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  • I could always be a helping hand if you need a 6th, i got the hang of some mechanics and cheese ways!

    theres a few weapons and a raid exotic rocket launcher which looks nasty and a full armor set yes

    it's sadly not like it once was in the first game, but it is still a really good weapon, especially for dealing with tougher enemies with that final round perk. I dealt up to 60.000 damage with it
    I managed to beat the new raid with a group of old friends whom I used to raid with, it do be quite the raid.

    The real bummer being the rewards were nothing but doo doo, boots upon boots upon BOOTS ASHIFHASOIFHUOALSHFASIOFHASF

    also got Hawkmoon, which saddened me a bit but it's still powerful
    127 episodes oh my lord. single season twelvies sound right up my alley so i'll research on those hehe.

    and thanks for the heads up on Love Live! i'm down to try some J-Pop yeah. if i ever get into it, for sure you'll be the first person i'll talk to about it.
    interesting. i can't ever keep up with anime due to the sheer amount there is and the near infinite genres. doesn't help that i ain't much of a fan of having to watch through like 2000 episodes to understand the full story of something lol. are there ones that are easy to digest? is this Love Live thing something you can recommend?
    yeah i wasn't really bashing your previous flair color, just in general since my eyes are used to dark shades like this.

    also what show is this Setsuna character from?
    interesting new flair design. love the dark mode aesthetic! a lot easier on the eyes :D
    There's a part in Mega Man 1 where you had to fight the other mega man. That thing destroyed me for over an hour. My siblings were in the room laughing and I don't blame them. I was like "going to beat it this time for sure" then proceeded to die 30 more times. Also the glitch wasn't working on him either. Somehow the magnet beam wasn't an issue at all. I just happened to find it on my first run of the stage. I did gutsman first because the stage seemed easy. The fast falling platforms seemed intimidating, but that's all it was, intimidating. It's a short stage and it was easy to get the rhythm. Curiosity got the better of me and I tried Mega Man 11, and uh yeah never mind. It's so different. I've been playing Mega Man 2 today. I beat all the levels, right now I'm in stage 4 at Wily's Castle. I've gotten completely stuck. There's a part where you have to use the crash bomb on the walls and destroy the buttons. I do like it a lot. The stages are actually very pretty compared to Mega Man 1. I'm also playing on "difficult" mode but maybe I shouldn't have picked it.

    Oh that was kind of weird to me. I kept thinking "wait riki is a dad, doesn't that make him the oldest"? He seemed so small and goofy it took some time to grasp that. I need to see more of the heart to hearts but grinding affinity can really be a chore. Also, what do you think of Juju? I was looking at some comments, and he seems to be the most hated character. I don't really hate him. I think he's just a bit reckless. You mentioned owning it but that's okay, honestly I wanted to play it myself but I'm settling for watching the story on youtube. Skyrim is good. It's overwhelming sometimes. You just get thrown out there and everything is up to you. It's like breath of the wild but even more extreme in that regard. You get a 10 minute tutorial section escaping a dragon, then your free to go wherever. Skyrim has a bunch of factions and it lets you join as many as you want. There's a standard sword warrior faction. A thief faction, murderer faction (which in hilarious irony, has the least intimidating people out of all the factions). vampire hunting faction, and a mage faction.

    As much as I love sunshine, yes blue coins are a pain. If they had a map it would be 100x more tolerable. And no I really doubt they changed that, but I could be wrong. They didn't seem to put that much effort into the anniversary edition, unfortunately. It just seems they quickly ported 3 games and slapped the full retail price. My other huge problem with the switch in general is the joy cons drifting. It almost makes the switch one of my least favorite consoles. I'm baffled how they released a console and the controllers don't even work properly.

    I find those complaints to be silly. At it's core these kinds of games are meant to be played by anybody, and I don't think the art style changes that. At the same time, it makes me curious what Wind Waker would like with a gritty art style like Twilight Princess. Maybe awkward or just really cool. Arbiter grounds was one of my favorite temples, along with the Lakebed Temple and Snowpeak Ruins. I wasn't a big fan of the mines. Actually, Twilight Princess had so many cool dungeons I don't think I could ever truly pick my favorite. Most of them were amazing and memorable.

