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[Challenge] Restarting the Random Challenge

Popping in a request to join these shenanigans!

Forum Username: oopart.
Game Version: Ruby
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Please no Ditto, Smeargle or Shuckle. Would also appreciate not having repeat 'main Types' (I.E no Grass/Poison duos, but having a Grass/Poison and a Water/Poison is alright)
Your team is: Granbull, Skarmory, Raichu, Latios, Regice, Relicanth.

If you can't hack in a level 5 Latios, you may replace it with Blaziken. If you don't have access to Snubbull either, you can use Weezing as a second reroll.
Alrighty then! I went for Torchic rather than Latios, because having Latios, Skarmory and Regice on one team seemed... Overkill. So, with a team of Snubbull, Skarmory, Pichu, Torchic, Regice and Relicanth, I'm off! Wish me luck. Or don't.
Might not get to this immediately, but why not get a team in advance?

Forum Username: Devalue
Game Version: Crystal
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Not Flareon, Qwilfish, Porygon2, Smeargle, Sunflora, or Hitmontop. (Used them the last time playing Crystal.)
Forum Username: Devalue
Game Version: Crystal
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Not Flareon, Qwilfish, Porygon2, Smeargle, Sunflora, or Hitmontop. (Used them the last time playing Crystal.)
I generated Moltres, Beedrill, Jolteon, Noctowl, Articuno, and Lanturn. (What's with all the legendaries I'm generating today?) If you can't or don't want to hack in Lv. 5 Legendaries, you can substitute Miltank and Seaking. (I had to reroll the latter because it came out as Hitmontop originally, so you can substitute it for Seaking if you change your mind about the restriction.)
I generated Moltres, Beedrill, Jolteon, Noctowl, Articuno, and Lanturn. (What's with all the legendaries I'm generating today?) If you can't or don't want to hack in Lv. 5 Legendaries, you can substitute Miltank and Seaking. (I had to reroll the latter because it came out as Hitmontop originally, so you can substitute it for Seaking if you change your mind about the restriction.)
Accepts the legendaries. Has the ability to hack them in. Rarely gets the chance to play with them. May not even be that strong until Kanto. Does not feel bad with Red's really overleveled team at the end either.
Alright, just generated a team for you. Buen provecho!

Upon further review, did you generate a National Dex team like I asked? Because all of those are in the B2W2 Unova Regional Dex and I specifically asked for National Dex. The probability of none of these being out-of-region Pokemon is around 1%, which, although possible, isn't particularly likely.
Upon further review, did you generate a National Dex team like I asked? Because all of those are in the B2W2 Unova Regional Dex and I specifically asked for National Dex. The probability of none of these being out-of-region Pokemon is around 1%, which, although possible, isn't particularly likely.
So, just in case I did it wrong, I tried generating a new team w/ the second link, and for some reason the algorithm seems *very* weighted to generate at least one Legendary. I hit the Generate button 30+ times before getting a team without any Legendaries! Might be something to look into. Anyhoo, just in case I got the first one wrong, here's an alternate team:

If so desired, replace one of the guys here with Manaphy, as that guy popped up twice and I think that's funny. :P
So, just in case I did it wrong, I tried generating a new team w/ the second link, and for some reason the algorithm seems *very* weighted to generate at least one Legendary. I hit the Generate button 30+ times before getting a team without any Legendaries! Might be something to look into. Anyhoo, just in case I got the first one wrong, here's an alternate team:

If so desired, replace one of the guys here with Manaphy, as that guy popped up twice and I think that's funny. :P
These are all good, lots of Pokemon I've never used before and I'm eager to try them all out. I will not use Manaphy, though.
Forum Username: Dave T
Game Version: Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: No legendries please
Forum Username: Dave T
Game Version: Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: No legendries please
Your team:
  • Blaziken
  • Medicham
  • Skarmory
  • Starmie
  • Claydol
  • Seviper
Thanks! Could I get another pick instead of Medicham? Don't think I can get it in Emerald
Kingdra, in that case. (And if not able to evolve that via trading, Mawile.)
Hello, I would like to give this a try!

Forum Username: Celèste1
Game Version: Ultra Moon
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: None
Update 1: Falkner through Clair

Team: Articuno, Moltres, Beedrill, Jolteon, Lanturn, and Noctowl.

Standard personal rules:
  • Limit 3 items per trainer
  • No X-items or in-battle Revives.
  • Limit 1 Leftovers
  • Set Mode.
  • Soft level cap (simply try to not go over)
    • Falkner: 9
    • Bugsy: 16
    • Whitney: 20
    • Morty: 25
    • Chuck: 30
    • Pryce: 31
    • Jasmine: 35
    • Clair: 40
    • Elite Four + Champion: 47 (Karen's highest level)

Ignores level caps post-Elite Four. Already surpassed several or will never reach others.

Notes three Flying types on this team. Creates a massive Rock and Electric weakness, including two double weaknesses to Rock.

Expects Moltres to demolish the first few gyms. Starts with Wing Attack and Ember. Might get a little dicey versus Miltank and Rollout. Fades as Johto goes on, given no useful Fire move until level 49. Foresees a similar fate for Articuno, except with an Icy Wind TM from the gym. Only has Gust, also, not Wing Attack.

Worries mainly about Red at the end. Typically enters horribly underleveled. How does this team win without massive grinding? Cannot use Curse effectively, between Red's team being Special-heavy and having 5 of 6 of this team with higher Special Attack than Attack. Maybe a Curse + Agility combo on Moltres?

Randomed into the female trainer. Generated a list of seven random objects. Serves as the naming theme. Got Blanket, Thermometer, Cinder Block, Stop Sign, Candle, Key Chain, and Clothes. Opted to shorten some. Chose "Stop" for the trainer name, partially as process of elimiation, partially for the dialogue.

"Stop, are you ready?"
"Stop! There you are." Good start.

Hacked in Moltres and Articuno. Will wait to get Eevee (after Gym 3), Chinchou (after Gym 4), Hoothoot (nearly immediate?), and Beedrill (pre-Gym 3). Deems those early enough.

Generated three sets of random IVs for both legendaries. Picks the best of them.

