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rumoured starter leaks [Confirmed as fake!]

To me these look more like Pokemon knock-offs honestly. If these are real they would be the starters most lacking in detail of all 8 regions, for instance there's nothing about the grass Pokemon that is suggestive of its elemental typing, they just made it green. All 3 look oddly derivative of about 20 different pokemon. To me this seems more like the work of an artist who is very passively trying to emulate another, and avoiding adding anything that might personalize the designs and potentially expose them as not authentic. There are design elements of mudkip, bidoof and psyduck in the water starter, the grass starter borrows from simisage, littleo and even smeargle's tail! The fire starter evokes multiple Pikachu clones (particularly Plusle/Minun) and there is official artwork of Raichu with his foot in the exact position, I see Mincinno too and the eyes are Audino's.

There's also no attempt to make pokemon that look like different animal classes here. All of the pokemon featured just look like mammals I.e a monkey, a rabbit and a platypus. There's not a pokemon that looks like a mammal along with a pokemon that looks like a bird included or an amphibian instead. Its not impossible that Game Freak would do this, but it is a little unusual for them not to offer any contrast between the starters.

I'm not trying to be mean, I think they're kinda cute, especially the water one, but I think they are probably fake. I would be willing to play if they turn out to be real, but I would also approach gen 8 with some trepidation because I don't think this is an especially strong starter set for the reasons I mentioned.
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I'm not inclined to believe these are real, but I sort of love them! ;O; It would be a hard choice, but I'd probably take the platypus.
Whoever made these knows their stuff, they have perfect japanese and three styles of it, implying that if these are real someone different made each one.

The detail and design overall fits Pokemon great imo, and the platypus has a lot of detail put into based on it's background where it was thought to be made of different animals and a hoax.

Hoping this are real and so far they look pretty good and with the job listing for translations, a rumored direct, and Pokemon day coming soon again, maybe we will see a surprise announcement then. After all, they would just need a direct to be like "here is the mythical you all knew existed, now for something exciting!"

That is if these are all real. So far I'm pretty convinced and if they are fake, they definitely are one of the best made ones I've ever seen and I've always watched leaks since gen 5.
I think they're adorable, personally, and I'd absolutely be down for it if they turn out to be legit!

It's not really possible right now to say with any certainty whether they're real or not, though, so I suppose we've just gotta wait and see.
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These three are my favourite set of leaked starters so far. I really like the poisonous spurs on the platypus, it's a neat little reference to its basis.

I wish people would stop claiming this as fact....

Going spoiler some text that explains how this guy is BSing it


The only proof offered was a freaking trace drawing of the starters. Its sad to see people fall for a claim that easily and how desperate poketubers are jumping on this.
For those who like the starters (myself included), I'm sorry to say that those have been confirmed fake. They have been drawn by artist Leopoldo Spagna aka 50 shades of Heliolisk (as stated in the link posted by VisionofMilotic).
What a shame, again, I really liked the designs, especially the water type.
For those who like the starters (myself included), I'm sorry to say that those have been confirmed fake. They have been drawn by artist Leopoldo Spagna aka 50 shades of Heliolisk (as stated in the link posted by VisionofMilotic).
What a shame, again, I really liked the designs, especially the water type.

How have they been proven fake? All this person did was upload the pictures onto their facebook page and say they made them.
Said person has since posted video proof showing layers, the drawing process of the images, etc, so that's fairly convincing now.

Made a Daily article that's now linked to this thread to spread the word they're fake (loathe to have done an article before we knew either way), and changing the title.
Seems like every time right before a new generation of Pokémon games and their titles are officially unveiled, we get leaks of supposed next-generation starters, which turn out to be debunked each time.

Nonetheless, though, the 'leaked' starter trio looks cute. The water starter, particularly, looks so adorably silly!
I like the design, but like VisionofMilotic said, they lack that feel that every starter has.

But I would like to see Platypus Pokemon.
The next generation hasn't even been so much as unveiled yet. I don't know why people are making fake "leaks" already.

Not really a fan of these starters at all, anyway.
Too bad they're fake. I still like the drawings, but I don't like artists that go and fake things to get attention. It's disrespecting to people, even when it was expected for them to be fake.
I get that it is confirmed to be fake but if they were real we would have another fire/fighting type starter i guess. That would be the fifth in 8 gens (i am counting incineroar as a fire/fighting type cause i think gamefreak would have given it to the wrestling pokemon if not for blaziken, infernape and emboar)