There is no download just yet.
The game started to go through a slight re-thinking of the overworld gameplay (1 stage less then a revamp lol) and I was wrapping up the finishing touches to the battle system.
I've been really busy with other things and Protectors was on hold for the last month or so.
I'd started a new development company with 4 others developing for the iPhone (make sure you support us and download iBabyGen- a baby name generator, and keep a look out for our first game, iSwipeIt, a gesture based game in review at the moment).
I had no free time to work on Protectors.
But things are calming a bit. Now, nearly a month in and working on our 3rd and 4th iphone app, I'm getting into my stride again.
My free time is getting a lot more manageable know so I'm looking forward to getting back to Protectors. Keep your peeled for future updates.
Remember to read my blog at the official site of A new blog is out every 13th and it tends to give a lot of advice to other developers as well as my own thoughts on things.
Again, I look forward to showing you what is in the works, and reading any comments/questions/suggestions you guys have for the game.