Moltres 1: 6/0/11/10/10/5. 44 power Hidden Power Ground.
Moltres 2: 7/10/7/11/11/15. 60 power Hidden Power Electric
Moltres 3: 10/1/0/12/12/9. 38 power Hidden Power Rock.

#2. Almost better across the board. Named it "Cinder".

Articuno 1: 8/11/14/8/8/2. 63 power Hidden Power Dragon.
Articuno 2: 0/14/4/10/10/12. 59 power Hidden Power Fire.
Articuno 3: 12/9/11/2/2/0. 62 power Hidden Power Steel.

Deliberated for a bit. Selects #1. Prefers the Hitpoints over Speed. Gains nothing from Hidden Power Dragon. Already has Moltres for Fire anyways. Named it "Blanket".

Caught four Hoothoots. (One more than Articuno/Moltres. Cannot see the exact DVs or Hidden Power.)
Hoothoot 1: Worse than Hoothoot 2.
Hoothoot 2: 7-15 HP, 4-15 in Attack + Defense, anything for Speed, and 14-15 in Special Attack + Special Defense.
Hoothoot 3: 3-14 HP, 8-15 in Attack, 0-7 in Defense, 0-12 in Speed, 7-13 in Special Attack + Special Defense
Hoothoot 4: Same as Hoothoot 3, but 0-7 in Attack.

Hoothoot #2, then. Figures. Nicknamed all of them but that one. Will fix it later. Named it "Clothes". (Leveled it up once. 15 DVs in HP. What a champion.)

Questions what this Pokemon will be able to do. Gave it a sad base 50 Attack, less than Totodile. Has base 76 Special Attack, which is also bad. Cannot even take good advantage of it. Learns its first Special move, Confusion, at level 41 (about the Elite Four). Receives Hypnosis, at least.

Oh, hold on. Sees Weedle among the encounters here too. Only looked at Beedrill. One miserable 5% encounter chance later...

(HP/Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Speed. Compared stats directly, due to being the same level.)
Weedle 1: 15/7/7/6/6/8
Weedle 2: See Weedle 1
Weedle 3: 16/8/7/6/6/8
Weedle 4: See Weedle 1

No decision here: #3. Stuck it into the DV calculator. 15 DVs for Attack. Nice. Called it "Chain".

Eyes Chain with as much doubt as Clothes. Has some of the worst stats (total) among fully-evolved Pokemon. Aligned its stats with its typing, on the plus side. Picks up Sludge Bomb later too, which is a solid move with no competition on the team.

Out of curiosity, what does level 5 Cinder's (Moltres's) Attack look like next to level 5 Chain's (Weedle)? 16 Attack to 10 Attack. Sounds about right.

Breezed through Sprout Tower on the wings of resisting Grass on all four Pokemon.

Reached Falkner. Leveled everyone to 9. Recognizes Blanket's clear advantage here. Gave Clothes some action here first. Beat Pidgey with it before handing it over to Blanket. Two-shot Pidgeotto with Powder Snow. No log necessary here.

Evolved Chain up to Beedrill after Violet City. Needs to shine soon before getting left in the dust. Picked up a Poison Barb for it, as a bonus.

Yeesh. Battled a Geodude trainer. Hit Blanket for over half its health with Rock Throw. Might ask why you would put a x4 weakness in front of Geodude. Cannot do damage with anyone else. Plinked it for 5% with Clothes's Tackle.

Headed to Ilex Forest to grind some experience for Clothes and Chain. Met the rival, Deter (after Deterministic, or not random). Whoops. Beat it with a combination of the two.

Eh. Leveled Chain and Clothes to 15. Did not feel like grinding up to the level limit (16). Kept Blanket and Cinder at 11 because of the poor grinding opportunities (levels 5 and 6). Did not need them anyways. Swept it with Chain. Stacked 6 Hardens and a Focus Energy, then went to town. Ended at low health because of two Metapod Tackle criticals, but eh. Never pulled out an item.

Does Chain want to learn Fury Cutter from Bugsy's TM? ...No. Cannot even learn it. Psh.

Fixed Clothes's nickname. Saw the DVs while doing so: four 15's. Incredible. Checked the Hidden Powers too: Steel for Clothes and Ice for Chain. Eh. Uses their weaker stats.

Hold on. Battled a trainer who just gave their Pokemon a haircut. What hair does Lickitung have?

Grinded some friendship with haircuts. Snagged Return for Clothes and Chain. Beats Tackle and Fury Attack.

Leveled everyone up to 20 on Schoolboy Alan's Tangela. Yielded about half a level per battle. Evolves Clothes into Noctowl. Still has trash Attack.

Forgot to save before the Whitney battle. Whoops. Strategy: Wants to give Clothes a shot, rather than the Chain Harden x6 ploy again. Has Growl and Hypnosis. Hopes for it to make some magic with that. Gave Clothes a Quick Claw.

Turn 1: Clothes: Return (65%) / Clefairy: Metronome (Rollout) (69/78)
Turn 2: Clothes: Return (the rest)
Turn 3: Clothes: Hypnosis / Miltank: Asleep
Turn 4: Clothes: Growl / Miltank: Asleep
Turn 5: Miltank: Asleep / Clothes: Growl
Turn 6: Miltank: Rollout (61/78) / Clothes: Growl
Turn 7: Miltank: Rollout (47/78) / Clothes: Hypnosis (miss)
Turn 8: Miltank: Rollout (19/78) / Clothes: Hypnosis
Turn 9: Clothes: Lemonade (heal to full) / Miltank: Asleep
Turn 10: Miltank: Rollout (71/78) / Clothes: Return (25%)
Turn 11: Miltank: Rollout (56/78) / Clothes: Hypnosis
Turn 12: Miltank: Asleep / Clothes: Return (25%)
Turn 13: Clothes: Return (25%) / Miltank: Rollout (49/78)
Turn 14: Miltank: Rollout (34/78) / Clothes: Return (the rest)
(Level up.)

Good showing. Thank goodness for not going for the Harden strategy. What kind of nonsense is that Rollout from Metronome?

Um, ow. Full health to 16/71 on Blanket from one of Sudowoodo's Rock Throw. Yes, yes, x4 effectiveness. Handed it over to Clothes to defeat.

