What do you miss most about 2000s PC? What parts of the site have changed for the better/worst?
The thing I miss most: honestly, the people. There were so many great folks that just sadly don't come here anymore. Life is like that though, as you get older people come, and they go. You have to treasure your time together while you can because you don't know if you will get another chance tomorrow.
I honestly believe PC has changed for the better full stop. Maybe not the same answer you will get from other PC OAPs but a lot of that is rose tinted glasses imo and I truly believe PC is the best it has ever been right now.
Just like the thing I miss the most, the thing I'm most happy that has changed is... the people! For every beautiful soul, we had plenty of really (like exceptionally) toxic people as well, just like most big forums. I'm really glad PC has largely weeded them out and is a much a nicer place these days. What we've lost in activity, we've more than made up for in happy vibes, and I personally would never want to go back.
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what made you join here? :3
Ok so I have not told this to anyone that is still around (that I can think of rn) but back in the day I was a bit of a dirty pirate and was involved in the shady world of encoding and sharing Pokémon episodes. PC used to be a lot more liberal regarding illegal filesharing than now for reasons I won't go into and I created an account in all the appropriate places for that reason. I kept my forum persona quite separate for obvious reasons but that is why I first came here. I stayed because I accidentally found home.
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You are still using a bank account? Have you never heard of bitcoin. It's the future! Trust me on that one. I could help you. But it would require your bank account details. :3
If bitcoin means I don't need a bank account anymore, then why do you need my bank account details to tell me about it? I'm watching you Megan!
For me it's more of a matter of already knowing I'd ignore certain questions if they pop up, as there's definitely things I'm not answering.
Like why you keep stealing my chocolate? TELL ME DAMMIT!