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[PKMN FULL] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

  • 443
    • Age 31
    • Seen Dec 11, 2023

    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]


    "You;re tuned into 104.5 Jubilife FM, bringing the best new music straight to your ears, tracks as hot as it's going to be this weekend out at Sandgem Beach! How'd you like that segue Terry? Yes that's right it's going to be bright and sunny all weekend, so get outside and enjoy that summer weather, and make sure to have those radios cranked to 104.5! Anyways here's another spicy jam for you, 'What's Love Got To Do With It'."

    Welcome to Sabbatical '84, another Journey RP with a slight twist, we're winding the tapes back to 1984, where we will be doing things a little differently. Your Pokemon Journey will take place following your character's completion of high school, and before they join college or the workforce. It's customary to spend this gap year travelling around the Sinnoh Region, but what you do is up to you.. Attempt to defeat the eight gym leaders of Sinnoh in battle, perform in contests with some of Sinnoh's biggest and brightest stars, protect the region's flora and fauna by volunteering with the Pokemon Rangers Program, or wait tables at every restaurant from Canalave to Sunyshore, the world is your oyster.

    Welcome to the world of Sabbatical '84, a Sinnoh RP set in the eighties. The region will be mapped out like the games, but the in-game world will more closely resemble the anime, with larger routes and bigger cities than the games. We will be using the chapter format to post the areas, where I will describe the locales in greater depth. Also in the chapters I will post the available Pokemon as well as some prompts and quests for your characters to participate in. Even though there will be chapters, this RP is sandbox in nature, so go at your own pace. We will keep track of the date and time for events in RP, to help with continuity.

    Gym Leaders will be in the same cities as the games, although with different leaders, and in a different order as well. Contests will take place in more than just Hearthome, but the biggest and most important ones will still be in Hearthome. Instead of just challenging the Elite Four like in the games, there is a 64 person tournament once a year to determine the champion, we'll get into that more later on in the RP. More specific world-building will happen as we go, we'll keep track of established lore as things change, its impossible for me to think up every change to the in-game world before we get started.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

    Mechanics & Rules

    - This is a M rated RP, for all intents and purposes just don't put anything in your posts that violates PC or RP section rules.

    - Pokemon levels aren't a thing, its up to you when your Pokemon learn moves and evolve. I will be keeping an eye on it, so be realistic with when things happen. Item based evolutions still require the item, trade evolutions aren't a thing, simply treat them like a level evolution. Your Pokemon can have up to six moves.

    - Each chapter post will have the Pokemon available for capture in the area, you are free to catch them without GM approval, you pick the ability and moveset. The exception to this is each area will have a Rare Pokemon, one per area. Only one player is allowed to capture the rare Pokemon of the area, they will be able to be claimed on a first come, first serve basis. I may alter this if someone hasn't had a chance to claim one, or if someone has been claiming too many in a row. In addition, each player will get one guarantee for a rare Pokemon. How that will work is you message me the Pokemon you want to use your claim on, and I will put that Pokemon in an area, and you will be pre-reserved for that area's rare Pokemon. You can use this at any time, and on any Pokemon except legendaries.

    - Battling isn't turn based in this RP, feel free to get creative with how moves are used. You don't have to wait for GM approval to battle, even for gym leaders. When it comes to leaders, I'll post them, their team and their rules and let you decide how to proceed.

    - Items can either be purchased from stores, or earned by completing provided prompts/quests. Items and TM's will be based off of BD/SP. Tracking money is up to you, depending on your character money may be scarce or you happen to be blessed with good finances.

    - For NPC's, you are free to create NPC as your story requires. For major NPC's, for example Gym Leaders I will create a quick bio of the NPC and then you can use them in your posts.

    - Communication is important. You are free to go at your own pace on this journey, but don't fall off the face of the earth on me. If you're too busy to get a post in for a little while, or you're struggling with writer's block, just let me know and we'll work something out.

