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[PKMN FULL] Pokemon: The Way of the Stormsong (IC)

Hearing the Eevee in red's words, Moonblast turned and raised her now empty bottle to greet the young newcomer with a subdued but lively tone :

"Ahoy, ship's boy! Are ye prepared for a journey of a thousand secrets ?"
While Lucky was listening to the sparkly Sylveon's song, the Eevee who led him here spoke up:
"Ah, howdy, I'm Clover, your friendly neighborhood red mage."
"Hello! I'm Lucky, good to meet you!" Lucky responded with a bright smile.
"And speaking of friends, this Gardevoir here is Captain Moonblast."
Lucky glances over to where Clover was pointing and spies the Captain enjoying the Sylveon's song as well. Was this the pirate that the Quaquaval mentioned earlier? Lucky was excited at the thought of meeting a real pirate!
"That Sylveon over there is Aine. She came here all the way from Ardamore."
Lucky shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts about pirates on the high seas, to then look back to the singing Sylveon.
"Aine, Aine the singing Sylveon! Got it!" He says smiling. "Her song is really nice!"
As Lucky begins to listen to Aine's performance once more, the (pirate?) Captain from before speaks to him next:
"Ahoy, ship's boy! Are ye prepared for a journey of a thousand secrets?"
"Ah! Hel-er, ahoy there, Captain! I sure am, and I want to find them all! Oh, and I'm Lucky, by the way. Are you a real pirate?!" He asks excitedly.
Her voice still subdued not to disturb the singing Sylveon and those listening to her, the pirate Gardevoir moved closer to the excited Eevee :
"Indeed! For many years, I've sailed the seas, explored unknown isles, unearthed treasures, braved untold perils, and savored Lemonade beneath the gleaming moon, aboard the Bone Rush! ... I do long for me ship and me crew, but alas, our paths diverged..."

Moonblast's downcast expression faded as quickly as it had come.
"Yet here's to hopin' for the birth of a new, enduring friendship we'll forge in this grand adventure ahead!"
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@saniachan @Alex_Among_Foxes @Fact Checking Gardevoir

Menta arrived in the common room, being extra careful not to disturb the performance in progress. She may have missed part of the show, but the shiny Sylveon clearly had real talent--and a knack for telling a good story. Even though she missed the start of this performance, she hoped to hear many more in full on this adventure.
@Fact Checking Gardevoir @Alex_Among_Foxes @EmeraldSky

Clover, Oscurala inn
Yeah, Lucky's bright smile was so infectious that it made Clover smile too. The smile only got wider when Moonblast regaled the Eevee boys with a brief tale of her pirate days. Well! It seemed like her pirate getup was more than just for show. She did have her own pirate tales to back it up, though it could be a tale for either now or another time depending on the boys' interests.

Soon enough, Clover spied the tour guide (?) kitty while listening to Moonblast's rambling. "And the Sprigatito who just came in is Menta. She's basically our tour guide," the Eevee in red said. With the introductions over, he went back to enjoying Aine's song -- which was now at its climax.
@Fact Checking Gardevoir @Alex_Among_Foxes @saniachan

By now, Aine was reaching the climax of the song--the battle with the Ice Dragon King. Memories of the battle and the pain she endured caused tears to well up in her eyes as she remembered the cold blasts, but she powered through the tears anyway, singing of how she and her comrades had braved the cold and pain themselves.
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As the young Eevee boy listened to the Captain's tale of piracy and adventures, he found himself imagining going on a great jouney on the high seas, getting to battle with other treasure hunters, and seeing spectacular sights!... If only he didn't have a crippling fear of deep water from the time he almost drowned...

