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Completed Event Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

(copy-pasta'd then edited for my convenience)

What you want to do on the map: Just keep using me as a janitor for all the Interactables people have missed, cause I can't follow whatever's happening on the map at all lol.

Edit: Chose to leave the Sevii Islands for the next and final segment, so this one went by quick. I flew to Viridian, used his Gym mates as food for Lapras, then Hyper Beamed his Rhyhorn almost to death before he healed it, then I quick-killed it with Psychic, let Clefable faint, then switched in Lapras for the complete Surf sweep. Nice and easy.

My Pokemon for those who care:
Clefable, lvl 44, current moves: Psychic, Sing, Brick Break, Hyper Beam. (you won't be seeing these moves change again, due to TMs being banned)
Dugtrio, lvl 43, current moves: Magnitude, Cut, Dig, Aerial Ace.
Jolteon, lvl 42, current moves: Bite, Double Kick, Quick Attack, Pin Missile.
Ninetales, lvl 42, current moves: Flamethrower, Confuse Ray, Quick Attack, Will-O-Wisp.
Dodrio, lvl 42, current moves: Pursuit, Fly, Tri Attack, Rage.
Lapras, lvl 41, current moves: Surf, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Perish Song.

Edit: Got my new rules and I'm ready to go! 👍
finished segment 4
Another 100 points for Gears (total of 140 from me)

Global rules: towards the new future (must catch a fairy type and use its strongest attack in every gym battle)

Personal rules :
The future is now old man (can only learn new moves via level up)
slower than usual (can only evolve pokemon via level up and friendship and must wait 5 levels after meeting the requirements.)

Charmeleon, 29
Scary Face
Dragon Rage
Fire Fang

Emolga, 29
Electro Ball
Double Team

Granbull, 30

Quilladin, 30
Take Down
Needle Arm
Pin Missile

Snorlax, 30
Thick Fat
Body Slam

Lucario, 34
Power-Up Punch
Swords Dance
Quick Guard
Bone Rush

PC: Hawlucha, 26

Coumarine Gym Battle:
Charmeleon has already fainted but Im too lazy to go back to heal. Leading with Emolga who still doesn't have a flying-type move, but thanks to an paralysis from Spark buffing the power of Electro Ball, it manages to beat Jumpluff(30). Granbull's Intimidate+Charm combo cripples Gogoat, but still looses due to a lack of STAB move, Gogoat(34)'s insane defense and Ramos's two Hyper Potions. Quilladin comes in to finish it off. Weepinbell oneshots Quilladin with Acid but is not a match for Snorlax's raw power.


Moving from future 12 to future 14
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And that's badge number 8 for APRICRN!

After clearing out the Goldenrod tower from team rocket and then battling through the dragon gym, our hero eventually overcame the dastardly difficult dragon master quiz! Off to the pokemon league and the end of this wonderful challenge! The new dratini in the team is picked up by completing the quiz, hopefully it still counts! They haven't yet been used.

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

I'd like to use the machine in 13, and if possible to move after, hop over to Past 11
Rei's Journey part 3: Captains Lana and Kiawe
Base CSS by Aquacorde

    [tab=root3]STORY[/tab] ‧ [tab=root3-mon]POKEMON[/tab] ‧ [tab=root3-rules]RULES[/tab] ‧ [tab=root3-logs]CHECKPOINTS[/tab]

So apparently I've been thrown to room number 4 in another time, huh? Aight. Welcome to the future, I guess. 🙃

Anyway, now that I'm done with the kahuna of Melemele Island and with no type restrictions in my way actually there are actual restrictions but I'll manage, it's time for more catching spree~

Spoiler: Rei caught
  • Tuberci the Munchlax
  • Xavier the Ledyba
  • Emily the Grubbin
  • Tyme the Sudowoodo
  • Ney the Caterpie
  • Crawli the Spinarak
  • Julia the Pichu
  • Cain the Zubat
  • Eve the Alolan Diglett
  • Shade the Gastly
  • Miss Magius the Misdreavus
  • Kayo the Roggenrola
  • Adrienn the Carbink
  • Texen the Machop
  • Norman the Spinda
  • Davern the Rockruff
  • Josephine the Mudbray
  • Flora the Fomantis
  • Misty the Psyduck
  • Nessa the Poliwag
  • Neru the Morelull
  • Shelly the Paras
  • Karchess the Wishiwashi
  • Terra the Cubone
And some even evolved along the way:

Spoiler: Evolutions
  • Ney into Metapod Butterfree (yes, she evolved twice)
  • Orin into Dartrix
  • Julia into Pikachu
  • Emily into Charjabug

Pokemon hunt aside, it's new island time. Rei, along with the friends he met along the way, journeyed to Heahea City, Akala Island. Stuff happened yet our only concern for this segment was the fire trial.