Met Bill in Ecruteak, then backtracked to Goldenrod quickly for Thermo the Eevee. Only one of these, so no decisions here. 0-2 DVs on HP and Defense. 10-12 for Special Attack and Special Defense. 13-14 for Speed. Decent.

Comes in at level 20, also. Sounds nice. Missed Thundershock at level 16 as Jolteon, however. Means waiting for Thunder at 52. Could get Thunder in the Game Corner (5500 coins or 110000 Pokedollars), Zap Cannon (Kanto Power Plant), Thunderbolt (4000 coins or 80000 Pokedollars post-Elite Four), or a very unlikely Hidden Power (Lake of Rage or Celadon Department Store). ...Yeah.

Found Lass Dana on Route 38. Got a Thunderstone from them after maybe 8 calls. Almost used it immediately. Checked pre-evolution moves quickly: Bite at level 30. Probably should get that, as a Special move this generation. Must be careful to not get Thermo too friendly, so no Return stuff. ...How is Thermo going to do damage, then? Ah, Headbutt. And Shadow Ball soon.

Continued to Olivine Town for the Good Rod. Fished for Chinchous in the harbor.

Chinchou 1: 62/22/21/27/27/32
Chinchou 2: 62/23/20/27/27/36
Chinchou 3: 64/23/21/32/32/35
Chinchou 4: 64/26/23/31/31/37

Selects #4. Sacrifices a little Special Attack and Special Defense for some Speed and Defense. Named it "Candle". Played two challenges in a row with a Candle now (with Salazzle and a birthday theme previously).

Appreciates Candle on the team, as a Pokemon that can handle Rock types. Knows the only Electric move on the team for some time, most likely.

...Wait. Tried to use the Fury Cutter TM, on the off-chance someone could use it. (Would probably not teach it.) Why can Chain learn it? Does not list it in Serebii for Beedrill. Remembers finding a mistake or two before in Crystal with TM locations. (Later edit: Hidden Power TM at Lake of Rage.)

Eusine: "Stop, let's meet again!" Still a decent name.

Powered up Candle with Surf. Cannot really do much with Clothes, Chain, or Thermo, damage-wise. Led with Candle for Morty. No extra leveling. (Was at levels 21-23 instead of 25.)

Turn 1: Candle: Surf (100%) / Gastly: Fainted
(Level up.)
Turn 2: Candle: Surf (70%) / Haunter: Night Shade (55/76)
Turn 3: Candle: Surf (the rest)
Turn 4: Gengar: Hypnosis (miss) / Candle: Thunder Wave
Turn 5: Candle: Surf (40%) / Gengar: Hypnosis
Turn 6: Candle: Awakening / Gengar: Dream Eater (failed)
Turn 7: Candle: Surf (40%) / Gengar: Hypnosis (miss)
Turn 8: Candle: Surf (the rest)
Turn 9: Haunter: Mean Look / Candle: Surf (65%)
Turn 10: Haunter: Night Shade (32/76) / Candle: Surf (the rest)
(Level up.)

Also a good match for Candle. Learned Spark at the end too.

Fought up and down the lighthouse. Hit up Chuck's gym next. Experienced the first faint there, with a surprise Rock Slide from a Machoke three levels above Chain. Could have been anyone there. Did not expect that kind of move coverage, given the Pokemon in this generation. (Checked. Only gets Rock Slide by transferring from Generation 1. What a dirty move.)

...Okay, now. Says Totodile can learn Strength on Serebii. (Also Rock Smash.) Nope. Serebii error counter: 2.

Hated to leave Cianwood without Fly, so Chuck time. Holds a huge team advantage, although a considerable level disadvantage. Leveled everyone up to at 24 (with Candle at 26). Left Thermo in the box (because of needing someone for Strength). Set the level limit at 30 here. Feels like a good challenge for some legendaries to be this far down in levels...or at least more fair.

Turn 1: Cinder: Wing Attack (95%) / Primeape: Fury Swipes (miss)
Turn 2: Cinder: Wing Attack (critical, the rest)
(Level up.)
Turn 3: Cinder: Wing Attack (55%) / Poliwrath: Mind Reader
Turn 4: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)

Zero damage, zero problem.

Went to the Lake of Rage next. Lost two Pokemon trying to catch the shiny Gyarados, just because. Ran out of balls. (Only had a few.)

Mentions nothing too remarkable in the Rocket Hideout. Fainted Blanket on a critical Self-Destruct, though. Headed north immediately after clearing it for Chain's Sludge Bomb TM.

Pryce time. Entered with levels 25-28, no extra grinding beyond beating all the trainers. Led with Candle (level 28), now a Lanturn.

Turn 1: Candle: Spark (95%, paralyze) / Seel: Icy Wind (miss)
Turn 2: Candle: Spark (the rest)
(Level up.)
Turn 3: Candle: Spark (55%) / Dewgong: Headbutt (101/120)
Turn 4: Candle: Spark (critical, the rest)
Turn 5: Candle: Surf (critical, 100%) / Piloswine: Fainted

Amazing luck for Candle on that one. Almost walked swam away with no damage.

Stopped at Cherrygrove quickly for a Mystic Water. Flew to Olivine to take on Jasmine directly afterward.

Turn 1: Candle: Surf (99%) / Magnemite: Thunder Wave
Turn 2: Magnemite: Thunderbolt (74/120) / Candle: Spark (critical, the rest)
Turn 3: Magnemite: Thunderbolt (critical, 0/120)
Turn 4: Cinder: Ember (100%)
Turn 5: Cinder: Ember (45%, burn) / Steelix: Rock Throw (50/90)
Turn 6: Cinder: Ember (critical, the rest)

So many criticals. Three in eight attacks between all Pokemon. Was surprised to see Cinder take a Rock Throw so well, given the level disadvantage (26 to 35), even with the burn.

Next up: the Radio Station. Disliked all the poison there, plus the occasional Self-Destruct. Found the Rocket Executive kind of tough. Ended that with some status conditions and a lot of Pokemon in the yellow.

Evolved Thermo into Jolteon finally, after learning Bite.

Cleared the Rocket invasion. Describes it as pretty miserable without Ground or Psychic moves. Took Poison status...six times? Plus a paralysis or too.

