Why did you decide to make an AMA?
Since you like Charizard thoughs on his mega evolutions?
Wheres your profile pic from? if you dont mind me asking :D
Are you a bot who became sentient and started adminstrating websites on his own?
I'm sure you saw this coming but congrats Steve, your AMA's been featured for this week. 8D
Favorite board game, if any?
Favorite old school TV show?
If you could only own one gaming system for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Did you ever envision that PC would become as big as it is now? Do you have a favorite forum on PC?
Does that mean you're a robot ninja (or a ninja robot)? :P
Also, have you watched The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan? Your thoughts on it?
Do you have favorite music genre, Rukario?
Preferred type of weather? Would you rather go out in a snowstorm or the scorching heat?
How did you end up in your career field? Was web hosting and web design the field you wanted to go into from the beginning or did you initially have other plans for your life?
If you could be the professor of a Pokémon region of your choice, which would you choose?
Favorite food?