    - If you're not sure about something, ask me and we'll figure it out. Also expect this Mechanics/Rules section to expand as we progress, don't worry I'll make it clear to everyone when that happens.

    Sign-Up Form:


    The Cast:​

    Caesar as Benjamin "Benny" Ingram
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

    QueenNothing as Suzu Okabe
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

    SleepyBirb as Elysia Knight
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

    Aquacorde as George "Rosey" Phalen
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

    Groc as Richard Frederickstein Gerald Rafflesworth West
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

    Sonata as Evan Mimph
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

    Arcaneum as Cody Surge
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

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    Might as well get my SU posted

    Benjamin "Benny" Ingram​
    Age: 18|Gender: Male|Birthday: May 9th|Hometown: Jubilife City

    Appearance: Benny clocks in at five foot ten, and is thin and athletic looking, and being young and all he keeps the athletic looking physique with barely any work. Benny has dirty blonde hair, which he has cut into a side parted fade, usually throwing product into it to make it go the way he wants. Benny has green eyes, the only one in his family with them. This, combined with his indifference towards the family business raises half-joking questions if he's even an Ingram or not. His nose is a very distinguished Aquiline nose, and probably his most defining facial feature other than his eye color. He ends up looking like a charming young man, but that façade quickly disappears once his devious side comes out.

    As far as clothing goes, Benny is often wearing various button up shirts, considering that we're heading into the summer his choices are often casual and short sleeved. He'll match that with a pair of shorts, as well as a pair of boat shoes. Seemingly always on his face are a pair of wayfarer sunglasses.

    Personality: They say idle hands are the devil's workshop, a perfect phrase to describe Benjamin Ingram. His pampered and luxurious upbringing left him with a lot of spare time and not a lot of responsibilities, not to mention the lack of any real consequences for his actions, led him to develop into a cunning, conniving trickster with a lack of empathy. Benny has little regards for the feelings of others, often treating people in his life poorly, especially those he views as lower class than him.

    Benny is directionless in life right now, and has yet to find a productive passion in life. Despite this, he still walks, talks and acts like he is a very important person, not too concerned with what others have to say, with his belief he already knows everything. Some would point to the fact that he was essentially raised by servants as the reason for his inflated ego, that and the fact he has never really been told no, nor has he ever been punished for his reckless actions. Despite his negative energy, he still managed to be fairly popular in school, accumulating a friend group of enablers and co-conspirators.

    Benny treats Pokemon the same way he treats people, with a smug indifference. He and Paris have gotten into a few battles together since partnering up, where Benny is a terrible winner and a sore loser. He has grown to be fond of his Eevee partner, including the Pokemon on his hijinks.

    Upbringing: Benjamin Ingram was born and raised in Jubilife City, and is the youngest of three boys. Ben's grandfather, Nelson Ingram was the co-founder of Ingram & Scott, one of the biggest law firms in Sinnoh. The firm is now ran by Ben's father, Nelson II, while both of Ben's older brothers, Nelson III and Oliver are being groomed to take over the family business.

    That leaves Benny, the youngest of the family. Benny hasn't shown the interest or work ethic that his older brothers have shown when it comes to the business. Benny has preferred to ride the coattails of his family's success, living the childhood of an extremely wealthy kid without any interest in the work where that money came from.

    Due to his family's busy nature, all three Ingram boys were raised by housekeeping staff, with their father running a law firm, and their mother, Vivienne, mostly distant while playing the role of Jubilife socialite. This has caused Benny to be even more disconnected with his family and the idea of joining the law firm.

    Benny went to school at the prestigious Jubilife Prep Academy, a very expensive private school in the city. There is where Benny's lack of direction became very apparent to his instructors. While Benny is a smart kid, he preferred to put his mind to use pulling hijinks and general rabble rousing instead of his studies. He skated by grades wise, but found himself in hot water several times for various things, most notably him and a couple of friends let a Stunky loose in the school during an assembly when he was thirteen, which got him into a lot of hot water. With some intervention from his father, Benny wasn't expelled, but his accomplices were.

