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What is your first thread or post in this forum?

Oh my febreze...

My first topic and my first post = closed.
Yeah... I was sorta really stupid back then. But come on... I was eleven... </lame excuse>
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This was my first thread (check out that low thread number, how many here can beat that? XD) on this PC. I don't think it was my first post... I think my first post was in one of the Staff forums or in Q&F or in Announcements... and seeing how both Announcements and Q&F was deleted at one time... yea.
My first post, which, coinsidentally, happens to be my first thread. The small hints of sarcasm, not caring, and showing confidence were all at "bad levels." Now I've given more sarcasm and confidence, and I've cared more too. Erm, yeah. Shuddap. :<

I thought I had stumbled across some pretty cool combos after my friend used them on me and thought I'd post em up for the world to see. >< So noobeh. Can't find my first post, so my first thread will have to do.
I couldn't track down my first post, and all I could find was my first thread.

Clicku here :3

N00by, yes I know.
I can't remember mine, and I'm too lazy to look for it. D:

But I know it was a post and it was in the graphics rating thread..
Hmm... My first post...

Oh wow, that was a long time ago. x_o (For me, anyway.)

I think it was a horribly short and undescriptive sign-up for a roleplay. Probably. Or maybe it was in the fanfiction section, since I'd probably only just switched over from SPPF's Shipping Fiction section.... Well. Who knows. I don't even remember why I joined, only how I got here. xD;

My oldest thread -I think it's the oldest...- is actually still intact, and I'm pretty sure it's my crappy, horribly short and undescriptive Harry Potter roleplay, which I... can't believe I made. xD
My first thread was either my really horrible intro thread, or a question thread asking about MtG I think. o.o But then I left PC after that and then came back like a month later. My first post was probably in one of the FCs, since that was actually the reason I joined here. ^_^; But I won't be able to find it.
My first post was giving out to Fable-Chan and DarkChild for making some really stupid statements about a remake of Gold, Silver and Crystal. My first thread can be located here. At least it wasn't that idiotic.
First post... probably something in the new users thread... I'm sure of it.
How Embarrassing

OMG I was so n00bish back in '05. I think I'm going to remake this thread. ;D If you look, it was when the GLOW feature on text was still available in PC. Now, it looks like a jumbled piece of messed up coding. o.o

Oh God, Welcome Thread

>.< My Welcome thread is very n00bish, I didn't learn until months later about photobucket and image hosting. So I kept asking, "How do you get images in your sig?" I'm surprised I got a decent amount of replies.
-pokes siggy- Go to the first page of my fic and that's my first post in Fanfiction. As you can see, the first chapter isn't divided into several paragraphs. I didn't learn of that until I got into writing more. But now, I'm used to it. My first posts, you could say, weren't n00bish. -shrug-
I can't remember my first post, it was probably in some old, old, long-forgotten Pokemon RP from a long time ago from when I first joined. And my first thread just came up a few weeks ago in the Art Gallery, the years before, I wasn't active enough to post threads/didn't bother posting threads. XD
It was a poem back in 2004 when I first registered this account. Apparently it needed PG-13 tags but people did say they liked it. I posted it again, to get further thoughts as I'm wishing to make some edits. But nobody really replied to it. I did get one post, basically saying it might fit elsewhere. But thats ok.
My first thread can be found here by viewing my statistics in my profile.

Since I didn't make 15 posts yet, I can't post links. So I shall have to come back to this thread at a later date when I have made more posts here, and update it with the link to my introduction thread.

However, I don't really count that as a "first post" seeing how it's an introduction thread and just about everyone new to the community who plans on logging on afterwards posts one. Other than that, and my Pokémon claim, this would be my real first post (in my opinion).
I believe my first post was an introductory one. My first thread was a fanfiction.