    That's good that he's left you alone, and that you've been able to find forgiveness. Being able to do that is a very good trait. Also, I can't say I fully understand how stalking is. I've only had one experience. I remember a friend of mine on the bus was paranoid because he owed money to another kid. (I'm assuming drug money). He warned me that solely because we were friends, they might go after me. And yep, that same day I was walking from the bus stop to my house, and these two kids kept following in the distance behind me. I can't remember the full exchange. They just kept pressuring me with questions about him, following me around, eventually made me flip my pockets for money. Eventually, they left me alone unharmed. I recognized one of them from middle school, and that might have been why they didn't do anything to me.

    Oh you had to go to a summer camp? How was it if you don't mind me asking? Because I had to go to a similar camp in 6th grade. It was some camp related to drug abuse dangers. I remember disliking it, and I can't remember why. I'll be honest, at that age I wasn't the most sociable child so I probably didn't like the camp idea by default. But yeah the bike riding is going great. There's a long trail that goes from our house that leads into a neighborhood, I've been taking it around there. I'm not even falling down anymore at all. I relate to what you mentioned as well. I actually broke my wrist on a family trip in a skating rink. Then after I healed our school decided we had to do skating for gym. And I had never wanted to do anything less.

    I might do a legion run on a second playthough. Honestly playing a maniac character could be kind of fun. I could probably tolerate it in new vegas, but oddly in something like Undertale I could never bring myself to do a genocide run.

    Yeah writing in a journal is a nice thing to do. It's sort of necessary for me. I do take medicine for anxiety, but it only stops the physical part. I still worry in excess, so that's where it helps to journal. My family knows and understands i've had issues with anxiety (since i was in the er). I still don't like approaching them about it unless it's getting really bad. It's been very manageable this year. I do agree with what you mentioned, it does help to talk to those you are able to. When my siblings come around once a year, those feelings completely go away.
    I get along with my siblings pretty amazingly, which i realize is very fortunate. I'm the youngest in the family. One of my siblings is approximately 20 years older than me, and it's strange but we get along to an incredible extent. He's the one I mentioned had the NES, and this week bought me all the mega man games. Whenever I'm playing a retro game I always text him, since he seems to be an expert at them.

    Speaking of that, I finished Mega Man 1. Uhhh "finished" is the correct word. I beat it but I wasn't being fair. He showed me an exploit, you can use the electric beam and pause the game, and it completely destroys the bosses. It was a fun game, but very difficult. During the ending you need to fight 4 bosses in a row then Dr. Wily, and you don't get any sort of chance to heal. I'm fairly good at these kinds of games, but that was past my skill level. If I wasn't using the glitch, I probably would have given up. Also Yellow Devil was ridiculously hard. I've never seen anything like that. The stages weren't too bad, except for wily's castle, which I was stuck on for 3 hours. But I'll be playing Mega Man 2 soon, which I feel excited about. That same sibling also got me the final fantasy 7 remake, and all the bioshock games.

    Oh I need to pick up Xenoblade again. Talking about it is really making me miss it. The romance stuff between shulk and seven didn't interest me in the slightest, as I'm almost never interested in that kind of thing. But you know who I don't think I've mentioned yet? Riki. What an adorable character. He was the one who grew on me the strongest. In general I liked the atmosphere of the Napon Tree. From what I've seen on Xenoblade 2, Napon are no longer "one type" personalities. In the first section of the game there's a criminal type napon mob boss. I would love to play it, but as I mentioned don't think I could get a hang of the complex system. It looks beyond what I'm familiar with for RPG's. Have you played the Elder Scrolls series? I only played Skyrim, but even that took some learning since I was so unfamiliar.

