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¿What is the worst type for you?

MVs.C Fan

Newbie (ChillEnjoyer)
  • 160
    well, here it's my opinion. I'm gonna say with no purpose to offend, than the bug type is not a good type. I mean, almost every bug type have very obvious weaknesses and they don't offer so much compared to other types
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    I like all the types in their own way, but if I had to pick one, I'd say Rock. Five weaknesses, and most dual-Rock types hurt it defensively instead of helping it. This is exacerbated by the fact that Rock type Pokemon are, on average, the slowest type in the game and Rock moves usually have sub-100 Accuracy, usually giving opponents a free turn or two to exploit those weaknesses.
    Really tough choice between Ghost and Dragon. Each one is super-effective against itself, (which is dumb as all hell, but *shrug*) but at least Ghost can also S-E Psychic Types, and is immune to Normal and Fighting Types. Though I'd say Ghost is a much more useful Dual Typing than as just a single. Dragon on the other hand is only S-E against itself, but at least it has some okay resistances. (unless of course it's dual typed with something weak to one of those lol, making it more of a pain than a help in my opinion) But the fact that the only thing that makes Dragon Type Pokemon even decently good at all is the base stats of most of the Pokemon that have it as a typing, I'd say that it's probably the worst one. (not to mention how much longer it takes to train up a Dragon Pokemon in comparison to, say, an Ice or Fairy Type...)

    Dragons are valuable just because on average they have much better stats, but the typing itself is lame and doesn't have anything interesting to offer. If Dragons had more "normal" stats, there would be hardly any reason to add one to a team, unless it has a good pairing with another type (like Water)

    But Dragon on its own isn't really a great counter against anything, and doesn't have any unique trait to stand out. Their main purpose is supposedly to deal with other Dragons (which is kind of a problem), and that's something Ice and Fairy types can typically do more effectively anyway, while also taking care of other types too.

    The only interesting aspect of the Dragon type is that it resists Grass, Fire, Water, and Electric simultaneously, but individually, there are already better counters for all those types.
    -not alot of pokemon i like that are rock (unless its a dual type but even then)
    -not the best moves for it
    - 5 weaknesses default
    - easily replaced to counter strengths

    I agree. The rock type doesn't stands out over other types. Like, there aren't very much of Pokémon of that type than could consider good, plus the majority are so slow so their weaknesses are more notable. Plus plus: the rock type is characterized for have Pokémon with good defense stats, but that doesn't matter when their counters are in almost every team
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    In terms of having Pokemon I like, my least favorite type is Ghost. Followed by Fighting, Fire and Rock.
    Prior to Fairy being added Poison types were pretty useless, as I'd use other types to counter Grass types.

    In the end though I've had every type on one of my teams at one point or another, and find them all usable in one way or another. Though they really should just merge Ground and Rock into an Earth type.
    Really tough choice between Ghost and Dragon. Each one is super-effective against itself, (which is dumb as all hell, but *shrug*) but at least Ghost can also S-E Psychic Types, and is immune to Normal and Fighting Types. Though I'd say Ghost is a much more useful Dual Typing than as just a single. Dragon on the other hand is only S-E against itself, but at least it has some okay resistances. (unless of course it's dual typed with something weak to one of those lol, making it more of a pain than a help in my opinion) But the fact that the only thing that makes Dragon Type Pokemon even decently good at all is the base stats of most of the Pokemon that have it as a typing, I'd say that it's probably the worst one. (not to mention how much longer it takes to train up a Dragon Pokemon in comparison to, say, an Ice or Fairy Type...)

    Yeah, the fact Dragon type is on only effective against itself is so dumb. The only thing than makes them useful it's also the good offensive level they have, but you probably can chose from another Pokémon with a less risky type who actually help him
    Rock type should have never been created. Early betas of red/green did not have rock type, and it's associated moves at the time were all ground type. It may have made sense back then due to the majority of physical moves being normal type and extremely common, but rock has overstayed its welcome by about 15 years now and should be folded back into ground.
    Rock type should have never been created. Early betas of red/green did not have rock type, and it's associated moves at the time were all ground type. It may have made sense back then due to the majority of physical moves being normal type and extremely common, but rock has overstayed its welcome by about 15 years now and should be folded back into ground.

