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What objects do you think would make cool pokemon?

Maybe a carpet? Rips off Aladdin, sure. Leaves room for interesting patterns, preferably something creature-like (like a mosaic).
First to come to mind is a haunted armor Pokemon.
They made Aegislash which is both a shield and a sword, why not add some kind of haunted spooky armor ?

Something based on a Matryoshka doll. Could be something that grows in size as it evolves with new ones showing up next to it or could be a single stage that's composed of multiple entities. Like, when it attacks the main doll opens and then another comes out.
I wouldn't hate to see an actual clock Pokémon, not just one that pulls inspiration from them like Hoothoot. I remember being fascinated with Cogsworth as a kid watching Beauty and the Beast. Cards, game console, and dreamcatcher are a few more that come to mind. Hard to imagine them not making the latter a spider though.

Also, more foodmon. Blueberry cheesecake, plz?
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I want another scarecrow pokemon. Cacturne is awesome and I'd like to see this revisited. (better yet, give it an evolution).
A Buick Century Pokemon, obviously. We already have motorcycle Pokemon, now we just need one with a fully enclosed interior and two more wheels, along with a hood ornament and full-width taillights.
[PokeCommunity.com] What objects do you think would make cool pokemon?