Oh well, I found the oldest post I had here, it's
this one. At least it wasnt just a few words, I actually was kinda funny there. And, by that time I was still learning to script, hehe... ^_^
By the way, I'll just post the next posts after that, since I took the job to find'em:
Post No.2(always concerned about scripting on Gold Remakes...)
Post No.3(also supporting Yellow Remakes, I think I took my own advice on my game after that)
Post No.4(cough... More Gold Remaking support :P)
Post No.5(and later I made my own Headbutt and Berry Trees ^^)
As you can see, Joined on: June, 11th, 2006. My first post was made on Aug, 5th, 2006, which means almost two months after joining. I really took a lot of time to stop being a lurker :laugh:
Oh, by the way, thanks for making me remembering the old times ;)
I dont really need to post my first thread, right? You know which one it'd be... XP