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Rika creates a one-liner "roleplay" and tells people to join

GreyBidoof looks really good in these green robes.
Muerte steals GreyBidoof's green robes, looks better in them, and then accidentally trips down a flight of stairs to the point where he doesn't look better in them anymore.
Ice points out Spring is Winter now, but it's just a warm Winter.
Gabri rushes to wrap a blanket around Spring and gets her the *bleep* out of there before the temple collapses.
Muerte wonders what all the fuss is about with this cat and proceeds to make it a small bed of hay in an abandoned barn in which it shall hopefully be shielded from anyone's furious wrath.
GreyBidoof escapes the Temple of Doom.
Rika concludes that DLMuerte is now also a cat and proceeds to rename him Autumn.
gimmepie slays the impostor Autumn in the name of her tentacleness Spring.
GreyBidoof will make note of this in his next report.
gimme is very amused at how Rika accidentally turned this into the return of Blarzigord.
Gabri is unsure of Blarzigord's friend or foe status, and starts making plans for a Megazord just in case.
GreyBidoof informs Gabri of Blarzigord's chaotic nature.
Rika further informs Gabri of the Holy Blargle.

gimmepie keep trying to start these posts with /me but then remembers that he's not actually on Skype.