"I'm sorry that you and your crew parted ways, Captain... I hope you are able to find an- Ah!" Lucky catches on that he might be speaking a bit too excitedly for the room, so he lowers his voice a bit.
"I hope you can find an even better crew someday, Captain. I would join you if I could, but the thing is... I'm... Kinda afraid of deep water..." Lucky says while lowering his head in embarrassment. But before he could feel too sad about it, Clover spoke up and pointed out another new face entering the room.
"And the Sprigatito who just came in is Menta. She's basically our tour guide."
"Menta the guide, got it!" Lucky said with a nod, forgetting about the volume of excitement in his voice once again.
As the young Eevee mentioned being afraid of deep water, Moonblast hesitated. Unsure of what she could say to that, she reported her attention on the Sprigatito introduced by Clover. With a smile, she waved to the Grass type Pokémon.
@Fact Checking Gardevoir

"Good evening milady." Menta acknowledged the Gardevoir. "Even though you once sailed the sea, what spurs you to walk the Way? The townsfolk are in an uproar that a pirate now walks the Way." If she was going to find out the beautiful Gardevoir's motivation, it was best to get the info direct from the Ponyta's mouth, and put all the rumors to rest.
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"I chose to embark for the thrill of adventure, to forge new friendships, and mayhaps lay me hands on a few shiny trinkets along the journey! ... Trinkets to be unearthed, without owner and long forgotten, of course!"
Moonblast ended her reply with a bright smile in an attempt to reassure the others on that last part.
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"Wait, but don't pirates normally steal treasures from others? You sound more like a treasure hunter than a pirate, Captain!" Lucky chimed in after hearing Moonblast's explanation.

Then he turns his attention to Menta so he can introduce himself.
"Hello there Menta the Guide! I'm Lucky! Have you been a guide for a long time?"

It's then that he remembers the volume of his voice, only to instantly forget about it again when the applause starts up. It would seem that Aine the sparkly singer was finished with her performance, and Lucky began to feel a bit sad that he missed most of it. He still gives a happy wave in her direction, though.

Clover, Oscurala inn
Throughout the song's climax, Clover could see Aine powering through her tears as she recalled what might as well be the ultimate strife of the song. The lyrics actually had him imagine how one of the mages drew the dragon's attention to her while the minstrel, the knight, and the other mage struck the dragon down. Deep down Clover wanted to hug the minstrel once the song was over... but it had to wait because it looked like Aine might take on more requests.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in Sabia, the knight Aine spoke of in her song sneezed.

For now, the red mage applauded alongside Lucky and the other audience. He did miss Moonblast's reasoning to walk the Way, yes, but he didn't care. Everyone had their own reasons, after all. Also, did Menta say this was her umpteenth time walking the Way? That made Clover curious, "Oh? What was your favorite part of walking the Way? Like, most memorable?"
"Treasure hunting is a part o' our way of life! Good pirates, like meself, be adventurers afore all else!"
As Lucky turned to Menta, Moonblast redirected her attention to Aine. The Sylveon certainly knew how to sing.
Not quite as quietly as before, she enthusiastically exclaimed : "I liked this song!"
*She threw her empty mug to the ground, smashing it to pieces.*
@Fact Checking Gardevoir

Aine was a little startled by the shattering mug, but quickly composed herself. "All right--what kind of tune would you like to hear?' she asked. Deep down, she was a little nervous about what the Gardevoir would do if she played a song or tune that was unacceptable.


Menta thought for a moment. 'Of all the landmarks on the route, my favorite is the town of Meliva, where it is said the Storm Knight's two daughters, the Flareon Solida and the Umbreon Luna, fought off a pair of treacherous lords."
"Si, si! I have walked the Way many times, and guided hundreds down it. It is a moving experience, whether it is your first time or your hundredth time. There's always something new to discover on this sacred route."
At hearing Menta's response, Lucky turns away from Aine to comment on how many others have walked the path before him, only to have his focus completely lost-
"I liked this song!" *She threw her empty mug to the ground, smashing it to pieces.* "ANOTHER!"
-at the sound of the shattered mug. Which caused him to freak out, jump off the stool, and run behind Clover for protection. He was always an overly cautious child, even to the point where the Master had spoken with him about it, but it didn't stop him from trying to hide himself whenever he heard a sudden loud noise.