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The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

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It's been a while since my last update, and it will probably be a while until my next update, but I've found some free time this afternoon and decided to take the opportunity to make some progress in my Steel run in Black 2. In my last update, I had made my way through defeating Elesa. Since then and before today, I traveled to Drifveil City, defeated Clay, and began traveling through Chargestone Cave. Today I finished exploring Chargestone, explored Route 7/Celestial Tower, defeated Skyla, and flew to Lentimas town before saving. During my time in Chargestone Cave I added on to my team by capturing an awfully cute (female!) Nosepass, and managed to evolve both it and Magneton in the progress!

Black 2 Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Lucario / lv41 / Force Palm, Quick Attack, Bone Rush, Counter
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Magnezone / lv41 / Tackle, Magnet Bomb, Flash Cannon, Spark
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Excadrill / lv41 / Earthquake, Rock Slide, Slash, Metal Claw
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Probopass / lv41 / Discharge, Power Gem, Spark, Rock Slide
Update on Ultimate Monotype Challenge (Fire).

Time to start my penultimate Unova monotype, with Fire-types!

Update #1 on Black 2.

Name: Ash
Rival: Hugh
Starter: Tepig

  • First thing I did was to activate Challenge Mode, then started the game.
  • Picked Tepig as my starter and named him Blazin'.
  • Went through the beginning of the game and eventually went up against Cheren.
  • Blazin' needed a Fresh Water but was able to win pretty easily.
  • Moved on to Virbank City and the Complex, where I caught Magma the Magby and Legend the Growlithe.
  • Trained them up a bit, and Blazin' evolved into Pignite!
  • Took on Roxie, who was pretty hard, but Blazin' was able to finish it against Whirlipede.
  • Visited the PokeStar Studios, defeated the Team Plasma grunts, then sailed to Castelia City.
  • Entered the Castelia Sewers and saved.

Team Ash:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Legend the Naughty Growlithe, ♂ - L17 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Flame Wheel, Leer, Return, Helping Hand
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Magma the Bold Magby, ♂ - L18 @ Charcoal
Ability: Flame Body
Moves: Faint Attack, Fire Spin, Ember, SmokeScreen
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Blazin' the Bold Pignite, ♀ - L18
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Flame Charge, Rock Smash, Ember, Work Up

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Patrat - Cut

Username: stitch626fluffy
Type: electric
Challenge: Ultimate
Game(s): LG, HG, E, Pt, B2

I'll try to keep updating around every time i get a badge...... otherwise, here we go!

got my first badge last night had a little bit of a struggle at certain points due to my first member of my monotype (sparky the pikachu) fainting a lot while training him up to lvl 11 so he'll have some sort of use in brocks gym but it was mostly my starter (turtlepwns the squirtle, which btw will be my surf and possibly strength slave) that handled the gym

current lvls......

sparky (M) the pikachu
lvl 18 careful nature, ability: static moveset: tshock, mega punch, tail whip, & twave
turtlepwns (M) the wartortle
lvl 21 modest nature, ability: torrent, moveset: bite, water gun, bubble, & withdraw
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No you can leave it. Maybe I'll just throw a link in the first post to that post, since it's already there. I just don't want to make it longer than it needs to be.

If you wanna go ahead and do the other regions, I'll just do that. Just make sure that they're separated by at least one post so I can link them separately.

No Probs, I'll get started in a few
Unova, surrender to my firepower!

Type: Fire
Badges: 8
Game: Black 2

Challenge Completed!

After defeating Marlon, I chased Team Plasma off - got a Magmarizer and evolved Magmar in the process, woohooh. Kyurem fused with Zekrom was surprisingly easy. All it took was two Outrages from Arcanine. Anyway, the story unfolds, and suddenly, I'm at the Pokémon League.


TL;DR - I kicked Iris' ass and won.

My final team:


And that, kids, concludes my Ultimate Fire-Monotype Challenge!
Fire Monotype - Platinum

Defeated Volknor at some point. Got stuck in the last room trying to reach him for a couple of hours. Stupid half-turn switches! Nearly got killed several times in Victory Road from lack of AP and super effective hits. (Stupid ground/rock types!) By the time I got to the E4, my team was at level 59 so already overleveled. Blasted through the E4 easily enough, though had to do revives often enough. Defeated Cynthia easily, with a +6 Houndoom with Nasty Plot (haha Spiritomb useless).

