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Requests Small Request Thread

  • 17,133
    • she / they
    • Seen Jan 12, 2024
    Small Request Thread

    Need something?

    What is this thread?

    Because request threads are no longer allowed, this thread is making a comeback! Threads containing requests will be merged here henceforth. The Small Request thread is for posting small requests to assure your request is seen by a large group of artists. If you have a request and there is no artist currently offering to fulfil that request in their showcase, post it here!

    What can I request?

    This is for small items; do not post expectations of large digital pieces, elaborate music tracks, or entire sprite spreadsheets. If you want an avatar, a recolor, or some small edit, that's perfectly reasonable. Please keep in mind that the artists here are working for free. Don't abuse this thread or the artists. Also, no artist is required to perform anything - your post in this thread may go ignored.

    All PC Rules apply!

    If you have problems please contact Art Studio's Moderators
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    Sprite For Animation

    Given that I do not know English and I help with google translator, I apologize for any spelling errors. Also, I hope this is the right section.

    Hi, I would like to know if I can make a small request. I'm working on a small animation using the pok?mon sprites. I have a sprite that I have modified, but to which I would like to change the appearance, taking the appearance from another image that I worked on. More or less I can unite different spriters together, to create new ones, but if it's about adding new things, I'm denied. So, could you help me?

    The sprites to be modified are:
    1) https://imgur.com/LiNp6av
    2) https://imgur.com/DscxVO4

    The image to be copied instead is:

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    I think the language barrier is causing confusion for me. Are you looking for a tutorial on how to animate or make sprite fusions? Or are you looking for someone to do it for you?

    Also PC doesn't support tinypic, sorry. Try Imgur or Dropbox.
    I modified the post and I changed the link first with dropbpx, then with imgur, but they are not shown. So I put only the links.
    To answer your question, I modified two sprite of the female BW character by placing it on top of the Kyogre sprite (with the foam scraps of water around the pok?mon). Now I would like to change the face and appearance of the character, so that it looks like the character created by me (the image of the character I use as an avatar). But I can not. So I was wondering if there was anyone who could help me. If you have time and desire, if you can do it (so the result is much nicer). If not, if you can give me some suggestions on how to do it.
    The request is just the change of the two sprites and that's it, nothing about animation etc. That I do it myself. I included it in the title just to inform that the sprites used them for animation, not for fangames or anything else.
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    I did some testing to the images. I am not sure why they are not showing up on the forums, but I was able to see them with the URL. Anyway, seeing as this is a request I'm going to move this over to the request thread. Thank you for being patient with me! :)
    Thank you for your help :) Unfortunately I was not sure I had to put the request in this thread. This was because I had noticed other posts with request.
    I sincerely hope someone can help me :)
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    Draft League Logo's

    Dear Artist who is reading this,

    My name is screen a.k.a. Jeffvirus on Discord. I'm currently hosting a Pok?mon Draft League tournament and we are currently in our season 2 and starting up for season 3. I'm searching for an artist who could make me a Team Logo for my Draft League Team, named the Synthetic Silvally.

    If someone has any time could they please contact me.

    I can't ask for a paid request, but if anyone has some free time to design a logo for me, I will spread the name as far as it can go.

    Kind Regards,

    Dear Artist who is reading this,

    My name is screen a.k.a. Jeffvirus on Discord. I'm currently hosting a Pok?mon Draft League tournament and we are currently in our season 2 and starting up for season 3. I'm searching for an artist who could make me a Team Logo for my Draft League Team, named the Synthetic Silvally.

    If someone has any time could they please contact me.

    I can't ask for a paid request, but if anyone has some free time to design a logo for me, I will spread the name as far as it can go.

    Kind Regards,

    Hi! As per Art Studio's rules, I'm moving your post to the Request thread. Good luck!
    Is this the kind of thread where I can request an avatar and signature? :3
    My name is Florian. I'm making a pokemon fangame and it would like to have a waterfall from the side autotile (either facing left or right). Could somebody help me with this? I will give credits of course!
    I was wondering if anyone could make me over world sprites of Spark from Pok?mon Go in gen 3 style? I'm not too great at making sprites, otherwise I'd do it myself.
    Can someone make me an avatar for my oc? Is that even a small request?
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    (ENGLISH):hello I would like to make a request because I need help with some backsprites, because I'm doing a pokemon fangame so I wanted to see if some interested person would like to help me.
    credits will be given in the game to the kind person who will help me please.

    (espa?ol):hola quisiera hacer una solicitud ya que necesito ayuda con algunos backsprites, porque estoy haciendo un fangame de pokemon entonces quer?a ver si alguna persona interesada que me quisiera ayudar.
    Se otorgar?n cr?ditos en el juego a la persona amable que me ayudar? por favor.

    View attachment 85872
    Can some kind soul make an avatar and signature for me from musharna and munna please and thanks
    Can some kind soul make an avatar and signature for me from musharna and munna please and thanks

    I got'chu. :)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Small Request Thread


    credit: not-a-comedian@tumblr
    hello, i was wondering if it was possible to make me an avatar and signature of jacksepticeye? you can use any photos, i would just prefer the more recent ones where he has brown hair. (i love his green hair but i want more recent photos used ;v;) i would like the size to be at least larger than 100x100. bigger than that.

    can the theme be sort of..pastel galaxy, if possible? and have my username hoshiko on the signature please in some sort of pastel text?

    sorry if this is way too detailed for a small request ;v;