    The level design for Mario Sunshine is wacky, but I love every bit of it. They really did branch away from "traditional" mario design. One level is a sunset island with a haunted hotel. Another is a theme park, another on a boat harbor. It's all so unique and doesn't get enough credit. As for the physics, mario controls less cartoonish. I think the closest example is Odyssey. You would either enjoy it or despise it. My only issue was they have these Blue Coin collectibles, and for some reason they don't track which ones you've collected. So if you miss one you have to track through the entire level. Even with a walkthrough, this can be a painful process. (30 per level).

    Did you enjoy the atmosphere from Twilight Princess? That's particularly what I like so much about the Zelda series, all of the games have different atmospheres. Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild, even Zelda 1, all are so unique. It can be fantastical or gritty. In fact, if Twilight Princess were to get a sequel story, how would you design it? It always intrigued me with what happened to Zant at the end, and I never fully understood it either.

    No it's okay, thanks for sharing the story. If it's okay to ask, he hasn't bothered you anymore has he? In a relatable way, I had a friend who was a cruel person most of the time. He was recently texting me since we still have each other added on social media. It was awkward. I didn't want to talk with him at all.

    So over the last couple days I've been teaching myself how to bike ride. (Was never taught). I'm getting much better, but it took hours of failure. At one point I couldn't control the bike and hit a tree, I fell off and got my leg stuck under the bike. I was okay by some huge miracle. And after all that, I can happily say that I did it. I learned how to ride, and was cruising around the area this morning. I plan on taking my bike out every day now. I still need to get better at turning and breaking. But I understand the fear of swimming. Drowning is entirely different and scary. I'm a pretty adept swimmer, but I don't even like going into the ocean.

    Oh as an update for New Vegas, I reached the part where I killed Benny. I lured him into the hotel room and turned on him. Not sure who I'm going to side with. The leigon is evil. I don't like Mr House or his idea for a robot takeover. So I'll probably pick the NCR. They have flaws but seem the most reasonable as far as faction goes. Of course, I could go independent.

    They left this morning. I'm just thankful I saw them and got to enjoy the amazing week that I did. The silence here is also heavy, and I wish we could have had a few more days to hang out. I'll be okay. I'm not good at wording this, I try to keep it positive, but I guess loneliness describes my feeling. This week was the first time I've had people around to talk with in 9 months. My school is down because of covid. Most of the time I have so many thoughts I just end up writing everything into a journal. I appreciate the messages, it means way more than you know. I'll probably be posting on pokecommunity more again, even though I was absent this week.
    Hi Aisaka, sorry for the delay. I've been celebrating Christmas early with my family. I only see my siblings once a year so I sort of look forward to these few days and cherish them.

    I've been spending lots of time with my oldest brother, he got me every single mega man game as a christmas present. (1-11) then all the megaman X games. We've also been hanging out and playing new vegas a lot so I actually made progress on that. He's finished it probably over 5 times. Suddenly with his advice my character is never dying.

    Also on top of family stuff, had a final essay due this week. And a computer issue caused me to lose half my work so I've had to rush to get it written again.

    Again sorry for the random delay. They leave friday morning so i'll probably feel like i'm in a huge blues. It's been a great week and I love the company, because I almost never have people to speak with. I'll respond in full soon. Thanks, also have a good day/night
    I think it would be much more emotionally impacting. I could imagine the heart to hearts with Dunban and Mukmar, then seeing at jealously starts pushing into the friendship. Red Dead Redemption executed a prequel perfectly. The first game, the protagonist is in a gang and the entire story involves hunting your former gang members. The prequel actually puts you into the gang and has you bond with the characters you hunted down without remorse in the first game. Regarding Xenoblade, you might notice I'm avoiding mentioning a certain final party member who joins on the fallen arm. (In case anybody is reading these messages, I don't want to spoil them). What did you think of her?

    I don't know if I could ever handle changing my playstyle. As I mentioned, every time Toad or Toadette is available, I play them. Since I was around 7 years old. Anytime I switch I start thinking "This feels awkward" and I strongly crave to switch back. I just love those two characters. I don't even like puzzle games, but I bought Captain Toad on impulse as soon as I heard the name and saw the box art with the huge picture of toad. Toad is easily my favorite character in any form of media. I was a small child, and as soon as I saw him I fell in love and never wanted to play anyone else.

