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The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

Okay, I tried to make it as interesting as I could:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

Solid and I actually like Nidoqueen more than Nidoking since it's my favorite Poison type. I'll have to train Pikachu a bit though to get Bulbasaur since acquiring him is based on Friendship with Pikachu(first time that mechanism was utilized). If you'll allow that then I'm good to go. Otherwise I'll swap Bellsprout. Interesting that I have no Fire type but Hypno more than makes up for that(Psychic is so OP lol). I'll start later today seeing as I've come down with a cold(so I can rest by playing on my old GBC).
Solid and I actually like Nidoqueen more than Nidoking since it's my favorite Poison type. I'll have to train Pikachu a bit though to get Bulbasaur since acquiring him is based on Friendship with Pikachu(first time that mechanism was utilized). If you'll allow that then I'm good to go. Otherwise I'll swap Bellsprout. Interesting that I have no Fire type but Hypno more than makes up for that(Psychic is so OP lol). I'll start later today seeing as I've come down with a cold(so I can rest by playing on my old GBC).

Great, Nidoqueen is one of my favourite Pokémon too.

You can use small trick in Yellow to get Bulbasaur without wating your time with training Pikachu. If you use Potion or any healing item on Pikachu (while it has full health so you won't lose the healing item), it will increase its happiness. But if you would rather swap Bulbasaur for Bellsprout, I don't see any problem with that.
Great, Nidoqueen is one of my favourite Pokémon too.

You can use small trick in Yellow to get Bulbasaur without wating your time with training Pikachu. If you use Potion or any healing item on Pikachu (while it has full health so you won't lose the healing item), it will increase its happiness. But if you would rather swap Bulbasaur for Bellsprout, I don't see any problem with that.

Yeah I know about the Potion trick. Was just wondering if I didn't have to go through with that and just grind Pikachu the old fashioned way(with all the early route Flying Types, the grind really isn't all that hard or long). I'll also be using two HM slaves: Butterfree(Flash and to ensure I have enough "caught" Pokemon for the HM) and Lapras(or Squirtle for Surf) since the earliest I can get Krabby is fishing with a Super Rod on Route 10 or waiting until Seafoam Islands. I could teach Surf to Nidoqueen but the thought of a Ground type surfing on the Water... yeah that's just not logical.

I'll post an update sometime soon as this cold is a whopper.
Update in order:

At Rock Tunnel with 3 Badges. Brock was a cakewalk and I did Potion trick to get Bulbasaur prior to Misty. Nidoqueen made Lt.Surge a breeze even though I had no Ground Type moves(helps when he uses Thunderbolt on round 1). Did a bit of grinding in Diglett Cave. Only concern so far is how I'm going to beat Sabrina when half of my overall team(and presently 3/4ths) is vulnerable to Psychic moves. Might be interesting to do a Psychic vs. Psychic bout.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 30
Razor Leaf
Leech Seed
Vine Whip

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 30
Body Slam
Poison Sting
Double Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 30
Low Kick
Karate Chop

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 30
Dream Eater

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 10 Flash HM slave *Will box post Rock Tunnel*


[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 8
Tail Whip
Thunder Wave
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

Good luck.

As for me, may as well get another run done.

Name: BlissyMKW
Game: Red
Challenge: Single

Alrighty, here's what I got for ya. Let me know if there are any issues.

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Also will post an update. Am at Sabrina right now after having done Rock Tunnel, Erika, Silph, Lavender and then traveling Cycling Road to Fuchsia to battle Koga. Backtracked to get Old Amber and went back to Route 10 with Super Rod to get a Krabby(which I have to train after Sabrina. Fortunately I have two good training spots).

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 45
Razor Leaf
Leech Seed

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 43
Body Slam
Double Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 44
Low Kick
Karate Chop

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 46
Dream Eater

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 15
Last edited:
started my challenge today. got twig legs the froakie from tierno and caught birb the pidgey on route 2. cleared santalune forest and route 22.

current team:

twig legs the froakie
lvl. 11
serious nature and likes to run
- pound
- bubble
- lick
- quick attack

birb the pidgey
sassy nature and is thoroughly cunning
- tackle
- sand attack
- gust
Managed to complete my run so I figure I'd give the details. Sabrina was actually easier than I thought it would be and I exploited her starting Abra to beat her. Since her starter only has Teleport and Flash for moves, I opted to open with Hypno to put it to sleep before swapping to Bulbasaur. While Abra napped, I used Growth to amplify my Special(which in Gen 1 is combined). I did so 6 times, swapping back to Hypno to put it back to sleep and take any potential Flash attacks. Fortunately no Flash attacks succeeded but I had X Accuracy just in case. Then with Bulbasaur amped with +6 to Special, I unleashed one Razor Leaf after another, scoring huge critical hits that managed to knock out her Abra and even her Kadabra. Her Alakazam was a bit tougher to knock out but with Leech Seed and repetitive Razor Leafs, it eventually fell to my Grass/Poison Pokemon.

