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The Scottish Mafia

  • 1,505
    • Age 27
    • he/him/she/her
    • Seen Jul 9, 2024
    The Scottish Mafia​
    The Story

    Often considered one of Shakespeare's most famous and bloodiest pieces, The Scottish Play (as it is often called) tells the story of a Thane named Mac who becomes hungry for power and hunts for the crown after an encounter with three dubious, deceitful witches. Alongside his wife, Lady Mac, he carries out the murder of King Duncan, the kind-hearted King of Scotland. Mac is named King, and a tumultuous era ensues in Denmark, rife with brutal murder and evil. Carrying elements of supernatural beings that haunt theatre artists to this very day, The Scottish Play is considered a theatrical masterpiece that is notorious for its strong characters, complex foils, and intricate wordplay, and many scenes and moments from the play have a permanent place in our culture, even today.

    Mafia Explanation

    Mafia is a game played by two or more opposing factions. The two core factions are the Town and the Mafia. The Town's main goal is to completely eliminate the Mafia, while the Mafia's goal is to reduce the number of Townians until they equal the same amount of living Mafiosos, preventing further lynches. While the Mafia all know who each other are, the Town has no idea who the Mafia members are. It is up to the Town to investigate and lynch people on a daily basis until all the Mafia are killed. An additional third role with their own win conditions may be present to further push conflict and distrust.

    Both the Town and the Mafia have various Power Roles (PRs) at their disposal to aid them in their investigation. Some roles are more useful than others, but they all have the potential to net the Town a Mafia lynch or net the Mafia a kill on a key player. Those who are not PRs are merely Villagers or Goons, but their scumhunting power and large numbers make them very useful as well.

    The game is played in a cycle of 24h night phases and 48h day phases. During the night phases, everyone is "asleep," meaning communication stops in the thread. PRs are able to use their actions in this phase. At the beginning of the day phase, any killed villagers are revealed in the thread, including their role. During the day phase, players discuss among themselves and try to pull off a lynch. If a lynch is successful, the lynched player is killed at the end of the day and their role is revealed. This cycle repeats ad nauseum until the Town or Mafia meet their win condition.


    Thou shalt:
    1. At the start of the game, every player will receive a role PM telling them what their role is, and mafia members will be told who the other mafia members are. Players must respond to these PMs before Night 0 is over, or they will receive one point on their inactivity count.
    2. The game will begin with a 24h night phase, followed by a 48h day phase. This cycle will repeat until the day is over. PR actions and Mafia kill votes are submitted during the night phase.
    3. During the day, all living players can discuss in the thread to determine their next course of action. To to cast a vote for a player, type [b]Vote: PlayerName[/b]. Votes not written this way will not be counted. At the end of the phase, if more than 50% of the living players vote for the same player, that player will be lynched.
    4. The Ninja role (Mac) will always carry out the night kill unless he is killed. After that, the Mafia must choose who performs the kill. If a player is not chosen, the last person to submit their vote PM will perform the kill.
    5. When a player dies, their role will be revealed in the thread.
    6. The village wins when all mafia members are dead. The mafia wins when the number of mafia members is equal to half of the living players. The third party has a unique win condition explained in their role description.

    Thou Shalt Not:
    1. All players have an inactivity count that starts at 0. If the count reaches 3, that player is automatically killed. Count is increased when players fail to post during the day phase or fail to use their action during the night phase (the latter does not apply to vanillagers). Posting but not voting does not count towards inactivity.
    2. Don't metagame. That's when you use info like "Oh, that guy is using the PM system shortly after the night began! He must have some sort of night action!" Metagaming has many forms, so if you think something might be metagaming, check with me or a mod first and we'll let you know.
    3. Play for your side. If your actions are obviously aiming to sabotage your team from winning, that is bad. If you think something might count as playing against your side, ask me if it is.
    4. Don't copy and paste or screencap anything as a form of evidence. This is to make your information not super easy to confirm.
    5. Don't be a dick. We're all here to have fun!
    6. Be careful not to speak the play's real name. Strange things may occur if you do...

