this game improves in the future and i'll be patiently awaiting the next release