    Mario Sunshine was fun, but sometimes felt like the developers were intentionally trolling the player. Noki Bay is one of those levels where you have to climb to the top. They placed a hidden punching bag up there to knock you back to the bottom. (Like was that really necessary). There's also a really difficult rafting level. You get one try, and if you fail it's a 10-15 minute slow boat ride back to the level. And you can't just zone out because they included a part where you have to jump to another boat.

    Twilight Princess was great, and I loved the fight with Zant. I need to replay it, even though it's only been a year since I finished. Speaking of older games, I love the mother series. If you haven't tried them, I find those are worth getting into. My only issue with twilight princess was finding those tears of light. I'm not great at scavenger hunt sections, and I think I ended up looking at the locations online. I've mentioned it before, but my favorite is probably Majora's Mask. I loved the dark tones of that game, and it was so cool seeing Zelda take that approach. It was so well made. Especially clock town. It had the happy circus music with everybody in denial, but you hear somber undertones in the background of the music. For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS_42yIISl8

    Thank you for sharing, and I see. I'm sorry to hear of your experience with that person. To be honest, I probably would have thrown away the ticket. I think there is some bravery with still going, knowing you might face the group. Have you began to feel better thinking back on the situation? If it makes you feel better, I don't think you were in the wrong. If he only wanted to go when he found out you were invited, then probably intended to start another fight. Speaking of high school, I floated with the groups I was involved in. In the mornings I was hanging out with the smoker and stoner guys. Then at the end of the day I was in the video game club watching the people in it play dungeons and dragons. (Didn't feel comfortable enough to participate, but the atmosphere of the group and room was comfortable). I never felt particularly close with any group though. I only stayed in contact with two people.

    Swimming is one of my favorite activities. I'm not huge into sports, but I love swimming. At one point I was so interested in boxing that I wanted to try it. My mother talked me down, asking if I would really enjoy getting punched in the face over and over again.

    How much time do you usually spend with customizing a character? Some games like Skyrim I feel overwhelmed with options, but then for something like New Vegas I just can't find a specific hair style or look that I prefer.

    Related to hobbies, I also got into chess. I'm not good at it though, but at least know how to play. On chess.com I was at about 3 wins and 9 losses, which is really bad, but I was having fun. I'm going to start playing it again soon.
    I don't think I've mentioned this, but aside from Melia, I absolutely love Dunban. I like how he was the "mature" one in the group with Shulk, but when he was with Dickson and Mumkar in the beginning, you could tell it was the opposite. With Dunban being all smiley wanting to run out an right, with dickson calling him a beast and mumkar looking baffled. Would love to see a short story with just the 3 of them. The scene that stood out to me with Reyn was when they were on the fallen arm, and he told Sharla he felt like Shulk had his back, and it wasn't the other way around anymore.

    I'm currently in the process of healing. The last two years had become really bad, and there were a couple points I had to be hospitalized because of the severity of my physical symptoms. I was already diagnosed, so they just sent me home with more medicine. This year has been so much better. I've gone through most of the year without any anxiety, and I'm so happy about it. It feels like I'm getting my life back.

    My favorite Rainbow Road is Mario Kart 7. It's the one where you drive on the moon, and I also loved the soundtrack. I have trouble with Rainbow Road in Mario Kart 8, because anytime I get a mushroom I can't make the turn and end up falling off. I've noticed many people online will get first place and make a giant lead. So many races turn into a race for second place. Do you have a preferred cart build? Since I like Toad and Toadette so much, I naturally go towards acceleration. It's a bit silly, because I have a more defensive play-style and usually don't throw my items. Since I play characters with faster recovery, I could probably play less careful. Oh, and I actually was really fond of Super Circuit. I'm not sure why. It might have been because it felt like they turned the SNES Mario Kart into one of the more modern games. Bowser Castle 3 on that game is my favorite stage of all time. Sometimes I load the game just to play that stage.

