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Reapers: Keepers of the Balance (M) [Most Original 1Q '13]

Tasahiro watched his partner kill the target easily. "Damned kids these days..." He was too forward. Sometimes a less direct approach would be better, but he was young, despite his past as an asassin. He watched the Reaper teleport, most likely to Limbo. It would be a good idea for Tasahiro to return to the Reaper's homerealm as well. He didn't care for Earth....London in particular. The only parts he had been in were filled with loud drunkards and noisy streets. Mishumi wasn't a big fan of noise. He lept down from his perch in the clock tower in an area with no humans present. "Mission complete." Just saying the words made him feel like he had been productive. He transported to his favorite place in Limbo, away from everything, and began to meditate.

Spencer - Saharan Desert


The purple clouds lowered and obscured Spencer's sight but this didn't stop him in the least. Throwing two tribesmen aside, he tried to charge the cloud and find where the ritual was taking place but to no avail. He was disoriented and didn't even know what direction the ritual was taking place. He could only see objects near himself and the crimson runes. Not a single reaper was within his range and they would just have to get by on their own instinct. The air from the clouds seemed to conduct demonic energies and soon, a voice shouted out with endeavor.

"Please Great Eternal Spirit, guide us and bless this land so that this desert won't submit to the drought. May rain plummet once again on this land to replenish it's people." the voice shouted.

"Move dammit!" Spencer roared to the crowd while pushing a few more aside. He couldn't hear where the voice was coming from but he couldn't give up yet. As if a sign of retaliation against Spencer's hopes, a sound similar to a sonic-boom rang throughout the desert. It came from the distant right side of Spencer and he assumed it was whoever was conducting the ritual but his goodwill came to an end. Giving up hope on diplomatically deal with this problem, Spencer summoned upon his Reaper Strength and shoved a fair portion of the people aside like a domino effect. Now wasn't the time for pleasantries and the like.

A single screech caused Spencer to hesitate and soon a second and third scream followed. Trying to figure out what was going on, Spencer approached where he thought the nearest scream originated. Stumbling into another crowd, this one seemed different as if they were fleeing. There was no need to push them out of his pathway and the group gave way easily. A man stumbled into him and screamed painfully and vanished into thin air to Spencer's curiosity. Was this the doing of the ritual? Was it unsuccessful?

Before he could step further, another sonic-boom echoed even louder than the first and as it finished, the fog stirred and soon the purple haze slackened.

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Luka Sokolov - Chapter 1-7: Too many vampires

Luka stood there as his position was converged upon by approaching vampires. He had hoped he would be able to deal with his injuries in peace, but he was on the battlefield now, and that wasn't an option here. He drew his sword, ready for a desperate struggle, when Nox arrived on the scene. He took out the ones in the immediate area before turning to Luka. He tossed him one of his bone-spears and said, "Might be hard to get a good shot off with your arrows in this mess. If you can still fight, use it if you need to." Luka thanked him and took the weapon, sheathing his own blade. The weapon Nox had given him was far lighter and easier to move with in his present state, but slightly difficult to handle from his inexperience with spears and his inability to use his other hand. Regardless, it would keep him alive much longer, since his sword had been starting to feel quite heavy.

The majority of the coming vampires headed in Nox's direction, since he was the bigger threat and needed more pressure on him. Luka was faced with a pair that had come after him instead, and held the spear out in front of himself defensively. He focused and waited for one of the vampires to come near, and when he did Luka jabbed the tip into the creature's heart. Moving quickly (quickly enough at least) he turned and jabbed the other one. He was constantly backing up to keep distance between himself and his enemies, because if one got too close or if he missed the heart, he was done for. Luka's sharp eyes and equally sharp teammates were the only things that had kept him alive all mission long. Nox and Adrian had worked together to take out the four harbingers after them and now Destiny was battling the one he assumed was their leader. Or at least the leader of the ones at the warehouse.

Luka sorely wished he could have watched Destiny's battle, a spectacle of skill and sorcery, but he wasn't willing to turn his focus from his enemies and die to see it. Soon it was over, and it was just them and the vampires. Adrian suggested leaving and burning the place, and Destiny questioned what to do it with. Through gasps and breaths Luka managed to say, "I...always bring some...utility arrows, just in case. That includes...explosive arrows. They're only for emergencies because using them...drains my power, y'know, because technology." Luka impaled another vampire and took a deep breath. "They won't do much for making a fire, but if someone can break open the gas pipes for the heating we could blow this place to pieces. Won't be very quiet though, and I really hope somebody has a better plan, but I'm just saying it's an option." He really didn't want to make such a big scene, but he wouldn't be able to hold the vampires off much longer. Also, he really had no way to make a fire that could engulf the entire building, much less one that could spread fast enough to take out all the vampires. Exasperated, he asked, "Doesn't anyone just have some kind of wildfire spell?"​

