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What is your first thread or post in this forum?

My first post and thread was the fanfic I'm writing. I was too anxious about posting some writing to bother and introduce myself.
Oh boy, this is going to be embarrassing. :D;

My first post and thread can be found here. Way back in 2003 when I was only 13, I think? I was obsessed with Gary, so... uh, yeah. That's the only explanation you'll need. XD (And ew, just ignore all of the graphical smilies I used...)

Then there's my scary welcome thread, where I still remember every single person (except for the Pokemon guy) who replied to it. Most of them haven't changed much since then, except for not visiting the site as often anymore. It's depressing. ._.

Do you remember me? I remember you!

Is the old PC still avialable to look at? That's where my true first post was. I miss that place. Time flies, really.
Oh hey, you showed up again! Unfortunately, the old PC is not still available. :[ My first post is there too.

For the best, anyway, probably. I vaguely remember my welcome post being rather noobish. 8D;
Mine was too. I typed atrociously, because my keyboard was half broken, so I had to type words the best I could with only half of my keys, so the word "of" became "uv", etc...
You can find that out on yourself ugh -shakes- the grammar...I was only 11 years old back then.