Caught everyone else up to Candle between the Rocket invasion and Ice Path. Gave Blanket some extra experience on the route south of Blackthorn. Put it at level 34, versus everyone else at 30-32. Still falls well short of Clair's level 40 Kingdra.

Clair strategy: Handed a paralysis cure berry to Blanket. Failed to one-shot the gym trainer Dragonairs with Icy Wind and Nevermeltice. Foresees more of the same for Clair. Ideally takes out two Dragonairs by itself. Will be a tag-team to take out the rest. Avoids letting someone faint, if reasonable, but no promises.

Turn 1: Blanket: Icy Wind (85%, -1 Speed) / Dragonair: Thunder Wave (Blanket's PRZCUREberry)
Turn 2: Blanket: Powder Snow (the rest)
Turn 3: Blanket: Powder Snow (critical, 90%) / Dragonair: Thunder Wave
Turn 4: Dragonair: Thunderbolt (79/117) / Blanket: Powder Snow (the rest)
Turn 5: Dragonair: Dragonbreath (60/117) / Blanket: Icy Wind (70%, -1 Speed)
Turn 6: Dragonair: Dragonbreath (40/117) / Blanket: Paralyzed
Turn 7: Dragonair: Dragonbreath (19/117) / Blanket: Icy Wind (critical, the rest)
(Level up.)
Turn 8: Blanket: Switch to Candle / Kingdra: Hyper Beam (44/128)
Turn 9: Kingdra: Recharging / Candle: Thunder Wave
Turn 10: Candle: Switch to Thermo / Kingdra: Paralyzed
Turn 11: Thermo: Bite (10%) / Kingdra: Hyper Beam (0/85)
Turn 12: Chain: Sludge Bomb (critical, 50%) / Kingdra: Recharging
Turn 13: Chain: Sludge Bomb (30%) / Kingdra: Hyper Beam (0/97)
Turn 14: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)

Not the worst Clair fight ever, especially given the level disadvantage. Must have been close to surviving that Hyper Beam on Thermo. Has similar Defense to Candle (51 after a level on Kingdra versus Thermo's 46). Lost 84 hitpoints on Candle to the Hyper Beam. Probably only did enough by ~3 hitpoints.

Hm. Tried putting Thermo's stats into the usual damage calculator. Displays way higher stats than Thermo has, even with 0 DVs across the board. Cannot be badge boosts either. Stat experience, perhaps?

Grinded for experience outside Victory Road. Stands at about level 33-35 on most Pokemon. Will stop at 38 for the rival. Plans to grind to about...43? Blergh.

Swept the rival with level 38 Cinder. Back to grinding.

Stared at Confusion for Clothes for a while. Decided not to. Put it into a (different) damage calculator. Was not impressed. Hit about as hard as Return on something weak to Psychic. Prefers the Growl + Hypnosis combo. Helped a ton versus Miltank. Could be a saving grace versus a different Rock-type.

Completed the grind. Probably took over an hour. Battled Cooltrainers Gaven and Reena before Victory Road over and over. Yielded maybe 75% of an experience bar per fight on one Pokemon near the end, give or take a little.

Closes this update off here. Battles the Elite Four (and probably Red) in the next update.

Spoiler: Team

(HP / Attack / Defense / Special Attack / Special Defense / Speed for stats.)

Cinder the Moltres
Level: 43
Stats: 146/110/99/132/97/105
Moves: Wing Attack, Ember, Fire Spin, and Agility

Candle the Lanturn
Level: 43
Stats: 177/76/70/88/88/84
Moves: Surf, Spark, Confuse Ray, and Thunder Wave.

Thermo the Jolteon
Level: 43
Stats: 117/75/64/117/104/137
Moves: Bite, Headbutt, Sand-Attack, and Growl

Blanket the Articuno
Level: 43
Stats: 147/98/114/103/129/91
Moves: Icy Wind, Gust, Powder Snow, and Agility

Chain the Beedrill
Level: 43
Stats: 129/96/53/64/94/82
Moves: Return, Sludge Bomb, Harden, and Twineedle

Clothes the Noctowl
Level: 43
Stats: 161/69/91/93/110/76
Moves: Return, Fly, Growl, and Hypnosis
Forum Username: yogo896
Game Version: White
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: No
National Dex: No
Restrictions: No Legendaries, no Unevolved, only NFEs
Forum Username: yogo896
Game Version: White
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: No
National Dex: No
Restrictions: No Legendaries, no Unevolved, only NFEs
If I understand this right, you want Pokemon that are not fully evolved, but aren't unevolved either? Like mid-stage evolutions of three-stage lines, like Servine and Zweilous?

If so, here are your results: Boldore, Eelektrik, Gothorita*, Vanillish, Duosion, Pignite

*If you cannot trade/hack for Gothorita, you may use Herdier instead.
If I understand this right, you want Pokemon that are not fully evolved, but aren't unevolved either? Like mid-stage evolutions of three-stage lines, like Servine and Zweilous?

If so, here are your results: Boldore, Eelektrik, Gothorita*, Vanillish, Duosion, Pignite

*If you cannot trade/hack for Gothorita, you may use Herdier instead.
Yes, thank you i will use these and also i will not be hacking the game so i am free to use herdier?
Update 2: Elite Four to Red​

Team: Cinder the Moltres, Thermo the Jolteon, Candle the Lanturn, Blanket the Articuno, Clothes the Noctowl, and Chain the Beedrill.

Starts off right at the Elite Four. Begins with Will.