    By the skin of his teeth, and pressure from one of Jubilife's biggest law firms, Benny recently graduated from the Academy with C's across the board. Benny still has no idea what he's going to do with his life, so he has persuaded his parents to let him go on a gap year journey of the region, under the guise of finding himself but Benny plans on getting into all sorts of trouble in his travels.

    Starting Pokemon:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]

    Moves: Quick Attack|Tail Whip|Yawn|Growl

    Paris was a gift to Benny from his parents, hoping a Pokemon would help teach him lessons about responsibility, mixed results so far. Paris was bought from a top breeder in Sinnoh, so has an elevated opinion of herself, just like her trainer. But unlike her relatives from the breeders, Paris hasn't become much of a battler so far, mostly serving as a tool for Benny's shenanigans or living the easy life.
    RP Sample: https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/10494929/
    Other: Theme Song I'll have more in here as we go probably
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    Suzu Okabe
    19|She/Her|Snowpoint City

    Suzu stands at 6'1" and is on the lankier side, with shoulders broader than most girls. Her hair is dyed black and teased up high, her beige complexion is almost always plastered to look paler, and her brown eyes are rarely seen without surrounding eyeliner. Most of what she wears is black, but white and red are nice compliments sometimes. Her wardrobe reflects her bank account, most of it is second-hand or dirt cheap- except her boots she imported from the Galar region. Not her smartest purchase, but they sure as hell look cool.


    At first glance, Suzu doesn't look like she'd be the most welcoming person, and that's not entirely untrue. Her appearance leads people to assume the worst of her, and to those types she'll respond abrasively. But those who treat her as they would anyone else will tell you she's one of the most caring people they know- given some time anyways. Her ways of showing affection are pretty unconventional, usually making snarky comments at people's expense, but she means no harm. She's very direct when she wants something, and likewise won't be cryptic if she's displeased.


    Suzu was born October 31st, 1964 under the name Hiroshi Okabe to two loving parents in Snowpoint City, and would later become the middle child of her family. Her mother was a renowned trainer in her day, and her older sister, Minako, was following in her footsteps, on her way to challenge the Sinnoh League. Suzu absolutely envied her sister growing up, and that never really went anywhere as she got older.

    At age 16 she strayed further away from her family, spending evenings after school hanging out with friends who had similar inclinations. Her appearance (as well as the more striking name and gender change) earned her a lot of flack from the strict school faculty, and she ended up needing to repeat a year from cutting class so often. Dealing with so much conflict in those years left her with pretty thick skin. Needless to say, high school was hard, but she's grown a lot since then. Her relationship with her parents has been pretty shaky since then, but ultimately they still love and support her, even if they don't exactly "get it".

    Once she finally graduated, she didn't have a single clue where she wanted to go next, but her mother pushed her in a certain direction with a Pokemon egg as a graduation gift. Not having any other plans, Suzu has decided to simply roll with it and set off into the Sinnoh region.


    She's really not the most knowledgeable about Pokemon, especially the technical stuff. She's far more interested in Pokemon that look cool (bonus points if they match her general aesthetic or are sound-based) than those that are useful in battle.


    And by that I just mean a song she likes lol

    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]
    Starter Pokemon
    Metal Sound|Acid|Belch|Nuzzle
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    Suzu is Accepted! Welcome aboard Kiki!
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    I'm new! So I don't know how to make the post pretty but here I go!