Adrian Frode

"Doesn't anyone just have some kind of wildfire spell?" asked Adrian's wounded comrade
"Several" replied Adrian "shame I'm too tired to use a single spell right now" he added as he hacked at and beheaded an attacking vampire, starting to angle towards the exit.
"Nox, you seem to be in the best shape of any of us right now, but still pretty beat up. Maybe the two of us could handle the load on us if we did it together though?" queried Adrian. He wasn't concerned about the vampires hearing their plan, they were in a blood-thirsty frenzy and were to busy trying to kill the Reapers to acknowledge what they were saying.

Adrian brought his blade down hard on one vampire, vertically splitting it down the middle before stabbing upwards through the newly made gap as the two sides of his enemy fell to impale the heart of the vampire behind. He couldn't keep pulling stunts like that off, but they seemed to be the only things that did enough damage to his attackers. At least he was closer to both Nox and Luka and the exit now.
Nox Fenoir

As he worked along side Luka to fend off the attacking vampires, Nox could feel himself being worn down from the intensity of the fight. He had no time to even think about taking a break as vampire after vampire clawed and gnashed their teeth at him. His hair had a fair amount of blood in it and the shirt he was wearing was bloody and torn up, revealing his heavily tattooed body. There were also a few scratches to his face and some bite marks on his arms neck, but he still managed to keep himself on his feet. He panted heavily as he tried to catch his breath in between dodging and delivering attacks, wiping blood and sweat from his face as he tried to defend himself and Luka. The two were soon joined by Adrian and Destiny, where they regrouped and tried to make out an escape plan to end the mission.

"I vote that we get out of here, and burn the place down," called Adrian, "Then we can clean up any that escape or that somehow survive the fire."

"I can go with that," said Destiny as she killed more vampires. "Better get a move on if you want to trap them in here! And who exactly plans to set this fire, and with what?"

"Doesn't anyone have some kind of wildfire spell?" asked Luka, spearing a couple of vampires with the weapon Nox had given him. Nox could hear the strain in his voice as the wounded Reaper tried to gather the strength to continue on with the fight.

"Several," replied Adrian. "Shame I'm too tired to use a single spell right now. Nox, you seem to be in the best shape of any of us right now, but still pretty beat up. Maybe the two of us could handle the load if we did it together though?"

"Alright then let's- argh!" began Nox, when he was suddenly jumped from behind while he momentarily let his guard down to answer Adrian.

The vampire latched onto his back and viciously bit him in his neck and clawed at his shoulders. She hissed and growled like a rabid animal as she tore at his body, a foam of blood and saliva smeared around her mouth and face. Struggling to get the vampire off of him, Nox brought his shoulder forward with enough force to flip the vampire off his back and onto the floor. Without giving her time to get up for another attack, Nox brought his bone scythe down like a hammer in one downward motion. The blade went completely through the soft underside of her chin and upwards into her skull similar to a fishing hook, her screams muffled by the blood pooling in her mouth and throat. While the creature writhed around he stomped onto her chest and ripped the scythe from her face, completely removing her lower jaw as it hang grotesquely from the blade. Nox discarded the jawbone and tried to gather his energy back.

"Like I was trying to say... I don't think we have much of a choice as our options are limited. But Destiny is right, if we're going to do this... we must move quickly," Nox gasped, clutching at the bite wound on his neck. "Adrian I'll assist you with the fire spell as much as I can... Destiny, you and Luka should escape first. He might need some help getting out of here and both of you need to distance yourselves from the building when we light it up... that work for you all?"

Adrian Frode

Corkscrewing in mid air to avoid the lunges of two more blood thirsty vampires Adrian simultaneously whipped his blade round to removed the heads of his aggressors. He heard as the others, save Luka, responded to his plan in agreement, Nox even finishing the details.
"Okay. I don't want to sound bossy but this isn't the time for anyone to argue with what I say. Destiny, your in bad shape but good enough to get Luka and yourself out of here alive. Nox and I will keep fighting Vamps of until you are out and then set the place on fire before escaping ourselves and killing anyone who tries to run. I figure you can get any that escape before we do".

