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[PKMN FULL] Pokemon: The Way of the Stormsong (signups and discussion)

As Lucky turned to Menta, Moonblast redirected her attention to Aine. The Sylveon certainly knew how to sing.
Not quite as quietly as before, she enthusiastically exclaimed : "I liked this song!"
*She threw her empty mug to the ground, smashing it to pieces.*
I take it this is a request for another song? Or maybe an encore?
Indeed, an I just could not resist making this reference to Marvel's Thor.
And now that Aine asked, here's what she can sing afaik:
Singing the entire ballad of her quest would take too long, so she decided to see if her companion wanted to hear about a specific part, or a different song or story altogether. Tales of the Storm Knight were popular in this area, as were songs from the Sabian theater--the grand and heroic plays known as zarzuelas.
FYI, here are the parts of Aine's past journey in case Moonblast wants to hear one:
And now that Aine asked, here's what she can sing afaik:

FYI, here are the parts of Aine's past journey in case Moonblast wants to hear one:
I am curious for details on how these parts became publicly known, to see how Moonblast would know of them.
FYI, here are the parts of Aine's past journey in case Moonblast wants to hear one:
I am curious for details on how these parts became publicly known, to see how Moonblast would know of them.
I would imagine they became popular songs, and covered by other minstrels.
Yup, same here. I'd imagine some of those minstrels brought the tales over to Sabia and Clover had listened to them while relaxing at inns and taverns after a day of hard work at his guild -- hence him wanting to hear one of the songs from someone who had actually experienced it herself. Dunno about Moonblast though.