    Name: Elysia Knight
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: July 24th
    Appearance: Elysia is a short girl, barely reaching 5'4", and weighs in at 120 pounds. Elysia has pale beige skin with brown freckles speckling on her cheeks and nose. She also has a few scars on her hands, arms, and face from injuries and prior acne. She has thick chocolate brown hair that ends at her back and is usually tied into low pigtails with big purple bows, she wears a teal and darker teal off the shoulder top with oversized sleeves and has yellow stars on the right side of the shirt, she also wears a grey tank top under this. She wears a cream and grey plaid skirt that ends just past her mid-thigh. She wears fishnet tights with brown knee-high boots.
    Personality: Elysia, if put simply, would be described as a firecracker. Full of energy, sass, and spunk. Elysia is outwardly friendly to everyone, first appearing rather reserved and quiet, but once she warms up to you, she becomes playful and fun-loving. The closer you get to her the more she begins to show herself as a confident and intelligent youngster. Elysia tends to be blunt with others without reading the room. She hates beating around the bush and will cut to the chase if someone else doesn't. She always means well; her timing and short fuse make it appear otherwise. Sarcastic and Sassy, Elysia is never really boring to be around. Distrusting others, she has the belief that anyone who likes her needs to use her for some reason, leaving her to keep people at arm's length. A penchant for adventure, the idea of novelty drives her. She is easily annoyed and has no real patience; she wants things done as soon as possible and with no problems. She has a real soft spot for Pokémon, often risking injury to try and meet them and pet them. Elysia isn't exactly sure where she wants to go in life so she hasn't set any large goals but rest assured, not much will dissuade her from that goal once her thought is on it.
    Upbringing: Born to two professional music players, her mother performed classical in an orchestra and her father played metal music in a band. Elysia was often looked after by her grandparents.
    Elysia took to music early in life, learning the words to songs on the radio easily and making up her own when she was alone. When her parents were home, she preferred her father. She liked how his music went through her, and it looked more fun than playing in an Orchestra. Her mother and father were very different people, so wanted to raise their children in different ways. Her Mother was a prim and proper lady, while her father was a free spirit wild child. This caused a strain on the family unit. When Elysia was around 10, she was now a big sister to a baby brother, whom she instantly doted on and loved to pieces. However, soon after that her parents divorced and was given to her mother.
    This was a bad idea, the little rebel had already been ignited, so they fought constantly. Her mother was bent to turn her little girl into something she'd never be. Soon she had enough and went back to her grandparents where she knew they got along better. Her mother tried to continue trying to talk her daughter into doing what she wanted her to, Elysia just couldn't wait to finish school and go on an adventure away from her mother.
    Starting Pokemon: Natu, Seeker, Peck, Leer. Teleport and Sucker Punch, Magic Bounce

    RP Sample: Lazuli had already had enough of Alexei acting like he's a big bitch in here. He knew how she operated. Yeah, her temper was probably public knowledge, but he did not know how she thought and felt. She felt it was a little egotistical to believe as such.

    She erupted into a hearty laugh; she was completely done with this bullshit. "You ain't shit, mate. You sound piss drunk, what lows did you have to sink to get enough alcohol to be tossed on?" She asked, insulting him with the venom in her tone.

    "Your life must be as pathetic as any of ours if you in here with any of us. Just following the logic." She said falling quiet, thinking about what he said about the ones who did hold them captive with little much of anything.

    "I suppose you have a point there; I'd rather be doing anything else but sleeping my days away in here. But what can we do to protest the fuckers who look at us like circus animals?" She asked him.
    George "Rosey" Phalen
    18 | Male | December 15th

    Rosey is a slim-built 5'7, though his long legs and preference for clothing that sits at the natural waist make him look taller from afar. He has brown eyes and wears his pink hair in a grown-out mullet, bangs curled and teased to high heaven and the back styled to flip outwards. His fashion is pretty consistent- high waisted acid washed jeans worn cuffed to mid-calf, loose, cropped tank tops, and often a parachute jacket in fun colors. He prefers jelly shoes, of all things, in a variety of colors. His ears are pierced once in each lobe (slightly off-center because his sister did it with a needle and potato in their shed), but he doesn't always have something in. He does overload himself on accessories, but the only permanent ones are a pair of orange shutter shades that often sit on top of his head rather than over his eyes. He should be wearing prescription glasses, as his distance vision is a little rough, but how could he wear the coolest shades in existence if he did?