With that Adrian begun to tear through his enemies again, he really didn't have the energy left for this, but he needed to keep their attention away from Destiny and Luka. He whirled and slashed, jumped and dove as the pile of dusty, blood soaked remains grew around him, unfortunately plenty of the blood was his own. His arms, shoulders, face and neck were covered with bites, cuts and bruises. If he wanted to be standing to help burn the hell hole to the ground they needed to do this quickly.
"Now would be good" he added half jokingly as he once again stabbed through the heart of an enemy. He was definitely getting why the Grims had sent four of them at this point.
Destiny Saviouer :: Moscow, Russia
Chapter One :: Exit

"I . . . always bring some . . . utility arrows, just in case. That includes . . . explosive arrows. They're only for emergencies because using them . . . drains my power, y'know, because technology." Luka impaled another vampire and took a deep breath. "They won't do much for making a fire, but if someone can break open the gas pipes for the heating we could blow this place to pieces. Won't be very quiet though, and I really hope somebody has a better plan, but I'm just saying it's an option." Luka paused briefly, before adding; "Doesn't anyone just have some kind of wildfire spell?"

"Several," replied Adrian. "Shame I'm too tired to use a single spell right now," he added, beheading an oncoming vampire. "Nox, you seem to be in the best shape of any of us right now, but still pretty beat up. Maybe the two of us could handle the load on us if we did it together though?"

"Like I was trying to say . . . I don't think we have much of a choice as our options are limited," Nox said after being attacked by yet another vampire. "But Destiny is right, if we're going to do this . . . we must move quickly," Nox gasped, clutching at the bite wound on his neck. "Adrian I'll assist you with the fire spell as much as I can . . . Destiny, you and Luka should escape first. He might need some help getting out of here and both of you need to distance yourselves from the building when we light it up . . . that work for you all?"

Before anyone could respond, Adrian spoke up. "Okay. I don't want to sound bossy but this isn't the time for anyone to argue with what I say. Destiny, you're in bad shape but good enough to get Luka and yourself out of here alive. Nox and I will keep fighting Vamps off until you are out and then set the place on fire before escaping ourselves and killing anyone who tries to run. I figure you can get any that escape before we do. Now would be good"

Destiny simply nodded, running over to Luka and grabbing him. There really wasn't much else to do, and she felt drained. Physically she was completely fine, but her spirit would need a few hours to recover from her fight with the Harbinger woman.

Destiny wrapped her right arm around Luka, lifting him slightly to support his weight. "Be quick about it, but don't get yourselves killed! It'd be a shame to have to explain that to the Grims!" Destiny called as she staggered out of the warehouse door with Luka. She supported him until they were a considerable distance away from the warehouse, where she sat Luka down against a building.

"There," she sighed. "Hopefully this day will be over soon." She leaned up against the wall, laying her head back and closing her eyes. "Within the next minute or so, preferably."

Luka Sokolov - Chapter 1-8: Saved again

Through intense fighting, the team formulated a plan on how to end this. Nox and Adrian would team up to preform the fire spell, and Destiny would get him out of there. "My arm may be broken, but my legs are fine!" Luka tried to say, but his words were ignored as he was swept up by Destiny and carried out of the warehouse. They all had a task except him, who was now essentially the damsel in distress; his only responsibility was to be rescued. In the end he decided not to argue, and went with the plan, seeing Nox and Adrian get left behind to carry it out. They were probably right anyway, he probably couldn't escape on his own. He just wasn't strong enough, or fast enough. He was too tired to worry about it now.

Luka was set down against a building and soon his second wind of adrenaline petered out. "There, hopefully this day will be over soon," said his savior as she leaned against the wall. "Within the next minute or so, preferably." Luka didn't respond. He was ready to pass out, and it seemed like every fiber in his being wanted to. Sleep's sweet embrace just seemed so close, and so nice. But he didn't want to be more of a burden than he already was. And also, the warehouse would soon be a blazing inferno, and he didn't want to miss it, nor did he want to miss the trip to the tavern promised by Adrian earlier. Even though none of them were really in any condition to be going out for drinks, and despite the fact that he himself didn't even drink, it still sounded like a lot of fun. He let out a light chuckle at the thought before closing his eyes and relaxing, fighting an uphill battle to stay awake.​

Adrian Frode

Adrian continued his hacking ad slashing of the vampire coven using his violent momentum to position himself close to both Nox and the door and between the vampires and the door. He wasn't letting any out if he could afford it. All the while he was slowly channelling his remaining energy, for what he and Nox were planning to do it was crucial that they acted simultaneously. The idea between collaborative work like this was simple, one person shared his energy whilst another directed the spell which resulted is a more significant assault, or what ever else they were attempting. In their weakened state it would allow for a fairly decent flame, but nothing special.

