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Saving the Pokemon world [PG-13]

before zekrom landed he heard a cry for help lets go he said right said snivy and tepig theres a fire we got to put out that fire psychic lifted the water from the lake and droped it on the tree and the fire died out are you ok mew said zekrom.
I stood there and watched the fire die down and go away.I flew out the tree and looked outside to see Zekrom there.

"Thank you Zekrom."I said weakly."I'm fine,I just need to let the tree heal up a bit before I'm back to full strength."

I half smiled and flew to the bottom of the large tree and landed next to my helpers.

"Mew!"They both exclaimed happy to see me.
I looked down and saw thick, black smoke towering up into the sky.
I knew that meant trouble. So I glided down towards the source, when I heard a loud screaming of despair. Whoever it was, it needed assistance. I signaled my two passengers to hang on, and I lunged myself through the air towards the fire that was causing the smoke. Once I was in range, I instantly fired out my Ice Beam, causing the fire to disappear in a large puff of steam. Any tiny flame I see, I shot it down. Soon enough, the fire was all gone.
"...Whoever was in great need, come out! It's safe now!" I called out.
I flew up to articuno

"Thanks the both of you.That was too close for my likings,I need a safer place to stay.I'm going to get some local pokemon to gaurd my tree.Wait,Regirock,Regiice and regigas were suppost to be..."I said

I watch the three walk out of the tree.

"You three!Regiice why didn't u freeze the fire!?"I asked maddly.

"I couldn't!The fire was too big!"It said.

I sighed.

"Get the stronger of the local pokemon to help you gaurd it.Team Connected must have learned that the tree suplises my engery.I need all of the local pokemon to be on the look-out for anything suspesious and I want you guys to send a flying pokemon once a day to tell me whats going on here and if something happens you must let me know ammeditly do you understand?"I asked them.

"Yes mam!"said Regiice.

"Yes!"said regirock

"Yeah!"said regigas.

"Come on Nelle,come on Riley"I said and the two flew up to me.

"We all better get back on patrol I guess."I said to Articuno and Zekrom.
"I will go north." I claimed.
"If any of us are to need help, send a signal so that we may come his or her aid. I will send out an Ice Beam into the sky if I am in trouble. Understood?"
My two friends, Snorunt and Vannilite stayed hidden behind my back. They were a bit shy.
and i will go to the south i will send a tunderbolt if i need help come tepig and snivy get on my back said zekrom now we will go to the south lets go.
"I'll send a pink bubble beam in the air if I need help,they are hot pink so u should see them.No one else has that power.I'm going to the north eastern area."I stated and flew off with Riley riding Nelle.
Suicune heard a cry for help, but when he arrived with Zangoose and Staraptor, the help had arrive. He saw no need to interfere now, and all of the Pokemon seemed to be going their seperate ways. He heard them saying of going north and south, so Suicune and his team will go west. He preferred not to interact if unecessary. Suicune howled, a sign that he was with them, and ran of. Zangoose and Staraptor soon followed, having trouble keeping up to the speed of a Legendary Dog.
I heard Suicune howl,but I didn't react asumming it was okay.I continued on.Growing tiered.I looked around and then felt very cold,so cold ice was forming around my body.I went too far north,i was above snowpoint city.I was so cold I couldn't move,nor could Nelle or Riley.I shot a large stream of hot pink bubbles in the air to signal I was in need of help.I figered no one would see it,but I had to give it a try.It was dark out,so I didn't know who would see it.I waited I fell from the sky along with Nelle and Riley,but we all fell in the leaves of a large tree.I waited calmly,patiently,and quietly.

"Mew,I'm scared."said Nelle with a quivering voice.

"Hold on little one,someone will help us soon,for some reason my powers arn't working,I guess cause I'm so cold and frozen."I replied.

I heard Riley snore and a giggled.I shot another beam of hot pink bubbles into the sky.I watched Nelle go back to her normal form (the hedgehog form).I again tried to use a fire attack to de-freeze me.This time it worked.I then de-freezed the others.