    Rosey swears he's a little face-blind, and that's why he doesn't always recognize people at a distance, but really he's just a little physically blind and won't wear his glasses. It makes interactions a little awkward sometimes, but he's so chill that it rolls off quickly. He enjoys just vibing with people, talking about nothing and everything. He's a little airheaded though, and doesn't always remember everything he's been told. He's not the best at remembering everything to do with Pokémon either, but information does eventually worm its way into his brain and he's gotten pretty familiar with species he's spent time with. He's so easygoing that most take to him quickly, even otherwise shy or aggressive ones. And yet, he's never had a Pokémon of his own until now.

    He grew up on the outskirts of Sunyshore City, down by the actual nice beaches and not the rocky mess that surrounds the city proper. Home was an easy place to be, with both parents and one set of grandparents looking after him and his four older siblings, but said kids were constantly outdoors despite that. He was interested in anything the older kids did, and was a perpetual tag-along to them and their friends. They definitely lost him a few times and put him in danger more often than not- though he was sworn to secrecy, of course, and thought it was all a grand adventure. He did well enough in school, but closed-book tests or anything that relied on memorization was a struggle, and as he got older he found himself giving up on such things more often than trying his best. He graduated as an average student, unremarkable in every way, but that was fine with him.

    Starting Pokemon:
    "Dollop" aka "Doll", Female Togepi
    Ability: Serene Grace
    Growl | Pound | Sweet Kiss | Life Dew | Morning Sun

    RP Sample:
    Alola, Emil!

    ► He collects things he thinks are neat, and is always looking to swap them with people he meets. Accessories are his go-to, but stickers, patches, bottlecaps, sparkly stones and more fill his pockets and bags at all times.
    ► He likes lollipops of all types, but has been told to keep them out of his mouth because they're making his teeth move in weird directions. He has reluctantly cut down but not quit.
    ► He's pretty aimless at the moment. Doesn't know what he wants to do and doesn't really want to think about it.
    ► He misses his boombox already.
    ► He's a pretty adept baker.
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    I'm new! So I don't know how to make the post pretty but here I go!


    Elysia is Accepted! Welcome to the RP section, glad to have someone new aboard! https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=435477 here's a link to a bunch of helpful info to read about RP'ing if you're interested in reading that, also feel free to ask questions, I'll be glad to help!

    George "Rosey" Phalen
    18 | Male | December 15th


    George is Accepted! The fashion bar has officially been set!

    Going to send out links to the Sabbatical discord server, we'll use it to get info out/talk about the RP
    I'm probably not going to join because I've got plenty of other Pokemon journey things to think about, but I have to admit I'm tempted. This is a pretty unique take on this kind of RP and it looks great.
    I might also be interested :3 Will try to get a SU up before the week is over, hope that is ok.
    edit: nvm, will sit this one out. Have fun though!
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    Richard Frederickstein Gerald Rafflesworth West, Esq.
    Age: 18 | He/Him | Birthday: December 3rd
    Starting Pokemon: Reginald the Mime Jr | Ability: Technician | Moves: Pound, Icy Wind, Copycat, Baton Pass, Encore

    Character Sign-Up


    Exactly 5' tall, with a thin frame and a surprisingly strong jaw. His dark hair is expertly coiffed, and his piercing blue eyes peer out from behind his pince-nez glasses. He takes great pains to always follow the latest fashions, buying only name brands and custom made shoes. The current trend is a bit of a throwback to older times, so he actually takes his father's advice on his outfit.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Sabbatical '84 [OOC][M]


    In a word: self-centered, though he'd argue that self-important is more apropos, as what could be more important than himself? He's fond of conversation, of learning new stories and acquiring additional knowledge, and his eloquent flattery makes everyone feel like the most important person in the room, because they got to meet him. And if that doesn't work, then they're usually swayed by his generosity and kindness to those he calls friend. This habit causes occasional friction with his family, but he's certain it makes him a hero to the common people.
    Apart from his charisma, he studied under the finest tutors money could buy, and is proud of his academic mind. He absorbs new information like a sponge, picking up new skills yet lacking the focus to ever truly commit to any trade. He treats Pokémon like he would other people, and while they aren't as fun to talk to, they respond better to treats.


