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Forum Info: Welcome to Video Games! Rules & Info

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Welcome to Video Games! Rules & Info


    Welcome to the Video Games Forum! First of all, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with PokéCommunity's forum-wide rules as most of them will apply here. Minor stuff like double-posting and bypassing censors are very commonly committed offenses (usually accidentally), so be wary of such rules to avoid infractions!

    The one exception we have that is different from the main rules is one pertaining to advertising - if you have gaming videos and content you'd like to promote here, you may do so as long as you follow our guidelines; more on this in the Let's Plays & Streams section if you would like to share your works.

    This exception is only for the specified types of videos and gaming content, however - links advertising irrelevant/inappropriate content, websites or services unrelated to our forum are still considered bannable offenses.


    This forum is moderated by Nox(). Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any concerns, or just want to say hi. :)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Welcome to Video Games! Rules & Info
    [a id]tags[/a id]
    Be mindful of spoilers when reading discussions here, and try not to spoil things for others! When in doubt, utilize the [SPOILER]content you want hidden[/SPOILER] tags to hide sensitive information like plot twists, endings, characters dying, etc. It will look like this:


    If you want to give some additional context as to what the tags are hiding, you can also use [SPOILERTITLE=Label for your spoiler!]Content you want hidden[/SPOILERTITLE], which will show up like this:

    Spoiler: Label for your spoiler!
    Mario kills Luigi

    These are pretty self-explanatory, but just a quick rundown:

    Got some new information on the latest console, or maybe a big sale that's just around the corner? Use this tag to share the news with us!

    Every week we pit two characters against each other in our Great Character Clash - these threads are labelled with the [GCC] tag.

    From competitions and challenges to post-a-thons and raffles, we run a wide range of events here, so be sure to stay posted if you don't want to miss any!

    Use this prefix if you would like to share your streams and/or gaming videos with us. For more information on Let's Play threads, read this.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Welcome to Video Games! Rules & Info
    [a id]events[/a id]
    Every month we try to cook up a few fun events for you and your fellow members to take part in, compete against each other and maybe win some prizes while you're at it. Events can range from competing for a top score in a specific game, speedrunning challenges, post-a-thons or even getting creative and coming up with your own character.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Welcome to Video Games! Rules & Info

    We're always looking for ways to improve and make sure everyone has fun - if you have a suggestion for an event, or some input on the way we run certain events, please let us know and we'll try to incorporate your feedback as much as we can for future events!

    Members are more than welcome to run their own gaming events, too! While you're not required to, we recommend you contact a mod about your event first before posting it - we reserve the rights to close any event we deem inappropriate, lacking in content, etc.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Welcome to Video Games! Rules & Info
    [a id]lps[/a id]

    Previously, under PokéCommunity's main rules, posting videos or links to your YouTube/Twitch channels would be considered advertising, but we have decided to make an exception here - if you would like to announce your streams and/or promote your gaming content in the Video Games forum, simply add the [Let's Play] prefix (NOTE: at the time that this is posted, the prefix may not exist yet because I've just requested it, but give it a few hours to appear) to your thread and make sure it fits the criteria:

    Who can post Let's Play threads?
    Any PokéCommunity member with 25+ (non-spammy) posts may create a thread! We just want to make sure you are not joining solely to advertise your content.

    What kinds of videos are allowed?
    Currently, the only video platforms we will accept are YouTube and Twitch. The content does not have to be Pokémon-related - any games are allowed!

    What about mature themes and language?
    As long as they abide by the rules of YouTube and Twitch, you may post videos of M-rated games, but please make a note in the title of your thread if there is excessive cussing, sexual content andéor lots of gore in your videos.

    How many threads can I make?
    You can make one thread per series (4+ videos on the same game), or one thread to house all your videos if you play a lot of one-offs or short games. You may bump your own thread with new videos or to announce that you are streaming - the double-posting rule does not apply to your own [Let's Play] thread as long as you are doing it within reason.

    What should the threads/posts look like?
    Treat these threads like any other discussion you would find here - you don't have to write a whole lot to accompany each video or stream, but please refrain from just dumping off your videos and leaving.


    Since we're trying a new thing here, the rules are subject to change if we feel something else might work better, limits and rules may be added/removed, etc. so please be patient with us as we figure things out, and we'll keep you posted on any changes! And again, if you have any questions about any of this, send us a message.

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    We'll also be using this thread to keep a record of updates and changes made to the forum, so you guys can stay on top of what we're doing behind the scenes and all. :)

    Jan 26th, 2017

    Removed the following prefixes:

    Some of these overlapped with existing prefixes or are just kind of redundant, so we decided to keep those that had more specific functions only.
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    Feb 18th, 2017

    A new Featured Content section has appeared within the Video Games banner. Every sequential Monday - the exemption being that because this started this on a Saturday, the next one will be published on February 27th - a new video games related video will be featured for the community to view. This can be anything from an animation to a rap to a Let's Play, the sky's the limit for this.

    If you have a video you would like featured, feel free to PM me to set it up.
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    A minor visual update, but our prefixes have gotten a little makeover, and we've added a shiny new prefix for the weekly GCCs!
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    Reactions: EC
    As you've probably noticed, for a long time now we've always had our active events pinned to the top, but we've decided to try and keep the forum's stickies to a minimum - from now on, event threads that will be bumped frequently (ie. things like GCCs, 30 Days of Gaming and the Arcade) will not be stuck to the top; their respective and tags should help distinguish them from regular threads enough.
    Whew a long time since an update here, myself and Cid will be overlooking things such as the Claims thread, LoPC and refreshing things such as the rules/info in this thread over the next few weeks.

    We'll be trying to refresh everything and then take a look at some new stuff!

    First up, the Claims thread will be up in the next few days, so get your Claims ready!!!!!
    Game Journal Rules

    Game Journal rules

    Play a lot of video games? Want to keep track of what you're playing and the progress you're making? This is the tag for you! Just a few rules to bear in mind when creating a Game Journal:

    All PokéCommunity Rules apply.
    If you haven't seen the main PokéCommunity rules, please read them here and familiarise yourself with them. There are a few exceptions - which will be covered below - but this is the best place to start.

    One thread per person.
    Self-explanatory: please do not make one thread for each new game. This prevents unnecessary clutter. If you haven't posted in your thread in a long time, please do not create a new thread. You can find your old thread in the directory below.

    Let's Plays are allowed.
    If you'd like to post a video of your playthrough instead of typing out your progress that is absolutely fine, but please embed the video. If you don't know how to embed the video, take a look here for instructions.

    Double posting is ok!
    As long as it isn't too spammy, double posting is absolutely fine for updating. But please don't abuse this - make your updates meaningful, rather than single sentence posts.

    Spoilers are allowed
    This is not a rule so much as it is a caution - for the moment, we will not be enforcing any rules on hiding major story spoilers in tags. Viewers of threads need to keep this in mind when viewing Game Journals. Members are free to include spoiler warnings or tags in their updates or not as is their preference.

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