Spoiler: Fire totem battle log
Turn 1
  • Totem Salazzle: Flame Burst
  • Tyme: Thief (stole Salazzle's Petaya berry)

Turn 2 (ally Salandit #1 summoned)
  • Totem Salazzle: Flame Burst
  • Ally Salandit #1: Poison Gas
  • Tyme: Rock Tomb on Salandit #1 (Salandit #1 down)

Turn 3 (ally Salandit #2 summoned)
  • Totem Salazzle: Flame Burst (Tyme down)

Turn 4 (Adrienn out)
  • Totem Salazzle: Torment
  • Ally Salandit #2: Venoshock
  • Adrienn: Rock Tomb on Salazzle (obligatory strongest attack)

Turn 5
  • Totem Salazzle: Toxic (Adrienn badly poisoned
  • Ally Salandit #2: Venoshock
  • Adrienn: Smack Down on Salandit #2 (critical hit, Salandit #2 down)

Turn 6 (ally Salandit #3 summoned)
  • Totem Salazzle: Flame Burst (Adrienn down)

Turn 7 (Karchess out)
  • Totem Salazzle: Toxic (Karchess badly poisoned)
  • Ally Salandit #3: Poison Gas (failed)
  • Karchess: Scald on Salazzle (Salazzle down)

Turn 8
  • Ally Salandit #3: Taunt
  • Karchess: Scald on Salandit #3 (Salandit #3 down)

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Firium Z, Charizard ride, and some Quick Balls. Those were Rei's rewards for the hard work. And now that there's a strange computer on my end, I prolly should check it out before moving to Future 5.

Spoiler: Proof of journey
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Rei's Pokemon

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Tyme (Time debt)



Josephine (Sounds sort of like a...)

Karchess (Time capsule)

Adrienn (Towards the new future)

Current Rules

Personal Rules:
  • Team Laventon!: As long as you have a Grass-type Pokémon on your team, all Sinnoh Pokémon are unaffected by Global Rules.
  • Fast thinking: You must complete your battle's final segment in a maximum of 5 turns per enemy Pokémon you will have to fight. If you don't manage to do this you can try again as many times as you want.
  • Time capsule: Pick one Pokémon you used in this segment. You can't use it until the final segment and you have to use it in that segment.
    • The chosen mon: Karchess (Wishiwashi)

Global Rules:
  • The Prehistoric age: You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next (current?) segment.
  • The Medieval age: You can only use Fighting and Fairy-types for the next (current?) segment, or in alternative, only Normal-types.
  • Towards the new future: You have to put a Fairy-type Pokémon (or Pokémon that turns into a Fairy-type in later gens) on your team until the end of the game. It has to use Explosion or any of its variants (or if it can't learn any, then it has to use its strongest attack) in each Gym Battle. It's not affected by any other rule.
    • Viable mon: Adrienn (Carbink)
    • Adrienn can't get Explosion until Rei gets Sharpedo Jet.
  • Sounds sort of like a...: Players of Team Apricorns have to put a Pokémon with type combination of Rock and Ground (either Rock/Ground or Ground/Rock) on their team for the following (current?) segment. If you can't, you have to put pure Rock or pure Ground-type Pokémon on your team for the following (current?) segment. This Pokémon is unaffected by all other rules.
    • Viable mons: Tyme (Sudowoodo), Davern (Rockruff), Kayo (Roggenrola), Josephine (Mudbray), Terra (Cubone)
    • Settled with Josephine for this one.
  • Time heals all wounds: Creationism is no longer a rule.
  • Time debt: At the end of your next segment (this one?), you can permanently box / release up to 4 Pokémon who battled against the last Gym leader / Kahuna / Captain you faced and obtain 10 Challenge Points for each.
    • The sacrificed mon: Tyme (Sudowoodo)


  1. Verdant Cavern
  2. Melemele grand trial
  3. Wela Volcano Park (ongoing)
  4. Akala grand trial
  5. Abandoned Supermarket
  6. Ula'ula grand trial
  7. Poni grand trial
  8. Vast Poni Canyon
  9. Final trial (?)


Another short update. Only one interaction did something and it's nothing harmful.

Jbsundown: You fiddle with the machine and gets transported to Future 11.
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Got NO ELECTRIC POKEMON for segment 1. Same for next segment. Sad. Laughs in Gen 1 game Pikachu.
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Waiting for next segment, peace

(interact with the weird machine. Then move to Future 4 please)
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Blaze Black 2 Redux
GT 2023 - Ruin Maniac Horatio
Segment 4 (Route 4 -> Nimbasa Gym)

After beating Burgh, I ditched most of my temporary Fire-focused team from Segment 3, keeping only Charmeleon and Kricketot/Kricketune, and added back Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff from Segment 1 and Meditite/Medicham from Segment 2. I also picked my Segment 2 Ralts as my mandatory Fairy-type to last the whole game. And, at last, I was finally able to use my shiny Mareep/Flaaffy/Ampharos as my sixth team member. Training everyone back up took a long time, and I don't think I'll be able to do another segment until the deadline is passed.

I lost my first battle against Colress when I had a team equal in level to his, and I had to grind up a few levels to rematch him, which was still pretty difficult. Against Elesa, I led with Jumpluff against Emolga, used Stun Spore, then I switched to Ampharos as it Volt Switched out. My Ampharos fainted her Zebstrika and wounded her Ampharos, but she fainted mine with a Dragon Pulse, and I brought out Gardevoir. I had him use Psyshock once against Elesa's Ampharos, then spammed Draining Kiss to heal himself without using an item, and swept through all her Pokemon except her paralyzed Emolga, which got a critical and fainted him. A Choice-Band-boosted Rock Tomb from Medicham fainted Emolga and won me the battle.

I'll move north and investigate Future 12 in what's most likely my last move, then permabox Kricketune, Jumpluff, Medicham, and Ampharos to get the extra points for Team Gears.