Turn 1: Candle: Spark (critical, 100%) / Xatu: Fainted
Turn 2: Candle: Switch to Blanket / Exeggutor: Leech Seed
Turn 3: Blanket: Icy Wind (miss) (Leech Seed damage to 129/147) / Exeggutor: Reflect
Turn 4: Blanket: Icy Wind (95%) (Leech Seed damage to 95/147) / Exeggutor: Psychic (69/147)
Turn 5: Blanket: Powder Snow (critical, the rest)
Turn 6: Blanket: Switch to Cinder / Jynx: Lovely Kiss
Turn 7: Cinder: Awakening / Jynx: Doubleslap (miss)
(Enemy reflect down.)
Turn 8: Cinder: Wing Attack (99%) / Jynx: Lovely Kiss
Turn 9: Cinder: Awakening / Jynx: Doubleslap (2 hits, 140/146)
Turn 10: Cinder: Wind Attack (the rest)
Turn 11: Cinder: Switch to Candle / Slowbro: Amnesia
Turn 12: Candle: Spark (30%, paralyze) / Slowbro: Paralyzed
Turn 13: Candle: Spark (30%) / Slowbro: Psychic (131/177)
Turn 14: Candle: Spark (35%) / Slowbro: Psychic (84/177)
Turn 15: Candle: Spark (the rest)
Turn 16: Xatu: Psychic (36/177) / Candle: Spark (90%)
Turn 17: Candle: Switch to Clothes / Xatu: Max Potion (heal to full)
Turn 18: Clothes: Hypnosis / Xatu: Asleep
Turn 19: Xatu: Asleep / Clothes: Return (critical, 95%)
Turn 20: Xatu: Asleep / Clothes: Return (critical, the rest)

Good and bad luck there, but mostly good. 4 for 12 on criticals. Would rather miss an Icy Wind now than on Lance.

Next: Koga. Leads with Cinder with the strongest Flying damage. Prefers not to use Fly and give Ariados free Double Team turns.

Turn 1: Cinder: Wing Attack (100%) / Ariados: Fainted
Turn 2: Cinder: Wing Attack (40%) / Muk: Minimize
Turn 3: Cinder: Wing Attack (40%) / Muk: Sludge Bomb (104/146)
Turn 4: Cinder: Wing Attack (miss) / Muk: Sludge Bomb (62/146)
Turn 5: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)
Turn 6: Cinder: Switch to Blanket / Crobat: Wing Attack (123/147)
Turn 7: Crobat: Toxic / Blanket: Icy Wind (75%, -1 Speed)
(Toxic damage to 114/147)
Turn 8: Blanket: Powder Snow (the rest)
Turn 9: Blanket: Switch to Cinder / Forretress: Protect
Turn 10: Cinder: Ember (100%)
Turn 11: Cinder: Wing Attack (100%) / Venomoth: Fainted

Pretty clear win there. Fired off the strongest move on the team, after all.

Next: Bruno. Notices a distinct Flying advantage so far. Will lead with Clothes to give it a chance to do something.

Turn 1: Hitmontop: Quick Attack (145/161) / Clothes: Fly
Turn 2: Hitmontop: Detect / Clothes: Fly (blocked)
Turn 3: Hitmontop: Quick Attack (127/161) / Clothes: Return (50%)
Turn 4: Hitmontop: Quick Attack (110/161) / Clothes: Return (49%)
Turn 5: Hitmontop: Quick Attack (94/161) / Clothes: Return (the rest)
Turn 6: Clothes: Switch to Candle / Onix: Sandstorm
(Sandstorm damage to 155/177)
Turn 7: Candle: Surf (100%)
(Sandstorm damage to 133/177)
Turn 8: Candle: Surf (50%) / Hitmonlee: Double Kick (84/177)
(Sandstorm damage to 62/177)
Turn 9: Candle: Surf (critical, the rest)
(Sandstorm damage to 40/177)
Turn 10: Candle: Switch to Cinder / Hitmonchan: Mach Punch (139/149)
(Sandstorm over)
Turn 11: Cinder: Wing Attack (100%)
Turn 12: Cinder: Wing Attack (90%) / Machamp: Rock Slide (0/149)
Turn 13: Machamp: Max Potion (heal to full) / Blanket: Powder Snow (20%)
Turn 14: Blanket: Switch to Thermo / Machamp: Rock Slide (62/117)
Turn 15: Thermo: Sand Attack / Machamp: Cross Chop (miss)
Turn 16: Thermo: Switch to Clothes / Machamp: Cross Chop (critical, 0/161)
Turn 17: Chain: Sludge Bomb (55%) / Machamp: Rock Slide (miss)
Turn 18: Chain: Sludge Bomb (the rest)

Messed that one up. Mixes up Clothes and Blanket a lot. Showed that off here. Was not surprised by Cinder fainting to Machamp's Rock Slide from near full.

Next: Karen. Sees an opportunity for Chain to do something. Hits harder with Sludge Bomb (with Poison Barb) than Twineedle. Has fewer Sludge Bombs, though, so Twineedle.

Turn 1: Chain: Twineedle (45%) / Umbreon: Confuse Ray
Turn 2: Chain: Twineedle (45%, poison) / Umbreon: Faint Attack (105/129)
Turn 3: Chain: Twineedle (the rest)
Turn 4: Chain: Switch to Candle / Houndoom: Flamethrower (146/181)
Turn 5: Houndoom: Crunch (80/181) / Candle: Surf (90%)
Turn 6: Houndoom: Max Potion (heal to full) / Candle: Surf (85%)
Turn 7: Houndoom: Crunch (15/181) / Candle: Surf (the rest)
Turn 8: Candle: Switch to Cinder / Vileplume: Petal Dance (140/149)
Turn 9: Cinder: Agility / Vileplume: Petal Dance (132/149)
Turn 10: Cinder: Wing Attack (95%) / Vileplume: Petal Dance (123/149)
Turn 11: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)
Turn 12: Cinder: Wing Attack (over 50%) / Gengar: Curse (Fainted Gengar)
Turn 13: Cinder: Wing Attack (75%) (Curse to 86/149) / Murkrow: Faint Attack (55/149)
Turn 14: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)

Not too bad. Appreciated Chain not hitting itself twice. Used the legendary birds (mainly Cinder) a lot so far. Happens to have a good typing and an actual Attack stat.

Finally: Lance. The real battle. Leads with Candle for Gyarados. Cannot leave Blanket in constantly, unfortunately, due to Aerodactyl and Charizard in the lineup. Prepare for a lot of switches.