    The Roles

    Please note that certain roles may or may not be used depending on the number of players that sign up. Please check the FAQ section to see which roles will be used for whichever amount of players.

    Spoiler: Flavor
    Spoiler: The Scottish Court
    Banquo - Tracker

    An ally once was he to proud Macbeth,
    He aims now to create his timely death.
    The truth he seekst he finds by his fine gift
    Of tracking those he thinks are suspicious;
    Each night he has the possibility
    To send a name of one suspect; he sees
    If they depart into the shiv?ring night;
    Trav?lers be wary of his tracking might.

    Malcolm - Butterfly

    The eldest son of Duncan, as you see,
    Maintains the order of the kingdom; he
    Does flee at once when Duncan meets his end,
    Yet he returns when Mac comes barging in,
    Turning Scotland into a slaughterhouse.
    His voice is far from quiet like a mouse,
    And it is he who brings Scotland back to
    The calm before Macbeth was finally through.
    One time, during the game, he may request
    That all the role changes do be reset.

    Doctor of Physic - Modified Doctor

    The kindly doctor of dear Mac?s estate,
    He?s called into the work a tad bit late;
    The Lady of Macbeth doth have an ill,
    A plague upon her conscientious will,
    That only the brave Doctor dare doth see;
    An admission of murd?rous jubilee.
    If he attends on her in the late hours,
    To him will be revealed her dang?rous powers.

    King Duncan - Leader

    The brave and noble King of Scotland?s land,
    King Duncan rules with smart and able hand;
    Yet he is deceived by his blinded trust;
    A man whose prophecy dictates he must
    At once take the life of this ample king,
    Be traitor to the kiss upon his ring.
    When the great king is murdered in the night,
    The country becomes land of violent strife;
    Upon his death the peasants do, in fear,
    Hide in their homes at day during the year;
    The votes they cast will not disclose their tags
    When are revealed King Duncan?s bloody rags.

    Porter - Drunk

    In midst the night of drinking merriment,
    We find a porter, much unlike a gent;
    At late, he doth suck down delicious wine,
    And empty bladder ?pon a sturdy pine.
    To those he seekst to meet him in the night,
    They?ll find his drunk?ness hold them there in spite
    Of what they ?tend to do in their pursuit;
    Distraction from him bear no worthy fruit.

    Lords - Villagers x4

    Fine gentlemen stationed in Macbeth?s court
    Who witness the poor King?s madness, of sort.
    Though they cannot join in the murd?rous fun,
    They vote when they stand underneath the sun.

    Spoiler: Mac's Side
    Mac - Strongman + Ninja

    Our tragic hero, befalling painful fates
    With murder, vengeance, suff?ring on his slates;
    His might, unparalleled, does go unchecked
    And under him, fine Scotland becomes wrecked.
    One lead astray by ghosts, witches, and lords,
    Distrusting everyone but the floorboards.
    He murders Duncan to possess the crown,
    And soon kills many others in the town.
    False promises give him a sense of strength,
    Letting him make chaos at any length.
    No armor, doctor, or protective means
    Will stop him from killing those that he deems
    Unworthy of living or breathing more;
    His lackies will break down your blocking door.
    If they cannot fulfill requested tasks,
    At night he?ll steal away, no questions asks.
    His stealth conceals his every single move,
    Hiding him from the watchmen in the grooves.

    Lady Mac - Shaman
    (Action: visits a player - if that player changes their vote, they die.)

    Married to the dark King, Lady Macbeth
    Hatches an evil plan; when she has set
    Her husband into motions of murder,
    She finds that she must act quick to cover
    His apprehension at killing Duncan;
    Yet she herself finds no more will than man.
    Her conscience weighs on her after his death;
    A curse most foul that, while alive, is left
    On those who live; their vote, it cannot change.
    Should it, they?ll die a painful death of mange.