Segment 4 Rules:



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finished segment 5

Global rules: towards the new future (must catch a fairy type and use its strongest attack in every gym battle)

Personal rules :
The future is now old man (can only learn new moves via level up)
slower than usual (can only evolve pokemon via level up and friendship and must wait 5 levels after meeting the requirements.)
Fast thinking (gym battle can last maximum 5 turns per enemy pokemon)

Charmeleon, 31
Scary Face
Dragon Rage
Fire Fang

Emolga, 32
Electro Ball

Granbull, 36

Quilladin, 35
Take Down
Seed Bomb
Pin Missile

Snorlax, 35
Thick Fat
Body Slam
Sleep Talk

Lucario, 38
Power-Up Punch
Swords Dance
Me First
Bone Rush

PC: Hawlucha, 26

Gym Battle:
Try #5. Lead with Granbull to use the mandatory Headbutt, Emolga(35) Volt Switches to Magneton(35).
M turn 2: I switch out to Lucario, M uses Mirror Shot.
M turn 3: L uses Swords Dance, M uses Electric Terrain.
M turn 4: Power-Up Punch oneshots as Sturdy was already broken by G Headbutt on turn 1
Heliolisk turn 1; PuP oneshots and L is now at +4 attack
Emolga turn 2: PuP deals close to 50% damage, Volt Switch doesnt kill
E turn 3: PuP kills.


Moving from future 14 to future 13
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And there we go, Elite 4 Complete! A grand total of 240 points towards the Apricorn team from APRICRN herself!

APRICRN takes the victory with her mighty Lapras + Sudowoodo combo! The others helped, but mostly just got carried by the ice dinosaur herself! There was a little bit of grinding required to get the pokemon E4 ready so she took a while in victory road doing what she could. Now, whatever will our mighty hero do next?

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Given that my challenge is now over, I'll hop on over to Future 10 and take a nice rest on that couch! Thank you so much for this wonderful challenge, I've had an amazing time!

Trainer: TwilightBlade
Game: Pokémon Heart Gold
Badges: 7
--- Segment 7 Update ---
Global Rule: Towards the new future - You have to put a Fairy-type Pokémon (or Pokémon that turns into a Fairy-type in later gens) on your team until the end of the game. It has to use Explosion or any of its variants in each Gym Battle. Pokémon: Koffing
Active Trainer Rule: In the name of progress - You can only use the best version of each available item.
Active Trainer Rule: Fast catches - You may only catch the most common Pokémon you can run into in each area.
Active Trainer Rule: Slower than usual - Your Pokémon cannot evolve by any other method other than level up / friendship + 5.
Active Trainer Rule: The Tomorrow War - You have to put at least one Fighting-type Pokémon on your team for this segment. Pokémon: Machop

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

I am back to having a somewhat full team. Gosh, I haven't used my starter in forever. Bayleef is level 26 while Raticate is level 49 now. Since I defeated all of Pryce's gym trainers in a prior segment, this segment was super short. I had spent more time at the Pokeathlon Dome compared to this gym battle lol.​

Gym Battle Against Pryce:

Future 18 Action : I would like to move to Future 17.

(It's almost over... We're in your debt... Come back in one piece Fox...)

What you want to do on the map: Whatever I can do.


My final Pokemon for those who care:

Edit: My final rules list!
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Segment 4 Rules
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - You must put at least one Fairy-type Pokémon in your team (or Pokémon that turns into a Fairy-type in later gens) for this segment.
Global: The Prehistoric age - You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next segment.
Fast catches - For each area, you may only catch the most common Pokémon you can find in the tall grass of by surfing. No other encounter methods are available unless both grass and water to surf on are unavailable.
Donnie Darko - You must put at least one Electric-type Pokémon in your team for this segment.
Global: The Medieval age - You can only use Fighting and Fairy-types for the next segment, or in alternative, only Normal-types.
Global: Towards the new future - You have to put a Fairy-type Pokémon (or Pokémon that turns into a Fairy-type in later gens) on your team until the end of the game. It has to use Explosion or any of its variants (or if it can't learn any, then it has to use the strongest attack it currently knows) in each Gym Battle. It's not affected by any other rule.
Global: Sounds sort of like a... - Players of Team Apricorns have to put a Pokémon with type combination of Rock and Ground (either Rock/Ground or Ground/Rock) on their team for the following segment. If you can't, you have to put pure Rock or pure Ground-type Pokémon on your team for the following segment. This Pokémon is unaffected by all other rules.
Global: Time debt - At the end of your next segment, you can permanently box / release up to 4 Pokémon who battled against the last Gym leader / Kahuna / Captain you faced and obtain 10 Challenge Points for each.
Time capsule - Pick one Pokémon you used in the last segment. You can't use it until the final segment and you have to use it in that segment.


For the time capsule rule, I chose to box Hariyama. Since the only available encounter methods are from Fiery Path due to fast catches, I caught everything there and proceeded to train a Numel. Unfortunately, there are still no Electric Pokemon to catch while following fast catches. Azumarill soloed Flannery easily, which also happens to be my "Towards the new future" Pokemon.

I'll investigate the cylindrical machine to the right and if possible, move to Future 10.