Turn 1: Candle: Spark (99%, paralysis) / Gyarados: Flail (61/181)
Turn 2: Candle: Spark (the rest)
Turn 3: Candle: Switch to Blanket / Dragonite: Hyper Beam (87/147)
Turn 4: Blanket: Icy Wind (100%)
Turn 5: Blanket: Switch to Candle / Charizard: Flamethrower (25/181)
Turn 6: Candle: Hyper Potion (heal to full) / Charizard: Flamethrower (145/181)
Turn 7: Charizard: Flamethrower (108/181) / Candle: Surf (90%)
Turn 8: Charizard: Hyper Beam (42/181) / Candle: Surf (the rest)
Turn 9: Candle: Switch to Blanket / Dragonite: Hyper Beam (28/150)
Turn 10: Blanket: Hyper Potion (heal to full) / Dragonite: Recharging
Turn 11: Blanket: Icy Wind (100%)
Turn 12: Blanket: Switch to Thermo / Aerodactyl: Rock Slide (47/117)
Turn 13: Thermo: Hyper Potion on Candle (heal to full, final item) / Aerodactyl: Hyper Beam (0/117)
Turn 14: Aerodactyl: Recharging / Candle: Surf (99%)
Turn 15: Aerodactyl: Hyper Beam (103/185) / Candle: Surf (the rest)
Turn 16: Candle: Switch to Blanket / Dragonite: Hyper Beam (75/150)
Turn 17: Blanket: Icy Wind (100%)

What was that first turn? Max power Flail? Also needed, like, 1 more Special Attack on Candle. Left Pokemon on a sliver of health multiple times between these battles.

Poor Thermo. Really had little opportunity to do anything. Could have led versus Will or something, but eh. Fixes that up right now. Headed to Goldenrod. Forked over 80000 Pokedollars for Thunderbolt. Earned about that much, if not more, from grinding for the Elite Four. Now has a purpose in life.

Gave Thermo and Clothes some action on the boat. Rolls up to one of the team's worse matchups: Surge. Leads with...Chain? Sure. Will write a log for this one because of the bad matchups and fairly close level.

Turn 1: Raichu: Thunder (75/135) / Chain: Sludge Bomb (95%)
Turn 2: Raichu: Thunder (critical, 0/135)
Turn 3: Thermo: Bite (the rest)
Turn 4: Thermo: Thunderbolt (48%) / Electrode: Double Team
Turn 5: Thermo: Thunderbolt (48%) / Electrode: Swift (critical, 88/120)
Turn 6: Thermo: Bite (the rest)
Turn 7: Thermo: Switch to Cinder / Magneton: Double Team
Turn 8: Cinder: Ember (100%)
Turn 9: Cinder: Switch to Thermo / Electabuzz: Light Screen
Turn 10: Thermo: Sand Attack / Electabuzz: Thunder (57/120)
Turn 11: Thermo: Sand Attack / Electabuzz: Thunder (miss)
Turn 12: Thermo: Bite (15%) / Electabuzz: Thunder (24/120)
Turn 13: Thermo: Switch to Candle / Electabuzz: Thunder (miss)
(Enemy Light Screen down.)
Turn 14: Electabuzz: Thunder (critical, 33/185) / Candle: Surf (50%)
Turn 15: Candle: Hyper Potion (heal to full) / Electabuzz: Thunder (116/185)
Turn 16: Electabuzz: Thunder (miss) / Candle: Surf (the rest)
Turn 17: Electrode: Double Team / Candle: Surf (miss)
Turn 18: Electrode: Double Team / Candle: Surf (critical, 100%)

Rough Thunder critical on Chain. Dislikes Surge's luck (three criticals and pretty good Thunder accuracy, even with some Sand Attacks). Turned it around on the last turn with a Surf critical, at least.

Oh, and Sabrina next. No log for this one. Did not get as much mileage out of Thermo as hoped. Would have gotten two-shot by Espeon. Missed after a Sand Attack too. Lost Candle on a critical Psychic from...Alakazam or Mr. Mime. What is the critical rate again in this generation? ...6.64%, or a little more than 1/16. Feels like more.

Picked up the three missing pieces to defeating Red, all in Celadon City: Leftovers, the Double Team TM, and the Curse TM. Swept the entire gym with Clothes too. Ran out of Flies at the end.

One-shot everything on Janine's team with Thermo's Thunderbolt. Why are they so low level? Could have been at the end of Victory Road.

Gave Cinder some extra showtime while wandering around Kanto. Needs the experience the most (for Red). Finally learned Flamethrower at 49 on the way to the Power Plant.

One-shot everything in Misty's gym with Thermo's Thunderbolt, save Quagsire. Sent in Blanket for that.

Why does everything know Rollout? Was not happy to see that on the level 50 Snorlax. Took out Cinder in two Rollout hits.

Thought Brock's team was higher level (41-44, for the record). No need for a log, then. One-shot everything with Candle (at level 48).

Beat Blaine in three Surfs. Took decent damage (40%?) from a critical Fire Blast, but nothing other than that.

Blue time. Actually fights back (levels 54-58). Currently has everyone around 47-49.

Turn 1: Pidgeot: Quick Attack (172/202) / Candle: Spark (60%)
Turn 2: Pidgeot: Quick Attack (139/202) / Candle: Spark (the rest)
(Level up.)
Turn 3: Candle: Switch to Chain / Exeggutor: Taking in sunlight
Turn 4: Chain: Sludge Bomb (60%) / Exeggutor: Solarbeam (114/144)
Turn 5: Exeggutor: Full Restore (heal to full) / Chain: Sludge Bomb (60%, poison)
Turn 6: Exeggutor: Full Restore (heal to full) / Chain: Twineedle (1 critical, 98%)
Turn 7: Chain: Twineedle (the rest)
Turn 8: Chain: Switch to Candle / Rhydon: Rock Slide (miss)
Turn 9: Candle: Surf (100%)
Turn 10: Candle: Switch to Blanket / Alakazam: Reflect
Turn 11: Alakazam: Psychic (103/164) / Blanket: Icy Wind (30%, -1 Speed)
Turn 12: Blanket: Icy Wind (30%, -1 Speed) / Alakazam: Psychic (33/164)
Turn 13: Blanket: Switch to Thermo / Alakazam: Psychic (46/133)
Turn 14: Thermo: Thunderbolt (the rest)
(Enemy Reflect down.)
Turn 15: Thermo: Switch to Cinder / Arcanine: Extremespeed (126/166)
Turn 16: Arcanine: Extremespeed (83/166) / Cinder: Wing Attack (30%)
Turn 17: Arcanine: Extremespeed (44/166) / Cinder: Wing Attack (30%)
Turn 18: Arcanine: Extremespeed (2/166) / Cinder: Wing Attack (35%)
Turn 19: Cinder: Hyper Potion (heal to full) / Arcanine: Extremespeed (122/166)
Turn 20: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)
Turn 21: Cinder: Switch to Candle / Gyarados: Hydro Pump (miss)
Turn 22: Gyarados: Twister (critical, 108/206) / Candle: Spark (85%)
Turn 23: Gyarados: Hyper Beam (miss) / Candle: Spark (the rest)

Not terrible. Wasted all of Blue's Full Restores on really early Exeggutor heals, fortunately.

