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21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

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Update #6 ▣ Completed

Pokémon White Version 2 ▣ 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky Ultimate




[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Before taking on Marlon, I needed to do some training. So I battled everyone on Routes 21 and 22, and a few Trainers in Seaside Cave. After my training session, I challenged Marlon to a battle and won on my second try because Jellicent didn't use Recover that time. Next on my to-do list was to go to the Plasma Frigate and finish all of that nonsense. Colress was easy, the Shadow Triad were a little challenging, but I was able to defeat them all. After Ghetsis almost killed me with Kyurem's Glaciate, N showed up with Reshiram and saved my life. Ghetsis was mad so he battled me and lost, blah blah blah, I saved the world, blah blah blah, all's well that ends well. Next I made my way to Route 23 to enter Victory Road. Victory Road was so long, but it is definitely my favorite of the Victory Roads. At this point my Pokémon were strong enough to take on the League, so I avoided as many Trainers as possible. I bought 40 Hyper Potions, 30 Full Heals, and 40 Revives when I made it to the League. The Elite 4 were pretty easy but Iris ruined everything. I made it all the way to her last Pokémon, Haxorus, which defeated me. I bought 99 Hyper Potions and 99 Revives for my next attempt. My second try was much easier because all of my Pokés were a few levels higher. I still had Fluffee around for Haxorus, so I used its PoisonPowder before Haxorus was able to spam its Dragon Dance and 1HKO my whole team.

A big thanks to Sydian and AlexOzzyCake for this lovely challenge! It was a blast!

The End
Username: chaoticlapras game: heartgold ultimate: no fc: will include when wifi is back (before month ends). Jolteon, jumpluff, corsola, donphan, seaking, meowth. Merry christmas i guess syd...
Managed to play on until I beat Claire this morning. Piloswine really helped there! And Togetics Flash and Headbutt eventually took down Kingdra.

-Flame Wheel

-Quick Attack
-Iron tail



-Icy Wind
-Powder Snow
-Hidden Power [Ground]

-Rock Slide
-Low Kick
So, today's update...


Hey guys! I'm back from camp, and I'm really lazy, so I will be updating the list when the challenge is over. I just started school and I still have some stuff to get situated. I'll work on the raffle prizes this weekend and I'll try to edit in the movesets and such so that people know what's up for grabs. The raffle won't be done immediately after the challenge deadline, but it will be done before September's over, promise. I'm not that lazy and I don't wanna let anyone down! Glad to see everyone's enjoying themselves and finishing up. :) I'll hopefully have an update this weekend when I get some time to play! x

Merry christmas i guess syd...

what lol
Having a small problem. I'm getting close to the league, yet my Eevee has not evolved yet. Do I have to keep training him until I have an Umbreon, before I'm allowed to challenge the league? Or if I don't want that, use a thunderstone on it? Or can I fight the league with Eevee and make sure it evolves before red?
Final Update

I defeated Team Magma and I proceeded to grind like hell before heading to defeat Tate & Liz. It was pretty easy with Clapper being in my team now.
Wallace wasn't hard with Tifa Giga Draining his whole team, the hardest was Milotic (obviously).
I then proceeded to grind a lot so that my team was ready to face the Elite 4. The hardest was Phoebe since I didn't have any Pokemon that was super effective against her Pokemon. And surprisingly, the easiest one was Drake. Having Clapper & Boo have super effective attacks against all his Pokemon, I just sweeped through him^^
But omg, Steven. I thought I'd be strong enough to defeat his Metagross but no. I had to revive my Pokemon back and forth until his Metagross only had Struggle left and killed himself >>
But anyways, I still finished the challenge! ^^

Team after defeating the Elite 4
Last edited:
Last update before E4:


Team before E4 (still training):

So, tomorrow is when Final Battle will take place :)
I'm just gonna go ahead and drop this challenge. I was gonna try and get it done in the short time I had left when I picked it up again, but after getting 3 Cascoon in a row, I really don't think I have time to be wasting on senseless grinding with no results. Good luck to everyone still doing this challenge, and I'll catch you on the next event.
Fifth update, with all Kanto badges obtained! ^-^ I don't think I've ever gone through Kanto that quickly before.

The team so far:
Update #2 on Expert Emerald.

  • Moved through Fiery Path, and Tuskie evolved into Sealeo!
  • Once I got to Route 114 I caught Sydian the Swablu, then defeated Maxie on top of Mt. Chimney.
  • Soon afterwards, Sydian evolved into Altaria!
  • Defeated Flannery in a double battle, with only Marcher left.
  • My team was underleveled for Norman, so I made sure I fought all the trainers I could find and grinded a bit.
  • Norman was another double battle, and he took everyone I had, with Sydian the last one standing.
  • Now I could Surf, so I caught a female Pikachu in the New Mauville plant, then used Thief on a bunch more until I got a Light Ball.
  • Bred Pikachu with a male that held the Light Ball, and out hatched Plushhh the Pichu, with Volt Tackle!
  • After using a bunch of vitamins and training Plushhh up with an Exp. Share, she evolved into Pikachu!
  • Made my way up to Route 113, and Tuskie evolved into Walrein!
  • Defeated Team Aqua at the Weather Institute, then defeated May, and arrived in Fortree City.
  • Winona was much easier than the previous two gym leaders, another double battle here too.
  • Beat up a bunch of trainers around Lilycove City, then defeated May for the final time.
  • Defeated Team Magma and Maxie in the Magma Hideout, then did the same to Team Aqua in their Hideout.
  • Surfed to Mossdeep City, found a Thick Club by the Space Center; after some training around the city, I defeated Tate and Liza.
  • Defeated Maxie again at the Space Center, with not much help from Steven (still is in the 40s while Maxie is in 70s, lol).
  • Dove down to the Underwater Cavern and defeated Maxie for the first time - Plushhh dominated with Light Ball Thunderbolt.
  • I am now saved in Pacifidlog Town, getting ready to go wake up Rayquaza.