Clear time: 15:50

Final Team:
That awkward moment when you find a shiny nincada during a psychic monotype.

Anyway, may as well update for Ruby.

3 badges

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Name: qw13
Challenge: Kanto Ultimate (I mean I'll try to win with every type in Gen I.)
Type: Bug (since it's the first type alphabetically)

I will start as soon as possible. Also feel free to tell me next type I can do :D

Nobody has posted anything since I wrote? Well then, I'll just go on and do my first update.


Current Team:


I waited long for someone to post, but since no one has posted yet, and challenge is over, I'm going to end bug monotype and pass to another type.


Final Team:

And this end the first challenge. I sign Venomoth as my signature bug pokemon, I mean I will get it in my next Bug challenges. Next type alphabetically is...
Dark which I can't do at Gen I since there is none.
Then the next is...
Dragon! It will be a duo Horsea-Dratini challenge. (I don't want this to be a solo so I count Horsea as Dragon which evolves into a Dragon at Gen II)
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Updated through post 1510
However, I had to use the Squirtle that I picked to defeat Brock.

got my first badge last night had a little bit of a struggle at certain points due to my first member of my monotype (sparky the pikachu) fainting a lot while training him up to lvl 11 so he'll have some sort of use in brocks gym but it was mostly my starter (turtlepwns the squirtle, which btw will be my surf and possibly strength slave) that handled the gym
You guys need to remember that once you get the first Pokemon of your type, you are no longer allowed to use Pokemon of other types in battle. I'm going to let it slide this time, mostly because Samurott was trying to catch up to his lost challenge, and may have put out a bad example by accident. If you have to painfully grind a Pikachu to lvl 20 to beat Brock, then that's what you have to do. Squirtle should be boxed by that point.
Dragon! It will be a duo Horsea-Dratini challenge. (I don't want this to be a solo so I count Horsea as Dragon which evolves into a Dragon at Gen II)
You can't use Horsea, I'm sorry. It's not a dragon, and does not evolve into a dragon in that game. You can only use Dratini.
My first Ultimate Challenge!

Username: Bestwaffles
Type: Poison
Challenge: Ultimate
Game(s): FireRed, Crystal, Sapphire, Diamond, White

Can't wait to get started!
Oh Monotype thread, how I've missed thee.

Sooooo I got bored of HGSS for the time being, so I did my whole Sapphire run :)

Ultimate Fighting Monotype Challenge Sapphire First and Final Update :D

Name: Huggs
Starter: Torchic (I forgot to name him, pretend his name is Kickpunchr)

-Blahblahblah caught the next member of the team in Petalburg Woods, Champ the Shroomish.
-Roxie was dead simple
-Kickpunchr evolved into a Combusken on route 116 north of Rustboro
-Caught Belwas the Makuhita in Granite Cave
-Brawly went alright. Kickpunchr had Peck, Champ had Leech Seed and Stun Spore, and Belwas could take some hits and got lucky with some Parahax
-blahblahblah got to Mauville
-On the way through Wattson's gym, both Champ and Belwas evolved into a Breloom and a Hariyama respectively :)
-The fight with Wattson himself wasn't that bad. Everyone saw a bit of action
-blahblahblah Flannery. The fight took a couple shots before I realized I could just get +3 Bulk Ups on Kickpunchr at the beginning and just sweep everything
-Breezed through the Norman fight. It was fun trolling his Slakings with Belwas using Dig :P
-Kickpunch evolved into a Blaziken on the route just east of Lilycove while training
-Caught Dhyana the Meditite on top of Mt. Pyre
-Everyone saw some action in the Winona fight, but it was nowhere near as hard as I thought it was going to be
-Dhyana evolved into a Medicham while going through the Aqua Hideout
-After Dhyana teared through their entire gym with Shadow Ball, the Tate and Liza fight wasn't even as hard as it should have been. I mean, almost everyone died, and Zigzagoon got to come out at the end and feel important, but the job got done : P
-Wallace actually took a couple tries. Damn Milotic.
-blahblahblah Victory road sucked.
-Trained up, then E3