    Huh, that's interesting. I didn't know Rock type doesn't exist during the betas phases of 1st gen. I'm glad to hearing this fun fact
    Rock + Ground is one of the best offensive combos though. Hits a lot of Pokémon for S.E. damage and very few lines resist it (Torterra/Toedscruel, the few Grass/Fighting, plus Flygon, Claydol, and Bronzong if it has Levitate)

    Rock is awful as a defensive typing, but is also a great attacking type and usually very helpful coverage to have.
    I'd probably say Normal-type. It can't hit any Pokémon super effectively. I don't know about you, but I enjoy my super effective STAB damage. It's what wins battles. However, at the end of the day, I don't really judge types as being bad for the most part. All in all, it really depends on the Pokémon rather than its type. For instance, even though many people might say that Bug is the worst type, Pokémon such as Volcarona, Butterfree, Scizor, Yanmega, Scolipede, Heracross, and so on are some of the best Pokémon you can use. Also, even though I picked Normal as the worst type, there are still many Normal-type Pokémon that I really enjoy using, such as Tauros, Ambipom, Ditto, and so on. Yet, there is a reason that Normal-types are highly underused, and that's because of what I said in my second sentence.
    I'd probably say Normal-type. It can't hit any Pokémon super effectively. I don't know about you, but I enjoy my super effective STAB damage. It's what wins battles. However, at the end of the day, I don't really judge types as being bad for the most part. All in all, it really depends on the Pokémon rather than its type. For instance, even though many people might say that Bug is the worst type, Pokémon such as Volcarona, Butterfree, Scizor, Yanmega, Scolipede, Heracross, and so on are some of the best Pokémon you can use. Also, even though I picked Normal as the worst type, there are still many Normal-type Pokémon that I really enjoy using, such as Tauros, Ambipom, Ditto, and so on. Yet, there is a reason that Normal-types are highly underused, and that's because of what I said in my second sentence.

    Actually, you had a good point by saying that. A good Pokémon is determinated more by it's performance and possible strategies rather by it's type, but still, the type of a Pokémon plays a important role. Taking for example (and because you named it) Heracross it's an spectacular Pokémon who offers a good offensive and certainly it can resist very well, but the bug type doesn't help him very much by having a 4x weaknesses to flying attacks. I'm not saying that's good reason for not integrate Heracross in your team (obviously not), but you need to think carefully how to having it in your party and a member who can cover that 4x weaknesses to flying attacks.
    By worst do you mean weakest...? Then, Bug, I guess. Apart from some really good ones, most aren't strong and have a lot of weaknesses. Up until I guess the introduction of Bug Buzz weren't all that good.

    Worst defensively is...Ice. (I love Ice though it's one of my favorites...rip) it's only resisted by itself.

    I wouldn't say Normal is even amongst the worst just because it does neutral damage to almost everything. There are honestly a lot of powerful Normal type moves out there, unlike Bug which has few and far in between in that regard.
    well, here it's my opinion. I'm gonna say with no purpose to offend, than the bug type is not a good type. I mean, almost every bug type have very obvious weaknesses and they don't offer so much compared to other types
    Letting you know that I moved your Thread to Pokemon Gaming Central.
    In terms of design: Poison. I struggle to find many Poison Pokemon I actually like. Fighting suffers from the same problem (strange, masculine, humanoid figures just aren't my thing lol).
    In terms of design: Poison. I struggle to find many Poison Pokemon I actually like. Fighting suffers from the same problem (strange, masculine, humanoid figures just aren't my thing lol).

    Speaking about terms of designs, i don't like Dragon by that factor. Maybe i want to see something more than the typical salvage design the majority have
    I don't think there are any genuinely bad types. But I'd say Bug is the least useful out of all.