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Together forever, from now until the end of time

I'm actually currently in a committed relationship. Of course things have worked out for us too. We really love each other, and we also know we are right for one another too. As for friends, I find it weird to feel committed to friends. I always think of commitments as being part of romantic relationships, and I'm not really sure why.
lol i was dating someone once and when we broke up we said stuff like "i will always luv u." it literally hurts my soul that i was that lame.

But no I've never said anything along those lines since. When it comes to friendships I'm pretty confident the ones I have right now will last my lifetime, but as time goes on contact will vary obviously. I don't feel like I need to say something like that to them. As for relationships I will never say things like that ever again. I have little faith in relationships. Being so young I don't see any possible relationship I could get into right now working out for the long haul nor would I want it to this soon.
No. I'm not naive enough to believe in such a promise, so it would be a lie, and I wouldn't lie to comfort someone.
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I've said this to friends before, especially best friends, but never in a romantic relationship, because essentially you never know what'll happen.
Nope, I don't think like that, I don't tend to think far ahead, as you don't know what'll happen. Seeing your future planned out completely and being unable to reach it by even the smallest thing meeting your path, can easily depress.
Yes I have said things like this in various different settings for various different reasons and I have meant it every time. For the most part I have said it to friends who were feeling alone, depressed and down but I have said it once romantically... let's just say I'm the only one currently sticking to it.
I'm fortunate to have found my other (better) half, and know that we'll follow along in this life and the next, to follow the pattern we have been. I don't think I can quite say that for friends though, because I can never hold one for much time at all.
I said this to my first boyfriend, and at that time I was head over heels in love...and 17 years old. I'm lmaoing rn because that never happened.
It's rare that you ever end up with your first love, but props to those who have. I was the same way when I started dating my ex back when I was at the ripe age of 15. Honeymoon phase probably lasted a good year or so until everything started changing once we inched closer to graduation. He was extremely focused on obtaining the grades needed for his program, which I completely understood and encouraged him to do so, but at the same time, I was slightly resentful that he couldn't take a couple minutes out of his studying to talk and spend even a bit of time together.

I'm cautiously optimistic when it comes to relationships, especially serious ones. I tell myself not to get attached so easily and quickly, but that has not worked in my favour when it comes to significant others. Not sure if that's an issue with attachment or I just know how to pick them, haha.

I said this to a very special friend in my life once before and meant every word of it. I cared so much for this person and would have done absolutely anything for then anytime they needed it(and still would today). Sadly, they didn't mean this in return. This person no longer wants to be friends or cares about me anymore. It's sad really. It makes me cry when I think about it because of how committed I was and how much I enjoy spending time with this person. I wasn't a good enough friend on my part.
It's sad whenever you care so much for an individual, but not have that feeling reciprocated. It's always the one who cares the least who has more power kind of situation :c

I've said this to friends before, especially best friends, but never in a romantic relationship, because essentially you never know what'll happen.
I find myself saying it more to partners than I do best friends, and you'd never know about close friends either. I've had many "best" friends come and go from elementary to high school and realized that I'm not fond of calling people anyone my "best friend." Puts unnecessarily pressure for both to reach each other's standards of what being a best friend means, and to be honest, I'm not that type of person that feels the need, or even wants, to meet anyone's expectation if they're not my significant other.

Might sound bad, but even if you're a close friend, I would not hesitant to drop you in an instant should you breach our trust or you've done something morally questionable that puts you on to my blacklist.

I want someone to love me and me to love them. But I am such a horrid person, ugly, and nothing really positive going for me in life. I just.....

One day, one day -patpat- You know what they say, you can't love someone if you don't love yourself.