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Religion and God

Warning: If you are religious, posts in this thread may unintentionally offend you. Similarly, if you are an atheist, you may be bothered by religious ideas. Let's not flame, 'kay? :)​

Okies. =)

[*]Do you believe in a God?

With all my heart and soul.

[*]Should people believe in a God?

That's totally up to them.

[*]Do you think there is evidence of God?

Eyup. But only a seeker who question things can find em. I think about it like math, not all people understand it, but those who do their best get results.

[*]Is religion good?

I'm a Muslim, I love my religion. Of course, I will say "Yes" but I won't speak as a religious gal, I'll speak while being biased. Religion isn't good or bad, people and the way they take it are.

[*]Does religion have anything of value to offer to society?

Yes, especially to the religious societies. People need to learn about their religion properly without the clouds of using of people with hidden agendas and personal interests.

[*]Has religion ever had anything of value to offer to society?

Religions are values, it depends on " does this values matter to you? "
The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. The oldest known human fossil is about 7 million years old. If that fossil landed on Earth, it would be way after dinosaurs.

But let's say that 65 million years ago, humanity's ancestors landed on Earth and killed the dinosaurs. First off, this creature hadn't even yet split off into humans and chimpanzees - that wouldn't happen until waaay later. So the creature you are supposing landed on Earth will have most likely been weaker and dumber than a chimpanzee. Heck, it wouldn't even be anything like a chimpanzee. Probably just some small mammal or something.

Your hypothesis is so incredibly unlikely it's not even worth considering.

Unlikely?? Ummm 1st off whos talking about monkeys?? Because i sure wasnt, you may be of primate descent but i know im not. Thats the problem with the internet people have an opinion and a person like you cant handle it so you find every which way to denounce it when at the end of the day imma stick to what i say so for you to tell me what my opinion isnt worth consideration because of how you feel? I got some choice words for you that im sure the moderators wont appreciate but watch who you coming at with that high and mighty crap cuz ill tear you down. My analysis is just as likely as any of that religion bull that people buy into so you need to think about what youre saying and who youre talking to because im not the one dude/chick/whatever you are.

Oh and fyi the oldest human remains are about 3 million years old not 7 million do some research. That still doesnt disprove my theory just because something was found to be this many years old doesnt mean human or humanoid creatures didnt exist beforehand you dont know and i dont know but i DO KNOW i didnt come from monkeys or adam and eve like i said.
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Unlikely?? Ummm 1st off whos talking about monkies?? Because i sure wasnt, you may be of primate descent but i know im not. Thats the problem with the internet people have an opinion and a person like you cant handle it so you find every which way to denounce it when at the end of the day imma stick to what i say so for you to tell me what my opinion isnt worth consideration because of how you feel?
Are you denouncing evolution? The evidence in favour of these 'monkies' is overwhelming, and if you denounce it, I'm sorry, that viewpoint is simply worth less than the viewpoint in favour.

I got some choice words for you that im sure the moderators wont appreciate but watch who you coming at with that high and mighty crap cuz ill tear you down. My analysis is just as likely as any of that religion bull that people buy into so you need to think about what youre saying and who youre talking to because im not the one dude/chick/whatever you are.
If I need to show you equal respect to religious people, that's fine, because if you actually look in this thread, I have very little respect for religious people. Did you know some religious people believe in evolution? Because their views are sure as hell more likely than yours. I'm sorry, but you have literally made up the science in your posts.

Scientists know how the sun works. The maths checks out. The smart people working it out with degrees in physics calculated it all and it all works out. It doesn't need some kind of higher power. I don't even know where you're getting the whole "we landed on Earth" thing from. Where is the evidence of that?

The oldest known human fossil from 7 million years you're talking about was a 'monkey', not a homo sapien. It wasn't a normal person. If you accept that fossil was of one of our ancestors, you have to accept it was a simple primate, not a human.
Are you denouncing evolution? The evidence in favour of these 'monkies' is overwhelming, and if you denounce it, I'm sorry, that viewpoint is simply worth less than the viewpoint in favour.

If I need to show you equal respect to religious people, that's fine, because if you actually look in this thread, I have very little respect for religious people. Did you know some religious people believe in evolution? Because their views are sure as hell more likely than yours. I'm sorry, but you have literally made up the science in your posts.

Scientists know how the sun works. The maths checks out. The smart people working it out with degrees in physics calculated it all and it all works out. It doesn't need some kind of higher power. I don't even know where you're getting the whole "we landed on Earth" thing from. Where is the evidence of that?