Adrian looked to Nox
"Now who would have thought the two of us would be in a situation like this, and actually collaborating well" he laughed "you direct and I'll channel, I don't think I have direction in me right now". With that Adrian was about ready and perceiving that Nox was pretty much prepared at this point he projected his energies in Nox's direction which would allow for him to ignite the building.
Nox Fenoir

After waiting for Destiny and Luka to escape, Nox and Adrian made their move. As he worked to muster the energy to dodge the attacks from the vampires, Nox brought his focus to executing the fire spell to burn the hellish building to the ground. He attached his scythes back to his waist and recovered his bone spears, stabbing two vampires through the head while trying to keep close enough to Adrian so they don't get separated during the bloody fight.

"Now who would have thought the two of us would be in a situation like this, and actually collaborating well," Adrian laughed. "You direct and I'll channel, I don't think I have direction in me right now."

Nox grunted in a slightly uneasy way as he minimized his bone spears and positioned himself in between Adrian and the horde of vampires. The statement he had made regarding their teamwork made him feel slightly uneasy. He wasn't used to aligning himself with others and the feelings it triggered made him feel almost human, something that he was no longer. Nonetheless, he shunned his momentary thoughts as he held out his left arm in Adrian's direction. With his open palm he caught the fiery energy that was thrown into his direction and then conducted the flow through his body and into his right arm. He winced as his tattoos darkened and burned into his body, it was taking him much more effort to direct another Reaper's magic than he had anticipated. He transformed Adrian's energy into burning fire and released it through his open right hand, multiple flares of fire erupting from his hand and singing nearby vampires. The flash of light that had been given off was a bright red orange, illuminating the inside of the warehouse and the bloody scene. The waves of fire crashed throughout the walls and ceiling of the warehouse. As the well-done corpses of dead vampires lay scattered along the floor some were still running around, lit completely on fire and shrieking. Nox collapsed on all fours, breathing heavily. The building began to break down as pieces of the ceiling fell from above.

"Alright... now... let's try and get a move on," he said in an exhausted voice. He had very little energy left after pulling off such a large fire spell. This had definitely been one of the hardest missions he had been on in a while.

Adrian Frode

Adrian looked around. They probably had over done it with the spread of the flames, although at least the size was about right so as not to burn down the entire industrial area.

"Alright... now... let's try and get a move on" an exhausted Nox suggested from nearby, although Adrian was having trouble seeing him through the rapidly accumulating smoke that their fire had caused. Nox was right of course, they had to get away from the distracting inferno so they could dimension hop back to Limbo to rest before their next mission. Leaving was easier said then done though, both he and Nox were beyond tired. Adrian himself could barely lift his limbs from the fatigue. Dragging his sword along side him; Adrian began to slowly make his way towards the door, which now hung open seemingly beckoning the two reapers out of the blaze.

Adrian made it out of the burning warehouse into the fresh, crisp air of the Moscow night. Falling to the ground in a heap and breathing heavily. The mission had been far more challenging than any of the group had assumed. He summed up the mission in his head
Eight Harbingers, all dead. Several vampires, presumably all dead. Evidence of all of it, currently burning to ground. The mission was definitely a success. then he considered the state of the group Luka is in terrible condition with a big hole in him. Destiny is about to pass out from exertion and so are Nox and I, who are also singed. Then there's the countless minor injuries we have obtained... well a least we completed the mission but the Grims probably were expecting a cleaner run of things.

Adrian pushed himself to his feet, looking over the group he had worked with.
"Thanks for all the help in there guys, appreciate it. But now lets get the hell out of here before we are forced to break out of a Russian Jail, see you all back home." With that Adrian focussed what was left of his energy and dimension hopped to his small home in Limbo, where he promptly collapsed into a deep sleep on the floor.

Luka Sokolov - Chapter 1-9: Back Home

Luka's eyes fluttered open as he heard the spell cast successfully. They went wide once he saw the massive blaze that was once an enemy hideout. They actually pulled it off...nice, he thought, glad that the mission was finally over. Nox and Adrian soon came hobbling to his and Destiny's location, where Adrian said, "Thanks for all the help in there guys, appreciate it. But now lets get the hell out of here before we are forced to break out of a Russian Jail. See you all back home." And with that he was gone. Luka struggled to get up, using the wall to support himself, and looked around. His eyes lingered on the team's handiwork before resting on the Moscow night sky. Even with his view of it obscured by the tower of smoke, it was still beautiful. Luka had no idea how long it would be until he saw the sky he grew up with again; maybe tomorrow, maybe never. He let the image of the starlit night embed itself in his mind. Once he was satisfied, he stepped through a passage into limbo, painfully tearing himself away from good ol' mother Russia.


Luka waited on the examination table for his acquaintance, the doctor, to arrive. He had been here a few times before, but none of them for an injury as bad as his current one. Regardless, Luka disliked having to come. Doctor Krieg was very skilled in both medical technique and healing magic, but he had a demeanor that was less than personable. It wasn't long until the good doctor arrived, clearly rife with concern as he said, "Welcome back, rookie. So what the hell did you do to yourself this time?" Luka gave him an unamused look while pointing to his arm.

