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The Count To Infinity - v12

243 084

When I was in school, April-May always felt like Mayday to us because the only holiday used to be Sunday, and the days were counted desperately because Summer Vacation was also in vicinity, but school days were also happening daily with Sunday being the only exception !

Summer vacation used to be play time, and we started to play from morning 5 AM to 10 AM, then again from 4 PM to 7 PM. And in between I used to do the vacation homework.
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I'm excited for the school year to be over (final day is 5/28 here). Next year I'll be in my final year of high school and then I'm free... until the fall when I start college! In all seriousness, I can't wait for HS to be over and to finally be able to live on my own and study subjects I'm actually interested in.

When I was in school, April-May always felt like Mayday to us because the only holiday used to be Sunday, and the days were counted desperately because Summer Vacation was also in vicinity, but school days were also happening daily with Sunday being the only exception !
They didn't even give you Saturday off? Geez that must've been rough.
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My issue with Summer (apart from the temperature) is that it's three months without a free holiday. So, all free days have to be taking from the vacation days I get for the whole year. :(
243 092

Summer : Swimming pool dive! Weeeee!

I don't know how to swim, and because of which I had never ever gone to water park and swimming pool. We face dangerous dry summers as no rivers are nearby, and casualties happens every year due to heat strokes here; sometimes temperature rises near to 48-50 degree Celsius. When I was in school, I used to carry water infused with glucose in order to avoid the aftermath.

Rather than myself swimming in water, the cold water swims inside me, when I drink them in loads !!

They didn't even give you Saturday off? Geez that must've been rough.

Yes, we have 6-day school schedule, and last day before vacation is the longest day, and as soon as the final bell rings, entire class used to shout with joy, and even teachers also bear the smile seeing it !

Those were the fun days which I enjoyed in the past, and after moving into college, I restrained myself from having fun and talking with classmates, and for that I decided to sit alone at the last bench, which apparently is topmost bench, like in auditorium.

I've fortunately never experienced having to do homework during/over summer. =D
Our teachers used to give lots of Holiday Homework for vacation, and also project works, as the later bears the marks on final result, whereas former was given as keeping us in "practice" with the studies, because 2nd week after the vacation usually has unit tests. Exams of history and social studies were boring, or rather the subject always felt boring to me.

High-scoring girls in our class were too much meticulous in everything, and because of which I needed to face the wrath and pressure to finish up the tasks, as I was also in top-5,10 so the teachers were knowing me as well, and those girls never let the opportunity go by which they can alter the rankings ! I never understood how those girls were so good with writing and drawing, and also in mathematics as well, plus they were also expert in gaining favor from others for their own benefits.

I lack the skills in drawing, writing, designing, decorating, etc but somehow I managed to survive in that competition there and remain in the goodbooks of teachers. That was nice and healthy competition, and I think it's missing nowadays, as my siblings don't have something like that.
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As a kid summer was just chill-inside-the-house-while-avoiding-going-out-as-much-as-possible to me. Too heckin hot outside... and the video-games were inside anyway :sneaky:

Dunno how i'll ever get enough money for college.:sadwick:

Could always try a country with an actually somewhat affordable education system =P
243 097

I used to wake up, get ready, play, so some homework, play, TV, sleep, repeat. And it lasted entire vacation. Was not much into Pokémon before class 9th. And my first game was FireRed which played in VisualBoy Advance !
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As a kid when we went on vacation somewhere I'd just chill inside with either a book or my GBA (which back then I actually lugged around with me a lot) for most of the day.
My parents would want to do stuff, but I'd not want to... whereas now I'd rather go and see the sights when someplace else.