Team Jd:
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Marcher the Hasty Kingler, ♂ - L66 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Shell Armor
Moves: Crabhammer, Brick Break, Earthquake, Cut
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Plushhh the Docile Pikachu, ♀ - L66 @ Light Ball
Ability: Static
Moves: Thunderbolt, Sweet Kiss, Volt Tackle, Hidden Power (Ice)
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Tuskie the Mild Walrein, ♂ - L66 @ Mystic Water
Ability: Thick Fat
Moves: Ice Beam, Body Slam, Surf, Dive
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Sydian the Seroius Altaria, ♀ - L68 @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Outrage, Fly, Ice Beam, Sleep Powder
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Gridiron the Careful Marowak, ♂ - L66 @ Thick Club
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Earthquake, Strength, Rock Slide, Rock Smash
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Alabama the Bashful Jumpluff, ♀ - L65 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Aerial Ace, Sleep Powder

So, final update...


Final Team:

Hall of Fame:

Thanks Sydian for this challenge and I'm looking for another Event

  • delivered the letter to Steven
  • delivered the Devon Goods to Capt Stern, and defeated the Aqua Grunts
  • defeated May @ Route 110
  • cycled May way back and forth Mauville City
  • defeated Gym Leader Wattson
  • caught a Gulpin to be another HM Slave
  • got HM Rock Smash, and then HM Strength
  • defeated the Winstrates, and got Macho Brace

Current Team

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Breloom, the Quiet Breloom (Female) - Lv29 @None
Effect Spore
Mega Drain | Headbutt | Mach Punch | Counter

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Blaziken, the Rash Torchic (Male) - Lv25 @Everstone
Scratch | Fire Spin | Peck | Ember

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Aggron, the Lax Aron (Male) - Lv27 @None
Rock Head
Metal Claw | Iron Defense |Mud-Slap | Take Down
Got a little busy with work, and then got distracted by the discovery of the online TCG and the fact that there is now a store in town that sells pokemon cards (big deal for me, as there's been nowhere in town that sells them for nearly 10 years!), but anyway, here's my fourth update:


Badges: Zephyr, Hive, Plain, Fog, Glacier, Storm, Mineral
Puff the Plush
Cyndaquil, M, Lv55, Everstone
Headbutt, flamethrower, smokescreen, swift

Beat the Musician
Seaking, F, Lv55, King's rock
Peck, tail whip, waterfall, horn attack

Hammer the Alabaman
Fearow, M, Lv55, Sharp beak
Fury attack, pursuit, leer, drill peck

Tascor the Mascot
Donphan, M, Lv55, Quick claw
Headbutt, defence curl, rollout, earthquake

Sleek the Solid Red Striker
Scizor, F, Lv55, -
Slash, swords dance, wing attack, metal claw

X and Z the HM masters
Psyduck and Paras

Sleek is a steel type.
Hammer is a yellowhammer/ northern flicker

Still a vital question:
Can I, once I have collected my final team-member, deposit one singularly for the task of getting past the whirlpool in the Dragon's Den?
(Or do I have to put off collecting my last member until after I beat Claire?)
Alright, so I trained up my wole team to level 40. Then trained Eevee until evolution. So I'm dashing into the league with a team of 40 and a level 46 Umbreon. No real troubles, until reaching Karen, the Houndoom was a small problem, as Umbreon couldn't hurt it very much. Sudowoodo killed it though. Now standing before Lance, without having time to play :(
Second Update

Crystal | Raven
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Okay so the Elite Four was... all right. Everything went fairly smoothly at least until Lance. Then it was a lot of Max Potions and Lemonades and such hahaha. I think it's the most I've ever used in terms of items. At least potions. Didn't actually revive my Pokemon very often. Either way, I managed to scrape by winning thanks to Asch who KO'd his Charizard with only 6 HP left.

So, now I have a whole week to try and get through Kanto and beat Red. Whoo boy not sure if I'm going to have the time but I suppose we'll just have to see! On a side note though my ID number is 20666. I wonder if that's why I'm having a little trouble completing this challenge haha sob.

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Artemis (Umbreon) ♀ | Favorite Subject | Level 41 @ Amulet Coin
Faint Attack, Bite, Sand Attack, Quick attack

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Berry (Jumpluff) ♂ | True Alabamian | Level 39 @ Miracle Seed
Leech Seed, Synthesis, Stun Spore, Headbutt

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Electron (Magneton) | The Striker | Level 42 @ Ice Berry
Tri Attack, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Sonicboom

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Gumdrop (Donphan) ♀ | Team Mascot | Level 41 @ Quick Claw
Strength, Take Down, Defense Curl, Rollout

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Asch (Kingler) ♂ | Marching Musician | Level 43 @ Mystic Water
Surf, Stomp, Vicegrip, Guillotine

[PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

Quilt (Cyndaquil) ♂ | The Plushie | Level 41 @ Charcoal
Quick Attack, Flame Wheel, Smokescreen, Ember
Update #3

My team so far :
True Alabamian : Oddish lv10(to evolve)
Plushie : Cyndaquil lv22
Bob, how can you have finished this without a NFE Pokemon? The plushie has to be NFE.

As for me, got school, so won't make it ;(
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