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[Challenge] The Zodiac Challenge

The Pokemon are just placeholders for each respective sign. Why else would I specify what Pokemon falls under each requirement?
I just want to point out that you don't get as many choices if you are born in the year 2000...
Forum Name: James and Eevee
In-Game Name: James
Game: Black 2
Challenge: Single
1) Dragon:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

2) #125:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

3) #7(lol):
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
yay :)
4) First thing I find on Route 10
5) #160:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

6) Umm...for this I got 0. So:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Also, I'm gonna go by the rule that I can evolve Oshawott. And please tell me if something doesn't work
Wow, that's true. If you were born in 2000 and play 5th Gen, you'll always get Victini as your 6th Pokémon. That's actually pretty cool.
Wow, that's true. If you were born in 2000 and play 5th Gen, you'll always get Victini as your 6th Pokémon. That's actually pretty cool.

Yeah, it was pretty funny after I realized that, but I don't know what I'd do with 0 in a different gen. Maybe go with #1 instead?

Anyway, to update, basically all I've done so far is grab Oshawott, named Tsunami(because I'm unoriginal af), and got past Alder and his "students."

The team:

Tsunami(Oshawott) @ No Item
Lvl. 15 w/ Torrent
- Tackle
- Water Gun
- Focus Energy
- Tail Whip

P. S: Sorry, I probably should've written more, but I'm REALLY tired right now, and I wanted to put this up today XD
Yeah, it was pretty funny after I realized that, but I don't know what I'd do with 0 in a different gen. Maybe go with #1 instead?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Either or random number to make things more interesting. But thanks for pointing this out :)
I'm in, here's my sign up :

Forum username: SUON
Game(s): HeartGold
Ultimate: No
Optional rules: NFE's can't evolve.
Zodiac: Dragon (1988)

1.) Dragon - - Dragonite
2.) 16 - - Noctowl
3.) 97 - - Nidoqueen
4.) Route 88? This rule seems a bit broken. Maybe 38? Or 44? Any ideas?
5.) 34 - - Geodude
6.) 176 - - Chinchou

Update #1:

Update #2:
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4.) Route 88? This rule seems a bit broken. Maybe 38? Or 44? Any ideas?
I'm going to suggest Route 38, I'm going with the first route corresponding whit the last digit of my year.

Forum Username: Whallan
Character name: Allan
Game(s): Black
Ultimate(yes/no): No
Optional rules: None
Zodiac: Rooster
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
(I'm going to argue that this thing is closely related to a rooster)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

4. No route 93, so route 3? (This rule only seems to work if you were born in the current millennium)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge


I'm going to suggest Route 38, I'm going with the first route corresponding whit the last digit of my year.

Alright, I go for Route 38.

I did a bit more yesterday night than noted in the previous update, plus a bit today, so:

Update #3:

Update #4:

Update #5

About the challenge and the team (so far...):
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Alright I will give this a shot.

Forum Username: CrAzY.RaY
Character name: Ray
Game(s): Emerald
Ultimate(yes/no): No
Optional rules: I have to use Asian themed nicknames.
Also, I will only evolve my zodiac pokemon because grumpig is an actual pig not spoink lel
Zodiac: Pig

1. Zodiac Pig - Spoink
2. Tentacool (22*3)
3. Camerupt (95+7)
4. Poochyena - Route 101
5. Illumise ((22+7)*3)
6. Gardevoir (95/3 = 31(approx))

I will regularly update this.

Update 1 :-

Update 2 :-
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Whallan's Black Zodiac Challenge

My journey started and I chose Oshawott as my starter for easy access to Pansear, whom I received in the Dreamyard. After receiving Pansear (Oscar) I went straight to the gym and challenged it, it was a close one with many potions as I hadn't done any training with Oscar.

After obtaining my first gym badge I went to Route 3, where I would find my second team member; a Patrat.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Rougge (Route 3) Lv. 10

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Oscar Lv. 14
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge


Update #6:
Forum Username: Calzone407
Character name: Lang
Game(s): Red
Ultimate(yes/no): No
Optional rules: Chinese based nicknames
Zodiac: Rooster
Pokemon: Arbok, charmeleon, nidoran(female) sandshrew, route 5, and farfeched.
i am the zodiac killer
Edit last edit was wrong :)
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Um... Help? I am Not able to attain any of the available Pokemon for me to catch meaning... I have to solo brock with charmeleon... Any ideas?
Um... Help? I am Not able to attain any of the available Pokemon for me to catch meaning... I have to solo brock with charmeleon... Any ideas?

You can catch Nidoran♀ on Route 22 (West of Viridian City) with 5% chance. You will still need a lot of luck and probably have to spam Growl, Leer and Scratch/Tackle to beat Brock. But it should be easier with 2 Pokémon.
Look. Except when I tried to catch her I didn't have any pokeballs... But I ran in to another one, after I bought the balls and caught her. Just now.her name is newang, for she is the queen. Next update, I'll either have beat brock, or died trying...


  • [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
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phew that sucked.
For pokemon number 6 what if I was born in 2000 and your playing Fire Red? Just asking before I put my post in.
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For pokemon number 6 what if I was born in 2000 and your playing Fire Red? Just asking before I put my post in.

I think you can either round the 0 to 1 to get Bulbasaur or take 1st two numbers of the year and multiply it, which would give you Raticate.
Forum Username: AkiFromFT
Character name: Joseph
Game(s): Fire Red
Ultimate(yes/no): No
Optional rules: No Pokecenter unless blackout
Zodiac: Dragon
Team: Dragonite, Pidgey, Blastoise, Route 10, Pikachu, Raticate