You probably saw my message on Diacord regarding a storm and my connection going south, but I managed to somehow make edit menu work. But it had two drawbacks - I couldn't move you around the map, because each reload took several minutes and I didn't roll for Global rules, because I wasn't sure I would be able to contact a hit user with details. So only rules got added this time. I'll hopefully move you all next time.
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Current rules:
- Your Pokémon cannot evolve during this segment.
- If you used Water-type Pokémon in any of the previous segments, you can only use Pokémon caught during this segment. Otherwise, you can't use TMs for the rest of the game.
- You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next segment (global rule).
- You can only use Fighting and Fairy-types for the next segment, or in alternative, only Normal-types (global rule).
- You have to put at least one Flying-type Pokémon on your team for this segment.
- You must use Explosion or its variations at least once during each segment's final battle (if you have no way to have a Pokémon of yours learn these moves, you can ignore this rule).
- You have to put a Fairy-type Pokémon (or Pokémon that turns into a Fairy-type in later gens) on your team until the end of the game. It has to use Explosion or any of its variants (or if it can't learn any, then it has to use the strongest attack it currently knows) in each Gym Battle. It's not affected by any other rule.
- As long as you have a Grass-type Pokémon on your team, all Sinnoh Pokémon are unaffected by Global Rules.
- You have to put at least one Dark-type Pokémon on your team for this segment.
- At the end of your next segment, you can permanently box / release up to 4 Pokémon who battled against the last Gym leader / Kahuna / Captain you faced and obtain 10 Challenge Points for each.
- You can only use White and Black Pokémon during this segment. If you can't, you have to use Gray Pokémon during this segment.
- Consider the number of badges you own: subtract 3 from that number, then consider all the areas of the game that are accessible to you if you still were at that number of badges. You can only use Pokémon you can find in those areas, or their evolutions.

Marlon came up way sooner than expected. I spent all of this time basically working on a nuke like in that one movie that just came out, all because of a certain new rule, and apparently that set me up to miss this update. To be fair I touched way too much grass during this GT, that's what I deserve.

I had my now typical team for most of the segment, with things like Swanna, Zoroark and Lucario, but I swapped them out against Marlon to guarantee the sacrifices. I added in a random Ferroseed, Boldore (the nuke), and Sewaddle, the Cheren slayer that was forced in the box by one too many "you can only use X type Pokémon" rules in the beginning of the run - alongside a Galvantula from Chargestone Cave (which in this game you could enter right before beating Clay). Yes, I could only catch Pokémon I could get if I had 7-3=4 badges. Perfect synergy with a sacrifice kinda thing.

Battle against Marlon started with Ferroseed breaking Carracosta's Sturdy with... an attack, before fainting. Whimsicott came in, used its most powerful move, then got swapped out against Wailord. I sent in Sewaddle, now a Swadloon (it was holding the Exp. Share) and... poor thing fainted immediately, as planned. This way, Boldore was in, ready to use Explosion after surviving a Scald with Sturdy - and yeah, that was a clean KO :)
Jellicent was a very tough nut to crack, killing my Lucario and Galvantula in the process, before Whimsicott withered it down and let me obtain my final badge!

Swadloon evolved right at the end of the battle despite fainting, into Leavanny... idk how to take this, I treated it quite badly and it still loved me so much... I'm so sorry :'c

My team now:
- Galvantula, lv. 41 - from chargestone cave
- Ferroseed, lv. 26 - from chargestone cave
- Leavanny, lv. 30 - from route 20
- Boldore, lv. 55! - can be obtained as roggenrola in relic passage, 2 badges
- Whimsicott, lv. 48 - route 4 trade
- Lucario, lv. 42 - from floccesy ranch

Time to interact with... the computer? And then Room 18 in the future I guess
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Finished segment 6

Global rules: towards the new future (must catch a fairy type and use its strongest attack in every gym battle)

Personal rules :
The future is now old man (can only learn new moves via level up)
slower than usual (can only evolve pokemon via level up and friendship and must wait 5 levels after meeting the requirements.)
Fast thinking (gym battle can last maximum 5 turns per enemy pokemon)
12 monkeys (must use a rock type for this segment)

Charmeleon, 33@Kings Rock
Scary Face
Dragon Rage
Flame Burst

Tyrunt, 22@Hard Stone
Strong Jaw
Stealth Rock

Granbull, 38

Quilladin, 37@Miracle Seed
Take Down
Seed Bomb
Pin Missile

Snorlax, 35
Thick Fat
Body Slam
Sleep Talk

Lucario, 40@Lucarionite
Power-Up Punch
Swords Dance
Me First
Bone Rush

Hawlucha, 26
Emolga, 32

Gym Battle:
Try #5. Charmeleon Flame Burst nearly oneshots Mawile(38). The key is "nearly", as it allows me to get rid of both of the gym leader's Hyper Potions. Granbull lands its mandatory Headbutt against Mr.Mime(39) then switches out to Lucario. Mime seat up Reflect then a Psychic on Lucario switching in, dealing close to 50% damage. Lucario Swords Dance and mega evolving, Mime uses Light Screen. Bone Rush deals fairly high damage then Lucario faints to the 2nd Psychic. Snorlax comes in and takes out the weakened Mr.Mime on its 5th turn, Reflect also wears off. Sylveon(42) is also taken down by Snorlax, though Sylveon should win on paper, Snorlax's first Body Slam causes paralysis and the 3rd just barely kills.


Moving from future 13 to future 16
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Update 9: Lavos​
Active Global Rules
  • Towards the new future - You have to put a Fairy-type Pokémon (or Pokémon that turns into a Fairy-type in later gens) on your team until the end of the game. It has to use Explosion or any of its variants (or if it can't learn any, then it has to use the strongest attack it currently knows) in each Gym Battle. It's not affected by any other rule.
Active Personal Rules
  • The future is now, old man! - All of your Pokémon must learn all new moves via level-up (or HMs if strictly needed to progress).
  • Back to square one - Consider the number of badges you own: subtract 3 from that number, then consider all the areas of the game that are accessible to you if you still were at that number of badges. You can only use Pokémon you can find in those areas, or their evolutions.
  • The Big Bang - You must use Explosion or its variations at least once during each segment's final battle (if you have no way to have a Pokémon of yours learn these moves, you can ignore this rule).
  • Let the past burn - If you used Fire-type Pokémon in any of the previous segments, you have to beat the next segment with a team made just out of Grass-types. Otherwise, your team can only consist of up to 4 Pokémon.
  • Fast thinking - You must complete your battle's final segment in a maximum of 5 turns per enemy Pokémon you will have to fight. If you don't manage to do this you can try again as many times as you want.
  • Item consequences - If you used any healing item during any previous Gym Battle, you can't use any item in this segment. Otherwise, you have to drop half of your healing items.