-Belwas and Dhyana tag teamed Sidney
-Dhyana and Kickpunchr took out Pheobe with no issue
-Dhyana swept most of Glacia, with Walrein the only thing that caused everyone issue
-Belwas swept Glacia on his own
-Everyone was a life support system for Dhyana and the Drake fight, because of Ice Punch and trolling his Flys with Protect : )
-Steven was actually pretty tough. Belwas was the MVP in the fight, Bulk Ups all day : P


[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Kickpunchr the Blaziken ♂, Lv. 52
Ability: Blaze
-Double Kick
-Bulk Up
-Aerial Ace
-Blaze Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Champ the Breloom ♂, Lv. 51 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Effect Spore
-Sky Uppercut
-Sunny Day
-Leech Seed

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Belwas the Hariyama ♂, Lv. 54 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Guts
-Brick Break
-Bulk Up

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Dhyana the Medicham ♂, Lv. 54
Ability: Pure Power
-Hi Jump Kick
-Ice Punch
-Shadow Ball

HM Slaves:
Zigzagoon: Cut
Taillow: Fly
Psyduck: Surf, Waterfall, Dive, Rock Smash
Update on Ultimate Monotype Challenge (Fire).

Update #2 on Black 2.

  • Defeated Team Plasma and the trainers in the Castelia Sewers, then defeated the Battle Co. as well.
  • Took on the gym and defeated Burgh without much trouble thanks to my type advantage.
  • Defeated Colress, then moved on through Route 4 to the Desert Resort, where I caught Darumaka.
  • Trained her up on trainers I skipped on Route 4, defeated the trainers in Desert Resort, then headed to Nimbasa City.
  • Tried to take on Elesa, but my team was too weak so I beat some more trainers on Routes 16, Lostlorn Forest, and Route 7.
  • Was then able to defeat Elesa, and directly afterwards, Magma evolved into Magmar!
  • Made my way to Driftveil City, where I taught Low Kick to Blazin'.
  • Took on the gym, and after several tries, was able to survive against Clay to win.
  • Clay took Hugh and I to the PWT, where I won the Driftveil Tournament, then we went to defeat Team Plasma on their ship.
  • Went to the Relic Castle via the Relic Passage, where I caught Mothra the Volcarona.
  • Defeated the trainers in the Relic Passage and Route 6, and Darumaka and Blazin' evolved into Darmanitan and Emboar!
  • Played the Battle Subway several times on the Multi and Single Train to get a bunch of vitamins and a Life Orb.
  • Went through Chargestone Cave to Mistralton City, then went up to Celestial Tower to catch Inferno the Litwick.
  • Defeated all the trainers on Route 7 and in Celestial Tower, then took on the gym.
  • Skyla wasn't too difficult as I was able to teach Blazin' ThunderPunch for Swanna, who was the only major issue.
  • Saw that I forgot to name Darmanitan, so I named her Smasher.
  • Hitched a ride to Lentimas Town, where I saved the game.

Team Ash:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Inferno the Bold Litwick, ♂ - L39 @ Exp. Share
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Flame Burst, Energy Ball, Hex, Will-O-Wisp
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Magma the Bold Magmar, ♂ - L38 @ Eviolite
Ability: Flame Body
Moves: Lava Plume, Faint Attack, Clear Smog, Confuse Ray
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Mothra the Bashful Volcarona, ♀ - L38 @ SilverPowder
AbilityL Flame Body
Moves: Signal Beam, Ember, Gust, Fly
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Legend the Naughty Growlithe, ♂ - L39 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Crunch, Dig
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Blazin' the Bold Emboar, ♀ - L39
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Heat Crash, Low Kick, ThunderPunch, Strength
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Smasher the Hasty Darmanitan, ♀ - L39 @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Moves: Fire Punch, Rock Slide, Flare Blitz, Hammer Arm

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Ducklett - Surf, Fly [boxed]

