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4th Gen The 8000 legendries of Gen IV.


Never glimpse the truth
  • 818
    I honestly just can't keep up. I've been playing Pearl recently, and I've lost track of how many there are, what there names are, and how they're supposed to be beneficial in the first place. I thought it my be interesting to discuss the legendries amongst ourselves. Here's my analysis.

    Okay, we'll start on a good note, Dialga is one of the few ones I actually like. Looks cool, and generally is cool. I actually found it quite a challenge to catch. Not much else to say here. But why a Dragon type? It looks nothing like a Dragon.

    Again, did this Pokemon really have to be a Dragon type? Infact, what's the sudden increase in Legendry Dragon type Pokemon all about? And Palkia has an unbelievable disadvantage to Dialga, similar to Kyogre/Groudon. I seriously dislike this aspect.

    Mirage Pokemon
    I'll sum these guys up in one. Legendry trio that are all Psychic types = EPIC FAIL.

    Do we really need two different formes? Just makes the whole concept that much more complicated. Before I got Platinum I was extremely confused as to what forme I'm getting, what difference it makes, whether or not I can get both etc etc. It's too much.

    Pointless, not to mention how many pure Psychic Pokemon there are that aren't Legendary.

    Again, pointless. Want a good dark type? Run Tyranitar.

    Manaphy and Phione
    Is there actually a difference? And legendary Pokemon can breed now? Fail.

    Relevant, I'll give it that. Stupid requirment to gain access to it though. What if you don't have Ruby/Sapphire?

    What's so legendary about this? It looks as normal as any other Non-Legendary. It just doesn't look like one at all

    Completely ruins the sense in Legendary Pokemon. This Pokemon is a so called "God" yet you can catch it in a plastic ball? Just no...

    Pathetic excuse for a Pokemon. Probably my most hated of all Pokemon. Fire/Steel?? Seriously? It looks like a deformed evolution of Marowak, for christs sake! And it can be Male/Female? Yet, again, ruining the concept of Legendaries.

    Anyway, what's your take on the 8,000,000 legendaries?
    I've never liked legendary Pokemon. The only ones that I have sort of liked were the three birds (the originals). But any others have never really appealed to me. The 4th generation legendaries were pathetic in my opinion. Anyway that's just what i think.
    i dont like mespirit, uxie and azelf! they dont have any good attacks..
    Meh, most of the legendaries are for storyline purposes only. And, sadly for Pokedex completion as well. Usually I just catch them and let them collect dust in the PC.

    And it kinda ruins the sense of them being legendary when (a) there's so many of them, and (b) guys like Palmer use 'em in the Battle Tower:/
    Meh, most of the legendaries are for storyline purposes only. And, sadly for Pokedex completion as well. Usually I just catch them and let them collect dust in the PC.

    And it kinda ruins the sense of them being legendary when (a) there's so many of them, and (b) guys like Palmer use 'em in the Battle Tower:/

    I will agree with that I mean I feel happy once I catch it but then when trainers have them its like oh man =(
    I mean there are not legendary persay as there are a couple of them except mewtwo and dialga palkia
    You don't have to catch them or use them, and some of them are really good, not just for Uber tier battling but for aesthetic purposes as well. It seems to me like you are nitpicking with this, although I respect your opinion. Calling Pokémon pointless reinforces my view, although I do agree with you about Phione. I question the relevance of it myself.

    What do you mean Dialga looks nothing like a dragon? Granted, it doesn't look like a stereotypical dragon, but there are no rules as to what a dragon has to look like. And I don'y see why two formes for Giratina (and/or Shaymin, if you want to take it to that extent) confuse you. I don't see you complaining about the various formes of Deoxys and Rotom? And I believe that the Arceus you see in-game is merely an avatar for it in the mortal plane, or a mere figment of it's true power. It doesn't ruin the purpose of legendary Pokémon at all; I believe they made a huge step in creating a sort of diety and putting it in their games. it was a pretty big risk in the politically correct-crazy world of today. You can't justify Darkrai as being pointless just because Tyranitar is "another Dark-type". And Heatran as a pathetic excuse for a Pokémon? Take that statement to S&M and see how far it gets you.

    On the whole, I really don't see why you have such a problem with them. Sure, I think maybe the amount they created this gen might be a bit excessive, but all of them have a purpose and a point, and most (if not all) aregenerally cool to look at and to use. Please, just enjoy the games for what they are and don't use the legendaries if they offend you.
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    I do completely agree with this thread, in RBY there were the Birds and Mewtu which was just unique, not legendary, and Mew (i actually never cared about Mew). In GSC, the dogs, which are quite a Rip-Off of the birds, since they got the same types (ok, suicune is Water, but North Winds -> Ice -> Articuno -> Rip-Off). And then there are Hooh and Lugia, which are Birds, again. How creative... And there was Celebi, which is just like Mew. but still ony 5 legendaries (Celebi doesnt count).