Siiiiiighs. Used a Paralyze Heal during the Surge fight. (Was forced to use Raticate without Dig and Pidgeotto.) Never used any other items during a gym battle. Removes all healing items from the table, including between Elite Four fights.

Hates this rule less than the Nuzlocke one, at least. Hurts more than it during the Elite Four. Grinds without stressing out, at least.

First order of business: complete the final team. Cannot bring dead weight. Considered a few: Magneton (great typing + Gyarados killer), Aerodactyl (several move types and good stats), and Electabuzz (better damage and Speed than Magneton). Chose Electabuzz. Was quite good in a Ruby playthrough. (Incidentally used Magneton in Fire Red at its release.)

Debated between two good Electabuzzes. Chose the one with better Defenses (+Defense nature and 30 Def IVs) over better Speed (+Speed nature and 0 Def IVs). Named it "Crono" :t125:. Rather fitting for the final boss segment.

Asked about Item Consequences. Fortunately allows things like Pokeballs. Can also heal Turret :t036:. Gives it some kind of niche.

Grinded everyone up to 50. Kept EVs in mind while training. Fought a Starmie/Seadra duo and a Seadra/Tentacruel trainer south of Pallet Town with Crono :t125: and Djinn :t065:. Beat up a Primeape/Machoke duo with Turret :t036: and Rubble :t076:, as well as a Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan trainer in Sevii Islands. Yielded comparable experience to ye olde Ninetales/Rapidash duo.

The pre-test for the team: Lavos. Fared okay. Failed to one-shot Charizard :t006: by a fair margin with Thunderpunch. Will make sure to have Thunderbolt ready for it.

Did not like how Victory Road went. Missed a few one-shots (on neutral effective attacks). Took a critical Take Down from Arcanine too. Did not help to be at three party members either (with Lapras for Surf help as the fourth).

Reached Indigo Plateau. Cleaned up the other Victory Road trainers with Rubble :t076: getting what experience it could. Collect four Rare Candies across the playthrough. Made Turret :t036:, the only one eligible to use items on, fat and happy.

Strategy checklist time:
  • Hyper Beam/Focus Punch something with Turret :t036: against Lavos.
  • Blow up with Rubble :t076: on Lavos.
  • Four party members only.
  • Five turns per enemy Pokemon.
  • No healing during battle OR between battles (exception: Turret :t036:).

Current team:
  • Turret :t036:. Level 55. Hyper Beam, Focus Punch, Strength, and Brick Break. Can only use those first two moves, practically.
  • Rubble :t076:. Level 52. Earthquake, Rollout, Defense Curl, Selfdestruct. Must explode on the final match. Means restarting if it dies before that.
  • Djinn :t065:. Level 53. Psychic, Psybeam, Reflect, and Calm Mind. Would have liked to use TMs on it. Should have kept Recover.
  • Crono :t125:. Level 54. Thunderbolt, Thunderpunch, Swift, and Light Screen.

Will be save stating between fights with zero remorse.

First up: Lorelei. Strategy: Crono :t125: for everything except Jynx. Uses Turret :t036: for that.
Spoiler: Lorelei Attempt 1

Turn 1: Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (75%) / Dewgong: Hail
(Hail damage to 141/150)
Turn 2: Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (critical, the rest)
(Hail damage to 132/150)
Turn 3: Cloyster: Protect / Crono: Thunderpunch (blocked)
(Hail damage to 123/150)
Turn 4: Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (100%)
(Level up. Hail damage to 117/153)
Turn 5: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (95%) / Slowbro: Yawn
(Hail over.)
Turn 6: Crono :t125:: Switch to Turret :t036: / Slowbro: Full Restore
Turn 7: Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (50%) / Surf (129/186)
Turn 8: Turret :t036:: Recharging / Slowbro: Yawn
Turn 9: Turret :t036:: Switch to Crono :t125: / Slowbro: Surf (55/153)

...And 5 turns. Almost spaced on that. A very ominous start. Attempt 2.
Spoiler: Lorelei Attempt 2

Turn 1: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (95%) / Dewgong: Safeguard
Turn 2: Dewgong: Full Restore (heal to full) / Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (65%)
Turn 3: Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (critical, the rest)
Turn 4: Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (100%) / Cloyster: Fainted
(Level up.)
Turn 5: Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (75%) / Slowbro: Surf (99/153)
(Enemy Safeguard down.)
Turn 6: Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (critical, the rest)
Turn 7: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (70%) / Lapras: Confuse Ray
(Lapras's Sitrus Berry)
Turn 8: Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (the rest)
(Switch to Turret :t036:)
Turn 9: Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (miss) / Jynx: Lovely Kiss
Turn 10: Turret :t036:: Poke Flute / Jynx: Ice Punch (132/186)
Turn 11: Jynx: Lovely Kiss / Turret: Asleep
Turn 12: Turret :t036:: Poke Flute / Jynx: Ice Punch (78/186, frozen)
Turn 13: Jynx: Ice Punch (19/186) / Turret :t036:: (Defrost) Hyper Beam (miss)

5 turns on Jynx. Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot. Two Hyper Beam misses, frozen, falling asleep twice...why? Just why?