"Okay guys lets head more east this time."I said.But they were both asleep.

My solution?Putting them in a big sturty pink bubble with me.I flew the bubble with us in it away from snowpoint city and eventually made it to a small forest not as cold.I made it to the lake of life.I gasped as I looked at how dirty it was and how unclean and how it looked like a oil spill.I knew this is how they would get ahold of Suicune.I will be there to protect it as it cleans the lake.

"Suicune!"I hollered. "I need you to come to the lake of life!"
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Suicune proceeded towards the lake of life, Zangoose and Staraptor close behind. When they arrived, they all dismayed. It was a disaster.

"This is terrible", Staraptor said. Zangoose replied with a shake of his head. Suicune was silent as he stepped forward. The three pokemon noticed the Mew as well as two other Pokemon in tow with it. Suicune and his team proceeded towards them.

"Hey there, Mew", Zangoose said. "What happened here?"

Suicune was silent, but stepped towards the lake. Suicune put one paw in and the lake began to glow.

"Hopefully this works" Suicune said to them.
"Hello."I replied to Zangoose."I have no idea,I flew here and it was like this.But I'm 99.9% sure Team Connected did this to lure you here so Riley,Nelle and I are keeping a look out.I'm putting barriers around the lake while you clean it.

I started going around using the attack protect while Nelle and Riley kept look out around the lake.When I had done as much as I could do I flew towards the middle of the barrier.

"Is it working Suicune?"I asked
Suicune merely looked at her and nodded. "It's a slow process, but its working. Keep a look out while I do this, though, as I can't be disturbed during it." Suicune looked back at the lake. It's eyes were glowing white as the lake seemed to shine.

Zangoose and Staraptor looked as the lake shined in awe. "Ooh, cool." said Staraptor.

Zangoose and Staraptor then went to join Nelle and Riley to look around and protect them during this.
I flew around keeping a eye on things.

"I hope all of this protection is strong enough.We should get some pokemon to gaurd the lake for when we're not here."I stated looking at Suicune.

I began to circle the lake all the way around.

(Ooc:If I dissappear I'll be on in the morning)
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So far, so good, thought Suicune as he cleared the lake. He was in deep concentration within himself as his eyes shined as the lake did. Zangoose and Staraptor returned from patrol, just long enough to see Suicune finishing up.

"Awesome work Suicune! It looks great! Just a bit more." Staraptor said.

"So, guys, where are you going to go after this?" Zangoose asked them, wondering what the next stop will be.
"I don't know,I'm going to all the important places for legendaries to make sure nothing is going wrong at them"I replied.

All of the sudden claws from every direction went at Suicune.I was quick enough to use Psycic on them and bend them so much they broke.I used sleeping powder everywhere around the lake exept for around us.

"Are you okay Suicune?"I asked.
Suicune was deep in concentration when the attack hit. However, they were able to repel the attack and Suicune's eyes finished glowing as the lake was healed. Suicune nodded to her. "I am fine, thank you."

The team began to discuss their next steps to make sure the legendaries were fine across the world.

"We should probably split up to cover more area." Staraptor said. But if you're ever in trouble, send out your pink bubbles, and we'll try to hurry over, that's a promise!"
((OOC: K I would like to apologize to all for that post before, I really didn't have a right to do that, thats the RP host's job. So I am sorry if I angered any of you.))

-Reshiram soared over, and sometimes through the clouds, making almost no sound. He occasionally peeked his head through the clouds to check for anything suspicious. He had been hearing about Team Connected harming the other Legendaries sacred area's and decided to land at the Lake of life, to see if it had already been hit. A few minutes later, he spotted the Lake. Luckily, it looked alright, but Mew and Suicune were both there, and they looked like they were conversing about something.-

"Not my Ideal choice to meet up with first, but work with what you have. Brace yourself little one, we will be touching down in a moment." said Reshiram.