I then proceeded to Cinnabar Island to get Aerodactyl revived. Taught it Fly and flew back to Vermillion to train Krabby. Grinded to 30 before moving to Cycling road to grind some more. Managed to get everyone up to 50 prior to facing Blaine where Kingler swept his trio. Giovanni fell pretty fast as well through a combination of Venusaur(evolved him at this point with Solar Beam replacing Leech Seed) and Kingler.

Victory road was a long and arduous journey but managed to squeeze several more levels prior to E4. Lorelei didn't last long thanks to Venusaur, although her Jynx was the only issue due to Psychic Typing. Hypno then swept Bruno and Agatha(requiring I use an Ether item to replenish his Psychic) before Nidoqueen and Kingler defeated Lance. Opened with Kingler against Blue/Gary where Surf defeated Sandslash and a couple Stomps and a Crabbammer defeated his Alakazam. Nidoqueen swapped in for Exeggcutor and Earthquaked it prior to giving it a Body Slam. Switched to Venusaur for Cloyster wherein it quickly fell. Then Kingler defeated Ninetales and Nidoqueen OHKO Jolteon with an Earthquake(Pin Missile stings though). Hard to say who my MVP was but I'd peg it as a three way tie between Venusaur, Kingler and Hypno(with Nidoqueen an honorable mention).
Alrighty, here's what I got for ya. Let me know if there are any issues.

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Also will post an update. Am at Sabrina right now after having done Rock Tunnel, Erika, Silph, Lavender and then traveling Cycling Road to Fuchsia to battle Koga. Backtracked to get Old Amber and went back to Route 10 with Super Rod to get a Krabby(which I have to train after Sabrina. Fortunately I have two good training spots).

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 45
Razor Leaf
Leech Seed

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 43
Body Slam
Double Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 44
Low Kick
Karate Chop

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 46
Dream Eater

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]
Level 15
...So pretty much a Blastoise solo run featuring hours in the Safari Zone or Game Corner, Abra hunting, and a mon that comes so late, it's pretty much unusable. To be fair, I do have issues with Scyther and Aerodactyl, mainly. Mr. Mime, I can deal with, but with Aerodactyl being pretty much useless and Scyther being a pain to get, I'd prefer to have something...well, a little less time consuming.
...So pretty much a Blastoise solo run featuring hours in the Safari Zone or Game Corner, Abra hunting, and a mon that comes so late, it's pretty much unusable. To be fair, I do have issues with Scyther and Aerodactyl, mainly. Mr. Mime, I can deal with, but with Aerodactyl being pretty much useless and Scyther being a pain to get, I'd prefer to have something...well, a little less time consuming.

Well you're playing on Red so that limits what I can give you ;). However... being that this is Generation 1, you have the notable glitches at your disposal(Old Man, Ditto, etc.). Ditto one in particular allows you to catch ANY Pokemon in the game in a Wild Encounter. Meaning those pesky Safari Zone Pokemon can be caught without fear of it running away. However, I'll reroll your entire team.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

Five of those six you can get by Cerulean City(the last one won't be until Celadon).
Well you're playing on Red so that limits what I can give you ;). However... being that this is Generation 1, you have the notable glitches at your disposal(Old Man, Ditto, etc.). Ditto one in particular allows you to catch ANY Pokemon in the game in a Wild Encounter. Meaning those pesky Safari Zone Pokemon can be caught without fear of it running away. However, I'll reroll your entire team.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

Five of those six you can get by Cerulean City(the last one won't be until Celadon).
I'm not big on using glitches. But, this one looks pretty fine. I've never used Parasect in a run before, so this should be interesting.
I'm not big on using glitches. But, this one looks pretty fine. I've never used Parasect in a run before, so this should be interesting.

Parasect is slow but being a Bug/Grass type means you can use it against Sabrina and get good results since it knows Slash(good physical move) and Leech Life(STAB Bug move). Also has the signature Spore move to go along with say Mega Drain to give it a Grass STAB. Can also teach it Cut if you don't want to give that to Bulbasaur.