The oldest known human fossil from 7 million years you're talking about was a 'monkey', not a homo sapien. It wasn't a normal person. If you accept that fossil was of one of our ancestors, you have to accept it was a simple primate, not a human.

I domt care what my opinion comes off as i know what i believe and im not about to sit here and change it just because you throw some scientifically back theories at me. I am denouncing ape to humam evolution like i said you may be a monkey but im not your ancestors mightve lived in mountains and humped each other mine didnt, i dont care how old the fossils are at the end of the day i know humans existed before that maybe not on this planet or galaxy or even this physical plane but we existed and this planet was the dinosaurs before it was ours no meteor just came by chance and altered the atmosphere and killed the dinos but you must be a scientologist or something so you prolly believe in the big bang too. Were arent gonna get far with your close mindedness, i said my peace on my belief if you dont like it oh well deal with it, i know im not spewing ignorance.

Do research my dude for real and more than just within your little science club man go deeper.
Humans aren't seperate from apes, we are apes. We evolved from other, less advanced apes. The genetic evidence and fossil record is there. If you deny that you're literally denying proven fact.

I'm not coming back to argue against creationism or whatever though. This is just a friendly reminder that this is a debate and not an argument. So you should be putting some sort of reasoning/evidence behind things you say for either side. You should also be respectful of people's rights to believe whatever they want. Basically be nice, support your points and critique the point of view not the person.
I mean no offense to anyone with my opinion but it is MY opinion so dont let it hurt your feelings.

Do you believe in a God?

Yes, not the religious cloud man tho, i believe more that there is a greater conscious energy all creatures share that presides over the laws of nature and existence. I am God and so is every other living organism, of course no one is shooting lightening and its ignorant to think that but we all have the energy of God in us we were created in his image correct? The story of jesus is nothing more that an outline of what every human can attain through proper meditation. God is energy and energy is infinite, out of chaos energy creates order without order chaos cant exist so energy cant exist without either.

Should people believe in a God?

Everyone should have some type of structural belief system (even if it has no god) in order to process the experiences we encounter on this mortal plane.

Do you think there is evidence of God?

Everywhere, Look at the sun and the fact that it can warm several planets at one time we're like 2(?) lightyears from it and its still blinding. Look at the fact that we have the ability to master any craft just by repetitively doing it over and over. Where did the human race start? Not from just two freakin people and if it did there was a lot of incest going on lets be real. We were either created in a mass by a higher being or we came from another world killed off the dinosaurs and in habited this world because we couldnt have live simultaneously with them or we'd be the ones extinct.

Is religion good?

Religion is man made and the greatest form of mind control besides the MK Ultra, control based off a fear of the unknown and when you add the simple minded sheep who follow religion blindly you get the atrocity we have today, jesus freaks who throw the bible (which is SO full of inconsistencies is sad) in your face and wont even bat an eye at any other form of belief.

Does religion have anything of value to offer to society?

Today no not at all, all it is now is a cash cow. Wool over the eyes of the blind deaf and dumb masses.

Has religion ever had anything of value to offer to society?

Principles, a sense of self worth, structure, order. I dont follow religion but i can say that some parts of it do correlate to reality and helps you understand certain aspects of the journey of life.

What do you think of the concepts of heaven and hell?
Im just tryna figure out how we go from Gods to monkeys? I Am God And God Is Me, The Same Is True For Every Human. Im spiritual and i could break down my entire belief system which is actually shared but a vast amount of people but i really dont have the time or attention span to do so on a forum but i will say this: Creation of life is based off math, energy frequencies, vibrations and rotations All Is One & One Is All. Consciousness is broken down by levels and reality is broken down by dimensions so that scientology mumbo jumbo cant hold a candle to knowledge understanding and wisdom, im not Muslim but we share SOME of the same values.

What do you think of the concepts of heaven and hell?
Sorry didnt see you posted til after but as far as heaven and hell? I think there is no physical heaven or hell, H&H are states of mind or interpretations of reality when we physically die our souls go into the void (death) the void cleanses the imprint that reality had on us (memories) and we begin life anew (rebirth) whatever way the soul attaches to a physical vessel. Its so much i can go into with this lol
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I domt care what my opinion comes off as i know what i believe and im not about to sit here and change it just because you throw some scientifically back theories at me. I am denouncing ape to humam evolution like i said you may be a monkey but im not your ancestors mightve lived in mountains and humped each other mine didnt, i dont care how old the fossils are at the end of the day i know humans existed before that maybe not on this planet or galaxy or even this physical plane but we existed and this planet was the dinosaurs before it was ours no meteor just came by chance and altered the atmosphere and killed the dinos but you must be a scientologist or something so you prolly believe in the big bang too. Were arent gonna get far with your close mindedness, i said my peace on my belief if you dont like it oh well deal with it, i know im not spewing ignorance.

