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Spinoff/Mobile *screaming into the void*


All-Around Fanatic
  • 25
    Hey, anybody else like the Ranger games? I loved Guardian Signs and the original, personally.
    On another note, who else thinks that we should petition Nintendo to bring back the franchise on their brand new, travel sized touchscreen console?
    I'm interested in trying! As a kid I never was interested in the catching concept here nor liked the protagonists' designs too much, but lately I'm feeling like I'd missed out. I'm assuming it's best to start with the first one in the series, or is there one that's just much better people recommend starting with instead?
    I played Almia as a kid and I absolutely loved it. As an adult, I can't really find the original or GS so I took to the next best thing and tried using my drawing tablet as the touchscreen. It worked... and it was fun ... I think i may have broken my pen with some of the legendaries though
    I really need to replay the Ranger games, but I've played all of them. With the new games coming out those will probably keep my occupied but I might revisit them once I loose steam on SV.
    I only thoroughly played the first one and it completely ruined my childhood ds's touchscreen lmao, more damage than every other game combined. The main flaw of the series imo. I have wanted to play the others tho but never got around to them!
    I also had the first one and Guardian Signs, and loved them both! It would be pretty cool to get a Pokémon Ranger game for the Switch. We got New Pokémon Snap, so why not?

    I kind of had Shadows of Almia at some point but I could never finish it... my father unknowingly bought a fake copy that was really shoddily made. It would not hold a save file at all. If you tried to save, it would act like it was saving, but it definitely didn't because the "saving process" was really suspiciously quick. If I ever got a game over, it would take me right back to the beginning of the game instead of the place I "saved".
    I played all three, and I really wish they'd either bring these games back or just make a new one. But, I feel like since they didn't sell as well as the PMD games, that's why they never made another one. The only thing I don't like is how you can't save the game in the normal way and have to save from a machine in the overworld. The Quick save feature is okay, though, in some situations, I guess.

    I suppose the older PMD games were like that, too, in that you could only save in your bed, but still.

    I liked these games and thought it was cool seeing a different perspective on Pokemon than using them to battle and instead using them to save nature.
    As you might guess from the username, I love the pokemon ranger games. They were the first ones to make me really feel "Yes, this is who I'd like to be in the Pokemon world". The emphasis on keeping pokemon in their natural environment, and not making everything a battle, really felt right to me.

    I played the original game first, and got stuck on the Salamence boss fight. But I still wanted more Ranger content, so I switched to Shadows of Almia. The use of a progress bar rather than a number of loops really helped as an anti-frustration feature. I eventually felt confident enough to give the original a try again and was actually able to beat it, before returning to finish SoA, and love both.

    I will admit I dropped off at Guardian signs. I wasn't a huge fan of the changes to the capture system. I didn't like that assisting pokemon were now placed in the field (and thus vulnerable to being attacked, rather than just a one-time boost) and that I didn't have direct control over when my partner pokemon would feel like doing their assist move. And while I like the signs mechanic, it felt a little weird to be literally riding around on legendaries like they were my personal bike.

    Between the three, Shadows of Almia definitely felt the best, gameplay wise, but I still have a personal soft spot for the setting of Fiore. And while I could see how it would frustrate others, I kind of liked not being able to take pokemon out of their areas. It fit with the environmental vibe of the rangers, and it meant that whatever I needed to solve a puzzle was somewhere around me. I also preferred the original's choice to limit to one partner pokemon. As convenient as it was in Almia to be able to choose a specific Type for my partner, I felt less emotionally bonded to my farm full of partners.
    I played the original, and even still have my original Manaphy from that game. I remember using some weird roundabout way to get the code online on my (then-old) phone to access the mission.

    I never did get around to the sequels, which I imagine were far better than the original. I've had the ROMs loaded onto my hacked 2DS for years now, just haven't gotten around to playing them, but I know from a JaidenAnimations video that they're hilarious, so I really should give them a go.
    I remember wanting to try one of them out at the time, but I didn't have the money to spare for it back then. So it never happened.

    I wouldn't mind a remake or remaster for one of them just so I can still give one of those games a try =D