Attempt 3. Went better than Attempt 2 (Amenesia from Slowbro, so no damage on Crono). (Did not write it down.) Picks back up at Jynx.
Turn whatever: Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (100%) / Jynx: Fainted.

See? Just needed to hit once.

Ended with full health on everyone. Easy save state on that one.

Bruno strategy: Use Rubble :t076: for the Onixes and Djinn :t065: for the Fighting-types.
Spoiler: Bruno Attempt 1

Turn 1: Rubble :t076:: Earthquake (100%) / Onix: Fainted
Turn 2: Rubble :t076:: Earthquake (90%) / Onix: Earthquake (93/155)
Turn 3: Onix: Full Restore (heal to full) / Rubble :t076:: Earthquake (95%)
Turn 4: Rubble :t076:: Earthquake (the rest)
(Switch to Djinn :t065:)
Turn 5: Djinn :t065:: Psybeam (95%) / Hitmonchan: Rock Tomb (miss)
Turn 6: Djinn :t065:: Psybeam (the rest)
Turn 7: Djinn :t065:: Psybeam (95%) / Hitmonlee: Mega Kick (over half health)

...Yeah, no. Restarting this one. Why is Psybeam not killing?

  • Attempt 2. Earthquake crit by Onix.
  • Attempt 3. Switch in Turret :t036: for the second Onix. Hyper Beamed it. Took five turns for Turret :t036: to go down, though.
  • Attempt 4. Missed the one-shot on the first Onix (twice), but no damage to Rubble :t076:. Switch in Djinn :t065: for the second Onix. Burned it (and the rest of Bruno's team) down in one Psychic each. 6 Psychics left, but zero damage to everyone still.

Saved stated.

Strategy for Agatha: Djinn :t065: start to finish. Try to get away with Psybeam for something?

Turn 1: Djinn :t065:: Psybeam (100%) / Gengar: Fainted
(Level up.)
Turn 2: Djinn :t065:: Psychic (100%) / Golbat: Fainted
(Arbok's Intimidate)
Turn 3: Djinn :t065:: Psybeam (90%) / Arbok: Sludge Bomb (60/139)
Turn 4: Arbok: Full Restore (heal to full) / Djinn :t065:: Psybeam (99%, confused)
Turn 5: Djinn :t065:: Psybeam (critical, the rest)
Turn 6: Djinn :t065:: Psychic (100%) / Gengar: Fainted
Turn 7: Djinn :t065:: Psybeam (100%) / Haunter: Fainted

Ouch. Paid 79 health for one more Psychic. Had really comparable defenses to the leading Gengar (although two more levels). Thought it would one-shot too. Will keep this battle in mind, given how bad Lance will be.

And now for a bad time: Lance. Uh...maybe Focus Punch a Dragonair? Leads with Crono :t125:, at any rate.
Spoiler: Lance Attempt 1
(Gyarados's Intimidate)
Turn 1: Crono :t125: Thunderbolt (100%) / Gyarados: Fainted
(Switch to Turret :t036:)
Turn 2: Turret :t036:: Focusing / Dragonair: Safeguard / Turret :t036:: Focus Punch (60%)
Turn 3: Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (the rest)
(Switch in Rubble :t076:)
Turn 4: Rubble :t076:: Earthquake (75%) / Dragonair: Outrage (104/155)
Turn 5: Rubble :t076:: Earthquake (the rest)
(Switch to Turret :t036:)
Turn 6: Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (miss) / Dragonite: Wing Attack (119/186)
(Enemy Safeguard down.)
Turn 7: Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (50%) / Dragonite: Hyper Beam (miss)
Turn 8: Turret :t036:: Recharging / Dragonite: Hyper Beam (0/186)
Turn 9: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (40%) / Dragonite: Recharging
(Dragonite's Sitrus Berry)
Turn 10: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (35%) / Dragonite: Outrage

Hit five turns on Dragonite. Might try Rollout. Attempt 2.
Spoiler: Lance Attempt 2

(Gyarados's Intimidate)
Turn 1: Crono :t125: Thunderbolt (100%) / Gyarados: Fainted
(Switch in Rubble :t076:)
Turn 2: Rubble :t076:: Defense Curl / Dragonair: Outrage (108/155)
Turn 3: Rubble :t076:: Rollout (50%) / Dragonair: Outrage (critical, 2/155)
Turn 4: Rubble :t076:: Rollout (the rest)
Turn 5: Rubble :t076:: Rollout (100%) / Dragonair: Fainted
(Level up.)
Turn 6: Dragonite: Outrage (0/155)

Outsped, unsurprisingly. Ends the battle, due to Rubble :t076: being needed for the final fight. Hoped for the first Dragonair to use Safeguard.

Attempt 3: Tried to use Light Screen. Nope. Fell off before Dragonite.
Attempt 4: Sent in Turret :t036: versus the first Dragonair. Focused Punched it down thanks to Cute Charm stopping two attacks. Picks it up at the second Dragonair.
Spoiler: Lance Attempt 4
Turn 5: Turret :t036:: Focusing / Dragonair: Thunder Wave / Turret :t036:: Focus Punch (60%)
Turn 6: Dragonair: Outrage (99/186) / Turret :t036:: Paralyzed
Turn 7: Dragonair: Outrage (critical, 8/186) / Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (miss)
Turn 8: Dragonair: Hit itself / Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (the rest)
(Switch to Rubble :t076:)
Turn 9: Dragonite: Safeguard / Rubble :t036:: Rollout (15%)
Turn 10: Dragonite: Outrage (65/155)

Tooooo much damage for Rubble :t076:.