-There was little to no point saying this because the Fraxure had already fallen asleep, but seemed to be hanging on tight enough. The clouds parted, as if to let the legendary through, and he landed not too far from the others. He hovered over calmly, and began to speak.-

"Sorry to interrupt, but is this area alright? I mean, it looks okay now, but did something happen here that I missed?"
(Sorry, I haven't been posting. Was trying to think of something, ^^; )

I glanced at the Absol and then looked at the Minccino. Minccino was still dancing happily around the clearing.

"Minccino, Absol we need to go. Minccino hope on my back." I said and then looked at Absol. "Do you think you can keep up?"

The Absol chuckled. "Yeah, I think I can."

I stared at the Absol for a moment and then looked over at the Minccino as I felt something crawling up my leg. Minccino clibed up my leg and then pull herself up so she was on my back. Minccino grabbed hold of two of the purple scales on my back.

"Ready!" She cried, smiling slightly.

"Alright. Hold on tight Minccino." I told the little Pokemon and then looked at Absol. "Let's go." Then I spread out my wings and lowered my body slightly, getting ready to take off. In the corner of my eye I could see Absol stretching, getting ready to run. I started to flap my wings a little and jumped off the ground. Wind started to pick up as I flapped my wings more frequently. The wind blew though the trees harshly. It even teared some leaves and/or branches from the trees. I sighed to myself. This is why I stay in the water. I thought to myself. I flew into the air and the Absol took off.

As I flew over the thrashing sea I looked down, only to gasp sharply. The sea was full of whirlpools. Whirlpools might have been normal for other parts of the world. However, this sea, at least this part of it, was always peaceful. Not even rough waves. Before I knew what was happening I seen something small and gray falling towards the whirlpools below. I gasped again and quickly turned my head, Minccino was nowhere to be found. She must have tried to look at the whirlpools. I thought as I quickly turned my attention back on the falling object. I tucked my wings tightly to my body and started to dive after Minccino. Sadly, before I could reach her she hit the water and started to get sucked into it.

"Help!" Minncino cried thrashing about, trying to keep herself floating above the water.
(Ooc:Its no problem Skyisumbreon,and no problem angel)

"Oh hey Reshriam."I said to the large white dragon pokemon."Team Connected came here and put lots of dirt and cemicals into the water.Suicune cleaned it up,but claws came from all directions,and I had to use phscic and bend them till the broke."

"Yeah!"said Riley

"Thats right!"said Nelle
I dove faster towards Minccino. Minccino was getting too close to the middle of the whirlpool for my liking. I dived and got to her I opened my mouth, planning to grab her with it.

"Help!" She cried again and then was pulled under the current.

"Minccino!" I yelled as I searched for any sign of the creature. "No." I couldn't let her die. The only reason she was in this situation is because she wanted to come with me. So I braced myself and dived into the whirlpool. I had no fear for myself, the only fear I had was that I wouldn't make it to Minccino in time. The whirlpool pulled and pushed me around. However, i fought it. I tried to free my wings, but I couldn't. I could feel myself getting pulled closer to the middle of the whirlpool. I searched for any sign of Minccino, I couldn't see anything. Then, I seen a tuff of gray fur. At that moment I fought harder. I was going to save Minccino, even if it cost me my life.

After a couple of minutes of trying to get my wings free I finally got them free. At that moment I was done having patience with this whirlpool. I roared a little as my eyes glowed bright blue. I spread out my wings and slowly but surely the whirlpool disappeared. As did all the others. I looked franticly for Minccino, my eyes going back to normal. I once again seen a tuff of gray fur and dove for it. I grabbed Minncino and then swam as fast as I could to the surface. As I hit the surface I flew up into the air like a rocket. I landed on the clearing once again, laying Minccino on the ground. I stared down at the not moving Pokemon. I could sense Absol walking back into the clearing, but I didn't look.