Username: Riane
Single or Ultimate: ultimate(maybe idk yet if i want to do ultimate)
Game(s): firered omega, spirit gold x, expert emerald, bloody platinum(maybe dunno if i want do it or just normal platinum), volt white 2
Monotype: water

i've had a bad history of starting challenges getting half way thru the game and stopping i want to beat a game so im starting on expert emerald because its been a long long time since ive gotten to the elite four in a gen 3 game)
Got my 3rd Badge and through the Rock Tunnel

Paras (serious) lv 30
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Secret Power
Bullet Seed

Butterfree (bold) lv 27
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Stun Spore
Sleep Powder

Beedrill (sassy) lv 29
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Focus Energy
Aerial Ace
Brick Break
You can't use Horsea, I'm sorry. It's not a dragon, and does not evolve into a dragon in that game. You can only use Dratini.

OK, then. It is finished so I'll just post it.
It is done. It was fast :D
It turned out to be a solo anyway -_-

Won't write it since there was nothing different :(
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Final Team:

Next type is...
Electric, which is my favourite type! (Goin' in yellow of course)
Type: Flying
Game: SoulSilver
Badges: 8

Okay, I have no idea where I left this challenge, and when I last updated, so I'll just post what I did recently. Yanma evolved after learning AncientPower, which was awesome. I've never used Yanmega before, he looks insanely cool, though!

Pryce was difficult. I was counting on Togetic's Fire Blast, but in the end, Crobat and Noctowl carried us through the battle. Clair was a fun battle. Gyarados struggled through her first few Pokémon. I had forgotten to stock up on Hyper Potions, so I had to keep Gyarados just alive with Super Potions. When she sent out Kingdra, I switched to Jumpluff. Sleep Powder, Substitute and Leech Seed. Repeat steps one and two when necessary. And deliver the occasional Headbutt. Watching Kingdra faint slowly, but surely was beautiful. Even the Sitrus Berry and the Full Restore didn't help. Jumpluff, you are a ****ing saint!

Anyway, I just beat the Kimono Girls in Ecruteak, and boy, did that turn out unexpectedly difficult. I had to use a second try, because of Jolteon. Second time around, though, I was more or less able to employ the same strategy against Jolteon that I used against Clair's Kingdra. Jolteon was faster than Jumpluff, though, so with a little less success. I managed to pull it off, though, since Jumpluff is my only team member not weak to Thunderbolt.

Here's my team so far:

OK, then. It is finished so I'll just post it.
It is done. It was fast :D
It turned out to be a solo anyway -_-

Won't write it since there was nothing different :(
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Final Team:

Next type is...
Electric, which is my favourite type! (Goin' in yellow of course)
You're also supposed to have two Pokemon in your team by the end. For Dragon and Ghost in Kanto, this means double Dragoite and Gengar respectively. I won't hold it against you on this one, since there's only Dragonite, but when you do ghost you need two Pokemon.

Also, this isn't an ultimate by my thread's definition, just a lot of singles. So you will find your champion status in the single section.
You're also supposed to have two Pokemon in your team by the end. For Dragon and Ghost in Kanto, this means double Dragoite and Gengar respectively. I won't hold it against you on this one, since there's only Dragonite, but when you do ghost you need two Pokemon.

Also, this isn't an ultimate by my thread's definition, just a lot of singles. So you will find your champion status in the single section.

I already saw my bug challenge, and since I broke the rules, please don't count that dragon challenge in. Anyway, I started dragon again, and didn't want to stop electric so I'll do both. And while I was doing that, I saw a GB Emulator in Google Play, so add flying to that, and it makes three!

Small details since I will do the update after some time.
Electric: For now solo Pikachu but soon I will catch Magnemite (or Voltorb, forgot which one comes first at Yellow but I know they are different in Red and Yellow). 2/8 Badges right now.

Dragon: Started Yellow, gave Oak his parcel then gamesharked two Dratinis (Julius and Julien). 0/8 Badges :D

Flying: Can't go at 32x speed at phone so it is a bit slow and hard to provide pictures but right now, I have a Charmeleon and a Pidgey and have 1/8 badges.
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