The doctor put his hands on the arm while beginning to cast a spell. Luka would have jerked it back from the pain of him touching it, but right now he couldn't feel anything in it at all. It appeared his spell was still in effect from earlier. The doctor's spell was a sensory one that used soundwaves to "see" the inside of the arm, something that seemed much more complicated to do than using an X-ray machine. Luka still wasn't quite used to the "no technology" thing, nor was he entirely sure of why technology weakened them.

After a few moments, Doctor Krieg lifted his arms and folded them, scowling further than usual. "This arm is gonna need a little more than a sling and a good night's rest," he said not very reassuringly. "Lay down on the table and I'll be right back." This was even less reassuring, as Luka knew that table doubled as an operating table. He laid down reluctantly and waited for Krieg's return. Sure enough, when he returned the Doctor was holding a scalpel and a tray with several metal objects. The doctor got straight to work, not explaining anything because they both knew that Luka knew the procedure for a badly broken arm. Krieg numbed his arm once more with a numbing solution before cutting into the arm.

Finally, he was done with the operation, Luka's bones back in place and held there by metal reinforcements. Krieg then used magic to meld the pieces back together before casting another spell that accelerated the body's natural healing processes. If he had not used the metal to hold everything in place, the arm would have healed all wrong and caused more harm than good, but Doctor Krieg knew what he was doing and now Luka's arm was good as new. The metal reinforcements remained to keep the weak new bone from simply shattering again if damaged. Luka was glad that while the weapons and architecture remained archaic, the reapers' knowledge and skills continued to develop. He was also amazed that they figured out ways to do so despite their limitations on tools.

Luka walked back to his house, an unremarkable marble building like the others surrounding it, and went inside where he threw himself onto the bed and remained in silence. The mission was successful in the end, but to him it felt like a failure. He had to be better, stronger, faster. He needed to be smarter as well, but for now he would focus on the first things. Luka decided that after a long rest, he would take a run around the city then a long workout before target practice, which would be more challenging in a state of exhaustion. Smiling at the thought of improvement, Luka drifted off to the land of dreams.​
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Spencer - Saharan Desert


As the haze cleared, Spencer tried to see the results of the ritual. It appeared almost as if nothing had happened. Silenced prevailed as Spencer looked for the source of the fog and where it went. Spencer did not know but he felt suspicion regardless.

The sun beat down on the top of his head again, the atmosphere was lighter and gave him cautious optimism. Moving throughout what remained of the crowd, Spencer saw that everyone was more dumbfounded than he was. He couldn't find the rest of his group and another thing came to his attention. He noticed the crowd was almost half as large as it was previously. As this realization came to his mind, the silence was broken by a loud sobbing from a boy from the tribe.

An array of noises broke out immediately afterwards and people began frantically running around, looking for their fellow comrades and family members. Among this, few also stared at Spencer with disapproval and curiosity, almost as if he were the cause of this.

Walking away before he drew more attention, he spotted Seth and began walking towards him. Spencer glanced uneasily at Seth and In that split second their eyes met in a look of similarity. In the one second that followed, the sand below Seth began to resonate then pulse out of the ground into a tightly packed form before a red liquid shot throughout the air. The sand formed a sharp spike that impaled Seth along with quite a few others before solidifying into a human-like body of a male wearing a heavy robe. The man fired sand spikes from his hands at Spencer and before he knew it, the man was out of his sight, blocked by the tribes people who were now fleeing.

The group was running around and screaming. The desert was filled with chaos and Spencer knew that if he didn't stop this, the world might fall out of balance.


Adrian Frode

Adrian awoke on the hard surface of his floor having, more or less, passed out there upon his return from the intense assault on the Russian warehouse. The Reaper groaned loudly, every inch of his body ached from the gruelling battle and he still had several cuts and scrapes from blades and fangs across his body... not to mention the damage that had been done to his trademark clothing. Pushing himself to his feet Adrian removed his blood spattered coat, chucking it over the small couch in the room before heading into the tiny bathroom at the end of the nearby hall, undressing and stepping into the shower. Reapers may be immortal but they could still get dirty.

