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thank god for the internet

Silly Erica, children use the internet too >__> think of them.

Besides, it'll also be useful for aliens that might wonder how our primitive technology works.
YES! I've gotten inside my house!



Oh. ^_^"

donavannj;bt71692 said:
Although I fear this will be the death of me if the velociraptors read this. Doors are an integral part of my defense system.

:cer_laugh: I also laughed at how the writer said to first make sure that your hands are dry.
Grasp the door knob with either hand. Using your dominant hand works best.

My god, you learn something new every day.
This will come in handy now that I've mastered this "breathing" deal I read about on Wikipedia.
This reminds me of my sister. She writes small articles like this although on computer topics (can't remember if it gets posted on eHow or another site like it though). Sometimes she's like "I just got paid to describe the simplest things on the Internet."

The topics for articles come up based off of Google searches -- so some idiots probably googled "how to open a door knob" and thus eHow made an article about it. -_-;
Maybe this is for those with Dementia :C.. who.. can possibly remember how to browse the internet but forget the most simplest of contraptions. It's possible!
[/ruins the fun]
I've never seen an oval-shaped door handle. Do they have a lot of those in America? All of ours here are round or those funny bars that you pull down to open.