Prepared for impending doom a little more. Fed Cinder more Proteins, HP Ups, and some Calciums and Carbos gathering dust in the PC for this moment. Withdrew the Rare Candies too. Totaled four of those.

Fears Red for a reason. Brings level 72-81s. Only made it to 50 on Candle, with the rest at 48-49.

Strategy: Debuff Pikachu with Thermo's Sand Attacks. Switch to Candle. Defeats Pikachu with Candle. Should bring in Red's Venusaur. Only knows Grass moves. Switches to Cinder (level 53 with the candies) with Leftovers. Taught it Double Team and Curse. Sets up six of those each, plus six Agilities. (Rest in piece, Flamethrower. Used you maybe twice.) Hopefully sweeps with +6 Wing Attacks. Really needs to one-shot Blastoise OR dodge the Surf. Looks really grim without Cinder sweeping.

Spoiler: Long Red Fight

Turn 1: Thermo: Sand Attack / Pikachu: Charm
Turn 2: Thermo: Sand Attack / Pikachu: Thunder (critical, 25/133, paralysis)
Turn 3: Pikachu: Thunder (0/133)
Turn 4: Pikachu: Charm (miss) / Candle: Thunder Wave
Turn 5: Candle: Confuse Ray / Pikachu: Hit itself
Turn 6: Candle: Surf (60%) / Pikachu: (No longer confused) Thunder (84/207)
Turn 7: Candle: Full Restore (heal to full) / Pikachu: Full Restore (heal to full)
Turn 8: Candle: Surf (55%) / Pikachu: Thunder (miss)
Turn 9: Candle: Surf (the rest)
Turn 10: Espeon: Reflect / Candle: Thunder Wave
Turn 11: Candle: Confuse Ray / Espeon: Psychic (35/207)
Turn 12: Candle: Surf (25%) / Espeon: Psychic (0/207)
Turn 13: Chain: Twineedle (1 critical, 50%) / Espeon: Psychic (0/144)
Turn 14: Clothes: Return (15%) / Espeon: Psychic (36/180)
(Enemy Reflect down)
Turn 15: Clothes: Return (the rest)
Turn 16: Blastoise: Blizzard (miss) / Clothes: Hypnosis
Turn 17: Blastoise: Asleep / Clothes: Return (critical, 15%? Hm?)
Turn 18: Clothes: Return (15%) / Blastoise: Asleep
Turn 19: Blastoise: Asleep / Clothes: Return (15%)
Turn 20: Blastoise: Asleep / Clothes: Return (15%)
Turn 21: Blastoise: Blizzard (0/180)
Turn 22: Blastoise: Rain Dance / Blanket: Icy Wind (5%, -1 Speed)
Turn 23: Blanket: Icy Wind (5%) / Blastoise: Surf (22/164)
Turn 24: Blanket: Powder Snow (critical, 5%) / Blastoise: Surf (0/164)
Turn 25: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)
Turn 26: Cinder: Double Team / Snorlax: Amnesia
Turn 27: Cinder: Curse / Snorlax: Body Slam (113/186, paralysis)
(Leftovers heal to 124/186)
Turn 28: Snorlax: Body Slam (54/186) / Cinder: Curse
(Leftovers heal to 65/186)
Turn 29: Cinder: Full Restore (heal to full) / Snorlax: Body Slam (130/186)
(Leftovers heal to 141/186)
Turn 30: Cinder: Double Team / Snorlax: Body Slam (miss)
(Leftovers heal to 152/186)
Turn 31: Cinder: Double Team / Snorlax: Body Slam (97/186)
(Leftovers heal to 108/186)
Turn 32: Cinder: Curse / Snorlax: Body Slam (miss)
(Leftovers heal to 119/186)
Turn 33: Snorlax: Body Slam (miss) / Cinder: Curse
(Leftovers heal to 130/186)
Turn 34: Snorlax: Body Slam (critical, 0/186)

...Why? Did they really switch in Espeon instead of Venusaur because of Mud-Slap? Had really garbage confusion luck (1 turn of confusion each). Is not a fan of that critical either. Almost pulled it back, though.

New plan: Surf down that rat from the beginning. Ignore the debuffs. Might need to defeat Espeon with Candle too. Cannot do that alone, however. Hm. May have to settle for setting up on Charizard. Will see what happens.