    Mario Odyssey was good. I don't know if I mentioned this, but Mario Sunshine is my all time favorite Mario game. (Besides Paper Mario). I got all 120 shine sprites last year. Did you have a favorite level from Mario Odyssey? I actually feel the same way towards Breath of the Wild. On the contrary, I think it feels like a Zelda game, but I preferred the traditional formula. Open world without linearity seems to be the fan favorite thing. I mean look at new vegas. I don't mind following a plot structure though. I'd rather have a narrative to be honest. Twilight Princess was a great Zelda game, and I finished that for the first time last year.

    You can share the story if you want, it's okay if you don't want to. I took a field trip to a theme park and ended up on a roller coaster with my teacher. We were just in line together, and he pokes me and asked if I wanted to sit front row with him. It was probably my most memorable moment on a field trip, aside from seeing Betty White. That fear didn't start until I entered a trap door water slide. It was way too long, and I kept swallowing water. It felt like a drowning simulation. Heights don't really bother me either, however there's one ride that does.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8iWABCKQsM. This is at our local park, and I will never ride it. For some reason being that high with your feet dangling terrifies me.

    This is a weird hobby of mine, but we own this professional wrestling video game. Despite not watching that stuff in a long time, I play it solely because it has a character creator. I like replicating things in the creator. For example I've made Batman, Superman, Abraham Lincoln, just whatever seems manageable in the editor. I have about 58 characters. I don't usually play it. I just make the characters because it's fun. Right now I've been making horror movie icons.
    I felt compelled to do every side quest in the area until I couldn't find anymore. This also meant the challenges, and filling the collectopedia. You mentioned liking the eyrith sea part of the game, so what did you think of the section where you control melia in the tomb? That stood out for me in particular. At first I had no idea what I was doing as melia, so I was just hitting random buttons. The second file it was the easiest section of the game. Also reyn hitting the button was one of my favorite scenes.

    I'm glad it's better for you. And it's also been better for me. I was diagnosed with having general anxiety disorder, so I guess it helps knowing. I'm not sure what to say about it, because there's so much. I get pretty much everything. (Physical symptoms, chronic worrying, this weird dreadful feeling). I'm pretty quiet about it 95% of the time, since discussing my own problems make me feel awkward. At the same time, simply typing about it on here doesn't bother me. Also helps that this website is so chill, if there's a thread related to it I usually don't mind bringing it up.

    My favorite thing about the original Royal Raceway was that you could go off track and drive around Peach's Castle. It looked just like it did in Mario 64. Do you have a favorite Rainbow Road? I bring this up, because I noticed they put 3 Rainbow Roads in Mario Kart 8. SNES Rainbow Road was in Mario Kart 7, so part of me wishes they would have given the spotlight to another. Either way, it was still cool seeing it in HD. I went on the Switch Online library for SNES, loaded the original Mario Kart, and unlocked the special cup so I could try it. The A.I is a bit annoying, because they spawn items right in front of you. For example, Luigi will be riding right behind you and suddenly he activates a star, nowhere near an item block. Also the tracks are thin and it means more of a cluster.

    I did play Mario Odyssey. That entire game had a nice feeling to it, and I somewhat desire to go back and play it again. New Donk City was a fun course, especially the Jump Rope minigame. I never finished Breath of the Wild. I kept picking it and putting it down. It's currently been two years and I'm about halfway through. This might be considered an unpopular opinion, but I actually preferred the original zelda formula. I think it would be nice if they set another game in Termina. You mentioned getting 100% in Majora's Mask. A similar thing happened to me, where I got 100% but used a guide for the entire thing. I couldn't remember a single thing about the game.

    I love everything about theme parks, even just the atmosphere. While I don't mind roller coasters, I have more hesitation about water parks. It's strange because I love swimming. But I don't like water slides and I have this irrational fear of falling over the railings. I guess everyone has strange fears. I'll still go on them, but not those ones that take you 100ft in the air. Unless it's with my family. Sometimes they have rafts everybody can get in.

