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The VOICE of Lerroux (IT'S FUN okay read this!!!)


used Sacred Fire!
  • 35,992
    • Seen Jul 1, 2023
    Okay so this is different from the basic accent challenge. It's more a customised one and I figured it'd be fun if we could see how many of us could actually do this, yeah? It's kind of not really Impersonate Lerroux, but it's more the voice of Lerroux then you guys can see which is best maybe?

    Record the paragraph for PC via a recording device and upload into your post:
    Despicable fools, all of you. You should be ashamed to be PokeCommunity members, let alone human beings on this earth, with I, Lerroux. How did you think you would get away without voting for ME in Member of the Year? I'm the only person who should be a member, honestly. I'm sick of how you people try to make little children feel as if they're worth anything, when they contribute NOTHING to the forum itself, unlike me. They watch My Little Pony, for God's sake, they have no souls. What's worse is there's a category relating to me in Member of the Year. Nobody can replace me, nobody can be anything like me, I am unique, I am Lerroux, I am the one who came in and saved this pitiful forum from falling into the depths of stupidity, although that unfortunately is still not yet controlled. Sigh, to think that I gave so much time to this forum and I wasn't just crowned Member of the Year from the start. I could just leave PokeCommunity, but that would be giving into what the masses want. Yes, sadly, I do believe that more people than just the insolent staff are trying to get me to leave. That is okay though, as they cannot ever defy me and Steve will always have my back. Besides, I'm an admin, I can just rig the contest my way if these brainwashed children don't vote correctly.

    I hope by the end of the month you will all have gotten some sort of sense and voted for me in every category of MotY, because yes, I am everything you ever would want in a person. Lerroux out.

    Upload your response on https://vocaroo.com/ and give to us, or upload via attachment from your phone or something!

    (Please don't vote Lerroux as MotY!)


    Yoshi - Here
    Harlequin - Here
    Drakow - Here
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    quick question
    how do you say lerroux

    la-rou-oox or la-rue or ???????????????
    Are we allowed to make modifications to the paragraph?

    Slight if you want, yeah, but as long as it overall relates to Lerroux winning MotY (and not you yourself winning as that is against PC's rules). :3
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    nope he was a Spanish dictator!! Such an exciting occupation...
    Lerroux? without the silent -oux? Well all this year I've been pronouncing it wrong then lmao. I thought it was Ley-roo. lol

    I read that paragraph out loud earlier, but I'm not gonna record it because I sound too nice and adorable to be him. :( plus I have no time anyways lol
    For the record, Vocaroo is has horrible quality. For people with a good mic, you might be best suited to another solution.

    I'll update this with my recording when I get a chance, but I'm going to change the wording ever so slightly, because I could tell Nica wrote that from a mile away.
    Omg I love all of your entries, idk I MIGHT enter maybe?? Nevertheless I am saying the word enter for a reason. At the last week of the month you'll know my purpose, but for now, keep entering guys, it'll be worth your while if you do. ;)
    For the record, Vocaroo is has horrible quality. For people with a good mic, you might be best suited to another solution.

    I'll update this with my recording when I get a chance, but I'm going to change the wording ever so slightly, because I could tell Nica wrote that from a mile away.

    That's not at all true. You have to turn down the volume of your mic in the Vocaroo screen a bit so high notes won't sound like static, but that's it. If you have a good mic you can record just fine with Vocaroo, if you just turn the volume down. You can also hear that I forgot to do that lol.

    and lol thanks drakow & rl
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    It's really fun seeing everyone's different interpretations of Lerroux! :D
    Now, it's very possible that I might enter, if a time comes when I'm at home alone for a fair amount of time and I feel like recording.

    Sort of tempting to use the sound booth and the pro equipment we have at school (I do voices for the sound production class to work with sometimes) but that's probably not going to happen hahaha. So yeah will probably be using my headset if I do it.
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    I have to say it's fun hearing all the different Lerroux impersonations.

    They all entertained me but I especially loved Drakow, Harlequin and Twiggy's ones. They were too good for words!

    I probably wouldn't do one though cos one would not want to hear my voice recorded, it sounds too "little" for my age.