    Hecate - Witch

    An evil, spooky, strong malevolent force,
    She has the powers to create remorse.
    A three-headed being that kills the bright,
    Her power gives even soldiers a fright.
    Her spells are mighty and quite vengeful too;
    You must hope that she doesn?t visit you.
    For if she does, villagers who come by,
    Will find, in the morning, that you have died.

    Witches - Yakuza
    Note: Despite being three characters, this is only one role.

    Three servants to the evil witch Hecate,
    Their powers will some bad results beget.
    Their will of influence will turn the tide
    Of any person that they do so bide;
    That man or woman will drop loyalty
    And turn to evil with unending glee.
    Spoiler: Mac's Side

    Spoiler: TL;DR

    Banquo - Tracker
    Malcolm - Butterfly
    Doctor of Physic - Modified Doctor (if he protects Lady Mac, he learns her role)
    Duncan - Leader
    Porter - Drunk
    Lords - Villagers x4


    Mac - Strongman + Ninja
    Lady Mac - Shaman (visits a player each night - if that player changes their vote, they die.)
    Hecate - Witch
    Witches - Yakuza

    You can view the original incarnation of The Scottish Mafia, including several removed roles and different mechanics, here.


    Q: What happens to the player converted by the Yakuza?

    The converted player will become a Goon and will learn the names of the Mafia. I will add them to the group chat and they will act as a Mafia member with the Mafia's win condition. Any information they gathered from their time as a Town member can be shared with the Mafia, including PR names and strategies. If a PR is converted, they will lose their Village PR powers.

    Q: What happens when the Butterfly activates?

    All converted players will be turned into their original roles. This does mean that PRs will gain their powers back. I will removed the converted player from the Mafia group chat. Reconverted Town members are permitted to share any information they gained while playing as a Mafia, including Mafia names, roles, and strategies.

    Q: How does the Shaman work?

    If a player is Shamaned and they make an initial vote, they must maintain that vote to stay alive. If they unvote or vote for another player while Shamaned, they will be killed.


    The initial split is 5/2, but with more players we can reach 9/4 or higher, which would make the game a lot more interesting.

    1.) Bidoof FTW
    2.) Kevin Durant
    3.) Nakuzami
    4.) xDestroy
    5.) Pecilia
    6.) gimmepie
    7.) jdthebud - Malcolm
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    Sorry about that! I'll fix that right quick.
    We hit our goal! Signups will remain open until 12:00 am EST tonight, so if you wanna join, get in here quickly!
    Night 0​

    In fair Verona where we lay our scene... wait, no... now is the winter of our discontents... shoot, hold on... noble patricians, patrons of my right... gosh darnit... ah, here we go! Ahem. "When shall we three meet again, in thunder, lightning, or rain?" Blah, blah, blah, witchy stuff. "Fair is foul and foul is fair: hover through the fog and the filthy air." Exeunt.

    Submit your night actions now!

    Show opens in 24 hours, at 12:00 am EST.​
    Day 1​

    The prologue took ages, but finally, the action ramped up near the end. A dramatic battle between the forces of good and evil led to a surprising plot twist that no one could have predicted!
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Scottish Mafia

    Dead: jdthebud as Malcolm

    Show resumes in 48 hours, at 12:00 am EST.​
    well, Malcom being dead means that we no longer have a reset and the Yak could be an issue.

    We need to be careful about voting because of the Shaman, changing votes could result in a very quickly dead town.

    Also, the OP says that the rolelist dependent on players will be in the FAQ, but I don't actually see it there, what's the rolelist for 7 players?
    Also, the OP says that the rolelist dependent on players will be in the FAQ, but I don't actually see it there, what's the rolelist for 7 players?

    I removed it to save some space, my bad.

    Village: Banquo the Tracker, Malcolm the Butterfly, Doctor of Physic the Doctor, Lords x2
    Mafia: Mac the Strongman/Ninja, Witches the Yakuza
    Losing the butterfly is a problem, the good news though is that we still have a tracker. I think if we keep the tracker alive for just a day or two more we should have this in the bag really. Yakuza is the only real issue.
    Does yakuza mean we die here anyways?

    2-3 with maf kill
    2-2 with yak convert.
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