    That sounds fun, and it's always good having a circle. Oh, also thanks for the recommendations about anime. Right now I'm into gritty crime shows. I like stuff with a strong plot, and lots of plot twists. I don't mind slow place, in fact I enjoy just listening to dialogue. Right now i've been watching breaking bad, and it's nearly perfect for me. I'll probably be finished with it soon.
    well color is one of the most important and powerful elements in design! get that down and you can consider yourself pretty skilled in graphic art lol.

    and thank you!
    thank you! means a lot coming from an aesthetic profile owner like yourself :D just impulsively felt like makin it look pretty is all haha
    If I recall, you can choose between the old and new soundtracks. Xenoblade also had a massive amount of side quests, so out of curiosity, how did you go about them? At first I was so eager to see the plot, that I was only doing about half. When I started doing a file for 100%, I realized how over-leveled this makes you. Definitive edition also has an "expert" mode where you can roll back your levels as far as you want, if you feel it's not challenging enough. So you can go into the final boss with a party of level 1's if i'm not mistaken. I don't know if that would be possible though. And I understand. I have an anxiety disorder, so sometimes I end up looking for music if i need to calm myself down. It doesn't always help unfortunately. Also I didn't mention it, but that's kind of the reason i'm up so late sometimes. I hope it's going okay for you.

    I spent lots of time racing the ghosts of time trial mode. For reason it's so fun for me. I like downloading the fastest ghost online and seeing if I can keep up. I've only ever been to one convention, and it was mostly because a family member wanted to go. I've never watched anime besides pokemon. However, as I've mentioned, i've been looking trying different TV shows and Netflix has been recommending One Piece. I was thinking, this looks pretty cool. But then found out there's over 700 episodes to catch up on, ouch. My other favorite tracks are Excite Bike Arena, Royal Raceway, and I like the F-Zero stages for the visuals.

    Have you played Super Mario Galaxy 2? It's one of those things I want to try most, but never played it at all. It's too bad it wasn't included in the anniversary collection. Also there's an entire speed run category for putting on a blindfold and playing through punch-out. I believe they use sound cues to beat the entire game, and it's very impressive to watch.

    My family does these vacations once or twice a year, however with the exception of this year because of covid. In 2018 we went to Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando, which was my favorite thing we've ever done. Universal Studios has virtual reality rides which make you feel like your actually in them. Also everybody working at Disney World was extremely kind and polite. The employees would always greet you in the mornings, and the park was spotlessly clean. Overall I loved the place. It was during the summer though, and florida has notoriously hot weather. Much more extreme than the mild temperatures where I live.

    I do the same thing. Last night I was watching TV and falling asleep at 8:00 PM. But the other night I couldn't fall asleep until 2:00 AM. And right now i'm up at 6:00 AM, which is a good thing. This is the time I prefer. I think exercise also helps with fatigue.
    Definitive edition has really pretty graphics. (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EXmpZX9WAAUUE_B.jpg:large). I was surprised because they actually remastered the entire thing. With nintendo related things I never expect huge improvements on re-releases. For example the Mario Anniversary collection. I had only watched a few videos of the wii version of xenoblade, so it blew me away. Also, do you have a favorite soundtrack from Xenoblade? I liked many of the night time themes, such as colony 9 and satorl marsh (again).

    I also grew up with the 3DS. I got it when I turned 12 years old, along with Mario Kart 7. Mario Kart 7 isn't the most popular in the franchise, but it's the one I cherish and I know the entire game in and out. I think I hit around 60,000 VR online. I would wake up at 4:00 AM to play online, and I have so many fond memories of it. It was also one of my first online multiplayer experiences. And I agree about Dolphin Shouls. Funny thing is, I completely forgot what it was called so just skipped over it when writing my message. There's a few I don't care much about. Bone-Dry Dunes, Twisted Mansion, and Ice Ice Outpost. When I play online I dread these getting picked. Also maybe it's because i'm low VR in Mario Kart 8, but it looks like most people online struggle with 200cc and go all over the place. I'm usually able to get a lead easily in those.

