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Thank you all so much!

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 27,894
    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here at PC that congratulated me on my promotion! For those who do not already know, I am now the moderator of the Technology & Internet section here on PC. I honestly didn't see my promotion coming for that section, but I gladly accepted the position because technology is quite a large aspect in me living my life.

    I also really want to extend my thank you to all of the h-staff, moderators, and administrators here for welcoming me into the staff here at PC, as this has been by far the most welcomed I have felt in a while. Everything that has happened here today has pretty much made my day feel even better, considering I was already happy enough in getting my Nexus 7 tablet today as well!

    I am looking forward to my days as a moderator here, and first and foremost, if you have a suggestion for me, please feel free to contact me about it and I'll see what I can do!

    Until next time,
    Servine out~!
    Hehe, it sounds like it was quite an exciting day for you! n_n;

    Well, congrats again. Hstaff doesn't promote people who don't deserve it, so enjoy every moment. I'm sure you'll be a great mod.
    I know I already did the thread and congratulated by VMs, but do an awesome job Zach bby! I do hope to send your first report eventually.
    ZachLMedia;bt91042 said:
    yeah, sure xD

    But thanks again you guys! It is really appreciated!!! ^^

    YEAH. Techology and Media will then become: Kura's Buttons and ZachL's Knobs.
    'Cause of buttons and knobs in technology and electronics. No innuendo intended whatsoever, obviously.