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IMPORTANT: Previous Generations Feedback Thread


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    Figured I'd go and make an official feedback thread for this section. So give whatever feedback you feel like anytime, don't be afraid. What do you like, what don't you like, what you wanna see, what you don't wanna see, tell me I suck, anything you can think of, I think you guys know what to do in this thread.
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    I think it would be cool to have the splash be a rotating one showcasing one thread from each generation :D
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    I'm with Rika. I'd love to see a splash showcasing art from each generation, especially since there's a lot of cool fanart around, but some official art isn't bad too.
    Generation 1 FAQ is something I?d consider doing, I basically live on Pokemon Yellow and Red/Blue are basically the base form with different version exclusives. Gym Leader Pokemon are also different on Red/Blue(as is the rival Pokemon).
    Suppose I should give everyone an update on it: the FAQ thing is in the process of being made, I've been slowly working on it over the past several weeks, but there's still a lot to be done, so if you'd like to help, please do.
    Suppose I should give everyone an update on it: the FAQ thing is in the process of being made, I've been slowly working on it over the past several weeks, but there's still a lot to be done, so if you'd like to help, please do.

    Let me know if you need/want more. Might have to do research on Gen 2 though since it's been like... 17 years since I last played it lol.
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    it's finally up: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/408509

    [PokeCommunity.com] Previous Generations Feedback Thread

    i tried anyway
    Lmao, still didn't fix the one tiny error regarding Blastoise(105 SpD, not 100). Outside of that, looks good so far but I know you have more to add to it(I alone have tons of things lol).
    Thought I'd poke this thread and see what happens

    Is there anything anyone wants to see? Any other feedback?
    Do you still need help with the FAQ for gen 7?
    Yes. Info for the Alola starters has been completed, but need stuff for everything else. Especially for LGPE
    That's alright, I'll take whatever I can get
    Hmm.. A Gen 1 FAQ would be great-- No, seriously! I love Generation 1, and I'd like to see an entire FAQ on it.
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    Hmm.. A Gen 1 FAQ would be great-- No, seriously! I love Generation 1, and I'd like to see an entire FAQ on it.

    there is one here, friend. and if you want to dig real far back, there is an old gen 1 & 2 FAQ that i think was made in 2003 and had actives edits up until maybe the late 2000's? but i wouldn't even know where to begin the dig for that one haha.
    there is one here, friend. and if you want to dig real far back, there is an old gen 1 & 2 FAQ that i think was made in 2003 and had actives edits up until maybe the late 2000's? but i wouldn't even know where to begin the dig for that one haha.

    Oh, thanks :)

    I wouldn't know where to begin the dig for that one either!