Do research my dude for real and more than just within your little science club man go deeper.

Holy... Is this whole thread going to go like this? You're just telling me what you believe. You have no reason to believe it, you just do, and then you tell me to do my research. That's a lot of nerve. I don't care what you believe either, on two conditions:

  1. You don't come into this thread and expect us all to take you seriously.
  2. You don't act like we're the ignorant ones when there is no evidence in favour of your point of view.
Im just tryna figure out how we go from Gods to monkeys?

There are vast amounts of information online on how we went from 'monkeys' to apes. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence which proves it as fact. Whether we went from 'Gods' to 'monkeys' is a different story. I obviously don't believe we went from Gods to anything. If you want to think that I honestly don't care, but those 'monkeys' must exist or, I'm sorry, your world view is wrong. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. That's not me trying to be rude or disrespectful, but telling me evolution is false is like telling me that Australia is false (which unfortunately some also believe).
Um guys, now you're just doing the "my beliefs versus your beliefs". Everyone knows that an "argument" like that is leading nowhere and in the end neither side will accomplish anything and both sides will be annoyed and angry at eachother. So please just cut it out.

As far as I know this thread is about talking what your beliefs are. Not to argue whose is right. I merely posted in this because some scientific facts were wrong and I just wanted to point out what they were. Arguing who is right and who is wrong is unnecessary.

Yes, I'm an atheist myself who doesn't believe things that can't be proven. But if someone wants to believe in a deity, or that we come from a greater consciousness, or that people came from space and were a race somewhere else, how does that affect me? It doesn't.

So stop caring so much how someone else's beliefs differ from yours. If everyone would do that the world would be a much better place~
Holy... Is this whole thread going to go like this? You're just telling me what you believe. You have no reason to believe it, you just do, and then you tell me to do my research. That's a lot of nerve. I don't care what you believe either, on two conditions:

  1. You don't come into this thread and expect us all to take you seriously.
  2. You don't act like we're the ignorant ones when there is no evidence in favour of your point of view.

There are vast amounts of information online on how we went from 'monkeys' to apes. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence which proves it as fact. Whether we went from 'Gods' to 'monkeys' is a different story. I obviously don't believe we went from Gods to anything. If you want to think that I honestly don't care, but those 'monkeys' must exist or, I'm sorry, your world view is wrong. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. That's not me trying to be rude or disrespectful, but telling me evolution is false is like telling me that Australia is false (which unfortunately some also believe).

1st off guy i came said what i said and dipped lol something i said must have ticked you off to make you want to come at what i typed. What i believe actually has A LOT of evidence that no bible can compete with, go to any ancient sacred site in the world like the pyramids and youll see that my theory is backed substantially by tablets scriptures and hieroglyphics so.....my view is wrong? No your judgement of my view is wrong. The most hilariously ironic part of this whole discussion is that you created the thread asking for peoples beliefs just so you can what? Pick it apart and s#!+ down their throats? Son thats lame wack and all the other adjective that describes an unsatisfactory act. I dont what anybody believes but myself i said how i felt and you got ocean salty about it keep it a stack G. Do some research like i said on what you dont understand before you oass a judgement cuz i definitely did mine to speak how i speak.


Im not even tryna argue and i understood your intent but these other fools who wanna come at my neck about something i believe are too close minded for me to even begin to have a conversation so ill just eliminate myself from the thread. Peace god
1st off guy i came said what i said and dipped lol something i said must have ticked you off to make you want to come at what i typed. What i believe actually has A LOT of evidence that no bible can compete with, go to any ancient sacred site in the world like the pyramids and youll see that my theory is backed substantially by tablets scriptures and hieroglyphics so.....my view is wrong? No your judgement of my view is wrong. The most hilariously ironic part of this whole discussion is that you created the thread asking for peoples beliefs just so you can what? Pick it apart and s#!+ down their throats? Son thats lame wack and all the other adjective that describes an unsatisfactory act. I dont what anybody believes but myself i said how i felt and you got ocean salty about it keep it a stack G.
I'm not offended, mad, or 'salty'. I'm just telling you you're wrong.

