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Really sad. :(

  • 17,600
    • Seen May 9, 2024
    I found out a few days ago that my brother traded in my Pokémon games, including Pokémon Y.
    He also traded in my Legend of Zelda game and my Tales of the Abyss, but I don't care about those.
    Pokémon Y had all of my teams on them. ALL of them since Pokémon Diamond.
    Pokémon Y had all of my other important, hard to catch Pokémon on them.
    I had to lie to get him to admit to taking them and trading them in.
    He admitted to it, but didn't remember where or when he did it.
    This isn't the first time he's done this, but will very well be the last.
    He did it so that he could afford some weed.
    Today I went to the Game Stops near my house, the only ones where he could have traded them in.
    They let me check the Pokémon Y versions they had traded in to see if I could find it.
    No luck at either of the stores.
    As revenge, I stole all his hats and intend to burn them.
    He doesn't leave the house without a hat on because he's a punk.
    That is just so terrible, someone selling your games just to buy a stupid drug. I do hope you can redeem yourself and get new copies of said games eventually.

    But still, it's going to be hard to replace all those treasured Pokemon you had.
    This reminds me of the time my brother erased my Ruby version which had over 500 hours of hard work and a nearly completed Pokedex. I was so mad at him and so upset about the situation. This stinks to hear :<
    Omfg what a punk, burn the hats Nick :(((
    Your brother is an actual ****. I hope he misses his hats and I hope he can't afford more since all his money went to weed. Lock everything up in a safe or something from now on. His ****** antics need to be put to rest.