Not long after the Swiss Reaper was clean and dressed in clothes that were nearly identical to those he had worn on his mission, his cuts were no longer bleeding so he set himself the task of cleaning his sword first and seeing a healer later. It was as he scrubbed at the blade that he thought back to the mission
Well, nobody is dead... although I should probably see Luka at some point since he took a nasty stab through his gut. In hindsight the Grims may not like the mess we made but we handled being dramatically outnumbered quite well. Hold on... the Grims... we didn't decide who was supposed to report back to them. Damn I was hoping to head to Ireland for some R&R

It was shortly after that Adrian had gotten to the postal srevice and a Raven, because they used Raven's instead of the traditional methods of anywhere at all for some reason, had been sent to the Grims detailing the events of the mission... although Adrian was fairly certain they already knew... they always knew. All that was left for him to do was maybe see a doctor or healer, get some rest and await his next mission.

Spencer - Saharan Desert


Before he could even react a wall of sand collided with him and sent him soaring up nearly fifty feet into the sky. At that moment, Spencer knew this was a fight he couldn't do alone. The man sent a fleet of sand spikes and him and Spencer had no choice but to take a few hits although he avoided most of the weapons. One spike struck him in his stomach and plenty had grazed his arms. The impact didn't hurt but he felt a draining pain from the injuries he sustained. Too much blood had been shed and in Spencer's mind, this was a failure. His main objective was to make sure nobody died and he wasn't even sure he could save himself. His face went emotionless and his eyes went dreary and devoid of life. The man sent a wave of sand up into the sky that would certaintly end this fight and Spencer knew it was pointless. Spencer looked down at the spike that was still in his stomach with a forlorn face and closed his eyes.

A surge of anger arose in him. He had never lost a fight, not even with death itself and he wasn't going to allow it to happen now. He no longer cared for his life but more prideful than ever. He wouldn't allow anyone to step on him like a worn out welcome mat and throw him away.

Spencer's hand formed a fist which was so tight blood dripped out of his hands. His fist compacted more and veins branched out from his fingers all throughout his arm, spreading even to his face. Trace amounts of blood dripped down his arm and fell off his knuckles, which met the point blank wall of sand that dispersed all around Spencer. A deranged look replaced the previously forsaken face Spencer had.

He roared and breached through another wave of sand that reversed direction and fell to the ground. A pike of sand pierced through Spencer's arm and filled him with ravaging pain but he continued falling towards the sandman with no reduction in his speed.

A battlecry escaped Spencer's lungs with all of his breath but his face turned a crimson red. As the man's face got even closer, he swung his left fist with all of his might, resisting the pain of his muscles and cuts he had. Instead of punching the man with his left hand, he clenched the mans neck with it and burrowed it into the sand.

With his free hand, he forced all of the momentum he had left and all of the force left in his body with so much force, the backlash caused him to turn his head. The man's face shattered, not like a regular person's would but more like a glass vase and the man's body followed shortly behind. Spencer landed on his side on the ground and rolled down a hill of sand. The man was definately dead by now and he would be lucky if he could even get home now. He didn't even know if his reaper friends would be able to help him back, unaware of their fates. He closed his eyes and everything went black.

As he awoke, Spencer felt no pain to his surprise. He quickly sat up, unaware of how much time pass and saw he was in his room, back at the Reaper world. Everything was calm, he wasn't bleeding and was dressed in undergarments. He didn't even have a trace of sand on his body. Spencer looked for anything out of place, unsure if he was really home and saw a letter at the foot of his bed.

Reading the letter once, skimming it again, then reading it carefully a second time, Spencer frowned with a look of defeat. The letter informed him of the outcome of his mission from the higher-ups. He learned his teammates had died during the battle from multiple lacerations although at the end of the letter was a seal of approval.

He had no true ill will towards any Reaper, not even Alice. His teammates had not deserved death and he wasn't sure he deserved life, not as a human or a Reaper. A sharp pain caused Spencer to bend forward and drop the letter. As he slowly sat up, he dropped the letter into the trash next to this bed and buried his face into his pillow.


Chapter Two

What begins as a simple mission soon turns sour as you each come into contact with a powerful Harbinger (one you will come across again later in the RP). You may have a history with these Harbingers, or you may have just met, that's up to you but you will come into conflict with them. Your Harbinger opponent will need to be elaborated on by you and will be at a power level higher than your character. Your original missions (that will cause you to come into contact with these Harbingers) are as follows, you may choose whether or not the appearance of the Harbingers causes you to succeed or fail.

1. Luka and Nox : A resident of Bayamo, Cuba has discovered the existence of both the Reapers and Harbingers and has successfully contacted representatives of the Harbingers looking to become a part of the organisation. You need to take him out before they get to him as well as be prepared for Harbinger involvement.

2. Spencer and Adrian: A type of powerful, horned fire-demon has materialized in the Great Sandy Desert, Australia. You simply need to kill it before it comes across any civilisation.

3. Destiny and Kalek: A bizarre yet powerful magical force has been detected in New York City, USA and Harbinger involvement is both highly likely and assumed to be the case. Investigate this strange power and neutralise it.