And how are heiroglyphics on dusty old tablets better evidence than the Bible? Both seem equal to me.

As far as I know this thread is about talking what your beliefs are. Not to argue whose is right. I merely posted in this because some scientific facts were wrong and I just wanted to point out what they were. Arguing who is right and who is wrong is unnecessary.
And I'm arguing against incorrent science too, he's discrediting evolution. What is this double standard?
And I'm arguing against incorrent science too, he's discrediting evolution. What is this double standard?

The thing is, if he really doesn't want to believe in evolution, what do you want to accomplish by explaining him how it works and which fossils we've found that we use as evidence that humans descended from (and technically still are) primates?

A lot of people don't want to believe it. Just as you, I am convinced that it is the truth. But if other people want to believe something else it doesn't help arguing about it over and over again. There's no point in that, aside from everyone getting worked up.

You believe we descended from primates and that evolution is a thing and so do I. KingMarz doesn't just like a lot of other people. Let's just accept that fact and carry on.

Lol dude youre looking for an arguement im speaking how i feel, but check it tho imma school you a lil bit homes before i peace out. You said in your 1st post that youre "leaning toward atheist" but you were christian i been on this not yesterday not today or last year i BEEN researching whats what with the world energy the human anatomy the brain consciousness sound frequencies the effects of music on the brain the soul ( as much as i could) i look at things from a broader scope than just myself but you...youre still a pup in training trying to find your way, ive found my path with no confusion im like your spiritual father. So the next time you see something you dont understand try learning what it is rather than blindly shooting it down because you may just end up believing the same thing i do while youre on your spiritual journey of "leaning toward being atheist" Peace son

P.S. somebody please tell me how to tag ppls name cuz i hate quoting paragraphs lol

Lol dude youre looking for an arguement im speaking how i feel, but check it tho imma school you a lil bit homes before i peace out. You said in your 1st post that youre "leaning toward atheist" but you were christian i been on this not yesterday not today or last year i BEEN researching whats what with the world energy the human anatomy the brain consciousness sound frequencies the effects of music on the brain the soul ( as much as i could) i look at things from a broader scope than just myself but you...youre still a pup in training trying to find your way, ive found my path with no confusion im like your spiritual father. So the next time you see something you dont understand try learning what it is rather than blindly shooting it down because you may just end up believing the same thing i do while youre on your spiritual journey of "leaning toward being atheist" Peace son

P.S. somebody please tell me how to tag ppls name cuz i hate quoting paragraphs lol

You know what? I give up. There is no substance here. Everything you type is "I'm right you're wrong do your research." I hope your spiritual journey leads you to wonderful places, I don't even care anymore. You are clearly not willing to have an actual discussion.

The thing is, if he really doesn't want to believe in evolution, what do you want to accomplish by explaining him how it works and which fossils we've found that we use as evidence that humans descended from (and technically still are) primates?

A lot of people don't want to believe it. Just as you, I am convinced that it is the truth. But if other people want to believe something else it doesn't help arguing about it over and over again. There's no point in that, aside from everyone getting worked up.

You believe we descended from primates and that evolution is a thing and so do I. KingMarz doesn't just like a lot of other people. Let's just accept that fact and carry on.
I like debates. If you don't that's great, you can just move on then. I don't see what you want to accomplish by telling us we can't.
I like debates. If you don't that's great, you can just move on then. I don't see what you want to accomplish by telling us we can't.

Well you can barely call this a debate though. Plus the threat doesn't imply it's a debate between different religions or beliefs.

I like debates, but gave up on religious ones long ago since they're utterly pointless. What I want to accomplish is you two stopping to shove what you believe down the others' throat cause that's basically all this "debate" boils down to.

Either way, I've concluded that me posting this stuff in here is utterly pointless as well, so I'm out. See you guys later.
the threat
The what now.

I like debates, but gave up on religious ones long ago since they're utterly pointless.
That's your opinion and I, frankly, don't agree or care. If I want to talk about religion I'll talk about it. I think it's interesting, and I'm not going to stop because one person on the internet drove my thread off-topic telling me it's pointless.

What I want to accomplish is you two stopping to shove what you believe down the others' throat cause that's basically all this "debate" boils down to.
I'm shoving facts down his throat, I like to think there's a difference. I feel your posting on our debate has been more pointless and off-topic than the actual debate. Seems kind of hypocritical to waste space on this page on religion and God telling us our discussion on religion and God is pointless.
The what now.