    I tried Mario Galaxy today. I got one star before deciding there was a show I wanted to continue watching. But it gave a good impression. I thought the game looked nice and I liked the space theme. The bowser plot is the least interesting thing ever for me, and I just wanted to rush through that opening segment. Punch-Out is on the NES selection for switch online. In my opinion it's probably the best aged NES game, and the only one I still play consistently. I've never beaten it. I get stuck on the second last fight. I get so close, but getting hit once completely throws me off and I start messing up. I have strong reflexes, but also a habit of over predicting. I've been stuck on this fight for over a year. Then there's videos like this where people beat him in like a minute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MdKmm3yCaU and I wish I had that level of skill.

    We were actually on a family weekend vacation when this entire thing started. There were news alerts and stuff about this potential deadly virus, but it wasn't big enough yet to be overly concerning. We started sanitizing and noticed a few people beginning to put on masks. The next week it completely blew up in the news. I'm glad you've been able to deal with it without much impact. And also yes i'm doing alright with it, thank you for asking.

    I've been a morning person for a long time, but I find myself awake through the night and sleeping until 10:00 AM at times myself. Oddly I don't feel energized waking up late, just more fatigued. It's kind of backwards I guess. I desire to get my old sleeping habits back.
    For sure!, think I am adventure rank 9 right now, so idk how long it'll take for co-op to be unlocked :o

    im only sleepy in the morning on workdays haha
    I get what you mean by 100% being a lot of work. I started a second file where I tried doing it, but reached Valak Mountain and started losing motivation. Talking about xenoblade has sort of been making me want to go back to that file. Also on my second file, I intended to get the hang of gem crafting, but just never fully understood what I was doing. Also since you mentioned it, the 3DS is one of my favorite systems. I think it has a great virtual console selection, but sadly for SNES games you need the new edition. I only have a small 2DS.

    I understand the inconsistency, but at the same time rom hacks being free usually gives me more incentive to try them. If I don't like it them, I can stop at anytime since I didn't pay anything. But honestly it's been a long time since I've tried a new rom hack. I think it's also getting harder for people to make them, since even for the older games people are expected to add modern features. (New generation pokemon, physical/special split). It's no longer just editing the maps. Escapism is nice and covid has oddly changed this for me. I've been spending the evenings just watching different TV series on Netflix. I never watched TV before this started, but have found shows I loved.

    It was mostly fascinating. There was this museum our school loved taking us on field trips to, and my family even made trips to visit. The museum was in Fallout 3 and I recognized everything. The lobby, the monument, the different exits (which were blocked off since exploration in the building is limited). By far the most surreal feeling I ever had in a video game. Especially because I went in blind and had no idea I was about to walk into that. When I saw the lobby my I just stared for a few seconds thinking "Wait, is this really".

    I don't have a computer that can run many steam games. It's fast and good for excellent for homework, but even certain flash games will cause lag. And yes I love sunshine airport, it's one of my favorite tracks. That entire cup might be one of my favorites ever. Since it has Sunshine Airport, Electrodome, and Mount Wario. Is it just me or is 150cc a bit easy in this game? I feel like I get such a lead that even a blue shell won't bother me. But online is brutal. One unlucky hit can turn into 3 or 4 hits in a row, then your stuck trying to catch up the entire time.

    I never played much of Zelda 2. I've heard stories of how difficult it is. I like being challenged, but i'm not sure about that much. My favorite NES game is Punch-Out, since I like how it's really just a reflex test game. Switch Online has a nice selection, but I wish they would update this more. It goes months at a time with nothing. I would like to see Earthbound get added. Since you mentioned platformers, have you played Super Mario Galaxy? I tried it around release, but never really touched it again. Now that I have the collection, I might go back. I try to avoid guides for Zelda, but usually hit a breaking point. For example the Snowhead Temple in Majora's Mask is a difficult place to find all the fairies, since you have to shift the pillar over and over.

    I liked my morning classes, but I did the same thing. I would catch a public bus to come home, and immediately sleep for the next hour or two. I remember the situation with covid being so sudden. My mother was telling me one day that it was no longer safe to take the buses, the next thing I know my campus had shut down, and is still shut down until halfway through next year.
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