4. Tasahiro and Masato: A catholic priest currently residing in Vatican City is about to give a speech that will quite possibly end all war on Earth, unfortunately it will also end all progress and as such this man needs to be killed in order to maintain balance in the world. If the Harbingers know of this they will not stand for it.
Masato Ryu - Chapter 2 - Onward, to Vatican City!

Masato meditated quietly, not knowing how long he had been there. Could have been days, weeks, or months as far as he knew. However, he felt something inside of him say "Its time.". Slowly, he opened his eyes, surveying the area of Limbo he was meditating in. It was exactly the same as how it was when he first arrived. He got up to his feet rather quickly, his body and muscles feeling fully energized and ready to go. Getting the feel of being active again, he threw a couple of punches and kicks, quickly grabbing his tonfas and spinning them around, judging his reaction times. He put his weapons away and walked out from where he sat and reported in to get the briefing of his next mission.

Vatican City. Someone was preparing a speech that could end all war on Earth. Not only could that end progression of the human race, but leave them vulnerable for conquest. He and his partner, Tasahiro, must stop the speech and make sure the Harbingers are unaware of this. First things first, though, he had to find Tasahiro. Masato started his search and finally found him after a while, meditating as well. Maybe they'd be able to get along, or at least co-exist for this task. He slowly approached the meditating figure, waiting for him to release himself from his trance.

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Adrian Frode

Adrian awoke, during what he thought was the beginning of the next day, despite his planet having a day/night cycle like most others he often found that things in the realm of Limbo often felt static and even after sleeping through a night one could feel as though it was still the same day. Adrian chalked it up to being an unfortunate side effect of being an immortal. Getting up and going through his morning routine, which consisted of little since he no longer ate nor had a body that functioned like it once did, at least while within Limbo. It was during this process when he heard the familiar tapping at his window.

Sure enough a pitch-black bird sat at the window with a rolled piece of paper strapped to its leg with a crimson ribbon.
Either I have a new assignment or I'm about to be reprimanded for the mess we made of the warehouse. Thankfully, the piece of paper turned out to be Adrian's next assignment, although he had been hoping for some more time off to rest his still tired body.

We have discovered that a species of fire demon has appeared in the Great Sandy Desert, Australia, Earth. You and your partner for this mission, Spencer Holden whom we believe you are familiar with, are to find the demon and end its life before it becomes a threat to any population in the country, unbalancing the world due to the unfair advantage given to it by its supernatural abilities...

The letter went on for a while longer with small details on the approximate area and on the demon. Unfortunately though the brief had little information compared to a lot of other demon-hunting missions which suggested to Adrian that it was a species of demon that even the Grims were not particularly familiar with, or possibly even a new form of demon. Either way, Adrian was eager to go to the desert he hadn't been on a desert mission for nearly two of Earth's years and was looking forward to experiencing the extreme, but beautiful environment.

Adrian's focused his energies into a portal that formed around him and in the blink of an eye he was appearing at the location he had been commanded to travel to - his sword at his hip and his trademark jacket and jeans on despite the heat. Reapers were not immune to the heat, but dealt with it better than mortals... besides the long and thick clothes would protect him from any flames. Adrian took in the landscape, in awe of it. The planet in Limbo had deserts of sorts, barren sandy stretches with no water but like most of the places there it was static, colourless and dull. The Great Sandy Desert on the other hand was a colourful landscape of red, windswept sand and beautiful rock formations - nothing in Limbo could compare. It almost made Adrian miss his life on Earth, but he reminded himself he probably never would have seen it as a true human.

Looking around Adrian saw the demon walking around in the distance, disgruntled as they usually were, but e decided to adhere to his orders and wait for Spencer to arrive. The demon was an unknown enemy to Adrian and it was never a good idea to fight unfamiliar foes with no back up.

Spencer - Chapter 2


Spencer threw his bedsheets off and got to his feet slowly, in a undisciplined manner, from out of his bed. He was fully recovered from the last mission and couldn't feel any pain no doubt due to being a reaper although he could still trace where his scars were on his body. It made him feel even more inhumane, it seemed to take a certain pleasure and genuineness out of his life although there isn't much he could do about it now. He had a job to do and he couldn't cease to function due to being in a bad mood, seeing as how that wouldn't sit well with his superiors.

As he walked towards his door, he noticed a head-sized raven tapping against the window. Spencer groaned and slid the window open with hesitation, forcibly grabbing the bird and untying the letter on it's leg as it struggled in his arm. As he opened the envelope he noticed the ink was blood red, making Spencer feel slightly squirmish.