    Originally hailing from Hammerlocke in the far off Galar region, Richard is the son of Percival West, co-owner of Wild-West Publishing, producers of fine reading material from textbooks to fiction, magazines and manuals. Richard was homeschooled as a child, which meant he excelled in his studies, but his social skills were underdeveloped. So his father had him sent to a public school to learn how to mingle. Being sent to Canalave City served a dual purpose: it kept Richard out of the public eye, and it encouraged him to practice his Ranseigo speaking skills.

    RP Sample:

    A recent post from Square One, featuring my boy Edison.


    - His father wants him to work at his company after graduation, with this journey being merely a rite of passage meant to teach life skills, but Richard doesn't want to work a desk job. He wants to be an author and an artist, journeying to learn stories and make some of his own.
    - He's rich. His father recently reduced his allowance from "unlimited" to merely "exorbitant", so he's learning to adjust accordingly.
    - Common People by William Shatner inspired much of this character.


    Richard is Accepted! Glad to have you aboard Groc!
    I'll have css at some point lmao

    Name: Evan Mimph, 18yo Male, Born March 17
    Appearance: Evan is 6' 5", built as an athlete, and with a icy grey eyed stare that seems to brush right past you. He often dressed up for his daily classes, wearing more business-style attire than one might think comfortable for a school setting. He typically covers his hands with leather gloves, and wears long-sleeved shirts that seem perhaps just a tiny bit too tight, with a black or white coat hanging off his back.

    Personality: Evan is hard to get a read on for most people. He seems to be one who shies away from social situations, yet somehow always finds himself in the middle of the more intense confrontations. He looks to be a clean freak, given how he seemingly always carries around a lint roller and is prone to straightening his outfit after entering and before leaving each class, and yet he's been a member of the weightlifting club since their first day in freshman year. Despite how physical he seems however, he's undeniably bookish - though you'll never see him with anything needed for class readily at hand, he always knew the answers in class and could recall some of even the vaguest details of pictures seen within the various pages of their textbooks.

    When it comes to Pokemon, perhaps his true colors seem to shine through at last. The young man doesn't care about appearances or about rarity, but rather prefers only those things which can prove themselves powerful. It seems that beyond everything else, he believes only in being able to 'earn your keep'.

    Upbringing: Evan lived most of his life in Driftveil City in Unova. However, when he was 13 his family was driven out of their home once it became known they were Giratina worshippers. He and his younger sister, Abigail, were both sent off to live in their mother's childhood home in Celestic City, Sinnoh. After this, their parents moved around constantly, breaking contact with their own children almost immediately and leaving them in the graces of their grandfather, Richter, who was a stern and distant man. Richter raised Evan until he was 18, providing him and his sister with the basic necessities as long as the boy was willing to work a small plot of land that the man owned and attend sunday worship in the name of Arceus.

    Starting Pokemon: Lars the Larvitar, Male, Guts // Dragon Dance, Payback, Rock Throw, Leer, Tackle
    RP Sample: First Spear Post
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    Evan is Accepted! Welcome to '84 Sonata!

