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FireRed hack: Pokemon Mythic Legends [Beta 3 Finally Released!]

What makes this hack worth playing?

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I seriously love your mapping abailities. The look of your caves are flawless! Also I like the look of your OW. Hatless is always best. Keep it up bud!
I seriously love your mapping abailities. The look of your caves are flawless! Also I like the look of your OW. Hatless is always best. Keep it up bud!
I'm not the artist here, I'm just the visionary.

You can thank Fujitsu and Niknorou Respectively for the maps and OW.
This hack will never be neglected untill it is completly finished, and thats a promise..

I hope you fulfill this promise as I would like to play the finished version. :)

Also, nice work on that title screen. It'll be nice if/when it's inserted.
Beta 3, is here...

I inserted it onto a clean FireRed ROM real quick, good practice actually.


Wow that looks sexy... But time for some news of real importance...

After month's of hard work from me and lots of others (Mainly Fujitsu),
I'm proud to finally release Beta 3.. Its been a long road; one that does not stop here. I hope you enjoy the mystery that is Pokemon Mythic Legends.


As usual, I expect to hear about the various bugs ASAP. I will be releasing Beta 3.1 after I get the bugs fixed.

THE PC STILL DOES NOT WORK so keep that in mind when you are building your team. There will be alternatives or a solution in the future. So yeah.. Have fun and vote me when its my turn to shine in Hack of the Month :)
And I wait patiently for the map hate. D:

Edit: Oh, ew. Did you not do a basic run through of this before release? There are a couple palette issues that need to be ironed out.


Also, I notice that the dream maps and Rovandria town do not use my refurbished maps. All the tile errors and some of the movement issues still exist.

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I'm just getting into these hacked games (I can't believe it took me this long =p)
I just had to say that I love the idea/story in this project =)
Keep it up! I wanna play this masterpiece ;-)
Just gave it a quick playthrough and there are definitely a lot of changes! The cave and grass areas do look cooler now with a newer path.

But there is still the bug of the fisherman having 2 goldeen although only one is real. And the "finishing of convos" is still a problem. When people finish talking but the text box is still present
I just experienced a weird bug in Vestria city, It occurs when I pause the game in front of the library and check my pokemon screen. When you exit the pause screen you control one of the guards in front of the library, it's kinda cool =p Leaving the area cancels the bug, I just thought you should know ;-)
And I wait patiently for the map hate. D:

Edit: Oh, ew. Did you not do a basic run through of this before release? There are a couple palette issues that need to be ironed out.


Also, I notice that the dream maps and Rovandria town do not use my refurbished maps. All the tile errors and some of the movement issues still exist.

>_> The release was rushed looked through multiple times, just didnt notice. I'll be releasing a patch in a few second to fix somethings that I forgot.

Also Tomackze, Maybe post some screenies? I need that stuff fixed.

EDIT: Alright guys, fixed some stuff.

Download this patch from here on out if you are new to the beta. For the people that already patched with Beta 3, simply patch over it.

Spoiler here, but thats obvious.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Mythic Legends [Beta 3 Finally Released!]

Not sure if this hasn't been brought to light, but the 'its' in this sentence should be 'it's'.
Job: Spriter (occasionally OWer)
Name: Minime010 (call me minime)
Proof of work: (image no longer exists) (custom sprite I made to resemble tsutaaja)
Why you would like to help? I want to become part of a great hack?.
When you would like to help? Whenever you need it.

And if you like this, you can have it. Its a custom pokeball for entei I could do better on.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Mythic Legends [Beta 3 Finally Released!]
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Job: Spriter (occasionally OWer)
Name: Minime010 (call me minime)
Proof of work: (image no longer exists) (custom sprite I made to resemble tsutaaja)

Why you would like to help? I want to become part of a great hack?.
When you would like to help? Whenever you need it.

And if you like this, you can have it. Its a custom pokeball for entei I could do better on.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Mythic Legends [Beta 3 Finally Released!]

Are the sprites invisible :D?
lol PC is extremely easy to fix, private message me and Ill show you how to fix it.