    But then, Hoenn and Sinnoh got 24 legendaries in total, Kanto and Johto had 11, there really is a legendary for everything now. A legendary for the Sea, one for Time, another one for eating bacon, So why are they still called legendaries, they've bacome just plain by the time...
    for storyline
    yes there is more than one but in the storyline and movies there is only one I know I said the same but its coming clear people have different opinions.
    rip-off possibly but still
    there is one mewtwo,dialga,palkia and giratina its just way back in history there was many but with shieldon etc they must wiped out like the dinosaurs.
    I'm guessing at least
    There being so many legendaries kind-of defeats the point, IMHO. I like them all, but I still only really think of the three original legendary birds and Mew as being actual legendary Pokémon. And Mewtwo as well, because he blew my mind when I first encountered him in Blue.
    Ok, i agree with everyone who complains about there being too many.
    But none of them are pointless.

    For me Phione is irritating, but not pointless.
    And yes, Heatran is bug ugly, but hey, Dialga's no looker is it???
    But c'mon, watch the Shaymin movie and you can't help loving the little thing!!!
    And Darkrai, i think is the coolest as it's the only one who's almost evil
    How are you defining 'pointless'? What exactly is the 'point' of any Pokémon? How and by who is the 'concept of legendaries' defined and how can it be 'ruined'? You seem to be making an awful lot of absurd assumptions here.

    I will agree with you on some points, however:

    1. The redundant typing issue-- it would have been thematically very simple to make the pixie trio more unique (Willpower => Psychic/Fire, Knowledge => Psychic/Grass, Emotion => Psychic/Water or something similar).

    2. The scale of the Dialga/Palkia/Giratina and especially Arceus mythos really doesn't seem appropriate to or representative of their position in the games. If they must be catchable, they should be ridiculously and completely overpowered in battle compared to everyone else-- I mean, they are supposed to control the fabric of reality itself!

    3. Shaymin's backstory and design are inconsistent with its stat placement and position as an event legendary; it really ought to have just been another (possibly rare) Grass-type.
    well, you wouldn't want just "ONE" legendary governing all of pokemon now would you? that would seem really boring

    and well, for one, back with the metal and color gens, people complained that they weren't enough legendaries to go around and now with the releases of the 3rd and 4th, surely we got our fill of em. Plus, think of the ratio there is of normal pokemon to legendary pokemon

    459:35 - statistically, that's roughly 13 original pokemon to each legendary
    For those of you saying "None of them are pointless" consider this: Would anyone feel a sense of absense if Manaphy, Phione, Shaymin and Heatran had never been created as legendaries, and just added as normal Pokemon? Would anyone here honestly be sayng: "z0mFg hEaTrAn sh00d s0 b3 lEg3ndrY!!!1!11!"?

    Remember the good old days when catching one of the Legendary Birds/Mewtwo was the most amazing thing ever? And how you couldn't wait to tell your friends you've captured the most "powerful" Pokemon?

    I rest my case. We did not need that many legendaries in Gen IV. As Pokemon, they are not pointless. However, some of them are pointless as legendaries. I think that's where the misunderstanding is.

    I really, really wouldn't be surprised if 50% of the Gen V Pokedex consisted of legendaries.
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    in all honesty, that's just your opinion on the take of those leggies that you feel seem unimportant. I see where your coming from, especially with shaymin, personally, i see it as a clone...more or less of celebi and even then, celebi was more or less a clone of mew. like it or not, they are legendary regardless of the point you're making :T
    I dont really like the totally new and updated legends. i much rather prefer the Original and cool ones. The ones that brought Pokemon to a start
    There are 493 Pokemon and about 40 legendaries - not even 30% of the whole amount. Y uo dont have to use the legendaries, they are just there for people who like them and want to catch/use them. Not even all of them are Uber. Suicune is probably one of the most useful Pokemon in competitive battling and it doesn't even count as an uber.
    God, if you don't like it, why buy the new games???

    There are 493 Pokemon and about 40 legendaries - not even 30% of the whole amount. Y uo dont have to use the legendaries, they are just there for people who like them and want to catch/use them. Not even all of them are Uber. Suicune is probably one of the most useful Pokemon in competitive battling and it doesn't even count as an uber.

    wow, both of you totally missed the point. its not about him complaining about that there is too many or not liking them at all, the point is that why bother considering a few of those legendaries to be of legendary status because some of them don't really make much sense. he wants your take on the matter, not a counter argument. reread it again and repost before trolling occurs k?