    IC will be up soon, will still have SU applications open for those of you who expressed interest in joining up.
    Hi I don't fully understand RPing on PC nor do I think I'm creative enough to participate, but this is definitely an intriguing premise and I'll be sure to read people's posts! Hope everyone has fun!
    New to this whole RP shindig and I apologise that this is so long - got a little carried away! Just let me know if this is all ok ^^;

    Name: Cody Surge (Yes, that Surge)
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Birthday: July 17th

    Appearance: Cody stands at about 5'9 with a build that's just started to see the benefits of a training regime. He has his mother's eyes - an almost piercing blue (although more strange purple behind his stark pink shades), with a slicked-back (a little rough, but not too rough) hairdo to compliment them. Cody owns very meticulously picked out ensemble, complete with colour scheme and everything. You'll see Cody donning his favourite windbreaker jacket with a geometric explosion of aqua and rose hues, black shapes breaking up the luminosity. Of course everything else had to match, so Cody also sports a pair of aqua and black hightop sneakers (which admittedly look a little chunky for his feet) and then a simple crew cut black top and black jeans, because some habits are hard to shake off. Here's a snapshot of Cody in their typical attire:


    Personality: Cody has picked up some of his dad's traits. He has a natural competitive streak etched into his persona and with it a desire to do well in everything he does, to be the best. Sometimes... this can go a little overboard and this is where Cody's vulnerabilities show; he can get so highly strung that the smallest change to his procedure/routine can cause everything to crash and he ends up being in a slump for days, temper run afoul just like his father's withthe only difference being his anger goes inwards, rather than outwards towards others. He also, probably from being around his father's Electric-Type Pokémon so much, can be quite impulsive and therefore unpredictable. Whether this be a flash of visible anger or even something like a sudden hug out of nowhere, Cody can sometimes keep new company on their toes.

    Thankfully, he's been somewhat blessed with the more grounded nature of his mother and therefore he generally is level-headed and polite most of the time, keeping those urges in check, albeit bringing about perhaps an excessive amount of reservation when talking to new people. However once you get to know Cody you can guarantee to be in for an adventure, one way or another!

    Being around Pokémon most of his life, they're somewhat part of the furniture to him and in all honesty the interest hasn't really gone past that. Sure, who doesn't have a favourite Pokémon, but otherwise Cody treats most Pokémon as he would a pet that's been with him for a long time. The charm and excitement have been dulled by his exposure from a young age.

    Upbringing: Cody is the son of Matis (Lt.) and Serrah Surge, the former being the esteemed Vermilion City Gym Leader and the latter a medical nurse he had met during his days on the battlefield. Cody had grew up in Vermilion for the majority of his life generally leading a somewhat normal life. His dad was extremely militant at times and as much as this was aggravating to deal with, it also did drill in a good sense of regime and respect into Cody and he knew his father was acting in the way he knew was right. However Cody was also forever being cast in the shadow of his father with what seemed like a pre-destined goal of becoming Vermilion's next Gym Leader. Something that as much as Cody knew it was with the best intentions, he did not want to end up at that point in life knowing that he had not worked hard to achieve his goal, but instead had it handed to him on a platter.


    He was going to show them that he could make name for himself, nay an even larger name for himself, than his father had done.

    Cody was an avid sportsman - especially when it came to tennis. Cody from that point decided to turn a hobby into a passion, with the aim of making it a career. The only issue was that it seemed the sport was not too popular here and both interest and skill in the region had plateaued, meaning Cody could only progress so far before coming to a halt.So when there was a call for his dad to go away on a long-term trip to Sunyshore City to make improvements to the Gym there (both with the Leader AND the Gym itself), Cody's impulsive side struck out and demanded his father take Cody with him. Cody wasn't normally one to tap into fate as such, but something that day had spurred him and wound him up into thinking not only is he going to become a sports star, but he's going to make Tennis THE sport of this new Sinnoh region.

    Starter Pokémon: Klaus the Surskit (Male)
    Ability: Swift Swim
    Moveset: Water Gun / Quick Attack / Sweet Scent / Psybeam

    RP Sample: I've not written anything on the forums and as a whole for a long time, so went with a sample as Cody instead:


    • He owns a tennis racket signed by none other than Sabrina herself!
    • His favourite food is Watmel Berry ice cream
    • He is also learning to grow and care for bonsai trees
    New to this whole RP shindig and I apologise that this is so long - got a little carried away! Just let me know if this is all ok ^^;


    Cody is Accepted! Not too long at all everything looks good.