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3rd Gen 1000 Reasons Why...


My life would suck without you
  • 5,143
    If you have been at PC for a couple of years you may remember a thread in the Gen I/II forum called '10000 Reasons Why'. It was rather popular, but it sadly never reached its target. So I've chosen the less ambitious 1000 reasons. Basically post 10 reasons why you loved the Gen III of Pokémon, whether it be a Hoenn or Kanto game. Also don't worry if someone else has used your idea, you can post it too, just make sure you don't repeat yourself. Also post 10 reasons as much as you like. Just don't double post :)

    [PokeCommunity.com] 1000 Reasons Why...

    So fluffy~
    1. Swablu and Altaria
    2. Trick House
    3. Bad guys saying weird things like "Fufufufufu." Fu...eff you? WHAT?!
    4. Torchic, Combusken, and Blaziken
    6. VS SEEKER
    7. The awesome way of seeking out the Regi trio. So fun!
    8. Berries becoming a fun staple in the game.
    9. Contests <333
    10. The ability to trade with the spin off games, Colosseum and Gale of Darkness!
    1. Hoenn's water routes!
    2. Biking puzzles.
    3. Trick Masterrr i'm repeating already but i love him
    4. Slateport City omg
    5. Contests!
    6. Team Aqua's uniforms <3
    7. Battle Frontier i never have even got one symbol but i love it
    8. Professor Birch is hot
    9. Shroomish and Breloom
    10. Diving routes and puzzles~
    1. Emerald's Battle Frontier
    2. VS. Seeker in FR/LG
    3. Rayquaza!
    4. TWO evil teams
    5. Dive (wish Gen V's Dive was more like Gen III's)
    6. Vastly improved graphics
    7. The Sevii Islands
    8. Secret Bases
    9. Hoenn's Cycling Road time trial
    10. One of the main characters of R/S/E shares my name
    1. The Trick House!
    2. Steven Stone - just the coolest dude ever.
    3. The emphasis on water travel. So much Surfing and Diving!
    4. Double battles!
    5. Your dad's a gym leader, AND he's one of the hardest to beat! How f****n' cool is that?!
    6. Beldum, Metang, and Metagross. An evolutionary line that gets progressively more badass.
    7. Wally having a better team than the other rival. Another cool dude.
    8. The creative puzzles to get legendary Pokémon (Regies, Rayquaza).
    9. The Battle Frontier from Emerald.
    10. The music from Sootopolis City. So catchy and relaxing!
    1. Wireless adaptor
    2. Personal in-party spites
    3. Female character for Kanto
    4. Faster hatching
    5. Roulette
    6. Lava Cookies
    7. Safari Zone
    8. Faster
    9. Metagross
    10. Out of battle weather
    1. Gardevoir
    2. Winona :3
    3. Sidney <3
    4. Maxie/Archie battle music
    5. Hoenn itself.
    6. Having a father, who is also a badass gym leader. Really makes me strive to improve every time I play.
    7. Underwater
    8. Legendary's being a part of the story.
    9. A dark pokemon on the first route.
    10. Glacia.
    Last edited:
    1 - Running Shoes
    2 - The first truly powerful Dragon types. (Salamence and Rayquaza.)
    3 - The best water starter in the game in my humble opinion.
    4 - Underwater travel.
    5 - The region layout.
    6 - The Trick Master.
    7 - Team Aqua and Magma.
    8 - The music.
    9 - Double Battles.
    10 - The ability to make a full team out of version exclusives.

    But seriously-
    1. Running Shoes
    2. Team Magma and Team Aqua, having both teams was awesome in Emerald
    3. Seeing Kanto in decent graphics
    4. Battle Frontier
    5. Rayquaza
    6. The music
    7. Dive (annoying HM, but concept was cool)
    8. Salamance
    9. Contests (surprisingly enjoyed them)
    10. Vs Seeker (WHY AREN'T YOU IN BW?!)
    1. Freaking Blaziken
    2. Double Battles
    3. Trick House
    4. Relive the original games with brand new graphics and improved gameplay
    5. The islands addition to the Kanto region
    6. May <3
    7. That Wireless Adapter that came out with FR/LG
    8. Father being a Gym Leader in RSE
    9. Abilities were introduced!!
    10. VS Seeker
    1) My shiny Magikarp in Ruby
    2) Milotic
    3) Hoenn itself
    4) Tropical region, desert, sea, tall grass.
    5) The weather
    6) My first love was a girl called Ruby (sappy)
    7) Emerald
    8) The different starter Pokémon, fast Grass type, slow Water type, well rounded Fire type
    9) The longevity of the game because of the side quests
    10) The music
    1.catching mewtwo
    2. sevii islands
    3.2 evil villainous teams instead of one
    4.first game to reveal the players dad(r,s,e)
    5.battle frontier
    6.kyogre and groudon and rayquaza
    7.viewing the image of the place while entering it (fr lg)
    8.trick house
    9.deoxys attack and defense formes
    10.the infamous mew truck (even though it has nothing)
    1. Mudkip!!!!
    2. Dive
    3. Cool new trade evos (Clamperl)
    4. Kyogre
    5. Two evil teams xD
    6. Electrode-in-an-item-case
    7. Trick House
    8. 7th Gym
    9. Roooning Shoes!
    10. Special Abilities and Contests
    1. 32-bit quality.
    2. Running shoes
    3. Contests.
    4. Weather conditions afflicting in battle situations.
    5. 60 FPS.
    6. Trading with the Japanese version of the same game.
    7. Berries
    8. Sevii Islands
    9. Battle Frontier
    10. Team Aqua quotes

    "It's terribly disappointing you're not a Team Aqua member. You could have enjoyed the fabulous world our Boss has promised for one of us..." ~Team Aqua Leader Shelly