Attempt 5: Turret :t036:: for Dragonair 1, Rubble :t076: for Dragonair #2. Returns back at Dragonite.
Spoiler: Lance Attempt 5
Turn 6: Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (45%) / Dragonite: Outrage (116/186)
Turn 7: Turret :t036:: Recharging / Dragonite: Outrage (44/186) (Turret :t036:'s Cute Charm)
Turn 8: Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (45%) / Dragonite: Outrage (0/186)
(Dragonite's Sitrus Berry. Confused from Outrage.)
Turn 9: Djinn :t065:: Psychic (the rest)
(Level up. Switch to Crono :t125:)
Turn 10: Aerodactyl: Ancientpower (103/153) / Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (95%)
Turn 11: Aerodactyl: Full Restore (heal to full) / Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (95%)
Turn 12: Aerodactyl: Full Restore (heal to full) / Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (90%)
Turn 13: Aerodactyl: Ancientpower (52/153, +1 omniboost) / Crono :t125:: Thunderpunch (the rest)
(Level up.)

Ow. Could be worse...? Save state in. A team status update:
  • Turret :t036:. Level 55. Full health (because items). Restored its Hyper Beam PP too.
  • Rubble :t076:. Level 52. 103/155 health. 6 Earthquakes left.
  • Djinn :t065:. Level 55. 62/141 health. 3 Psychics left (+ 15 Psybeams).
  • Crono :t125:. Level 56. 55/156 health. 10 Thunderbolts left (+ some Thunderpunches).

Strategy for Lavos: Hyper Beam Alakazam. Blow up on Exeggutor. Try to close it out with Crono :t125: and Djinn :t065:. Does not really know what to do about Rhydon. Psychic? ...Focus Punch? May go bad right from Pidgeot too. Really lacks the damage.

Turn 1: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (99%) / Pidgeot: Aerial Ace (33/156)
Turn 2: Pidgeot: Full Restore (heal to full) / Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (95%)
Turn 3: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (the rest)
(Switch in Djinn :065:)
Turn 4: Djinn :t065:: Psychic (70%) / Rhydon: Rock Tomb (0/141)
Turn 5: Rubble :t076:: Earthquake (the rest)
(Level up. Learn Explosion.)
Turn 6: Rubble :t076:: Explosion (100%) / Exeggutor: Fainted
Turn 7: Alakazam: Reflect / Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (60%)
Turn 8: Alakazam: Psychic (107/186) / Turret :t036:: Recharging
Turn 9: Alakazam: Psychic (18/186) / Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (the rest)
(Switch to Crono :t125:. Gyarados's Intimidate.)
Turn 10: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (100%) / Gyarados: Fainted
Turn 11: Crono :t125:: Thunderbolt (80%) / Charizard: Slash (0/156)
(Enemy Reflect down. Charizard's Sitrus Berry.)
Turn 12: Turret :t036:: Full Restore (heal to full) / Charizard: Slash (150/186) (Turret's :t036: Cute Charm)
Turn 13: Charizard: Immobilized / Turret :t036:: Hyper Beam (the rest)
(Level up.)

Whew. First attempt for Lavos. Screenshotted the Hall of Fame screens, as well as before using the Turn 12 item.
Spoiler: Proof

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Was quite a challenge, but also far too much grinding. A quick team recap:
  • Brock: :t001::t016:
  • Misty: :t056::t056::t074: (unusable Geodude)
  • Surge: :t020::t017:
  • Erika: :t017::t020::t057::t057::t002:
  • Koga: :t018::t020::t036::t076::t057::t012:
  • Sabrina: :t076::t036::t085::t094: (different Golem and Clefable)
  • Blaine: :t076::t036::t058::t057: (unleveled Growlithe)
  • Giovanni: :t065::t057::t076::t036:
  • Lavos: :t036::t125::t065::t076:

Was not required to change all of them. Could have chosen not to level Scarab :t012:, for example, or grab those 40 challenge points by sacrificing the Sabrina team. Often leveled up Pokemon from level 10 and under, though. Held true for: :t036::t036::t065::t076::t001::t012::t020::t057::t057:. Technically :t018: too (Caught one in before Brock. Switched it out for a level 15 wild one (+2 levels over the trained one)). Maxed out Rubble's :t076: Speed EVs from grinding so much.

Moral of the story: Do not play Fire Red with an unstable team. Hoped Fire Red would fix Yellow's problems via the VS Seeker, Sevii Islands, and other changes. (Has not played base game Fire Red since around its release.) Hated the final grind in Yellow with a stable team. Helped with the VS Seeker, certainly. Left everything else untouched.

Just one team thought: Cannot believe Turret :t036: was actually useful.
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Completed segment 2, permanently boxed 4 Birds(Taillows) that fought against Brawly for 40 points. Won the badge. Still no electric pokémon. Gonna choose normal pokemon for next global rule.

Note: Posting more text and screenshots in a bit. Posted this because I missed Host Janp by a few minutes last time. So this short message is a safety thing. Editing in a bit.
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Did a very fast update in the meantime for anyone who can still play, we have around 8 hours more though. No global rules or anything once again. I tried to move players on the map and gave up at the first sign of the css not working again, sorry :)

We are planning to finish the event, like I said, in around 8 hours - that is 10 p.m. CEST or 4 p.m. US East Time :')
Rei's Journey part 4: Captain Mallow and Kahuna Olivia
Base CSS by Aquacorde

    [tab=root4]STORY[/tab] ‧ [tab=root4-mon]POKEMON[/tab] ‧ [tab=root4-rules]RULES[/tab] ‧ [tab=root4-logs]CHECKPOINTS[/tab]

Moving on, I apparently can't use gen 7 mons anymore. Still didn't stop me from having another round of catching spree though.

