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News: Trademarks hint at identity of Pokémon Sun and Moon Mascots

So when you break down the name "Solgaleo" I see 2 things. 1) Leo, 2) Galeo. This makes it obvious, that if these are indeed the names of the mascots, that the mascot of Sun will be based off a lion. "Galeo" looks like "Galileo" which makes me think this generations theme will be heavily influenced by astrology and astronomy! Now I'm even more excited!

I'm hoping that "Lunaala" is a sheep/ram/goat based on Aries or Capricorn, even though it's Cancer that the Moon rules over.
I like these names if they turn out to be true:). Sol and Luna could be spanish, also latin, but there is something that lets me believe the names have a spanish origin.
This 'evidence' is the ala from Lunaala, which is the spanish word for wing. Moonwing seems to be a fitting race for a legendary, I'd love a winged wolf or something like that. Sure leo sounds like we'll get a lion, but galo means rooster and GF has a tradition in adding, exchanging or omiting letters. A sunrooster (not like blaziken) could be an amazing design:D imo.
Looking at these names, they seem to incorporate "sol" and "luna" which are the Spanish words for sun and moon respectively. And as Keiran said, I definitely will be intrigued by this game if there's a notable presence of an astrology theme going on.

But anyways, I knew the mascots were going to be new legendaries and I am anticipating as to what these two will actually look like.
I wonder if that taking into account that "ala" means wing means that Lunaala might be part Flying? I could see Dark, Fairy or Water for the secondary type.
If you wish to not Know the Trademarked names, then i suggest you not to Read this

Hrmn...that's pretty flimsy, in my opinion. Given the carefully constructed silence surrounding all this and the source of the trademarks I wouldn't be surprised if these weren't particularly relevant. That said, a Fire Lion Legendary sounds awesome, even if I am generally against the Legendary mascot thing.
"Lunaala" already gives me some vibes of a Sheep based Pokémon... I don't know why, possibly due to the "aa" part of the name and the fact that there are only TWO Pokémon based off of Sheep and they were both part of an evolutionary line.

Though, Lunaala could also be a Unicorn based Pokémon as these sites give some pretty damning evidence that the Unicorn is related to the Moon while the Lion is related to the Sun.
Site 1: https://www.allaboutunicorns.com/lion-and-unicorn.php
Site 2: https://www.unicorn-dream.co.uk/unicorn2.html

And the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom (which can be seen below), sports BOTH a Lion and Unicorn.
[PokeCommunity.com] Trademarks hint at identity of Pokémon Sun and Moon Mascots

This adds a little to the theory that Pokémon Sun and Moon's region may be based off of the U.K after all!
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I am not sure as to where I saw it but there was reportedly a fake Corocoro leak a few days ago which showed the cover art for Sun and Moon (only shadows) and the starters.

Interesting thing is that the shadow under the Sun box was similar to that of a Lion and for the Moon one was that of a mythical bird. Now if I am to believe all the hype right now about their naming then I would bet that leak actually gives the silhouette of the 2 legendaries.

I may be miserably wrong here though. I believe TyranitarTube made a video on it too if I am not wrong here.
I've got to side with the people speculating Solgaleo may be a full-blown manticore; I would love a manticore Pokémon!

I like the idea that Lunala could be a sheep or ram; it would be neat to have a lion/manticore and sheep/ram duo.
Everything's pointing towards a winged beast for the Moon legendary, the Pegasus idea mentioned by Michelaar would be amazing and I think the wolf, unicorn suggestions would be cool too. It has to be something abstract and different cause a flying dragon-type thing would be too similar to Lugia so I think these ideas are realistic as well.
We don't even know if these will be the official names for the legendaries, because the site doesn't mention Game Freak, Nintendo, nor TPCi trademarking them. Even Serebii Joe is cautious about this.
Yeah, first thing I thought when I saw Lunaala was moon-wing, and Solgaleo I thought of spanish for sun mixed with gale and containg leo. I can see them being based on a pegasus and a griffin (wind=flying most of the time in Pokémon, and a flying lion is basically a griffin.)

The romanji on some of those seem off. Yabb should be Yabii. As for the choopu in front of Rshadow is odd...I have never seen that done. Usually it's used to make the sound long, but it's at the end of the character like in the case of the bi in Yabii. If they wanted an R sound I imagine they'll used 'ra' (if the way I'm thinking Rshadow is correct). I also doubt it's the similar looking Kanji for 'ichi' one, as Kanji isn't used for Pokemon names, plus the kanji for one doesn't have a reading of 'r' (that I'm aware of)
Those one's that people think are for the starters, are interesting. They line up with the leaks awhile back from 2ch. The legends sound cool as well. I'm thinking sun lion, moon bat or dark winged creature.
Those one's that people think are for the starters, are interesting. They line up with the leaks awhile back from 2ch. The legends sound cool as well. I'm thinking sun lion, moon bat or dark winged creature.

You mean the one with the grass owl, fire rabbit, and whatever heck that water starter is?