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Tutorial: Add NEW Flight Spots to FireRed


Glory To Arstotzka
  • 736
    • Seen Jan 28, 2018
    Hello! I am Jambo51, also known as TheJambo51 on Youtube and after playing around with my hack, Pokemon ThunderYellow, I managed to discover a beautifully simple way to add extra flight spots to a FireRed rom. While I know the locations for all FireRed roms, I'm still investigating Ruby and Emerald's flight data, as there is, rather bizarrely, a flight spot in the player's bedroom in both of these games.

    This is based off of a tutorial on extending the sethealingplace table written by Linkandzelda.

    LinkandZelda's Healing Place extension tutorial:

    I am not going to explain step by step how to move a fly spot from one map to another. If you're looking at this tutorial, then you should already know how to do that. While the tutorial is written for the English version of the game, if you use the same searches as I did, you will find the data in your rom quite easily. I have also included the offsets for you lazier minded hackers in spoilers at the bottom of each relevant section.

    Tools Required:
    Advance Map 1.92
    A Hex Editor (I personally use Hex Workshop 6)
    Free Space Finder (For safety)

    Part 1: Making the Rom recognise the extra flight spots that are to be added.

    Part 2a: Repointing the sethealingplace table and the White Out Person ID table in FireRed.

    Part 2b: Repointing the Flight Table

    Part 3: Adding the extra flight spot to the game.

    Part 4: Making the Game use the new flight spot.

    Part 5: Actually Using it in game.

    To add even more flight spots, simply repeat the process from part 1, skipping part 2, then continuing from part 3, changing the maps you put it in, as well as the airport data to the relevant slots.
    For example, the next flight spot you would add would have 16 at the end rather than 15.
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    It would have been a good idea telling everyone how did you got those offsets, because not everyone can or want to figure those by him/herself like I did a while ago. It would also help getting the proper offsets for other games. Oh, and some pictures would be nice as well. Not to mention you could spend a little more time on the thread to improve its readibility.
    Wow. I was soooo close to figuring this out 2 years ago. I was right there! I just missed that one step that you mentioned! Geez. Anyways, thanks.
    It would have been a good idea telling everyone how did you got those offsets, because not everyone can or want to figure those by him/herself like I did a while ago. It would also help getting the proper offsets for other games. Oh, and some pictures would be nice as well. Not to mention you could spend a little more time on the thread to improve its readibility.

    I found the data by following a tutorial on extending the sethealingplace table, written by linkandzelda, in which this data is listed and credited to you XD.

    Sadly, I don't have the ability to upload screenshots yet, but rest assured that when I do, I will.

    As for tidying this thread up, no problem. Thanks for the tips and advice.

    I could quite easily find the data for the other language FireReds in fairness, as long as it's based on the same principles. I might even be able to find Ruby and Emerald's tables. I wouldn't be able to find the limiting bytes though, as I don't have the ASM skills required as yet.
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    ERROR in advancemap

    Sorry to trouble but no flightspot appears when opening advancemap and I want to know what am I doing wrong
    [PokeCommunity.com] Tutorial: Add NEW Flight Spots to FireRed

    When I open advancemap and open the flightspot it tells me THE MAP DOES NOT EXIST!!! because there are many fffffff and I don't know how to change them.

    Althought that it's an exellent tutorial
    [PokeCommunity.com] Tutorial: Add NEW Flight Spots to FireRed
    because I always wanted to add new flightspots to routes because I really hate to be walking to routes instead of flying.

    And forgive me if I commit mistakes in english but don't talk it very well...
    To use this tutorial for Ruby, you'll need the following offsets:

    Ruby's flight table starts at 0x3E5A18 and ends at 0x3E5ACF.

    The first pointer (the one that you need to change to edit the flight spots in A-Map) is located at 0xFA88C. Replace the string 20 5A 3E with the offset you repointed your flight table to in reverse hex.

    The other two pointers you need to replace are at 0xFA8BC and 0xFA8DC. They are identical strings, and in both, change 18 5A 3E with your new offset (again, in reverse hex).

    The "airport Data" is at 0x3E7920.

    However, I've run into a bit of a roadblock in that AdvanceMap's "changeroutine" button doesn't actually seem to work for Ruby. Is there a workaround that will allow me to assign a flag to the new flight positions through other means?

    Still, I hope this info will help other Ruby hackers who, like me, found that the number of ingame flight positions just weren't good enough :)
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    Many thanks are required for this research. I will now bookmark this for in-depth editing later on in my hack, but for now, it's good to know that this exists. Keep fighting the good fight, this is Three Dog, I mean, YouListeningROMs, signing out.
    Hmmm, not sure what I did wrong, but for some reason, all of my flight spots on the maps have disappeared. I think I didn't follow the flight table portion correct. The Pokemon Center Healing works perfectly however.

    Edit - The part I had to replace data (I had put all FF in those spots) at 0x3EEC98 didn't work for some reason. So I just placed it in my extended table.
    Thanks for the tutorial! Very much appreciated.

    Edit 2 - Lol, well now only my new flight spot works throwing me into into trees where I'm stuck, hahaha and all the others give me a black screen. I'll get back to this later.

    Edit 3 - Got everything working now. There's was no need for me to repoint the Flight Data which was for some reason giving me problems to repoint. 30 flight spots should be enough for my hack. Thanks once again.

    Edit 4 - Also using the JPAN engine, I noticed that at seahealingplace Pointer 0xBFD80, 98EC3E08 does not exist. I can only find 98EC3E08 at the other offset.
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    Thank you so much I will try this tomorrow if I get the chance
    So...if I set all the sethealingplace flags to 'true' I will be able to use fly to get there without visiting each healing spot beforehand?
    So...if I set all the sethealingplace flags to 'true' I will be able to use fly to get there without visiting each healing spot beforehand?

    Yes, though that can be done without even doing this tutorial. It doesn't make for great game design though. :/

    Is this tutorial compatible with JPAN's hacked engine? I can't seem to get any Flight Spots to show up in Advance Map (both 1.9.2 and 1.9.5) to work on a ROM that has the patch applied. They still work in-game but I don't really have a convenient way to move the Flight Spots around.

    Nevermind, I just can't follow simple instructions. Great tutorial!
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    I keep getting a black screen when I lose a battle and sent to the new Pokecentre. I believe everything is repointed correctly; the first 20 centres still work fine, for some reason the new ones dont!

    Any clues please?

    EDIT: Also the healing script works fine when I enter, the WHITE OUT does not. Also I wrote a new scripts for the sethealing place and copied the special script with the exact same layout.
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