That's your opinion and I, frankly, don't agree or care. If I want to talk about religion I'll talk about it. I think it's interesting, and I'm not going to stop because one person on the internet drove my thread off-topic telling me it's pointless.

I'm shoving facts down his throat, I like to think there's a difference. I feel your posting on our debate has been more pointless and off-topic than the actual debate. Seems kind of hypocritical to waste space on this page on religion and God telling us our discussion on religion and God is pointless.

Just gonna number them cause I don't feel like making multi quotes

1) A typo on my behalf, I mean the thread.

2) If you wanna debate with religious people, feel free to do so. It might be a good idea to list your thread with a debate tag thingy in the front. Or make a thread specifically about debates. Since people are coming to this thread just to say what they believe (at least I did), not to debate who's right/what's wrong with some religions/debate about science.

3) Yes they're facts, I know that. He doesn't see it that way though and sees what he believes as facts. So it basically boils down to the same thing.

4) It hasn't been more pointless than your "debate". Did you expect he'd suddenly be like "you know what, you're right, I'll throw everything I believed over board and accept what you said" That's something that never happened in any religious debate ever.

5) I still think it's pointless. Since this technically isn't a debate thread.
2) If you wanna debate with religious people, feel free to do so. It might be a good idea to list your thread with a debate tag thingy in the front. Or make a thread specifically about debates. Since people are coming to this thread just to say what they believe (at least I did), not to debate who's right/what's wrong with some religions/debate about science.
The topic is just religion and God. If you just want to state your beliefs that's fine. If you want to debate that's fine. Nobody is being forced into anything they don't want to do. Nobody clicks on this thread and comes out thinking they've been tricked into debating on an unclearly marked thread.

3) Yes they're facts, I know that. He doesn't see it that way though and sees what he believes as facts. So it basically boils down to the same thing.
We disagree so there's no point debating it?

4) It hasn't been more pointless than your "debate". Did you expect he'd suddenly be like "you know what, you're right, I'll throw everything I believed over board and accept what you said" That's something that never happened in any religious debate ever.
Yes, this little discussion now is much more pointless. It doesn't even have to do with religion and God. Our debate does. See the issue?

5) I still think it's pointless. Since this technically isn't a debate thread.
This also isn't a thread for things which have nothing to do with religion and God, but I guess discussions which aren't clearly marked in the thread comment are inevitable. This is still a bit hypocritical.

The debate has to do with religion and God. It's on-topic. If you aren't happy with that, the door's over there.
In any sort of discussion like this where one makes claims it's best to offer the evidence you think supports said claim to everyone else rather than going "lol just do the research man". Lot of people don't have the time and/or energy to do the proper research or wouldn't even know where to begin. Nevermind that not providing reasoning/evidence when you should and/or are asked to kind of inhibits discussion.

People can then present reasoning and counter-evidence to disprove the previous claim. And then this process basically repeats until people have had their fill. That's the essence of every serious discussion/debate, and makes it generally more productive than arguing about whether or not this is all pointless or whether it's still on-topic or nitpicking about the way people argue and whatever else seems to be the problem.

Also, I don't know about anyone else, but to be honest I don't care a whole lot what the thread prefix is in the Round Table. The section is for discussing and debating and talking about a myriad of topics, and that doesn't change regardless of what the prefix is or whether there's even one or not. If it really bugs someone I can change or add prefixes to threads.

To get this going back in a better direction, I'd like to hear why KingMarz believes the stuff he does, what evidence he's encountered to support these claims of his, his misunderstandings about some scientific things aside.

P.S. somebody please tell me how to tag ppls name cuz i hate quoting paragraphs lol
We unfortunately do not have a tagging system yet on this site, so there's no way for you to do it. It is one of the most requested features though so the admins are aware of the need for it. When it actually gets implemented is another story however.....

I feel like if a person can form a negative opinion about something they dont even know of then they can find the information themselves but...if you want to know where to start you can check out the books
"The ancient secret of the flower of life" vol. 1 and 2
And "Living In The Heart

Also ancient Sanskit and Sumerian writings
The emerald tablets
The Book Of The Dead (The Egyptian bible that the romans and greeks stole ideas from to form christianity among other religions)
Pyramid hieroglyphics or any really but mainly the giza pyramids hieroglyphics
The Ancient Egyptian Schools Of Mystery

You can also use as SOMEWHAT of a reference but not a true guide:
5%er knowledge
NOI Teachings
Rastafarian Teachings

There's evidence everywhere, im not just talking out my ass i definitely check my sources.
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