Turn 1: Pikachu: Thunder (miss) / Candle: Surf (55%)
Turn 2: Pikachu: Thunder (miss) / Candle: Surf (the rest)
Turn 3: Espeon: Reflect / Candle: Thunder Wave
Turn 4: Candle: Switch to Blanket / Espeon: Psychic (55/164)
Turn 5: Blanket: Icy Wind (10%, -1 Speed) / Espeon: Psychic (0/164)
Turn 6: Chain: Sludge Bomb (15%) / Espeon: Paralyzed
Turn 7: Chain: Sludge Bomb (15%) / Espeon: Paralyzed
(Enemy Reflect down.)
Turn 8: Chain: Sludge Bomb (40%) / Espeon: Paralyzed
Turn 9: Chain: Sludge Bomb (the rest)
Turn 10: Chain: Sludge Bomb (15%) / Snorlax: Body Slam (0/144)
Turn 11: Thermo: Sand Attack / Snorlax: Body Slam (0/133)
Turn 12: Clothes: Growl / Snorlax: Body Slam (77/180, paralysis)
Turn 13: Snorlax: Body Slam (0/180)
Turn 14: Cinder: Curse / Snorlax: Body Slam (142/186)
(Leftovers heal to 153/186)
Turn 15: Cinder: Double Team / Snorlax: Amnesia
(Leftovers heal to 164/186)
Turn 16: Cinder: Double Team / Snorlax: Body Slam (miss)
(Leftovers heal to 175/186)
Turn 17: Cinder: Double Team / Snorlax: Body Slam (127/186)
(Leftovers heal to 138/186)
Turn 18: Snorlax: Body Slam (miss) / Cinder: Paralyzed
(Leftovers heal to 149/186)
Turn 19: Snorlax: Body Slam (miss) / Cinder: Double Team
(Leftovers heal to 160/186)
Turn 20: Snorlax: Body Slam (miss) / Cinder: Double Team
(Leftovers heal to 171/186)
Turn 21: Snorlax: Body Slam (miss) / Cinder: Double Team
(Leftovers heal to 182/186)
Turn 22: Snorlax: Body Slam (137/186) / Cinder: Paralyzed
(Leftovers heal to 148/186)
Turn 23: Snorlax: Body Slam (miss) / Cinder: Curse
(Leftovers heal to 159/186)
Turn 24: Snorlax: Body Slam (miss) / Cinder: Curse
(Leftovers heal to 170/186)
Turn 24: Snorlax: Body Slam (143/186) / Cinder: Curse
(Leftovers heal to 154/186)
Turn 25: Snorlax: Rest / Cinder: Paralyzed
(Leftovers heal to 165/186)
Turn 26: Cinder: Full Restore (heal to full) / Snorlax: Snore (miss)
Turn 27: Snorlax: Snore (miss) / Cinder: Curse
Turn 28: Snorlax: Amnesia / Cinder: Curse

Turn 29-35: Snorlax: Amnesia x6 / Cinder: Agility x6

Turn 36: Cinder: Wing Attack (60%) / Snorlax: Amnesia
Turn 37: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)
Turn 38: Cinder: Wing Attack (75%) / Blastoise: Surf (miss)
Turn 39: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)
Turn 40: Cinder: Wing Attack (95%) / Charizard: Flamethrower (critical, 67/186)
(Leftovers heal to 78/186)
Turn 41: Cinder: Wing Attack (the rest)
Turn 42: Cinder: Wing Attack (100%) / Venusaur: Fainted
(Level up.)

Thank you for hitting that Flamethrower and not the Surf. Look how hard that hit resisted, critical or not.

Second try. Not the worst, considering the level disadvantage.

Short version of that: Sent out Espeon instead of Venusaur. Managed to beat Espeon and Blastoise. Left only Cinder versus Snorlax, plus Venusaur and Charizard in the back. Set up a 3 Double Teams and 4 Curses before getting demolished by a Body Slam critical.

Second attempt: Beat Pikachu without taking damage. Fainted Espeon with Chain, thanks to multiple straight paralyzes. Debuffed Snorlax a little as Body Slam one-shot Chain and Thermo. Knocked out Clothes in two with a paralysis on the first Body Slam. Managed to set up with Cinder this time, however. Took two Wing Attacks to beat Snorlax, Blastoise (who missed, thankfully), and Charizard (who hit really hard with a critical), even at +6. Handled Venusaur no problem, of course.

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Final time: 29:23.

Team thoughts:
  • Cinder (Moltres): Pretty good, but not overwhelmingly strong or anything. Led the team in both offenses. Never got a stronger move than Wing Attack, though (ignoring all of, like, 2 uses of Flamethrower). Lost a good amount of the damage lead as other Pokemon got stronger attacks. Was never a great choice to switch to either. Shared a lot of weaknesses with the rest of the team. Meant likely taking a super-effective attack on the switch-in. Ultimately proved essential for the Red fight, however.
  • Blanket (Articuno): Not great. Never learned Ice Beam. Made do with Powder Snow for half the game and Icy Wind for the other half. Only knew Gust beyond that. Add a poor typing, and...yeah. Helped for two of the tougher fights in the game, if nothing else (Clair and Lance).
  • Clothes (Noctowl): Eh. Usually sent in Clothes to get experience, not for being the best option. Pulled off some nice stuff with Hypnosis, however. Clawed back the match against Red's Blastoise in the first attempt. Beat Miltank too. Benefitted from Return being so strong as well. Covered for the poor Attack stat somewhat.
  • Thermo (Jolteon): Useless for most of the game because of no Electric moves until post-Elite Four (or for a lot of cash with Thunder). Became pretty strong with Thunderbolt. Knew it for...6 levels. Lacked the defenses to be good with Bite. Did not have great flinch luck either.
  • Candle (Lanturn): Honestly? Maybe the overall best (or at least most useful) on the team. Competes with Cinder on that. Hit for more respectable damage than base 76 Special Attack would imply. Counted on it for several fights. Had a really useful typing, especially for this team. Handled all the Rock-types this team could not otherwise touch.
  • Chain (Beedrill): Better than expected, but still not great. Cites Sludge Bomb for preventing Chain from being irrelevant. Mentions typing for Chain as well. Overlapped too much with the birds. Was not afraid of Grass, Fighting, or Bug. Leaves taking on Poison-types as its niche, which it could not hit that well. Has really trash Defense too (base 40). Limited what it could face.

Spoiler: Team

(HP / Attack / Defense / Special Attack / Special Defense / Speed for stats.)

Cinder the Moltres
Level: 54
Stats: 189/145/130/174/130/134
Moves: Wing Attack, Curse, Double Team, and Agility

Candle the Lanturn
Level: 50
Stats: 207/91/84/105/105/100
Moves: Surf, Spark, Confuse Ray, and Thunder Wave.

Thermo the Jolteon
Level: 49
Stats: 133/87/75/134/120/157
Moves: Thunderbolt, Bite, Sand-Attack, and Growl

Blanket the Articuno
Level: 48
Stats: 164/114/128/116/145/101
Moves: Icy Wind, Gust, Powder Snow, and Agility

Chain the Beedrill
Level: 48
Stats: 144/108/60/72/106/93
Moves: Return, Sludge Bomb, Harden, and Twineedle

Clothes the Noctowl
Level: 48
Stats: 180/78/79/104/123/85
Moves: Return, Fly, Growl, and Hypnosis