We have discovered that a species of fire demon has appeared in the Great Sandy Desert, Australia, Earth. You and your partner for this mission, Adrian Frode...

A sharp pain ran through Spencer's arm as he looked down and saw the bird pecking at his arm and a crimson red droplet fell down his arm. Spencer threw the letter at the bird and his lungs flared.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" Spencer's fist was shaking and he felt sick with himself once more, replacing his sudden anger. He knew the bird most likely wanted some food or something. Spencer retrieved some crackers and held them out to the bird, who slowly pecked away at the food while climbing onto his wrist. Walking out of the door, Spencer began to make his way out to Australia.

Apparently they didn't think he needed a break from such a disastrous mission. All he was to this society was a tool. It may have been for a good purpose but he knew he was beginning to loathe himself to an extent just for mindlessly following orders like this even though it was for the good of humanity. He lit a cigar and made his way towards the door once more...


Spencer was unable to manipulate his energies to use the psychic-like abilities of his coworkers although his brute physical strength was unmatched. Physical strength hardly did anything helpful though except for in fights, and only against certain enemies. Because of his lack of even a novice ability to even teleport, he was able to carry around an enchanted coin. It wasn't of pound sterling but rather was solely unique and it had no other counterparts, which he could use for inter-dimensional teleportation. All he had to do was flip it and call out the location he was headed to although it had a limit on it which he hadn't figured out yet. This coin was special to him though. It wasn't originally enchanted and it was the only personal possession he had from his mortal life. Looking at it reminded him of his sister, who was the only person from his family who he could still remember entirely, and how little he did to keep his family together...


A coin rotated into the air and landed in Spencer's palm.

"Great Sandy Desert, Australia, Earth, Milky Way." Spencer muttered as the coin returned to his hand by gravitational pull and the instant it returned to his palm, he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a tail of smoke.

As Spencer gained footing he frowned. Back into the desert again. Apparently whoever had the job of assigning him to this mission was a heartless jerk. Without much reaction, he had his usual clothing on: his bartender uniform, and continued to smoke. Holding his hand up, the bird flew into the sky into the direction of the sun. Spencer opened the palm of his hand revealing the coin sinking into his skin. It was apart of him and all that was left to prove that his memories weren't the babblings of a madman.

Spencer pivoted around to see a guy in his twenties wearing jeans and a hooded leather jacket. His hair was messy and he had a dreary gray sword at his hip. Spencer blinked quickly, adjusting his eyes to the lighting of the desert through his shades and held out his hand to who he assumed was Adrian.

"I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume that you are my partner, Adrian."


Adrian Frode

Adrian heard the soft thud of feet hitting the sand and turned to see a seemingly young man with dyed blonde hair and a cigar standing there, wearing attire that was somewhat formal despite the heat. It took a while for Adrian to realise that the man was in fact Spencer Holden, his partner for the mission. Adrian had never directly worked with Spencer although he knew of him, Spencer was well known to a few reapers due to the unusual way in which his reaper powers had manifested in him.

"I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume that you are my partner, Adrian."
"That would be me. Clearly I'm not quite as well known as you are." Adrian considered the situation for a moment before deciding he should let Spencer know about the current situation "the demon has been heading to my left for a little while now at a fairly slow pace, it is doubtful that it is overly fast but it has a fairly bulky build so it looks like it may be quite physically strong... not to mention it has those nasty horns. Honestly I could have easily caught up to it by now, as most any reaper could have, but I figure it is an unknown enemy that even the Grims seem to know little about so I figured I should wait for you."

Adrian stifled a yawn, the unfortunate thing about being immortal was that it was hard to keep a trace on your own limitations when in the thick of battle and that one could often find themselves being tired surprisingly early. In his last battle he had fought against four separate Harbingers, three for an extended period of time as well as a horde of vampires, it was needless to say that whilst he had mostly recovered physically he was still tired from the battle.
"Honestly I don't know what the Grims were thinking sending me on this mission, my last one was insane. It seemed to be straight forward enough but throughout the course I ended up fighting against a few too many harbingers. I'm exhausted... but they are ancient and wise so I figure either I'm supposed to be a sacrificial pawn or that they think I have something special to bring to the mission. Sorry for asking, but what was your last mission like? I figure it is a good idea to ascertain the conditions of allies as well as the enemy. Speaking of which... how would you like to go about this demon of ours? From what I hear you are highly effective close-range, which is the area I'm best in also... although I have some decent mid to long-range spells and can cover distance quite quick. Should we just take the brute force approach do you think?

Adrian waited for the other reaper's reply, hoping not to have upset him since his temper was supposedly rather unpleasant... honestly though... Adrian liked the guy so far, temperament or not.
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