Spoiler: Rei caught
  • Marlon the Magikarp
  • Wallace the Feebas
  • Lenora the Lillipup
  • Amaria the Finneon
  • Talon the Fletchinder
  • Chartette the Phantump
  • Drake the Bagon
  • Azura the Luvdisc
And don't forget those who evolved too~

Spoiler: Evolutions
  • Marlon into Gyarados
  • Crawli into Ariados
  • Cain into Golbat Crobat (yes, he evolved twice)
  • Chartette into Trevenant (had to get my old Moon savefile's help for this)
  • Samson into Hariyama
  • Tuberci into Snorlax
  • Nessa into Poliwhirl
Still at Akala, Rei had to pass one more trial after taking on the previous two. And when that's done, it took him one trip to the Ruins of Life for Olivia's grand trial.

Spoiler: Kahuna Olivia battle log
Turn 1
  • Adrienn: Rock Tomb (obligatory strongest attack)
  • Nosepass: Thunder Wave

Turn 2
  • Adrienn: Switch to Nessa
  • Nosepass: Rock Slide

Turn 3
  • Nessa: Scald
  • Nosepass: Thunder Wave

Turn 4
  • Nessa: Scald
  • Nosepass: Spark

Turn 5
  • Nessa: Scald (Nosepass down)

Turn 6 (Boldore and Samson out)
  • Samson: Fake Out
  • Boldore: Flinched

Turn 7
  • Samson: Force Palm
  • Boldore: Headbutt

Turn 8
  • Samson: Force Palm
  • Boldore: Headbutt

Turn 9
  • Samson: Force Palm
  • Boldore: Headbutt

Turn 10
  • Samson: Arm Thrust (once, Boldore down)

Turn 11 (Lycanroc and Ava out)
  • Ava: Leech Seed
  • Lycanroc: Continental Crush (Ava down)

Turn 12 (Eri out)
  • Lycanroc: Rock Throw
  • Eri: All-Out Pummeling (Lycanroc down)

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Highly doubt I'll have time for more updates, but if I do, I wanna mess with the weird markings before moving to Future 6. Otherwise, thank you for the fun~ 😄

Spoiler: Proof of journey
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Rei's Pokemon

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge






Adrienn (Towards the new future)

Current Rules

Personal Rules:
  • Team Laventon!: As long as you have a Grass-type Pokémon on your team, all Sinnoh Pokémon are unaffected by Global Rules.
  • Fast thinking: You must complete your battle's final segment in a maximum of 5 turns per enemy Pokémon you will have to fight. If you don't manage to do this you can try again as many times as you want.
  • Time capsule: Pick one Pokémon you used in this segment. You can't use it until the final segment and you have to use it in that segment.
    • The chosen mon: Karchess (Wishiwashi) in segment 3
  • Genwunners: You can only use Pokémon (or Pokémon that will evolve in such Pokémon) introduced in generations outside of your game's generation.

Global Rules:
  • The Prehistoric age: You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next (current?) segment.
  • The Medieval age: You can only use Fighting and Fairy-types for the next (current?) segment, or in alternative, only Normal-types.
  • Towards the new future: You have to put a Fairy-type Pokémon (or Pokémon that turns into a Fairy-type in later gens) on your team until the end of the game. It has to use Explosion or any of its variants (or if it can't learn any, then it has to use its strongest attack) in each Gym Battle. It's not affected by any other rule.
    • Viable mon: Adrienn (Carbink) from segment 3 onward
    • Adrienn can't get Explosion until Rei gets Sharpedo Jet.
  • Sounds sort of like a...: Players of Team Apricorns have to put a Pokémon with type combination of Rock and Ground (either Rock/Ground or Ground/Rock) on their team for the following (current?) segment. If you can't, you have to put pure Rock or pure Ground-type Pokémon on your team for the following (current?) segment. This Pokémon is unaffected by all other rules.
    • The chosen mon: Josephine (Mudbray) in segment 3
  • Time heals all wounds: Creationism is no longer a rule.
  • Time debt: At the end of your next segment (this one?), you can permanently box / release up to 4 Pokémon who battled against the last Gym leader / Kahuna / Captain you faced and obtain 10 Challenge Points for each.
    • The sacrificed mon: Tyme (Sudowoodo) in segment 3


  1. Verdant Cavern
  2. Melemele grand trial
  3. Wela Volcano Park
  4. Akala grand trial (ongoing)
  5. Abandoned Supermarket
  6. Ula'ula grand trial
  7. Poni grand trial
  8. Vast Poni Canyon
  9. Final trial (?)

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Rules: Medieval Period- Used Vigoroth, Exploud, Zigzagoon, Skitty as they are all normal types.
Used Ralts for the other rule, since it's a fairy.
Finally completed my first rule, using Electrike, the electric Pokemon.

Such painful gym battle. No counter for steel types, other than having rock smash on Vigoroth. Not in a mood to overlevel, as I usually do. Watson spammed potions. Electric is scary offensive. Would have been easy but Magneton's steel type resists made it terrible. Potions on top of that. Lost hope when my Vigoroth fainted against Manectric and only had Skitty left. However, yawn's sleep made sure it never woke up, the Manectric. Won with Skitty using Double Slap spam. GO TO HELL WATSON.

Caught no pokemon other than Electrike, since I only had one Ultra ball, from Zigzagoon. Don't wanna use my premier ball. Didn't use items, not even berries.
Peace ✌️